Mr ProgFreak wrote:
^ You fasted three days in a row? From a nutritional standpoint I wouldn't recommend that, since it would probably slow down the metabolism ... but I agree that fasting can result in a surge of energy, which is kind of counter-intuitive, since people usually expect to experience fatigue. |
Actually I fasted for for 14 days about 11 years ago to initiate a diet. Once a week I would drink half a litre of pure fresh orange juice, the rest was water. Absolutely insane I know but like I said it was a personal/spiritual initiation I put myself through to get the ball rolling. After the two week period I then fasted for three days a week for a two year period. Only ate fish from a meat perspective but enjoyed the luxury of cheese sometimes too. Hey it worked and I got really fit and healthy for a few years but you know what... even at my lowest weight of 92KG's I was still too high on the BMI----Go figure!!
Naturally my body went into starvation mode and anyone reading this please understand that these were dangerous methods carried out by a radical individual and not to be tried