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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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    Posted: May 12 2006 at 07:39
For those of you outside the UK (poor souls), we have a TV programme here called "Grumpy Old Men"; in this, a selection of celebrities 'of a certain age' are allowed free rein to rant to their hearts' content on those parts of living in the modern world which really get their blood boiling (one of the more entertaining of these is our own Rick Wakeman). The first time I saw this programme, I thought it was a party political broadcast, and actually got excited at the prospect of, at last, a political party whose policies I could 100% support.

With the above in mind, I thought it may be beneficial to this site to have a room where we could let off steam without fear of contradiction at those things in modern life which annoy, irritate and generally bug us.

That said - any indication of racism, xenophobia, religious intolerance etc will be pounced on immediately, and I'll ask for the thread to be removed - THIS IS A FUN THREAD, let's keep it that way.

OK - I'll start...

+++deep breath+++

Where should I start?

The general populace's lack of even the most common of courtesies?

TV News reporting being dumbed down to the level of the lowest common denominator (thank the gods for John Humphries & Radio 4)?

The cult of celebrity - Jade Goody releases an autobiography?

Ah! I know!

Football shirts...

These items of apparell are perfectly acceptable - on the football field; those who are not playing soccer, or do not play soccer at all should be forbidden by law to wear them - under threat of capital punishment, if necessary!

Car Indicators!

All modern cars have these fitted as standard; they are NOT a luxury item or optional extra...


Ooh, Ooh, Yes...


Finished what you're doing?


Well Done!


+++nurse's voice+++

"Mr Garten has begun to foam at the mouth; I've given him a small injection, but he'll be unable to continue for a little while"



Edited by Jim Garten - May 12 2006 at 07:41

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 07:56
room 101, that makes me angry...they should put that in room 101!
people driving round suburbia in a giant 4X4, almost as big as a truck, miles away from the terrain  they're designed for - POSERS!!
i've nothing against rap music as such, everyone's entitled to their music, but does it have to be blaring out of alloy-wheeled hatchbacks at 50 decibels? ROOMP! ROOMP! ROOMP!
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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:09
Well on my ranting radar of late is 'HR Speak' Let me clarify: 'Human Resources speak'

Now, every company has a HR (or personel) dept, but where I work they have so much clout it's unbelievable. Business trends come and go, and at present the trend is for touchy feely training courses, spin and double speak. The latest course was called 'Frameworks - For Leaders' I attended this two day session in a country hotel and was subjected to having to bare my soul to people I hardly knew, draw pictures that represented me as a child, a teenager and an adult, and partake in what we call intuition walks. These entail walking around the grounds of the hotel - in silence - with a note pad recording your feelings. After the walks we assemble in a circle, and have a 'Check In' This is where we each, in turn sum up our feelings in no more than three words at a time. When the session ends, one of the 'facilitators' sticks on an Enya CD to chill us out. These 'facilitators' are of course external consultants and earn more money than most of us will see in a lifetime.

While some young graduates are reasonably open to all this bogsh!te, us oldies have seen it all before in one form or another, and are living testimony to the fact that nothing ever really changes for the better. After years in the same company all you will ever witness is downsizing, streamlining and rationalising of processes; all euphamisms for repeated waves of sackings!

In fact we are no longer allowed to use the word 'redundancy' as it has a negative conatation, so when,last year we SACKED 130 people from our site, the site manager justified the depressing event thus (and I paraphrase):

'There is no true consolidation of past success without sacrifice. My heart, though heavy, is hopeful. As 130 of our valued colleagues leave the fold, I challenge you to think of this not as an end, but as a new beginning both for the company and for the individuals concerned. It's not the case that they are undervalued, or surplus to requirement, but I liken this sad excercise to me pruning the vines in my garden. There's is nothing wrong with what I prune; it's perfectly healthy, but the plant as a whole requires their sacrifice in order to flourish'

I sh!t you not!

So now of course when we go to the toilet to have an 'Armitage Shanks interface defacation scenario' we think of that rich t**ser and his house in Tuscany, as we pull the chain.
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Tony R View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:20
Wow,what a ham-shanker!
When I talk to staff I always try to do a "David Brent" check on myself.It's amazing what bollocks it prevents me from uttering but somehow I still cant quite get away from coming over as a smart-arse.....

To be honest I have always tried to move myself away from having to tell staff directly that they have no job,I have made more sideways movements than a crab.Ultimately in this world of the greedy b*****d culture there is no escape from job losses.I have sat in meetings where a £1 million shortfall on planned profit has been announced as if it was a net loss!
I was once urged to tell workers expecting a decent pay-rise after record profits that these weren't record profits,they, in fact,were merely replacing profits we hadnt made in previous years....
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:22
I dedicate my last paragraph to Prof Rideout so he can now rant about poor sentence construction in modern culture...
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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:29
Originally posted by Tony R Tony R wrote:

Wow,what a ham-shanker!
When I talk to staff I always try to do a "David Brent" check on myself.It's amazing what bollocks it prevents me from uttering but somehow I still cant quite get away from coming over as a smart-arse.....

To be honest I have always tried to move myself away from having to tell staff directly that they have no job,I have made more sideways movements than a crab.Ultimately in this world of the greedy b*****d culture there is no escape from job losses.I have sat in meetings where a £1 million shortfall on planned profit has been announced as if it was a net loss!
I was once urged to tell workers expecting a decent pay-rise after record profits that these weren't record profits,they, in fact,were merely replacing profits we hadnt made in previous years....

Sounds like yout 'turd polishing' dept is as efficient as ours.

My boss knows I'm allergic to corporate speak, so in order to make me confront my fear, he has put me on the LAT (Local Action Team) whose job it is to 'Embrace and catalyse change' 'Be proactive in building a dynamic crop protection community' 'To liberate the focus and potential of individuals while encouraging direct reports to overcome organisational inertia'

I'm coming out in a rash as I type..
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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:33
How's this for NHS-speak?

"Probable Negative Care Outcome Scenario"

In other words - "he's probably going to die"


+++sound of head banging on desk repeatedly+++

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:36
And another thing -

Unsolicited sales calls on my mobile phone!

If I want to buy something / change tariff / change company / do or buy anything, in fact...

I'll ++++ing well call you!




Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Tony R View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:37
My biggest beef at work is the sudden appearance of so-called "Action Team" employees (usually female and under 30) who's brief appears to invite you to loads of briefing meetings for about a week,completely change tried and trusted procedures (best practices ---ach!Manager Speak) that work,so that nobody knows what they are doing anymore and then promptly disappear following a meeting with the Operations Director. When will these silly little floosies ever learn?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:39
Cold calls on the telephone-worse than Jehova's Witnesses!
This always gets them:
Cold-Caller:"Are you the Homeowner?"
Me: "What? Are you calling me a Homosexual?"


Edited by Tony R - May 12 2006 at 08:40
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Syzygy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 08:53

My tactic for cold calls:

When they ask to speak to whoever (the homeowner/Mr some approximation of my surname) I say
"Is this about the heron?"
Whatever the reply, I continue with something along the lines of
"I've been having a problem with a heron on my allotment, and you said you'd call back and give me some advice."
As they stick rigidly to their script, I continue with
"No, that's not the problem. This heron keeps on digging up the carrots on my allotment. There's a goldfish pond nearby, and I think it's confused because they're the same colour."
Some persistent individuals carry on, so I keep returning to my theme
"Well that's very interesting, but I don't see what it's got to do with wading birds"
"We're getting nowhere here. Are you sure you're a qualified ornithologist?"
"I just need to know how good a heron's colour perception is. Can you answer my question please?"
And so on. Most cold callers hang up after a minute or so, but some continue long after any sane individual would have given up and moved on.
'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

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sleeper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 09:39
My big beef is with sales calls, usually in the midle of a film, motor race, program that I'm watching only to find that they barely speak English as they calling from India, and those that do speak English have learnt it from Eastenders (if you call that English!)Angry.
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chopper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 09:55
Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

My tactic for cold calls:

When they ask to speak to whoever (the homeowner/Mr some approximation of my surname) I say
"Is this about the heron?"
Whatever the reply, I continue with something along the lines of
"I've been having a problem with a heron on my allotment, and you said you'd call back and give me some advice."
As they stick rigidly to their script, I continue with
"No, that's not the problem. This heron keeps on digging up the carrots on my allotment. There's a goldfish pond nearby, and I think it's confused because they're the same colour."
Some persistent individuals carry on, so I keep returning to my theme
"Well that's very interesting, but I don't see what it's got to do with wading birds"
"We're getting nowhere here. Are you sure you're a qualified ornithologist?"
"I just need to know how good a heron's colour perception is. Can you answer my question please?"
And so on. Most cold callers hang up after a minute or so, but some continue long after any sane individual would have given up and moved on.
Brilliant Chris, I'm going to try that next time.
OK, while I'm here I'd like to rant about -
1) Car alarms that go off all the time. Did a car alarm going off ever stop a car being stolen?
2) Women who queue up at a till, wait till the cashier says "that's three pounds 60p please", then they look surprised that they have to pay, so they take their bag out off their shoulder, unzip it, scramble around for their purse, find it, unzip it, take out a fifty pound note and pay. Only women do this (normally in front of me in the staff canteen). Get your money out before you get to the till, how hard can it be?
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chopper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 09:57
By the way, those British people who are fed up with cold calls, register with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) via their web site. It's free and will stop 99% of the calls.
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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 10:05
Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

My big beef is with sales calls, usually in the midle of a film, motor race, program that I'm watching only to find that they barely speak English as they calling from India, and those that do speak English have learnt it from Eastenders (if you call that English!).

They always get me just when I get in from work, around 5.30 (I guess it's a logical time to call) I was starting to average about 3 a night, before I set up some nuisance call deal with BT. They stopped then, but you have to renew it every year or so. When the deal was up for renewal the calls came again. This Indian guy would always be ringing me on a really bad line shouting something about saving money. I got so fed up with him I said 'Mr Robinson doesn't live here. In fact he died six months ago. I was his lover and I dont want to talk about it, now kindly update your database accordingly and f**k off!'

'Oh dear' he replied and hung up.

He never called again.    
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Jim Garten View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 10:45
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

By the way, those British people who are fed up with cold calls, register with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) via their web site. It's free and will stop 99% of the calls.

That's great for home lines, but is there a similar service for mobiles?

Jon Lord 1941 - 2012
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 11:50
You can also register mobiles on TPS but you should check the warnings on their web page.
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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 12:42
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:

My tactic for cold calls:

When they ask to speak to whoever (the homeowner/Mr some approximation of my surname) I say

"Is this about the heron?"

Whatever the reply, I continue with something along the lines of

"I've been having a problem with a heron on my allotment, and you said you'd call back and give me some advice."

As they stick rigidly to their script, I continue with

"No, that's not the problem. This heron keeps on digging up the carrots on my allotment. There's a goldfish pond nearby, and I think it's confused because they're the same colour."

Some persistent individuals carry on, so I keep returning to my theme

"Well that's very interesting, but I don't see what it's got to do with wading birds"

"We're getting nowhere here. Are you sure you're a qualified ornithologist?"

"I just need to know how good a heron's colour perception is. Can you answer my question please?"


And so on. Most cold callers hang up after a minute or so, but some continue long after any sane individual would have given up and moved on.

Brilliant Chris, I'm going to try that next time.

OK, while I'm here I'd like to rant about -

1) Car alarms that go off all the time. Did a car alarm going off ever stop a car being stolen?

2) Women who queue up at a till, wait till the cashier says "that's three pounds 60p please", then they look surprised that they have to pay, so they take their bag out off their shoulder, unzip it, scramble around for their purse, find it, unzip it, take out a fifty pound note and pay. Only women do this (normally in front of me in the staff canteen). Get your money out before you get to the till, how hard can it be?

Oh Lord, dont talk to me about car alarms, Alan. Someone in my street has an alarm on their white van which goes off with alarming (excuse the pun) frequency.

God knows what sets it off so much, it's so sensitive to vibration that a butterfly farting in Peking seems to be all it takes!

It takes an age for the owner to reset it. Occasionally the fat bar steward comes out of his house and stares gaumlessly into space, as though he's really enjoying it.

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sleeper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 13:29
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

My big beef is with sales calls, usually in the midle of a film, motor race, program that I'm watching only to find that they barely speak English as they calling from India, and those that do speak English have learnt it from Eastenders (if you call that English!).

They always get me just when I get in from work, around 5.30 (I guess it's a logical time to call) I was starting to average about 3 a night, before I set up some nuisance call deal with BT. They stopped then, but you have to renew it every year or so. When the deal was up for renewal the calls came again. This Indian guy would always be ringing me on a really bad line shouting something about saving money. I got so fed up with him I said 'Mr Robinson doesn't live here. In fact he died six months ago. I was his lover and I dont want to talk about it, now kindly update your database accordingly and f**k off!'

'Oh dear' he replied and hung up.

He never called again.    

That reminds me, they also tend to call at just gone 6 o'clock when we've just sat down to have our dinner, the b*****dsAngry
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 12 2006 at 15:29
I hate how some people are bent on keeing their hearts cold to the joyous music that only a band such as Pallas can provide. Tongue
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