What is the meaning of the title Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh? The most literal translation would be Mechanic Destroyer Commando. But Mekanik could also mean motion. And Kommandöh could mean squad ("destroyer squad" makes senses) but also order/command.
I have wondered it too. In that trilogy there are spiritualist Nebehr Gudahtt, so I have wondered is there in that third piece also some "bad leader"? First I thought Kommandöh meant that leader (you can translate it into "commandoman" also), but really not sure about that at all...and naturally it could be squad also. Anyway my knowledge about Magma mythology is really superficial.
What is the meaning of the title Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh? The most literal translation would be Mechanic Destroyer Commando. But Mekanik could also mean motion. And Kommandöh could mean squad ("destroyer squad" makes senses) but also order/command.
I have wondered it too. In that trilogy there are spiritualist Nebehr Gudahtt, so I have wondered is there in that third piece also some "bad leader"? First I thought Kommandöh meant that leader (you can translate it into "commandoman" also), but really not sure about that at all...and naturally it could be squad also. Anyway my knowledge about Magma mythology is really superficial.
I`ve battled with this very question for absolutely years until my brain went in meltdown and I haven`t found the answer at all. your answer is worthy as a posable true answer. I can only hope!
Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
What is the meaning of the title Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh? The most literal translation would be Mechanic Destroyer Commando. But Mekanik could also mean motion. And Kommandöh could mean squad ("destroyer squad" makes senses) but also order/command.
I have wondered it too. In that trilogy there are spiritualist Nebehr Gudahtt, so I have wondered is there in that third piece also some "bad leader"? First I thought Kommandöh meant that leader (you can translate it into "commandoman" also), but really not sure about that at all...and naturally it could be squad also. Anyway my knowledge about Magma mythology is really superficial.
I`ve battled with this very question for absolutely years until my brain went in meltdown and I haven`t found the answer at all. your answer is worthy as a posable true answer. I can only hope!
If you´re believing VdGG-members are nazis for that picture, then you can start also believe Monthy Python nazis! I just thought it could be kind of inside "black humour" of the band, I am not sure who it is who´s walking with that ball, but if that´s Hammill, others just could have wanted to "show he is their fuhrer" in that very funny, but also little mean way (I think he always been the leader of the band).
I believe really many Finnish people have really black humour with them (I think I have also). When Finnish humor band "Eläkeläiset" was one of their first gigs in Germany, somebody said them, "you can tell all kinds of jokes, but not tell any homo or nazi-jokes". Or course they started their gig saying "Heil Homo-Hitlers!". But some reason German people have always loved them!
What is the meaning of the title Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh? The most literal translation would be Mechanic Destroyer Commando. But Mekanik could also mean motion. And Kommandöh could mean squad ("destroyer squad" makes senses) but also order/command.
I have wondered it too. In that trilogy there are spiritualist Nebehr Gudahtt, so I have wondered is there in that third piece also some "bad leader"? First I thought Kommandöh meant that leader (you can translate it into "commandoman" also), but really not sure about that at all...and naturally it could be squad also. Anyway my knowledge about Magma mythology is really superficial.
I`ve battled with this very question for absolutely years until my brain went in meltdown and I haven`t found the answer at all. your answer is worthy as a posable true answer. I can only hope!
If you´re believing VdGG-members are nazis for that picture, then you can start also believe Monthy Python nazis! I just thought it could be kind of inside "black humour" of the band, I am not sure who it is who´s walking with that ball, but if that´s Hammill, others just could have wanted to "show he is their fuhrer" in that very funny, but also little mean way (I think he always been the leader of the band).
I believe really many Finnish people have really black humour with them (I think I have also). When Finnish humor band "Eläkeläiset" was one of their first gigs in Germany, somebody said them, "you can tell all kinds of jokes, but not tell any homo or nazi-jokes". Or course they started their gig saying "Heil Homo-Hitlers!". But some reason German people have always loved them!
If my remark as offend you this wasn`t what I was thinking so you know I`m not a Nazis and I wouldn`t say my humour was "Black Humour" don`t understand the VDGG-Members quote part of this reply aa the thread is for Magma! I am against "RACISM"
Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
What is the meaning of the title Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh? The most literal translation would be Mechanic Destroyer Commando. But Mekanik could also mean motion. And Kommandöh could mean squad ("destroyer squad" makes senses) but also order/command.
I have wondered it too. In that trilogy there are spiritualist Nebehr Gudahtt, so I have wondered is there in that third piece also some "bad leader"? First I thought Kommandöh meant that leader (you can translate it into "commandoman" also), but really not sure about that at all...and naturally it could be squad also. Anyway my knowledge about Magma mythology is really superficial.
I`ve battled with this very question for absolutely years until my brain went in meltdown and I haven`t found the answer at all. your answer is worthy as a posable true answer. I can only hope!
If you´re believing VdGG-members are nazis for that picture, then you can start also believe Monthy Python nazis! I just thought it could be kind of inside "black humour" of the band, I am not sure who it is who´s walking with that ball, but if that´s Hammill, others just could have wanted to "show he is their fuhrer" in that very funny, but also little mean way (I think he always been the leader of the band).
I believe really many Finnish people have really black humour with them (I think I have also). When Finnish humor band "Eläkeläiset" was one of their first gigs in Germany, somebody said them, "you can tell all kinds of jokes, but not tell any homo or nazi-jokes". Or course they started their gig saying "Heil Homo-Hitlers!". But some reason German people have always loved them!
If my remark as offend you this wasn`t what I was thinking so you know I`m not a Nazis and I wouldn`t say my humour was "Black Humour" don`t understand the VDGG-Members quote part of this reply aa the thread is for Magma! I am against "RACISM"
I am really sorry! There happend some "mindf**k" in my mind, I was really believing you put that comment into my earler comment about VdGG album cover! Just so sorry...
But about that Kommandöh thing, I really don´t know, just guessing...I haven´t got MDK-vinyl, but I have understood there is no translation from Kobaian as there is in Emehntehtt-Re.
What is the meaning of the title Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh? The most literal translation would be Mechanic Destroyer Commando. But Mekanik could also mean motion. And Kommandöh could mean squad ("destroyer squad" makes senses) but also order/command.
I have wondered it too. In that trilogy there are spiritualist Nebehr Gudahtt, so I have wondered is there in that third piece also some "bad leader"? First I thought Kommandöh meant that leader (you can translate it into "commandoman" also), but really not sure about that at all...and naturally it could be squad also. Anyway my knowledge about Magma mythology is really superficial.
I`ve battled with this very question for absolutely years until my brain went in meltdown and I haven`t found the answer at all. your answer is worthy as a posable true answer. I can only hope!
If you´re believing VdGG-members are nazis for that picture, then you can start also believe Monthy Python nazis! I just thought it could be kind of inside "black humour" of the band, I am not sure who it is who´s walking with that ball, but if that´s Hammill, others just could have wanted to "show he is their fuhrer" in that very funny, but also little mean way (I think he always been the leader of the band).
Nice hypothesis, but wrong. The guy with the ball is Jackson (Hammill is the guy in the middle on the table).
Here an excerpt from a letter of Peter Hammill to Jem Shotts, Feb 21st 1972:
"The picture inside was completely spontaneous (in form!) - originally we'd intended a picture of us playing Crowborough
tennis (remark by me, Friede: Click link for the rules), a VdGG invention involving the table we're standing on and the football under Dave's arm... I won't try to explain the rules, as it's quite complicated, but a very energetic game of skill!! So we took lots of shots of that (all of which are equally weird, and some of which may yet be used) and then had a few frames left, so got into the psychedelic Nazi's trip! When we saw the effect, the pose, infra red film and all, we instantly overcame any inhibitions about freaking people, and knew it HAD to be that! The black shirts and yellow ties, incidentally, are not as directly connected to it as might be thought... they arose from conversations in the making of PH, in which we decided that we were going so far out inside (you can take that any way you want, musically, emotionally, psychically), that all we could do was have a "blackshirts" society to denote our outsanity. It's a bit of a self-defeating concept, but only 1/4 serious!! So for this cover, this idea came back! I hope all that makes some sense, but it's difficult, because people know us through the music, yet this is only peripherally in the music, and has more to do with the unrealities in which we live....(guarded) explanations in song on the next album, I hope!!"
What is the meaning of the title Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh? The most literal translation would be Mechanic Destroyer Commando. But Mekanik could also mean motion. And Kommandöh could mean squad ("destroyer squad" makes senses) but also order/command.
I have wondered it too. In that trilogy there are spiritualist Nebehr Gudahtt, so I have wondered is there in that third piece also some "bad leader"? First I thought Kommandöh meant that leader (you can translate it into "commandoman" also), but really not sure about that at all...and naturally it could be squad also. Anyway my knowledge about Magma mythology is really superficial.
I`ve battled with this very question for absolutely years until my brain went in meltdown and I haven`t found the answer at all. your answer is worthy as a posable true answer. I can only hope!
If you´re believing VdGG-members are nazis for that picture, then you can start also believe Monthy Python nazis! I just thought it could be kind of inside "black humour" of the band, I am not sure who it is who´s walking with that ball, but if that´s Hammill, others just could have wanted to "show he is their fuhrer" in that very funny, but also little mean way (I think he always been the leader of the band).
Nice hypothesis, but wrong. The guy with the ball is Jackson (Hammill is the guy in the middle on the table).
Here an excerpt from a letter of Peter Hammill to Jem Shotts, Feb 21st 1972:
"The picture inside was completely spontaneous (in form!) - originally we'd intended a picture of us playing Crowborough
tennis (remark by me, Friede: Click link for the rules), a VdGG invention involving the table we're standing on and the football under Dave's arm... I won't try to explain the rules, as it's quite complicated, but a very energetic game of skill!! So we took lots of shots of that (all of which are equally weird, and some of which may yet be used) and then had a few frames left, so got into the psychedelic Nazi's trip! When we saw the effect, the pose, infra red film and all, we instantly overcame any inhibitions about freaking people, and knew it HAD to be that! The black shirts and yellow ties, incidentally, are not as directly connected to it as might be thought... they arose from conversations in the making of PH, in which we decided that we were going so far out inside (you can take that any way you want, musically, emotionally, psychically), that all we could do was have a "blackshirts" society to denote our outsanity. It's a bit of a self-defeating concept, but only 1/4 serious!! So for this cover, this idea came back! I hope all that makes some sense, but it's difficult, because people know us through the music, yet this is only peripherally in the music, and has more to do with the unrealities in which we live....(guarded) explanations in song on the next album, I hope!!"
I have listened to Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh a couple of times. but I have to admit I am a bit disappointed. The concept is interesting with the Carmina Burana-like phrases on repeat, but I think I miss some variation. It's the same thing over and over again throughout most of the album, and whereas many of my favourite albums are a mix of several ideas, I almost get the feeling that MKD is based on one idea. But maybe there is something I miss?
I have listened to Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh a couple of times. but I have to admit I am a bit disappointed. The concept is interesting with the Carmina Burana-like phrases on repeat, but I think I miss some variation. It's the same thing over and over again throughout most of the album, and whereas many of my favourite albums are a mix of several ideas, I almost get the feeling that MKD is based on one idea. But maybe there is something I miss?
Magma makes good use of repetition, but I feel that especially MDK constantly shifts into different parts.
Maybe you shouldn't think of MDK as an album, where you expect to hear several ideas spread out over different songs. It's a single musical piece, a movement of a three piece cycle.
Love this. I did my own remastering and uploaded it
Edited by dr prog - April 24 2020 at 14:52
All I like is prog related bands beginning late 60's/early 70's. Their music from 1968 - 83 has the composition and sound which will never be beaten. Perfect blend of jazz, classical, folk and rock.
Strange how MDK is my least listened to Magma album. I listen to Merci more !! But I prefer live versions of MDK to the studio original.
Of the five Magma albums I have, Attahk is probably the one I listen to the least. I do prefer listening to 1001° Centigrades over MDK and the other Magma albums. However, I usually listen to KA in pieces rather than the whole album. That just leaves Üdü Ẁüdü, which I listen to more than Attahk, but less than the others (though I may listen to Zombies or De Futura more often than the whole album).
No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.
I have listened to Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh a couple of times. but I have to admit I am a bit disappointed. The concept is interesting with the Carmina Burana-like phrases on repeat, but I think I miss some variation. It's the same thing over and over again throughout most of the album, and whereas many of my favourite albums are a mix of several ideas, I almost get the feeling that MKD is based on one idea. But maybe there is something I miss?
Magma makes good use of repetition, but I feel that especially MDK constantly shifts into different parts.
Maybe you shouldn't think of MDK as an album, where you expect to hear several ideas spread out over different songs. It's a single musical piece, a movement of a three piece cycle.
Sure all of Theuz Hamtaahk-trilogy are single music pieces.
I just listened the the Offering's albums. I read in a review somewhere that Offering doesn't sound as "urgent" as Magma, and I agree. But I think it needs a couple more listens. Also, sometimes I recognised bits from Magma albums.
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