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The Dark Elf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 16 2017 at 21:15
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

^ And yet somehow I hear the people who voted for him thinking "Now we're getting somewhere!-- "

Beaches?  We don't need no stinking beaches.

Those are the same idiots that blindly cheered Hitler on, watched their Jewish neighbors disappear, and then when their country was destroyed either said "I was just doing my job" or "I was just following orders."
...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 16 2017 at 21:31
^ Except the people who voted Trump weren't doing their job or following orders-- they have no excuse.
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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twseel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 01:07
Originally posted by The Dark Elf The Dark Elf wrote:

The detestable Scrotum-in-Chief plans to destroy the environment, eliminate arts and education, and basically build a police state with a larger army and a wall that won't keep anyone out. Here are some cuts that will affect my family, friends, neighborhood and state:

1) Eliminates the $500 million Water and Wastewater loan and grant program.

2) Cuts Women, Infants and Children nutrition assistance from $6.4 billion to $6.2 billion.

3) Cuts $250 million from coastal research programs that ready communities for rising seas and worsening storms.

4) Cuts $3.7 billion in grants for teacher training, after-school and summer programs, and aid programs to first-generation and low-income students.

5) "Significantly" reduces federal work-study aid to college students.

6) Cuts $900 million from the Office of Science.

7) Eliminates the Energy Star, Weatherization Assistance Program, ARPA-E, Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program, and Title 17 loan guarantees.

8) Decreases funding for the National Institutes of Health and certain programs to train health professionals.

9) Eliminates funding for the 49 National Historic Sites.

10) Eliminates the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which helps low-income seniors find work.

11) Eliminates climate-change prevention programs, including pledged payments to U.N. climate-change programs.

12) Discontinues funding for international climate-change programs.

13) Cuts funding for the Superfund cleanup program and the Office of Enforcement and Compliance.

14) Cuts $102 million of funding from NASA Earth science, terminating four missions aimed at understanding climate-change.

15) Eliminates the $115 million NASA Office of Education.

16) Eliminates all $148 million for the National Endowment for the Arts and all $148 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities.

17) Eliminates the $445 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports public television and radio, including PBS and NPR.

18) Slash Environmental Protection Agency funding that pays for Great Lakes pollution cleanup by 97 percent.

Throw in the huge tax breaks Trump and his Republican cronies plan on giving millionaires once they destroy Obamacare and steal health insurance from 20+ million people, it is obvious this a****le needs to go. This a****le needs to go quickly. This a****le needs to go now.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like a conservative but rather like a libertarian extremist. How many of these do you think will/would pass Congress?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 06:45
The only items getting increases are military- and national security-related. The U.S. already spends more than any other country in the world on military, more than twice what China spends (who ranks second). My prediction is they'll pick another country to invade, run up another damned huge deficit, and then another Democratic president will be forced to deal with another GOD-DAMNED REPUBLICAN MESS!!!!
What a bunch of f**kheads!!!

Edited by progaardvark - March 17 2017 at 06:56
i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions
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npjnpj View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 08:43

This is so extreme, it just has to be a distraction for some thing so horrific that it's going to be burried in the flurry of the next next few days.
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SteveG View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 09:47
Trump said that he does business bankruptcy better than anyone. Well now's his chance to bankrupt an entire country.
This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
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Triceratopsoil View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 11:52
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:


What could.. and would get him impeached... is finding out just where that income came from and if from Russian investments... he's gone... what got released was ..what 2 pages.  Basic stuff, not the detailed return.  He has been hiding something.. there would be no reason to NOT release them if not....and it wasn't 'avoiding taxes'.

Imagine believing this LOL
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omphaloskepsis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 12:01
Since Trump's inauguration, the United States National Debt has gone down over 100 billion dollars

If current trend is sustained, the National debt would go down 2.76 trillion dollars in 4 years.

From Obama's initial inauguration, covering the same period the national debt increased 416 billion dollars.

Edited by omphaloskepsis - March 17 2017 at 12:08
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twseel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 12:40
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Since Trump's inauguration, the United States National Debt has gone down over 100 billion dollars

If current trend is sustained, the National debt would go down 2.76 trillion dollars in 4 years.

From Obama's initial inauguration, covering the same period the national debt increased 416 billion dollars.

I think I could eat at a restaurant every day if I were to stop paying my rent, and I could even buy a small car if I stopped paying my tuition fees; why didn't I think of this before!?
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HackettFan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 13:56
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

The only items getting increases are military- and national security-related. The U.S. already spends more than any other country in the world on military, more than twice what China spends (who ranks second). My prediction is they'll pick another country to invade, run up another damned huge deficit, and then another Democratic president will be forced to deal with another GOD-DAMNED REPUBLICAN MESS!!!!
What a bunch of f**kheads!!!

I agree and this is what leaves me scratching my head over conservative ideology in general. When conservatives are asked to explain why they hold their views about limited government, a recurrent explanation is that they are afraid of government imposition because they're the ones with the guns. And true you see this played out with their position on gun control, government aid, federal regulations, federal reclamation of land and protection of environment, and so on. However, conservatives tend also to be hawkish, strengthening the military component of the federal government that they say they so fear (Trump of course fits right into this). I tend to view this supposed fear of federal government as very disingenuous. Is it deception, self-deception, or is there something I'm missing? This is an open question to anyone who thinks they can answer.

Edited by HackettFan - March 17 2017 at 13:59
A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
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twseel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 14:13
The American army is at least 75% pure vanity, they will never get attacked on land, they're way too far out to be reached by ships, they can already shoot hostile airplanes out of the air, and then~15% is keeping that circlejerk in the Middle East going, and no, seperating yourself from them because they are supposedly dangerous and crazy is not a solution either, regardless if they actually are or not, you're just sustaining your own problems.
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Kepler62 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 16:02
Originally posted by twseel twseel wrote:

The American army is at least 75% pure vanity, they will never get attacked on land, they're way too far out to be reached by ships, they can already shoot hostile airplanes out of the air, and then~15% is keeping that circlejerk in the Middle East going, and no, seperating yourself from them because they are supposedly dangerous and crazy is not a solution either, regardless if they actually are or not, you're just sustaining your own problems.

You've written off the mighty Canadian military? We can attack at any second. Another Pearl Harbour could be brewing.
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HackettFan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 16:28
Originally posted by twseel twseel wrote:

The American army is at least 75% pure vanity, they will never get attacked on land, they're way too far out to be reached by ships, they can already shoot hostile airplanes out of the air, and then~15% is keeping that circlejerk in the Middle East going, and no, seperating yourself from them because they are supposedly dangerous and crazy is not a solution either, regardless if they actually are or not, you're just sustaining your own problems.
This is right on the face of it, but then they are being vain about something they are afraid of. Those two things would seemingly not go together. Yet I see no outward evidence that any conservative is experiencing cognitive dissonance over this.

A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 17 2017 at 18:31
Originally posted by HackettFan HackettFan wrote:

Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

The only items getting increases are military- and national security-related. The U.S. already spends more than any other country in the world on military, more than twice what China spends (who ranks second). My prediction is they'll pick another country to invade, run up another damned huge deficit, and then another Democratic president will be forced to deal with another GOD-DAMNED REPUBLICAN MESS!!!!
What a bunch of f**kheads!!!

I agree and this is what leaves me scratching my head over conservative ideology in general. When conservatives are asked to explain why they hold their views about limited government, a recurrent explanation is that they are afraid of government imposition because they're the ones with the guns. And true you see this played out with their position on gun control, government aid, federal regulations, federal reclamation of land and protection of environment, and so on. However, conservatives tend also to be hawkish, strengthening the military component of the federal government that they say they so fear (Trump of course fits right into this). I tend to view this supposed fear of federal government as very disingenuous. Is it deception, self-deception, or is there something I'm missing? This is an open question to anyone who thinks they can answer.

I'll take a stab at it, my experiences give me some insight I suppose. LOL Sort of enlisting some paranoid right wing tin-foil hat wearing wack job onto the forum to answer it. I suppose I'll try to answer that.

I think you are attempting to tie two completely things together man.  The fear the right has of big government is very real.  Do I agree with it?  Of course not, what is there to fear...if Po-Po or the Feds comes beating down my door to deport Raff or to toss me into a neo-facist re-education camp for hating on the Emperor of the US himself online... then they get blown away even if I am a liberal.

The point is.. they are not afraid of the military. Even in their ignorant self contained world they understand that the military has not place within in the US itself. It is illegal and the President who even mutters the thought of using the military within the US will be the one thing outside of terrorists to unite our fractured and divided country.

Those agents of goverment they fear...that might take their rights, their guns, their land, are not military man. They are the police and the Feds. VERY VERY VERY different.  Those are the people the right has a problem with, be it potentially taking their guns or their land (the big to-do out west). It isn't the military

Thus I have seen little fear of the military on the right.  As all might suspect, the military itself is very right leaning.  I felt very out of place being a self professing liberal in the military.  Just as we on the left tend to think every rightie is a gun totting Bible freak, most think those on the left are paper pushing pussies who think that god and relgion are mass delusions.  I'd like to think I showed those I met that is not the case, as much as they taught me that common views of the right by the left are not true (at least ALL of them LOL)
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npjnpj View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2017 at 05:03

Well, I was glad to see the Donald Trump is sticking to his crusade of alienating everyone and everything in his inimitable manner.

I’m talking, of course, about the press conference of Angela Merkel and Trump yesterday. The moment where he refused to shake her hand was absolutely priceless. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such a display between the two most powerful world leaders who aren’t actually at war with each other. Yet.

Trump’s behavior reminded me of that of a petulant toddler. A trailer trash toddler, at that. A trailer trash toddler in a suit. How adorable!

What a great time to be alive! This was an actual occurrence, not a sketch or something; it was the real thing.

He probably saw the looks she was giving him most of the time. They were pretty much the same looks he got from Benjamin Netanjahu a few weeks back; those “WTF, Is this geezer for real?”-looks.

Even on the Trump scale, that was magnificent.

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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2017 at 09:29
well that is what the intellectual wing of the Republican party feared and why they couldn't support him and why you find his strongest centers of support at the f**king local Wal-Mart haha.

He truly has become a national embarrassment.. along with his supporters.. 'Washington can't take a joke'

really... back to the 5 year well of bad excuses for getting caught for deliberating lying and misleading

 and boo on the English P.M.  good thing I wasn't in that position.  I'd have demanded a personal apology from Trump..  which would have killed him to give as it butts right up against his Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The man can NOT admit when he is wrong.. a VERY dangerous habit as President.

it is one thing when the bullsh*t, lies, and deliberate mistruths are thrown to his idiot supporters.. what many feared is exactly what happened..  is not being up to the task in regards to world affairs. As we said, he failed the qualification test of being city dog catcher.. and we elected him President.

Oh well...  not surprising.. but I had hoped he would prove the fears we had as to his ability to be President to switch from populist purveyor of bullsh*t to his idiot unthinking supporters to a Presidential leader of America.. not just his supporters..just wrong  as we were that the American public wasn't stupid or ignorant enough enough to elect him.  Well no dice there

Edited by micky - March 18 2017 at 09:33
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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The Dark Elf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2017 at 20:47
To paraphrase a Benjamin Disraeli quote (which was popularized by Mark Twain), there are three kinds of liars: liars, damned liars, and Donald Trump. With Trump, we are now in a bizarro nether-region of dishonesty that obscures what we once believed was the limits of lying but now encompasses a falsity and fabrication that stretches incredulity into a spurious straitjacket covering the White House with a lunacy eclipsing even the wacky world of Washington. "Lie" is too small a word -- too simple in its monosyllabic nature -- to adequately explain the farcical flatulence farted by the Prattler on the Potomac. But we must work with the word we were dealt.

Here's is an excellent summation of lies leaned leeward to distort dishonesty from The Guardian:

...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
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npjnpj View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2017 at 23:30
That's a very interesting article, I especially enjoyed the sideline about Trump and handshakes.

I've been watching several repeats of the Merkel-Trump press conference, and my impression concerning their body language during the handshake debacle is:

Merkel: Ok, you old fool, fornicate you, have it your own way then.
Trump: If I were alone with the bitch, I'd strangle her right here and now.

Just watch it, and you'll see what I mean.

Edited by npjnpj - March 18 2017 at 23:49
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 18 2017 at 23:44
It's an amusing little quandary: Trump lies practically all the time, and it's obvious to everyone, supporters and detractors alike, but at the same time everyone is forced to take him seriously, because he's the president.
It's a sort of inverted emperor's new clothes thing.

The most natural reaction would be: "Sod it, it's just Don being Don. Let's ignore him and go and do something sensible." But that's not possible, because that would be disrespecting the integrety of the office, which doesn't exist any more (the integrity, not the office).

How is anyone supposed to deal with this?

Edited by npjnpj - March 18 2017 at 23:56
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HackettFan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 19 2017 at 00:15
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by HackettFan HackettFan wrote:

Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

The only items getting increases are military- and national security-related. The U.S. already spends more than any other country in the world on military, more than twice what China spends (who ranks second). My prediction is they'll pick another country to invade, run up another damned huge deficit, and then another Democratic president will be forced to deal with another GOD-DAMNED REPUBLICAN MESS!!!!
What a bunch of f**kheads!!!

I agree and this is what leaves me scratching my head over conservative ideology in general. When conservatives are asked to explain why they hold their views about limited government, a recurrent explanation is that they are afraid of government imposition because they're the ones with the guns. And true you see this played out with their position on gun control, government aid, federal regulations, federal reclamation of land and protection of environment, and so on. However, conservatives tend also to be hawkish, strengthening the military component of the federal government that they say they so fear (Trump of course fits right into this). I tend to view this supposed fear of federal government as very disingenuous. Is it deception, self-deception, or is there something I'm missing? This is an open question to anyone who thinks they can answer.

I'll take a stab at it, my experiences give me some insight I suppose. LOL Sort of enlisting some paranoid right wing tin-foil hat wearing wack job onto the forum to answer it. I suppose I'll try to answer that.

I think you are attempting to tie two completely things together man.  The fear the right has of big government is very real.  Do I agree with it?  Of course not, what is there to fear...if Po-Po or the Feds comes beating down my door to deport Raff or to toss me into a neo-facist re-education camp for hating on the Emperor of the US himself online... then they get blown away even if I am a liberal.

The point is.. they are not afraid of the military. Even in their ignorant self contained world they understand that the military has not place within in the US itself. It is illegal and the President who even mutters the thought of using the military within the US will be the one thing outside of terrorists to unite our fractured and divided country.

Those agents of goverment they fear...that might take their rights, their guns, their land, are not military man. They are the police and the Feds. VERY VERY VERY different.  Those are the people the right has a problem with, be it potentially taking their guns or their land (the big to-do out west). It isn't the military

Thus I have seen little fear of the military on the right.  As all might suspect, the military itself is very right leaning.  I felt very out of place being a self professing liberal in the military.  Just as we on the left tend to think every rightie is a gun totting Bible freak, most think those on the left are paper pushing pussies who think that god and relgion are mass delusions.  I'd like to think I showed those I met that is not the case, as much as they taught me that common views of the right by the left are not true (at least ALL of them LOL)
I had to take some time to mull this over. You might be right. I had made the contrary interpretation that they were concerned about military power when I heard one whose name I can't remember unfortunately interviewed on the radio saying that they're afraid of government power because "they're the ones with the guns". I understood them referring to a power imbalance, and given all the guns throughout the country, I didn't think the reference was to the FBI but to the military. And the major rationale conservatives have for their enthusiasm over the second amendment is that people should have the ability in principle to rise up against the government if it were to turn tyrannical. If a rebellion were just a local armed stand off, then yeah the FBI or ATF would be expected. If a full out war of rebellion were ever to occur, I presume conservatives would quite rightly expect such a theoretical rebellion to be engaged by actual armed forces of the military, as of course happened with the Civil War. I guess that all depends on what individuals envision, and that may evolve over time, I suppose. The small armed standoffs are what are current and more plausible, but the full scale war scenario better serves the motivation for having the second amendment. Maybe, however, it stays in the realm of the theoretical, and what is more psychologically real for conservatives are the small scale standoffs, and then you're certainly right; it's the Feds that become the concern. I don't know, but I think I'm over-thinking this more than I ought to.

Edited by HackettFan - March 19 2017 at 00:21
A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
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