You must be joking...This is lame as cold coffee. Whoīs that karaoke kid anyway ? Nevermind.
The best man that possibly could and actually was very able to fill Peter Gabrielīs boots is Nad Sylvan only. His voice and articulation is as good as it possibly can get. His tone is astonishingly near Peterīs truly. It is, I have heard... in Spring 2014 in a great small venue.
Iīve seen him performing GENESIS classics for near three hours in a great venue with flawless sound quality and it was THE BEST EVER CONCERT I have heard in the 2000īs. Well of course because I never saw Gabriel with GENESIS. It was PERFECT in everything, the songs, the sound & visuals quality. Not a single dull moment in three hours duration, they made a little break only for ten minutes. Me and my buddy went to the concert , left our wives home, took no drinks, no cigarettes just listened to that incredible music. They played all the best... "Supperīs Ready", "The Return of Giant Hogweed", "Dance on Volcano" and "Los Endos".
Me and my buddy were shouting for "The Knife" ! and we got it and the illusion being in a GENESIS gig in the 70īs were perfect. We got "The Fountain of Salmacis" as well. And it was the highlight of the gig, alongside Supper pf course ! And the venue was shaking like in the early days Iīd imagine. It was just incredible. Sheer GENESIS LIVE power. And I will never ever experience that GENESIS LIVE magic again. It was a total illusion and it worked perfectly. It was an unique gig. Iīm blessed to having been there. I havenīt gone to any gigs after that because they all will be musically anticlimax for me, whatever they might be. Just bloody waste of time (grin).
Nad Sylvan is the Man and
Steve Hackett is the true Moonlit Knight of all England
God bless them.

Nad, Steve, Roger, Gary, Lee, Rob
If they ever will do it again donīt miss that. Iīm praying for they would someday soon...
Edited by Son.of.Tiresias - October 02 2016 at 04:06