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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 16:07
but Teo was dead on.  Regardless of who is elected gridlock will prevail. Both parties are beholden to big money..

what matters.. what drives my vote.. what should drive others is again what I mentioned earlier. It is a culture war.

We have won on several issues... gay marriage.. check what the general opinions on that were 10 years ago.. we changed heart and minds... and barely (5-4) got it through the Supreme Court.

I agree with T. Ideals are great...  pragmatism is reality.  We can't get all we want in our candidates... I don't have to want to have a beer with Hillary or even like her...but at least with any Democratic nominee we know we will get someone that will fight for minority groups. Not to try to revisit our ugly past as the Republican party sure appears to want to do.

as a side note.. even with the win. Not a good week for Sanders. Horrible, almost Rubioesque, interview which he came off as ..well... all talk and no practical thoughts. Real solutions.

 and likely shot any chance of a VP nod (would have been a smart move for Hillary) with the idiot attack on Hillary as being 'unfit' due to ties to Wall Street. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 16:27
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

As for the other stuff, eh that's getting a bit out there for me, though I see truth to it in shades. As I looked more into stuff after our last crisis I was a little disturbed how govs/banking/business/wealthy all do seem to have a bit of a global cabal thing going on, but I dont really cave into the world planning type stuff. I just think tis wealthy peddling influence and self bettermentCry No doubt there is agreement on things such as neo liberal policies and etc

It doesn't seem conspiratorial at all to assume people with the power (in terms of money/influence) bend the system to suit their needs. It seems like a natural thing to me, actually.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:05
I always have considered myself a pragmatist. Sanders is the better candidate and thus will support him in the primary. General election time, we shall see. As I've said my vote is not locked, I will pragmatically decide based on how things are looking. Like I said, I am lucky to live in reliably blue NJ, if things are heading that way again I shall likely vote Stein, if not I wont. Seems pragmatic to meCool

Luckily, in terms of social issues little seems to happen (and when it does it seems forward never regressive) at the national level. Social issues seem to bubble up at the state level, gay right being one, and by the time it gets to national momentum seems to follow. So while I agree, it's less of a concern. However the Supreme Court is of course a biggie in that regard and sadly the GOP has made that a major issue thanks to their BS over the Scalia vacancy when it should not be. 


That interview thing is utter BS, I am sorry to say. He answered the question fine, it was an answer btw that Clinton said nearly identically in an earlier debate. His major failing is not saying that. If he said "Why am I being so chastised here, Sect Clinton said the exact same thing previously, so does that mean she is also clueless on the matter?" Would've been a great, truthful retort. Sadly, he's not great with this type of stuff.

That's of course been the common line the whole time: He's all talk, no realism etc etc which is kind of crap since it must be admitted, Clinton is all talk lol She has quite literally copied most of what Sanders says, sometimes near verbatim, sometimes adds some changes in there, and she has her abrupt 180s on several issues, after he started pushing her. There's her vague non answers on issues then rolling away from them in debates. Really the only thing of concrete substance she's said is she will preserve the status quo. I am not even sure what her platform or solutions are. Even in NY state she's now championing the $15 min wage she's opposed her whole campaign. So the "all talk no results" thing makes no sense to me, especially when his opponent is primo example of Rubio-esque all talk, party line vomiting. 

No news source or jouranlist has bothered to post this, straight from Sanders' campaign:
"Within the first 100 days of his administration, Bernie will require the secretary of the Treasury Department to establish a “Too-Big-to Fail” list of commercial banks, shadow banks and insurance companies whose failure would pose a catastrophic risk to the United States economy without a taxpayer bailout.

Within a year, the Sanders administration will work with the Federal Reserve and financial regulators to break these institutions up using the authority of Section 121 of the Dodd-Frank Act."

As well as: 

"Bernie will also fight to enact a 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act to clearly separate commercial banking, investment banking and insurance services. Sec. Clinton opposes this extremely important measure.

President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Glass-Steagall Act into law precisely to prevent Wall Street speculators from causing another Great Depression. And, it worked for more than five decades until Wall Street watered it down under President Reagan and killed it under President Clinton. That is unacceptable and that is why Bernie will fight to sign the Warren-McCain bill into law."

Seems very concrete, specific and as realistic as can be to me. 

Edited by JJLehto - April 07 2016 at 18:09
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:07
Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

As for the other stuff, eh that's getting a bit out there for me, though I see truth to it in shades. As I looked more into stuff after our last crisis I was a little disturbed how govs/banking/business/wealthy all do seem to have a bit of a global cabal thing going on, but I dont really cave into the world planning type stuff. I just think tis wealthy peddling influence and self bettermentCry No doubt there is agreement on things such as neo liberal policies and etc

It doesn't seem conspiratorial at all to assume people with the power (in terms of money/influence) bend the system to suit their needs. It seems like a natural thing to me, actually.

That is not what's out there for me, that indeed is totally sensible. 
I mean the whole intl banking cabal Rothschild type stuff, and people getting together to plot the world's course and etc

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:19
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

 and likely shot any chance of a VP nod (would have been a smart move for Hillary) with the idiot attack on Hillary as being 'unfit' due to ties to Wall Street. 

I know this sounds childish, but tis true...Hillary started itLOL She said he was not qualified to be President, the first shot fired was hers.

As for let's be real, that'd just be a way to stash him away. I would want Sanders to be given a meaningful position, Sect of Labor makes sense. That would really be a smart move for her. Knowing Sanders would get to actually shape policy, would help win me over. VP? That's a great honor, but not much more. 
And given his age, clearly a VP spot could not be used as a spring board for a future runLOL

Also remember 2008 was VERY bitter. Far more 2016 has been. There were racial undertones, and some very heated attacking. If Obama was able to put that aside and give her the very powerful position he did, she can put aside something silly like "She's not qualified to be Prez" and give him a cabinet position. If not, that says something about her! 

Anyway, I wouldn't wanna get into idiot attacks. She said Sanders prioritized gun manufacturers over the Sandy Hook victims. This is quite literally saying he doesn't care about the victims, and in fact is against them. That is a low low blow and in a way politicizing that tragedy.  If I was him I'd mention "Why did Saudi Arabia get arms deals from your administration, after they donated to the Clinton Foundation?" Something heavy that she has not been forced yet to address, but I highly doubt he will take such a hard counter.

Edited by JJLehto - April 07 2016 at 18:32
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:29
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

I always have considered myself a pragmatist. Sanders is the better candidate and thus will support him in the primary. General election time, we shall see. As I've said my vote is not locked, I will pragmatically decide based on how things are looking. Like I said, I am lucky to live in reliably blue NJ, if things are heading that way again I shall likely vote Stein, if not I wont. Seems pragmatic to meCool

and to me.  What is important is that they don't win. I love my f**king country and they mean to f**king ruin it.  I think Hillary has the best chance to win.. so I support her. I'd support Bernie if he won it. Hillary will get things done .. I don't see Bernie doing that. He is out of his league here. Hillary knows what Bill did..and is experienced in doing so.. and will do the same.  The same lesson those idiots in the GOP have failed to recognize.  You have to compromise to govern.. winning an election does not give you a mandate to RULE.  A big difference in the philosophies of Democratic and Republican thinking.

Luckily, in terms of social issues little seems to happen (and when it does it seems forward never regressive) at the national level. Social issues seem to bubble up at the state level, gay right being one, and by the time it gets to national momentum seems to follow. So while I agree, it's less of a concern. However the Supreme Court is of course a biggie in that regard and sadly the GOP has made that a major issue thanks to their BS over the Scalia vacancy when it should not be.

exactly.  They are a bunch of fools and idiots.LOL

That interview thing is utter BS, I am sorry to say. He answered the question fine, it was an answer btw that Clinton said nearly identically in an earlier debate. His major failing is not saying that. If he said "Why am I being so chastised here, Sect Clinton said the exact same thing previously, so does that mean she is also clueless on the matter?" Would've been a great, truthful retort. Sadly, he's not great with this type of stuff.

I'll have to read it for myself. What I know, is what I have read and what others are reading. He didn't come across well AND the paper giving the interview was predisposed to him. Not having endorsed Hillary but sitting tight to perhaps see if he really has a chance. Doesn't sound like a hostile environement. Just a Rubioesque moment where he showed he didn't have what it takes to be President.

that is the spin on it.  It is true?  I'll read it for myself I suppose.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:33
I like the guy, really like his ideas, but I do have doubts if he is. Nothing to do with agreeing with him or not.  He doesn't strike me as better in that regard than the fools on the right.

He might have thought that unfair... but to toss the same back at Hillary is childish as well as laughable. No one in the field is more qualified or knows exactly what it means to lead at a national level, and internationally, than her.  Like or her not.. saying she is unqualified is ..well.  doesn't say much for the brain power of the person saying it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:38
Well, I read the interview. He was asked how he'd break em up, said could either pass legislation or use the authority in Dodd Frank. 
Made sense to me. 
Check my original post. I added a quote from the Sanders campaign where he elaborates, and notes no media source seemed to mention this part...LOL 
It was a NY paper and the media coverage has been, obviously, very pro Clinton. Of course it was spun that way. 

Well, that's a shame but of course I can't change your opinion. He has been a champion of progressive policies, even when it was not politically acceptable, has gotten a lot done in Congress usually behind the scenes and unsexily, and he's worked with lots of people, including Clinton back in 93 when she praised his personal healthcare idea, Republicans, libertarians. He was on the committee that helped write Obamacare, though he personally wanted far more. He's got a good record and has achieved much, is far more than a likeable guy but oh well. 

Clinton will be better than the GOP, which shall try to send us to 1928 and atomic bomb our economy. 
We will instead slowly drift into worse and worse economic conditions, slowly choking away the country instead of nuking us. Maybe next recession people will turn more strongly to his ideasSmile

Edited by JJLehto - April 07 2016 at 18:43
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:50
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Well, I read the interview. He was asked how he'd break em up, said could either pass legislation or use the authority in Dodd Frank. 
Made sense to me. 
Check my original post. I added a quote from the Sanders campaign where he elaborates, and notes no media source seemed to mention this part...LOL 
It was a NY paper and the media coverage has been, obviously, very pro Clinton. Of course it was spun that way. 

Well, that's a shame but of course I can't change your opinion. He has been a champion of progressive policies, even when it was not politically acceptable, has gotten a lot done in Congress usually behind the scenes and unsexily, and he's worked with lots of people, including Clinton back in 93 when she praised his personal healthcare idea, Republicans, libertarians. He was on the committee that helped write Obamacare, though he personally wanted far more. He's got a good record and has achieved much, is far more than a likeable guy but oh well. 

Clinton will be better than the GOP, which shall try to send us to 1928 and atomic bomb our economy. 
We will instead slowly drift into worse and worse economic conditions, slowly choking away the country instead of nuking us. Maybe next recession people will turn more strongly to his ideasSmile

oh its not a question of changing my mind.  I'd support him in a heartbeat if he was the nominee.

especially this year. This election is important... with the spectre of either Cruz or Trump as President.  I supported who is best suited to beat them. Idealism is great.. reality is everything. We need to win this election.

Look at it this way.. true or not.. this flap.  If he can't handle Hillary and her spin... what do you think will happen when the full might of the (could care less about facts) GOP attack dogs decended upon him.

Regardless of what the national polls say now...  he would be portrayed and likely come across as yet another N.E. liberal which is almost fatal for winning national elections.

This is going to be a BRUTAL campaign this fall.  Hillary has more balls than any of them and she will need them, she is tough enough and experienced enough to win a general election.  I don't feel Sanders is.

what matters is winning in November so what progress we have made the last 8 years.. is not rolled back within weeks.

Edited by micky - April 07 2016 at 18:53
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2016 at 18:51
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

As for the other stuff, eh that's getting a bit out there for me, though I see truth to it in shades. As I looked more into stuff after our last crisis I was a little disturbed how govs/banking/business/wealthy all do seem to have a bit of a global cabal thing going on, but I dont really cave into the world planning type stuff. I just think tis wealthy peddling influence and self bettermentCry No doubt there is agreement on things such as neo liberal policies and etc

It doesn't seem conspiratorial at all to assume people with the power (in terms of money/influence) bend the system to suit their needs. It seems like a natural thing to me, actually.

That is not what's out there for me, that indeed is totally sensible. 
I mean the whole intl banking cabal Rothschild type stuff, and people getting together to plot the world's course and etc

Yeah that kind of thing is on par with flat earth/faked moon landing/9/11 truther nutcase stuff as far as i'm concerned.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2016 at 03:04
All I know is, this is an article that hits it on the head, some honest, real journalism:
It says all that needs to be said: Sanders and Clinton are both qualified. Clinton fired the first shot, Sanders' retort was dumb. 

That's all we need. 
Hopefully they move on from that distractionary stuff and get back to real issues. 

Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

As for the other stuff, eh that's getting a bit out there for me, though I see truth to it in shades. As I looked more into stuff after our last crisis I was a little disturbed how govs/banking/business/wealthy all do seem to have a bit of a global cabal thing going on, but I dont really cave into the world planning type stuff. I just think tis wealthy peddling influence and self bettermentCry No doubt there is agreement on things such as neo liberal policies and etc

It doesn't seem conspiratorial at all to assume people with the power (in terms of money/influence) bend the system to suit their needs. It seems like a natural thing to me, actually.

That is not what's out there for me, that indeed is totally sensible. 
I mean the whole intl banking cabal Rothschild type stuff, and people getting together to plot the world's course and etc

Yeah that kind of thing is on par with flat earth/faked moon landing/9/11 truther nutcase stuff as far as i'm concerned.

Yeah, and sadly one doesn't need to go very far at all into that realm to hit anti zionism, and outright anti semitic and just racist stuff. 

Anyway, my entrance back here was to post that Gary Johnson article, where that one polls has him at 11% polling, with just 24% name recognition. I see nothing coming from it, especially since Cruz is now very likely to be the nominee (or god Paul Ryan) but still
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2016 at 08:03
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

I know this sounds childish, but tis true...Hillary started itLOL She said he was not qualified to be President, the first shot fired was hers.
Actually, what Clinton said is that it was for the voters to decide who was qualified to be president.  She did not say he was not qualified, so just refused to answer whether he was qualified. That is not the same thing.
The interviewer pressed her multiple times to state that Sanders was unqualified, but she did not go there.  I agree with her, BTW, that is up to voters to decide.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 08 2016 at 08:04
I am very sad indeed that Sanders - whom I admire - has descended to the Trumpian-level of politics.  For heaven's sake - "She started it"? I thought his brand was to claim he was above all that kind of nonsense.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2016 at 06:31
Originally posted by emigre80 emigre80 wrote:

I am very sad indeed that Sanders - whom I admire - has descended to the Trumpian-level of politics.  For heaven's sake - "She started it"? I thought his brand was to claim he was above all that kind of nonsense.

indeed. Goes back to the point I made earlier Terri.  What will happen when facing the full court press of the vicious and could care less about facts (or common decency) GOP establishment and their attack dogs. Nice guy he might be.. he has not faced, not in Vermont for God's sake, that kind of petty viciousness.  Clinton has for the last 20 years LOL All of her skeletons have been aired out to the point of most caring not a f**k to hear yet again. What about Bernies.. they are have them.. we all have them. 

I fear he would wilt and fail under that..he wouldn't be the Dukakis... thus coming across as unfit in the eyes of the general electorate...and thus losing an election that the Democrats should win easily against two fringe extremist GOP candidates who have little appeal to moderates.  This isn't McCain and Romney they are facing here.. Republican centrists...those two are f**king right wing nuts.

Edited by micky - April 09 2016 at 06:33
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2016 at 06:37
I do think that realization, even if subliminal, is behind the age divide in who democrats support.  Yes Bernie appeals to the youth, why has he not gained traction amoung older voters.  I think in our hearts we know or suspect he is not a winning candidate and being realists, not idealists. Life beats that out of you.  We know what matters is winning in November so even if Hillary does not inspire like Bernie does... she can win whereas many think Bernie will not.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2016 at 07:57
I personally find Clinton inspiring, if only for the way she has stood up under 25 years of right-wing attacks and still stayed strong.  I would have thrown in the towel years ago.  I admire strength under pressure and she has that in spades.
I believe in her for her politics, of course, I'm just saying I admire her character as well.
And I do agree that Sanders does not have the same mental toughness or has not thought about the issues as long and as deeply as Clinton, as you can see from his answers to that interview the other day. Had Clinton been as unprepared, she would have been hung out to dry in the press.  Sanders gets a pass because, you know, his heart's in the right place.  Not good enough.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2016 at 08:03
I didn't say Clinton wasn't inspiring. I admire her immensely and find her strength very inspiring. 

I was obviously referred though to the way young voters are more inspired by Sanders than they are by Clinton.  I've been there.  I remember what is like to really want a candidate. To be inspired by one that appeals to one's youthly idealism. I fell under Chuck Robb's sway... now that was one impressive candidate. I've have gone through brick walls for him and worked like a mule for his campaign.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2016 at 08:09
Oh, I thought you were saying you did not find Clinton inspirational yourself and therefore could understand why others don't.
I have been arguing with a friend on facebook (and if he doesn't stop being such an ass I may "unfriend" him soon) who keeps saying that Clinton is an awful candidate, has done terrible things, is a corporate shill, etc. All the standard Republican talking points, except he's a Sanders fan. I don't get it, I really don't, how people can listen to her and then believe all this nonsense.  It just goes to show how far the right-wing bullsh*t has permeated political discourse, because he really thinks he thought of this all on his own instead of swallowing what the media has been feeding him for years.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2016 at 08:18

I don't get it either. Oh I do from the right.. she and Bill have been public enemy #1 for them for the last 20+ years. I don't get it from those on the left. Is she is not liberal enough for them?  Sorry man... reality is this country leans right of center.  God help the Democratic party if does what the GOP has done and forgets that ideology purity is nice and all.. but it takes centrists to win elections.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2016 at 08:28
speaking of FB... I banned myself from FB actually.  I have tended to be a bit overrbearing in my politics and have been unfriended by right leaning friends.  I think the candidates are fools and destructive ... however.. someone has to support them and have tended to make that leap of association in my posts. I have tried, successfully I think, to try to tone it down here.

But yeah.. candidates who think that a white Christian country is what God or the founding fathers intended this country to be and attempts to use the constitution and thus the laws of this country to ban or discriminate AMERICANS based on their race, religion or sexual perference is a bigot...  so what does that make those that do not repudiate them or actively support them?
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