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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 16:22
on a more general note... has anyone other than me gotten addicted to the FiveThirtyEight website. ESPN promotes it heavily.. probably owns it.. but don't let that stop you from checking it out. Really neat and insightful artciles and discussion.

today's offering. I had wondered about this.  Raff and I were talking just this weekend wondering aloud if Trump is not as much running against Hillary/Democrats as he is running against the status quo of the Republican party.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 16:23
Originally posted by garfunkel garfunkel wrote:

Inhofe's the name, right?

I have no idea why I know that... He must really be a moron!

hahaha..  awesome man. Multiple clappies to you. ClapClap

Yeah that is the one..  I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

Yes he is...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 16:54
I'm slightly more on the pro-life side and I'm not on the gun control boat. I also favor capitalism.

And what's with all the PC stuff and race baiting on the left?? Ahh

I can't believe this:

Edited by garfunkel - February 29 2016 at 17:03
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 17:07
Originally posted by garfunkel garfunkel wrote:

I'm slightly more on the pro-life side and I'm not on the gun control boat. I also favor capitalism.

I also don't want anything to do with PC folks. ahh

I can definitely respect that. Clap

for me...  personally I'm pro-life...I'd be sick to my stomach to ever being associated much less directly termination of  the life of a child. For everyone else. We are Americans... and a free country.  My morals are not absolute.. only to myself they are....everyone has the choice. Thus yeah.. I am pro choice.  You simply can't legislate morality.  Someday perhaps the GOP will understand that.

As far as guns.. grew up with them. Loved shooting them and hunting. It is a free country.. yet do favor reasonable gun control. Handguns, shotguns? Keep em... own an arsenal if so inclined  blow away paper targets or all the cute little critters you can to your hearts content....but some times the greater good takes precedence over personal liberties. You can't own a .50 caliber machine gun.. nor should one be able to own a semi-automatic assault rifle. They exist simply to kill many people quickly. No HEAVENLY basis for them in a modern society.

PC? f**k that.. LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 18:06
Since this is a music website ;-)

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 18:12
yawn... old guys don't do it for me.

Nnow I feel the need to google a Hillary song...  perhaps with a video. Perferably of her in a swimsuit or sprawled across the hood of a Jaguar in sexy lingerie.

Edit - *smacks head on table*

What am I thinking.

Of her in leather and swinging a whip!!!  Oh yeah... perhaps set  to some cheesy metal riffage...

Edited by micky - February 29 2016 at 18:15
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 18:20
*spits beer on monitor* LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 18:32
Personally, I'd put myself under the nebulous label Libertarian Socialist so I am not particularly happy with any current politics/economics, but I think a New Deal style progressive liberal like Sanders is much more preferable than any other candidate we've had in my lifetime. I see a decent number of like-minded politicians starting to support him as well. Elizabeth Warren has supported his policies, for example, and just yesterday the vice chair of the DNC stepped down to endorse him. I hope that people like that start to coalesce together and start to make real changes, if not from within the Dem party, from outside it by splitting off into their own party. The Dem party isn't spiraling out of control like the GOP, but there seems to be more and more "outsiders" who are disillusioned with neoliberal "third way" democratic politics meant to undercut the GOP's economic policies.
As far as the GOP goes, I literally can't even.
Originally posted by garfunkel garfunkel wrote:

And what's with all the PC stuff and race baiting on the left?? Ahh

Sadly, race is still far too real an issue :(

As far as PC stuff goes, I think there are "keyboard warriors" who have earned some deserved criticism, but as a whole I think it is definitely a useful exercise in recognizing the existence of marginalized people and their needs.
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

on a more general note... has anyone other than me gotten addicted to the FiveThirtyEight website. ESPN promotes it heavily.. probably owns it.. but don't let that stop you from checking it out. Really neat and insightful artciles and discussion.

today's offering. I had wondered about this.  Raff and I were talking just this weekend wondering aloud if Trump is not as much running against Hillary/Democrats as he is running against the status quo of the Republican party.

Yeah 538 and Politico have some good articles and graphs for keeping track of poll results and the like.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 18:45
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

*spits beer on monitor* LOL

Might I assume that Hillary Clinton did not approve that message?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 29 2016 at 19:01
Originally posted by Windhawk Windhawk wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

*spits beer on monitor* LOL

Might I assume that Hillary Clinton did not approve that message?

LOL no .. I suppose not... but don't be surprised if the dude that made that video is hired on by her campaign after Sanders gives produce an approved one for her.

That was awesome.. and yes.. I'll be singing Hillary ...Hillary.. Hillary Clinton all day tomorrow at work.LOL

that was awesome...Clap
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 11:45
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 12:12
Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Sadly, race is still far too real an issue :(

Knife-wielding men scream ‘Heil Hitler’ as they attack Hispanic teens, family at Los Angeles playground
‘F*ck the n****rs!’: Texas man arrested for shooting at campaign HQ of black woman running for sheriff
Until we all unite to face an alien invader, racism is always going to exist.  And even then.  One thing that can be said though, is that it is not going to get better as long as the "victims" of racism continue to "play the race card", for lack of a longer description.  

Sometimes you aren't fired because you're black...sometimes you are fired because you suck at your job.
Sometimes you get bad service at a restaurant because the server/waitstaff/cooks are having bad days.
Most of the time the white cop shoots at you because you are breaking the law!!!!....sometimes it is just a bad cop.
Sometimes you aren't hired for the job or aren't accepted into the college because you aren't qualified.
Sometimes your tap water is disgusting and poisoned because you overwhelmingly voted against The Man in charge and he has little incentive to help you.  Wink   OK so that is just bad governing.

That being said...racism is stupid no matter where it comes from.

Edited by rushfan4 - March 01 2016 at 12:19
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 12:36
I dunno about playing the race card, but the whole water crisis in Flint is most depressing because similar problems have happened all over the US, but go unreported. Here is one that I could remember seeing offhand.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 14:02
So this seems more and more likely as we near the party conventions:

- The Republicans nominate Romney or Rubio in a brokered convention even if Trump wins most of the primaries and caucuses.

- The Democrats nominate Hillary using 200+ party insider 'super delegate' votes no matter what Sanders does on the primary trail.

- Trump and Sanders both run as independents or third-party candidates in the general election.

Regardless who wins in that scenario both mainstream parties will be gut-shot wounded for years to come, and it is likely Congress will start looking more like a Parliament in 2014 in terms of the number of niche interests represented by emerging minor parties.

Or Hillary takes the win and we get four more years of Republican rule with a punching bag in the White House.

Can't wait to see how this plays out .... Ermm

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 15:36
I love primary voting...  in and out. And even better since me and my boss killed a 6 pack prior to leaving the office to vote.

city of Alexandria volunteer - please go two booths down since you are a registered Democrat

Bad Micky- I am? LOL How many booths did you say...

city of Alex volunteer - two of them sugar...Ermm

Bad Micky - damn girl you are frickin hot.. even more so Hillary... staggers to booth...

and votes...

Hillary Hillary Hillary Hillary Clinton... yes.. I did have that song in my head all day long.

Needless to say.. really looking forward to the returns coming in.. not on the Democratic side. We are the not the disfunctional type... I want to see how the wackos and lunatics vote and which wacko and lunatic they vote for.

Edited by micky - March 01 2016 at 15:38
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 18:29
Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Sadly, race is still far too real an issue :(

Knife-wielding men scream ‘Heil Hitler’ as they attack Hispanic teens, family at Los Angeles playground
‘F*ck the n****rs!’: Texas man arrested for shooting at campaign HQ of black woman running for sheriff

very much still an issue unfortunately. But that is no big secret. All one has to do is live life with their eyes open to see it.

you can't change the hearts and minds of the ignorant.. the racist.. the me.. I have tried. LOL

A good best friend when I lived in N.C was 100% eastern N.C GOP redneck racist. Family was prominent in the country KKK one of the largest and most active in N.C. We had many 'discussions' on the issue. Which was mainly me berating what was a hell of nice guy and the type to give you the shirt off your back.. as long as you weren't black. LOL

No matter how I tried.  I couldn't win the appeal to his better side. You can fight upbringing and culture with logic and appeals to one's heart. That is the root of why it continues and why one can not fight it. No more than can anyone convince me to become a brain dead bible beater who thinks that the G.O.P was the .. party of Lincoln. He'd sh*t all over the current version of the Republican Party. LOL

Realy all you can do is the fight I have fought myself personally.

All you can do is make sure their choices to national office.. don't win Smile I'll take an ineffecual egghead of a Democrat over a destructive and divisive Republican 7 days a week and twice on Super Tuesday.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 18:43
see the returns are starting to come in.

watching the Robots returns closely..  he is the one I want to see out. Cruz couldn't beat Sanders .. much less Hillary.. Trump is trump.  Rubio though is slick... the best chance the GOP has IMO to steal this election. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 18:58
as I thought Rubio is pulling nearly 50% in No. Va.  Much more affluent and better educated than the rest of Virginia. Awesome. Since this area is what has swung Virginia from a Red State into a swing/Blue State.

Chalk up that important battleground state to the Dems in 2016. Thumbs Up
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 19:46
Virginia sure is an interesting state.

Guess who won the state in these elections.

The power of Northern Virginia. I see North Carolina going the same way soon and swinging red to blue. A lot of Yankee transplants and retirees down there. That is why they haven't called it for Trump.  Northern Virginia is always last to come in for returns and obviously there are a LOT of votes there.

Other than Virginia it seems.. seems Rubio is having a sh*tty night. Lots of 3rd place results to this point. Awesome.

Edited by micky - March 01 2016 at 19:49
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 01 2016 at 19:54
and it just seems Va. went Trump.. ahemm..  I mean Clinton in 2016 LOL Trump will get massacred in this state in a general election.
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