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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 18:38
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

As a white middle-class/upper-middle-class professional male, it is in my best interest to vote Republican...but I have always been a Social Democrat.  It just sits better with my belief system...but sadly most things that matter don't really matter to me personally. 

I'll never need an abortion.
I'm not ever marrying another dude.
I'm not an immigrant and have little concern of illegal immigrants taking my job. 
I am not a minority.
My employers have always provided me with health insurance so I'm actually a little worse off because of ObamaCare.
I don't believe that I will ever do anything that will result in me facing the death penalty.
Although I support gun control...the reality is that cat got out of the bag long ago and the truth is that if "you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".  I respect people's rights to own guns and living 8 miles from the city of Detroit, I fully understand why "normal" citizens would want to own guns to protect their families.
I've never collected unemployment nor welfare...I appreciate the safety net being there, but fully believe that the system is broken and needs to be fixed.  Something needs to be done to make abusers employable.
I am not in the military and currently do not have any family members in the military so war or no war has no personal effect on me.  I believe that peaceful means and diplomacy is generally the right way of things, but sometimes, whether we like it or not, the USA needs to step in and be the "parent" to make the misbehaving "children" behave.  Yes, that is US arrogance, but that is the role that our ancestors have chosen for us to be the world's policeman. 

Everything screams at me that I should be a Republican, but aside from arguably being more fiscally responsible, nothing about the Republican side appeals to me.  Number one on my list being the religious fanatics.  Being Agnostic, every phony religious thing that comes out of Republican politicians mouths irks me.  From my point of view, they are either smart enough to know better and are lying through their teeth or they are gullible and have no business governing over men.  I respect people's rights to believe in the flying spaghetti monster or whatever else you want to believe in but don't force your beliefs upon me.  The sad part is that many of those beliefs are actually not really such a bad thing...i.e. the ten commandments.  Teaching people morals is actually a good thing, for the most part.  etc. etc. etc.

Clap  damn right Scott.  I vote my conscious .. not as something as selfish as my pocketbook.

I'll never be a woman (try as I did), never be gay (even though many have thought I was) nor black (though I have as much SOUL baby as any) but damnit man... my conscious.. and my strong sense of right and wrong.. AND very strongly held notion of what this country.. was and no longer is.. tells me that my personal concerns are petty.  My vote is for a better .. more socially diverse country where who you are, or who you choose to sleep with means NOTHING to anyone but ones selves and should never EVER be grounds for discrimation.

and don't buy the crap Scott...  the days of fiscal responsibility being a corner stone of conversative (GOP) poitics are many years and many Presidents in the past. Yes they will cut taxes for you... but it only runs up the deficit when you don't bring in enough to cover what the government is supposed to do.. provide for its people.
Republicans are more fiscally responsible in the sense that they are budgeting the money to spend on things that in theory at least will grow the economy.  Spending money on the military budget does create jobs and create wealth (at least within that sector).  Lowering taxes on the wealthy does provide them with more money to invest (and create jobs) or spend (and create jobs).  Again, this is purely theory as Reagonomics is also known as trickle down economics because only a small amount trickled down. 

On the flipside, giving money to homeless people and welfare recipients and mental patients gives them money to spend, which in theory creates jobs.  But none of that gets invested.  And you are stuck with the dilemma of why should those that work hard (or were born into a family that once worked hard) and succeed be punished and forced to support those who are too "lazy" to work hard and are perfectly content to scam the system.  Isn't it the church's job to support these unfortunate souls who are down and out?  Congress gives us a tax incentive to volunteer and donate money to the church and other organization to help these less fortunate individuals.  If I don't choose to do this, then who gives the government the right to force me to do this.  (Playing Devil's Advocate, but I can understand this point of view).  And just to throw out another saying "give a person a fish they eat for a day, teach them to fish and they eat for a lifetime".  This is what is the most wrong about our welfare system.  I can't say that I am a big fan of Bernie promising free college education because again, why should I have to pay to send someone else's kids to school, but on the other hand at least it is helping "teach them how to fish" so maybe they will be able to "Eat for a lifetime" and someday help to pay for someone else's kid to go to college. LOL
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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 18:44
Originally posted by EddieRUKiddingVarese EddieRUKiddingVarese wrote:

The 2016 Presidential election has been described as the Countdown to Extinction.
Why don't you immigrate to somewhere saner and safer Australia even, you could wrestle crocs for free that must be safer than Detroit.
Or Just change your leaders every time the wind changes, like we do in Oz.

We've had 5 in 5 years, good going I say- don't let 'em settle into anything they can only cause harm......

Our last outgoing Leader Tony Abbott's said on being kicked out  "a febrile media culture has developed that rewards treachery"?

You gotta love the way pollies speak, keep em on there toes I say.
No crocs, but once in a while Detroit has an alligator story.  

The Republicans are definitely obsessed with pointing fingers at what they call the "Lame Stream" media.  I believe a term coined by the always good for a quote Sarah Palin.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 18:58
An Alligator, what a great idea for a Republican candidate and one from Detroit too
Would make the State of the Union address at least interesting........... 
"Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes"
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 21:48
Originally posted by EddieRUKiddingVarese EddieRUKiddingVarese wrote:

The 2016 Presidential election has been described as the Countdown to Extinction.
Why don't you immigrate to somewhere saner and safer Australia even, you could wrestle crocs for free that must be safer than Detroit.
Or Just change your leaders every time the wind changes, like we do in Oz.

We've had 5 in 5 years, good going I say- don't let 'em settle into anything they can only cause harm......

Our last outgoing Leader Tony Abbott's said on being kicked out  "a febrile media culture has developed that rewards treachery"?

You gotta love the way pollies speak, keep em on there toes I say.

Australia is full of crazy right wing nuts too tho :(
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 21:53
Also since someone else posted theirs, here are my ISideWith results:
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 22:09
Australia is full of crazy right wing nuts too tho :(
Yea, pretty salty ones.........Big smile
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 07:53
this one induced a chuckle this morning...


"My party has gone batsh*t crazy," says South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 12:51
^ That was a gem.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 13:48
Tisn't often I find myself agreeing with Lindsey Graham but in this case - spot on, mate.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 14:15
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Republicans are more fiscally responsible in the sense that they are budgeting the money to spend on things that in theory at least will grow the economy. Yup, in theory. Spending money on the military budget does create jobs and create wealth (at least within that sector). True enough. Lowering taxes on the wealthy does provide them with more money to invest (and create jobs) or spend (and create jobs). Indeed. But they will only invest if they can earn enough money to go with a solid profit, and the days when big investors felt an obligation to invest where they actually live seems to have disappeared. Tax cuts for the rich is what has made China a growing economic superpower of course, as well as quite a few other low wage cost countries worldwide.  Again, this is purely theory as Reagonomics is also known as trickle down economics because only a small amount trickled down.  And when it trickled down, it had a growing tendency to do so in various tax havens and their banking systems, sadly.

On the flipside, giving money to homeless people and welfare recipients and mental patients gives them money to spend, which in theory creates jobs. Indeed, that is a proven fact. But none of that gets invested. Not directly no, but just about all of the additional funds they have will go towards growing the local economy. And you are stuck with the dilemma of why should those that work hard (or were born into a family that once worked hard) and succeed be punished and forced to support those who are too "lazy" to work hard and are perfectly content to scam the system. That working hard stuff is mainly myth. Are you trying to tell me that a cleaning lady at a hotel or a typical McDonalds employee doesn't work hard? Or the guys that picks up your trash? I'll challenge anyone to try to work in those or other typical low paid  occupations for a few weeks.  Isn't it the church's job to support these unfortunate souls who are down and out? Should welfare to those in need be a matter of chance and luck? Congress gives us a tax incentive to volunteer and donate money to the church and other organization to help these less fortunate individuals. The church does a lot of good indeed, and they do it at a much lower cost than any business you could name when active in those fields, but they can only give as much aid out as they get money in. Which is and will always be a fundamental weakness to the work they do. If I don't choose to do this, then who gives the government the right to force me to do this.  (Playing Devil's Advocate, but I can understand this point of view). The key question is, of course, why should we help those unfortunate. Why spend resources to help the down and out drug addict who slowly destroys his life? Or the transgender kid who was abused, couldn't take the pain any more and escaped from reality by way of alcohol and narcotics.  And just to throw out another saying "give a person a fish they eat for a day, teach them to fish and they eat for a lifetime". But what about those unable to learn to fish?  This is what is the most wrong about our welfare system. A welfare system needs to have several goals in sight. All of them, ultimately, will be oriented towards reducing the cost for society as well as helping those in need. To help people to help themselves indeed, but also to understand that some are easier to enable than others, and some people just can't be helped. Not because of a lack of will actually, in most cases it will be a lack of actual intelligence, too many severe traumatic life experiences or too much physical and/or mental damage. To state an example: Do you expect the woman who was raped 40.000 times to actually be able to live a regular life afterwards?  I can't say that I am a big fan of Bernie promising free college education because again, why should I have to pay to send someone else's kids to school, tossing in a detail here: The free tuition is limited to public schools only. The private schools will still exist, and presumably they will build up a reputation of giving higher class or quality education, and the government will not fund the tuition of those who attend the private options. I would expect that all government direct and indirect funding of those private facilities would stop once the public option becomes free, and the net cost of that transition for the government wouldn't actually be all that great  but on the other hand at least it is helping "teach them how to fish" so maybe they will be able to "Eat for a lifetime" and someday help to pay for someone else's kid to go to college. LOL

Inserted a few comments as seen for the view of someone living in a social democracy (and politically I'm mainly regarded by others as a person with a centrum/libertarian/right stance, and slightly conservative, at that)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 14:29
ahh.. missed Scott's reply.  I'll get to that after I have pumped a couple of cups of coffee into me.

Being that this is a political thread.  In the attempt to keep it ..ahem.. fair and balanced and from a right wing shooting gallery.

I did like Scott's posts.  I like hearing what drives us. I did delete a post of mine earlier. I might try again later but I'd be curious to hear from you all. What drives YOU politically. Are you a moderate... a raving partisan like me. What was the first election cycle you voted in.  Tell me, tell us, what are you mr. and mrs. prog fan.

What are politics to you and what drives your vote and support.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 16:16
I'm not american, and not partisan. I'm fiscally conservative in many ways, but mostly because I like efficiency and don't like to see waste (the Conservative party here and in the US is not what I would call fiscally responsible). I have never voted conservative in Canada and would not in the US. For me, the most important issue is the environment, and the common conservative stance on that is one thing hat I really dislike about conservative parties in the US and here (doesn't help in the US that the Koch brothers contribute so much to the Republican campaign). Also, I would like to see religion kept out of politics as much as possible (I'm a church and temple going atheist, but don't push my beliefs or lack thereof).

I would vote for Bernie Sanders if I had the chance to.

Incidentally, I spend quite a lot of time looking up videos of a political nature and otherwise on youtube and am absolutely disgusted by the attitudes and comments of many people there. Good to see this civil discussion here.

Edited by Logan - February 27 2016 at 16:18
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 16:20
Thumbs UpClap
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 17:10
Y'know Mike, my problem is that though I have strong views, I also don't take to politics very well.   Or maybe I should say Politics.   It's just not a medium I'm comfortable in or relate to.   I respect it, I'm just not attracted to it.

As far as positions, I'm a JFK/Obama moderate progressive ... if there is such a thing.   I like Sanders a lot but the way I see it, Hillary is a fighter and if she's on your side, you have an advantage.   Like when we hired Willie Brown for SF mayor:  No one completely liked him, but we were all glad he represented us.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 17:48
Perhaps you are wise to be that way David. Heart I suppose I would classify myself as political junkie.

I remember very clearly... in that strange way that one's memory works.. my first election.  1976 and being the child of two fiercely proud liberals as well as socially conscious parents I suppose it was natural I would turn out the same so there I was haranguing my fellow grade school students to vote for Carter in my school's mock election held for the students. LOL

I'll never forget one day  in college when I grabbed an open microphone in front of the library and launched a fiery oratory against all the frickin fratboys out there playing Frisbee while our brothers were fighting and dying for their freedom in China. 

Needless to say that didn't go over well... I was pelted with water and soda bottles...Ouch

yeah.. politics is a part of my DNA I suppose.  A junkie. Politics facinates me, more than that. Voters facinate me, especially those on the right. LOL

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 17:52
I can see that--  and much like voters, Juries fascinate me in a similar way, though more to do with judgement and human dynamics than with public policy.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 17:54
oh you are not kidding me.. most dread jury duty. I WANT to get it, and have completely enjoyed the couple times I've served on them.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 18:00
Me too, highly interesting and educational, and yes, an honor.   Frankly I do dread the summons, but I'm also glad I served.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 18:01
Hillary Clinton is scrappy, but I feel that she's more of a fighter for herself. She's been so tainted with controversy, we'll have to see what transpires. Be interesting to see how the investigation goes. If she is indicted after winning the primaries, perhaps Joe Biden will become the candidate.

According to isidewith, I'm a left-wing authoritarian who supports Bernie Sanders the most. I thought Ted Cruz would be bottom for me, but he's second to last according to their questions.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2016 at 18:11
^ Oh I don't see any email investigation going anywhere or having much weight if it did.   It's largely what she keeps saying it is: trumped up politikal nonsense that any gov official could potentially face.   Have you looked at the evidence in question; as far as I can tell it's all declassified if sensitive stuff that others had access to and adds up to about zero.    But as you say, we'll see.

Edited by Atavachron - February 27 2016 at 18:12
"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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