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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 17:07
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

As a white middle-class/upper-middle-class professional male, it is in my best interest to vote Republican...but I have always been a Social Democrat.  It just sits better with my belief system...but sadly most things that matter don't really matter to me personally. 

I'll never need an abortion.
I'm not ever marrying another dude.
I'm not an immigrant and have little concern of illegal immigrants taking my job. 
I am not a minority.
My employers have always provided me with health insurance so I'm actually a little worse off because of ObamaCare.
I don't believe that I will ever do anything that will result in me facing the death penalty.
Although I support gun control...the reality is that cat got out of the bag long ago and the truth is that if "you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".  I respect people's rights to own guns and living 8 miles from the city of Detroit, I fully understand why "normal" citizens would want to own guns to protect their families.
I've never collected unemployment nor welfare...I appreciate the safety net being there, but fully believe that the system is broken and needs to be fixed.  Something needs to be done to make abusers employable.
I am not in the military and currently do not have any family members in the military so war or no war has no personal effect on me.  I believe that peaceful means and diplomacy is generally the right way of things, but sometimes, whether we like it or not, the USA needs to step in and be the "parent" to make the misbehaving "children" behave.  Yes, that is US arrogance, but that is the role that our ancestors have chosen for us to be the world's policeman. 

Everything screams at me that I should be a Republican, but aside from arguably being more fiscally responsible, nothing about the Republican side appeals to me.  Number one on my list being the religious fanatics.  Being Agnostic, every phony religious thing that comes out of Republican politicians mouths irks me.  From my point of view, they are either smart enough to know better and are lying through their teeth or they are gullible and have no business governing over men.  I respect people's rights to believe in the flying spaghetti monster or whatever else you want to believe in but don't force your beliefs upon me.  The sad part is that many of those beliefs are actually not really such a bad thing...i.e. the ten commandments.  Teaching people morals is actually a good thing, for the most part.  etc. etc. etc.

Clap  damn right Scott.  I vote my conscious .. not as something as selfish as my pocketbook.

I'll never be a woman (try as I did), never be gay (even though many have thought I was) nor black (though I have as much SOUL baby as any) but damnit man... my conscious.. and my strong sense of right and wrong.. AND very strongly held notion of what this country.. was and no longer is.. tells me that my personal concerns are petty.  My vote is for a better .. more socially diverse country where who you are, or who you choose to sleep with means NOTHING to anyone but ones selves and should never EVER be grounds for discrimation.

and don't buy the crap Scott...  the days of fiscal responsibility being a corner stone of conversative (GOP) poitics are many years and many Presidents in the past. Yes they will cut taxes for you... but it only runs up the deficit when you don't bring in enough to cover what the government is supposed to do.. provide for its people.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 16:56
I say give Obama another 4 years (just make it happen somehow) 

We are screwed. I cant stand that not matter who is a candidate, we show allegiance, despite how awful the whole lot can be. 

I'm avoiding the news at all costs until this abomination of an election is over. This is the best we can do??

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 16:52
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

As a white middle-class/upper-middle-class professional male, it is in my best interest to vote Republican...but I have always been a Social Democrat.  It just sits better with my belief system...but sadly most things that matter don't really matter to me personally. 

I'll never need an abortion.
I'm not ever marrying another dude.
I'm not an immigrant and have little concern of illegal immigrants taking my job. 
I am not a minority.
My employers have always provided me with health insurance so I'm actually a little worse off because of ObamaCare.
I don't believe that I will ever do anything that will result in me facing the death penalty.
Although I support gun control...the reality is that cat got out of the bag long ago and the truth is that if "you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".  I respect people's rights to own guns and living 8 miles from the city of Detroit, I fully understand why "normal" citizens would want to own guns to protect their families.
I've never collected unemployment nor welfare...I appreciate the safety net being there, but fully believe that the system is broken and needs to be fixed.  Something needs to be done to make abusers employable.
I am not in the military and currently do not have any family members in the military so war or no war has no personal effect on me.  I believe that peaceful means and diplomacy is generally the right way of things, but sometimes, whether we like it or not, the USA needs to step in and be the "parent" to make the misbehaving "children" behave.  Yes, that is US arrogance, but that is the role that our ancestors have chosen for us to be the world's policeman. 

Everything screams at me that I should be a Republican, but aside from arguably being more fiscally responsible, nothing about the Republican side appeals to me.  Number one on my list being the religious fanatics.  Being Agnostic, every phony religious thing that comes out of Republican politicians mouths irks me.  From my point of view, they are either smart enough to know better and are lying through their teeth or they are gullible and have no business governing over men.  I respect people's rights to believe in the flying spaghetti monster or whatever else you want to believe in but don't force your beliefs upon me.  The sad part is that many of those beliefs are actually not really such a bad thing...i.e. the ten commandments.  Teaching people morals is actually a good thing, for the most part.  etc. etc. etc.

Scott, you will know that we will disagree regarding the religious bit, but I have to say that I love this post. Extremely thoughtful and considered
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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 16:29
As a white middle-class/upper-middle-class professional male, it is in my best interest to vote Republican...but I have always been a Social Democrat.  It just sits better with my belief system...but sadly most things that matter don't really matter to me personally. 

I'll never need an abortion.
I'm not ever marrying another dude.
I'm not an immigrant and have little concern of illegal immigrants taking my job. 
I am not a minority.
My employers have always provided me with health insurance so I'm actually a little worse off because of ObamaCare.
I don't believe that I will ever do anything that will result in me facing the death penalty.
Although I support gun control...the reality is that cat got out of the bag long ago and the truth is that if "you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns".  I respect people's rights to own guns and living 8 miles from the city of Detroit, I fully understand why "normal" citizens would want to own guns to protect their families.
I've never collected unemployment nor welfare...I appreciate the safety net being there, but fully believe that the system is broken and needs to be fixed.  Something needs to be done to make abusers employable.
I am not in the military and currently do not have any family members in the military so war or no war has no personal effect on me.  I believe that peaceful means and diplomacy is generally the right way of things, but sometimes, whether we like it or not, the USA needs to step in and be the "parent" to make the misbehaving "children" behave.  Yes, that is US arrogance, but that is the role that our ancestors have chosen for us to be the world's policeman. 

Everything screams at me that I should be a Republican, but aside from arguably being more fiscally responsible, nothing about the Republican side appeals to me.  Number one on my list being the religious fanatics.  Being Agnostic, every phony religious thing that comes out of Republican politicians mouths irks me.  From my point of view, they are either smart enough to know better and are lying through their teeth or they are gullible and have no business governing over men.  I respect people's rights to believe in the flying spaghetti monster or whatever else you want to believe in but don't force your beliefs upon me.  The sad part is that many of those beliefs are actually not really such a bad thing...i.e. the ten commandments.  Teaching people morals is actually a good thing, for the most part.  etc. etc. etc.

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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 15:55
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Methinks that they need to change the voting options to include "None of the Above".  I'm pretty sure that if all of the people who don't vote and came out to vote to choose "None of the Above" since that was the reason they weren't voting, "None of the Above" would win every time.

Clap  that sounds like the best option from the GOP field doesn't it  LOL  I'd even vote Republican for the first time in my life just to cast that vote....

I don't vote candates btw.. it isn't a dog and pony popularly show. You don't have to like them. I often shook my head about those who voted for W because.. I liked him.. the guy of kine I'd have a beer with. REALLY! LOL

I vote for the candidate/party that mirror my views ..  even if they don't act or follow through.. at least the other side isn't in charge.

Edited by micky - February 26 2016 at 15:57
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 15:48
Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

great post Bob Clap

let me pick something out of that to take this further...

the "American Dream" as it was taught to me wasn't about getting rich or powerful.  The point was that anyone could come from anywhere and change their circumstances here

do you really think that still applies today.. it seems to me (and others) to not be the case. Ie there are a lot of people and one political party with a vested interest in playing the politics of fear and division... and forgetting about the American dream unless one is white and born here...

I do hear the sentiment that this country is not what it was when they were younger and things have changed here and NOT for the better.. yes I do blame the GOP for it but that is beside the point, who might be responsible for it.  The point of contention is ... those admirable notions are one of the core founding aspects of this country. A good number of people think we have completely lost track of that.. and NOT coincidentally....not being less a nation to be proud of having lost sight of what once made this country great. 


Is the country a better place than it was in the past?  I'm not sure.  Certainly an argument can be made either way.  There certainly have been plenty of darker days in our history.

- 85 years ago the unemployment rate was over 25% and we were living through the biggest financial crisis in history.  Today unemployment is a fraction of that and inflation is almost non-existent.

- in the 1950s more than half of blacks in the U.S. lived below the poverty level.  Today that rate is about 24%.

- in 1945 we killed or injured more than 300,000 Japanese civilians in the name of "peace".  A couple years before that we rounded up 120,000 Americans and put them in internment camps just because of their ethnicity.

- in the 1960s we saw the murders of John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and scores of civil rights workers and protesters throughout the South.  Lots of countries have had coups and assassinations and political upheaval since 1963, but in that half-century the worst political issue we've had is a bunch of idiots running the country. 

- also in the 1960s the president had to send federal troops to escort little girls to school just to ensure they were allowed in because they were the 'wrong color'.

- in the 1980s the federal government had to take control of the public schools in Kansas City because the city was enforcing segregation and unequal education.  This was in 1985, not 1885!

So yeah, a lot of things suck in the U.S. today.  Could be worse, and it has been.  That's not an excuse of course, but I think sometimes we have to take a broader view.  Today I've been married for almost 30 years to an immigrant minority and nobody bats an eyelash.  That wasn't true even when we got married.  Home ownership rates in the U.S. are among the highest in the world.  We have the oldest working constitution and continuous government of any country in the world.

So like I said, things could definitely be better, but if I had to pick a time to live in the U.S. I'm not sure I can think of a better one.  Glass half full, I guess ...


excellent post again Bob. Clap Indeed glass half full...

It is definitely worth noting that indeed things have been a lot worse here in the past and we have made some progress in those things.  Where the glass is half empty is completely regressing in other areas. 

Economic mobility being a prime one in my mind, thus a vital component of the 'american dream' is rendered moot unless one considers progress... and the american dream to move here from some sh*t hole to perhaps not have your life outrightly threatened.. but to be still treated as a outsider, invader and corruptor of core american values. Assuming of course one was able to navigate the miles and miles of roadblocks this country has thrown in potential immigrants paths.  I would think that most of us could and would agree that we have become a much more clearly delinated society of haves and have nots and with ongoing 30 year war, and resulting shrinking of the middle class, there is much less chance today of ecomomic mobility. Hard work  gets you survival for many.. not a way up the ladder. Smile
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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 15:48
Methinks that they need to change the voting options to include "None of the Above".  I'm pretty sure that if all of the people who don't vote and came out to vote to choose "None of the Above" since that was the reason they weren't voting, "None of the Above" would win every time.

Edited by rushfan4 - February 26 2016 at 15:48
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2016 at 15:36
^ *sounds of crickets chirping*   btw.. in the wild west days of this site we didn't limit our search and destroy missions to 'DT fan'  we also took great pleasure in trying to eradicate libertarians.  LOL

yeah.. politics can be pretty mind boggling.  If one tries to take a view that candidates should be likeable and the kind of people you'd consider having a friend. Pfff..  they are all crooks, cheats and the highest from of leaches of the taxpayer dollar.

Don't not vote.  It is as much a duty as well as a responsibility IMO. I assume you have opinions on your economic welfare...  the state of this nation. Take stock of where your heart and/or your mind is taking you.. and you vote/support will follow.

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garfunkel View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 18:23
Please skip this post! It's stupid.

Most of y'all are left-leaning, so I'm just looking for an opinion in where I stack up against right-wingers, and if I would be a candidate as a possible friend with you LOL LOL  ... This site labels me as a Centrist/Libertarian.

I don't really 'side' with any candidate too heavily. Highest is 73% Rubio, and a couple spots down 69% Sanders Wacko

My mind is boggled regarding politics right now and I doubt I'll vote, unless Zappa comes back from the dead.  I don't like any of the these candidates at all really.

Edited by garfunkel - February 24 2016 at 21:42
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ClemofNazareth View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 15:42
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

great post Bob Clap

let me pick something out of that to take this further...

the "American Dream" as it was taught to me wasn't about getting rich or powerful.  The point was that anyone could come from anywhere and change their circumstances here

do you really think that still applies today.. it seems to me (and others) to not be the case. Ie there are a lot of people and one political party with a vested interest in playing the politics of fear and division... and forgetting about the American dream unless one is white and born here...

I do hear the sentiment that this country is not what it was when they were younger and things have changed here and NOT for the better.. yes I do blame the GOP for it but that is beside the point, who might be responsible for it.  The point of contention is ... those admirable notions are one of the core founding aspects of this country. A good number of people think we have completely lost track of that.. and NOT coincidentally....not being less a nation to be proud of having lost sight of what once made this country great. 


Is the country a better place than it was in the past?  I'm not sure.  Certainly an argument can be made either way.  There certainly have been plenty of darker days in our history.

- 85 years ago the unemployment rate was over 25% and we were living through the biggest financial crisis in history.  Today unemployment is a fraction of that and inflation is almost non-existent.

- in the 1950s more than half of blacks in the U.S. lived below the poverty level.  Today that rate is about 24%.

- in 1945 we killed or injured more than 300,000 Japanese civilians in the name of "peace".  A couple years before that we rounded up 120,000 Americans and put them in internment camps just because of their ethnicity.

- in the 1960s we saw the murders of John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and scores of civil rights workers and protesters throughout the South.  Lots of countries have had coups and assassinations and political upheaval since 1963, but in that half-century the worst political issue we've had is a bunch of idiots running the country. 

- also in the 1960s the president had to send federal troops to escort little girls to school just to ensure they were allowed in because they were the 'wrong color'.

- in the 1980s the federal government had to take control of the public schools in Kansas City because the city was enforcing segregation and unequal education.  This was in 1985, not 1885!

So yeah, a lot of things suck in the U.S. today.  Could be worse, and it has been.  That's not an excuse of course, but I think sometimes we have to take a broader view.  Today I've been married for almost 30 years to an immigrant minority and nobody bats an eyelash.  That wasn't true even when we got married.  Home ownership rates in the U.S. are among the highest in the world.  We have the oldest working constitution and continuous government of any country in the world.

So like I said, things could definitely be better, but if I had to pick a time to live in the U.S. I'm not sure I can think of a better one.  Glass half full, I guess ...

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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 14:25
Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

Thanks Steven.

Love you Raff but I have to disagree on some of your points.

I don't believe this country is built on "the worship of wealth and success".  Actually there are huge numbers of fundamentalist evangelicals who believe it was built on bent-knee deference to an ancient Jewish rabbi.  And in their defense, many of them practice what they preach and eschew wealth and material success in favor of more ethereal goals.

There is a strong argument to be made that the U.S. was built on principles of personal liberties and, hand-in-hand with that, personal responsibility, but that's probably a topic for a different thread.

And sure, there are a few powerful and often unscrupulous people who take advantage of an economic and political system for personal gain, but how is that different than every society that has ever existed in civilized history?  Why a different standard for the U.S. than for everyone else when it comes to greedy and self-serving members of society?  Part of personal responsibility is not letting oneself become a victim.

And the "American Dream" as it was taught to me wasn't about getting rich or powerful.  The point was that anyone could come from anywhere and change their circumstances here, and there wasn't anyone who could legally or morally stop them.  That doesn't mean a guarantee of wealth or success or power or prestige or fame, just an opportunity.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a flag-waver or one of Trump's "poorly educated" minions.  But I do believe that Dream still exists because I lived it.  My wife lived it.  And my parents lived it.  We came from very little, worked hard, and now have something to show for it and some measure of respect in our communities.  And we've raised kids who both contribute to, and get something back from, their communities.  That's the whole point, nothing more.

But back to the 2016 election - man, what a mess.  The best people in our country are all unfortunately too smart to run for public office, so this is what we're left with.

Worst-case scenario:

a) Republicans decide to have a brokered convention and nominate Rubio (Rubio is already trying to arrange this).

b) Democrats nominate Hillary thanks to all her insider super delegates, even though Sanders is much more popular with younger, more educated and party-base voters (seems almost certain to happen).

c) Trump runs as an independent and wins in a landslide thanks to both Republican and Democratic voters who are sickened by the insider dealing and having their parties abandon them by not allowing the more popular candidates to gain nominations.

Could happen ...

great post Bob Clap

let me pick something out of that to take this further...

the "American Dream" as it was taught to me wasn't about getting rich or powerful.  The point was that anyone could come from anywhere and change their circumstances here

do you really think that still applies today.. it seems to me (and others) to not be the case. Ie there are a lot of people and one political party with a vested interest in playing the politics of fear and division... and forgetting about the American dream unless one is white and born here...

I do hear the sentiment that this country is not what it was when they were younger and things have changed here and NOT for the better.. yes I do blame the GOP for it but that is beside the point, who might be responsible for it.  The point of contention is ... those admirable notions are one of the core founding aspects of this country. A good number of people think we have completely lost track of that.. and NOT coincidentally....not being less a nation to be proud of having lost sight of what once made this country great. 


Edited by micky - February 24 2016 at 14:30
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 14:14
Originally posted by A Person A Person wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

here is the McMatrix of political predictions

                 Trump                Cruz                     Rubio
Clinton        Clinton        Clinton landslide       tight Clinton
Sanders      Trump             Sanders            Rubio landslide

as most do think...  I think Rubio is the most electable thus most dangerous.. though exposed for an unexperienced political shrill.. it was done early. He has time to be better coached up by his handlers and puppeteers for a general election. 

So far in the polls I've seen, Sanders wins against all GOP candidates by a wider margin than Clinton. Of course, those kinds of polls are not very useful at this stage, but still.

just goes to how worthless polls are..  I'll put it on record here... for all to see.Thumbs Up

I buy a 6 pack of whatever beer you want.. for everyone on this damn forum if Sanders became President LOL

Just as this country will never elect a far right wing wacko.. they'll especially never elect one seen as a leftist liberal.  Obviously I don't think he is...compared to the rest ..even Hillary he will sure be seen that way and this country has a natural 'righty' lean to start with and is more prone to elect someone more to edge of hard right than hard left. Regarless of what he really ..perception is often reality when it comes to politics. Only Cruz would make him look less extreme mainly because I think even right leaning voters think Cruz is f**king lunatic. LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 13:06
Websites I work with:

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timothy leary View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 13:03
Politics I guess is the rich man's game.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 12:55
Originally posted by timothy leary timothy leary wrote:

Our founders certainly never intended for a permanent class of elitists to rule over us.

That may be true philosophically but weren't most of them  elitists themselves so to speak regarding their education, holdings , and positions...?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 12:39

Our founders certainly never intended for a permanent class of elitists to rule over us.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2016 at 12:30
Thanks Steven.

Love you Raff but I have to disagree on some of your points.

I don't believe this country is built on "the worship of wealth and success".  Actually there are huge numbers of fundamentalist evangelicals who believe it was built on bent-knee deference to an ancient Jewish rabbi.  And in their defense, many of them practice what they preach and eschew wealth and material success in favor of more ethereal goals.

There is a strong argument to be made that the U.S. was built on principles of personal liberties and, hand-in-hand with that, personal responsibility, but that's probably a topic for a different thread.

And sure, there are a few powerful and often unscrupulous people who take advantage of an economic and political system for personal gain, but how is that different than every society that has ever existed in civilized history?  Why a different standard for the U.S. than for everyone else when it comes to greedy and self-serving members of society?  Part of personal responsibility is not letting oneself become a victim.

And the "American Dream" as it was taught to me wasn't about getting rich or powerful.  The point was that anyone could come from anywhere and change their circumstances here, and there wasn't anyone who could legally or morally stop them.  That doesn't mean a guarantee of wealth or success or power or prestige or fame, just an opportunity.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a flag-waver or one of Trump's "poorly educated" minions.  But I do believe that Dream still exists because I lived it.  My wife lived it.  And my parents lived it.  We came from very little, worked hard, and now have something to show for it and some measure of respect in our communities.  And we've raised kids who both contribute to, and get something back from, their communities.  That's the whole point, nothing more.

But back to the 2016 election - man, what a mess.  The best people in our country are all unfortunately too smart to run for public office, so this is what we're left with.

Worst-case scenario:

a) Republicans decide to have a brokered convention and nominate Rubio (Rubio is already trying to arrange this).

b) Democrats nominate Hillary thanks to all her insider super delegates, even though Sanders is much more popular with younger, more educated and party-base voters (seems almost certain to happen).

c) Trump runs as an independent and wins in a landslide thanks to both Republican and Democratic voters who are sickened by the insider dealing and having their parties abandon them by not allowing the more popular candidates to gain nominations.

Could happen ...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 21 2016 at 21:36
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

no doubt darling.. but I think Steve hit that particular nail directly on the head in his post prior to yours.

Agreed. However, many of those people are also those who in the past repeatedly voted for the people Steve listed, and fell for bunk such as the American dream. This country (the US) is built on the worship of wealth and success, and it is not surprising that the strongest elements in society have taken advantage of it to the detriment of the rest of the population. Unfortunately, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the American model has been left alone to hold sway all over the world - with the consequences we see now.

America is built on the hard work of generations of common people. America is not responsible for the entire world's problems. People are the same worldwide, to think differently is ridiculous.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 21 2016 at 18:32
^ The difference is that we applaud and admire that.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 21 2016 at 18:14
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Remember that the European meaning of "liberal" is not the same as it is here in the US. Here it is more or less synonymous with progressive, while in Europe it stands more for "free-market supporter".

As to the reason why white low-wage earners vote GOP, I think it was John Steinbeck who said something about American poor seeing themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires - which  brings me back to the whole lot of bunk called the American dream, and this country's self-destructive worship of wealth and success.

I've always thought that the American Dream was a way rich people trick poor people into making them richer.
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