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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VanderGraafKommandöh Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 19 2012 at 12:23
Again you misunderstand.  They don't need to undo the ending as it makes sense if what they planned was an indoctrination/hallucination scenario.  They just will likely release DLC that compliments the end and will allow people to fully understand it.

It won't be changing the ending.  So no resources wasted at all.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gamemako Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 19 2012 at 14:22
Originally posted by James James wrote:

They just will likely release DLC that compliments the end and will allow people to fully understand it.

No, I don't think they will. The ME twitter accidentally reported that they had no plans to deal with the ending. The post was quickly removed and an apology issued, but it really tells you what's going on behind the scenes: there were no plans and there are no plans for ending DLC. They just plain botched it.
Hail Eris!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Alitare Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 19 2012 at 20:57
So far, I'm in the lower swamp past the sewer Depths, at the very goddamn bottom of Blighttown. I'm a level 45 sorcerer with every soul arrow type available at this point. I believe I had 15 saved humanity points and am at the bonfire in that bottom area. Toxin is a whore. 

The Gaping Dragon in the Depths was pretty easy, but the entire Blighttown, from the club-wielding trolls that can knock you to your death in one blow in all the precarious-platform areas, or the damned firebreathing bugs and wolves or the berserk creatures that swarm you and bite your skull off and the toxin dart snipers and the poison spewing fireflies...christ.

No, I never did kill that red dragon. No, I didn't kill the boss from Darkroot Basin (whatever it is - it shoots several giant soul arrows at once). Once my copy arrives in the mail, I think I may take a short break (more of a psychological reprieve) from the game to play Batman: Arkham City. But at this point I also have a copy of Dead Space 2 I haven't so much as removed from the packaging, and I've yet to finish even half of Alan Wake. In the past month I purchased 10 games and have only really played a couple because of this gorgeous monstrosity.

So far, out of all the RPG's I've played in the past decade, from 2001 to 2011, Dark Souls is my second favorite. Skyrim ain't no 1st, I'll say that much. There's something about DS that attracts me much more powerfully than, say, Devil May Cry, God of War, or old Nintendo games like Contra. 

From all the things I've heard about Assassin's Creed III, I'm very excited over it. It is supposed to be set during the American Revolution and feature a more 'Metal Gear Solid' style of gameplay. I wish they'd port MGS4 over to the Xbox 360. I'm not paying 250+ dollars just to play three or four games games (MGS4, God of War III, maybe Demon Souls, maybe Resistance). I thought about buying a Wii, but that, too, seems ludicrous. I'd get the Zelda games, the Metroid Trilogy, and a few other titles, but that's it. I can't commit over 100 dollars to just play a couple games. My computer is running awfully sluggishly, too, so there's no point in hopping to PC because, if I want to play the newest games without difficulty, I'm looking at sinking even more than the cost of a PS3 into that. I can't handle that.

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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VanderGraafKommandöh Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 20 2012 at 10:27
Originally posted by Gamemako Gamemako wrote:

Originally posted by James James wrote:

They just will likely release DLC that compliments the end and will allow people to fully understand it.

No, I don't think they will. The ME twitter accidentally reported that they had no plans to deal with the ending. The post was quickly removed and an apology issued, but it really tells you what's going on behind the scenes: there were no plans and there are no plans for ending DLC. They just plain botched it.

I've seen that thread on the forums and the original tweet.  It's been completely blown out of the water.  It doesn't say much at all.

It won't be ending DLC anyway.  It will fill in gaps in the story probably and thus enhance the endings.  That's the way I see it.

Besides, there really isn't much wrong with those endings.  Yes there's a few ambiguities that need explaining and yes there could be a proper epilogue but the actually endings aren't that bad.  People just don't like them.  Oh well.  BioWare can do what they like and they have.

Edited by James - March 20 2012 at 10:30
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gamemako Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2012 at 01:58
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

So far, out of all the RPG's I've played in the past decade, from 2001 to 2011, Dark Souls is my second favorite. Skyrim ain't no 1st, I'll say that much. There's something about DS that attracts me much more powerfully than, say, Devil May Cry, God of War, or old Nintendo games like Contra.

Well, it's atmospheric and consistent. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, and the game never strays from that bleak vision. It not only gives you a monstrous challenge, it shows you the world, tells you that you are nothing, and goes out of its way to prove it.

Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

From all the things I've heard about Assassin's Creed III, I'm very excited over it. It is supposed to be set during the American Revolution and feature a more 'Metal Gear Solid' style of gameplay. I wish they'd port MGS4 over to the Xbox 360. I'm not paying 250+ dollars just to play three or four games games (MGS4, God of War III, maybe Demon Souls, maybe Resistance). I thought about buying a Wii, but that, too, seems ludicrous. I'd get the Zelda games, the Metroid Trilogy, and a few other titles, but that's it. I can't commit over 100 dollars to just play a couple games. My computer is running awfully sluggishly, too, so there's no point in hopping to PC because, if I want to play the newest games without difficulty, I'm looking at sinking even more than the cost of a PS3 into that. I can't handle that.

Resistance is PS3-exclusive, not 360. But other than that, yeah, I hear you. Exclusives suck. Everything should just be a PC game. Tongue

//EDIT: Reorganizing to place ME3 discussion last. Sort-of spoilers for the crappy ending.

Originally posted by James James wrote:

I've seen that thread on the forums and the original tweet.  It's been completely blown out of the water.  It doesn't say much at all.

It just says they have no plans, which is what we already knew. The ending was deliberate and they have no plans to fix it.

Originally posted by James James wrote:

It won't be ending DLC anyway.  It will fill in gaps in the story probably and thus enhance the endings.  That's the way I see it.

You can't introduce the deus ex machina beforehand. Nobody has any way of knowing anything about it. I suppose it's moot, though. Mass Effect is done with anyway.

Originally posted by James James wrote:

Besides, there really isn't much wrong with those endings.  Yes there's a few ambiguities that need explaining and yes there could be a proper epilogue but the actually endings aren't that bad.

I could write a book on why the ending is bad. Want me to? Or would you rather get there yourself and then realize why everyone hates it?

Edited by Gamemako - March 21 2012 at 02:03
Hail Eris!
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Alitare Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2012 at 06:00
You haven't actually beaten Dark Souls, have ya? I'm just now ready to enter Sen's Fortress, but I decided to go through the sealed doors in the Darkroot Garden, first. 

And, perhaps I misread you, but I thought all four of the games I mentioned, MGS4, God of War 3, Demon Souls, and Resistance, were PS3 exclusives. Those are really the only games I'd get if I had one. Yeah, if I had a PC that could run ALL games PERFECTLY, then I wouldn't care if that's all I used.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Gamemako Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2012 at 17:14
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

You haven't actually beaten Dark Souls, have ya? I'm just now ready to enter Sen's Fortress, but I decided to go through the sealed doors in the Darkroot Garden, first.

God no. I don't have a current-gen console myself at all, so I generally can't play them except for passing opportunities.

Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

And, perhaps I misread you, but I thought all four of the games I mentioned, MGS4, God of War 3, Demon Souls, and Resistance, were PS3 exclusives. Those are really the only games I'd get if I had one. Yeah, if I had a PC that could run ALL games PERFECTLY, then I wouldn't care if that's all I used.

Haha, sorry, I got caught in a passing cloud of stupid and couldn't read briefly. LOL

I played through Resistance and Resistance 2, but not Resistance 3. The first two are decent, though not great. Sort of standard regenerating-health shooter. Better than those crappy CoD games, though. Haven't touched the third in the series.

Edited by Gamemako - March 21 2012 at 17:15
Hail Eris!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Alitare Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2012 at 18:04
^I stopped playing CoD after #2. :P

I typically detest standard FPS games (CoD, Halo anything, etc.). If you aren't even going to do as much as Half-Life 2, what's the goddamn point?
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Triceratopsoil View Drop Down
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I think Yahtzee's got it right
"funny how innovation these days means finally catching up with Valve"
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VanderGraafKommandöh Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2012 at 19:33
Originally posted by Gamemako Gamemako wrote:


Originally posted by James James wrote:

I've seen that thread on the forums and the original tweet.  It's been completely blown out of the water.  It doesn't say much at all.

It just says they have no plans, which is what we already knew. The ending was deliberate and they have no plans to fix it.

Yes the ending was deliberate and yes, they have no plans to fix it.  A pre-ending DLC won't be fixing the ending.  It will just be explaining it all better. Wink

Originally posted by James James wrote:

It won't be ending DLC anyway.  It will fill in gaps in the story probably and thus enhance the endings.  That's the way I see it.

You can't introduce the deus ex machina beforehand. Nobody has any way of knowing anything about it. I suppose it's moot, though. Mass Effect is done with anyway.

The story with Shepard is done with (within this series, not with the game, as there is DLC planned).  Mass Effect as a setting is not.

Originally posted by James James wrote:

Besides, there really isn't much wrong with those endings.  Yes there's a few ambiguities that need explaining and yes there could be a proper epilogue but the actually endings aren't that bad.

I could write a book on why the ending is bad. Want me to? Or would you rather get there yourself and then realize why everyone hates it?

I've seen all the endings and some of what leads up to those endings.  I can perfectly understand why people hate them.  However, I am fairly convinced that the Indoctrination Theory is correct and if that is the case, then the endings as we have them mostly make complete sense (note I say mostly).

If the theory is not true, then I agree, the endings are bad but I don't actually dislike them at all.

As I said just above, there will be DLC.  It's not confirmed what that DLC is (some say it will be Omega DLC) but Mark Meer (the voice actor for male Shepard) has said on Twitter that he will be voicing that DLC.  I guess Jennifer Hale will be too for female Shepard.

We shall wait and see what that DLC is.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Half-Life 2 kind of sucked.

Edited by Henry Plainview - March 21 2012 at 20:11
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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Triceratopsoil View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Triceratopsoil Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 21 2012 at 20:38
Neverdead review was better

Short bus full of donkey-headed circus children, classic
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Textbook View Drop Down
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A little bird tells me they are considering revising the ending. The outcry against this thing is one of the hugest I've ever since, maybe the biggest thing of this nature since Jar Jar Binks. I think it's a smart idea for them to do *something* about it in DLC. They don't have to completely chicken out and walk it back entirely, then they'd look like wimps, but to tweak or add a few things might appease people and make it look like they care.

I'm finally playing Fallout 3 now as I picked it up for cheap and wow this is much better than I expected and it is swallowing my life up. It just keeps opening up and it's fascinating. The more I play the further away I seem to get from finishing it. The other thing is that as an old man of gaming who played the original two Fallouts, this is true to their spirit while still being welcoming to new gamers.
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Oh and in news to make you kill yourself, a campaign to raise money to force Bioware to change the ending has raised $70,000 in a few days.
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If they had had Mass Effect 3 fans in the 17th century...

Dear Mr Shakespeare


I was most aggrieved upon the conclusion of the premiere performance of Othello to find that that poor nice black chap strangled his own wife and then killed himself. How horrid. The vast majority of the audience were quite upset about it as nobody had wanted to see that happen. Please revise the ending so that Othello discovers the plot and murders Iago on stage, and then speaks to Desdemona and has a long speech about what he has learnt from being so misguided by his jealousy and rage. We would learn the same things as in your ending, but there wouldn’t be any permanent consequences to make us take the point seriously. Also more songs please.


Johnny Lunchbox

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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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But the ending of Othello isn't retarded, nor did Shakespeare ask for people's vote on it and then completely ignore them. 

Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Oh and in news to make you kill yourself, a campaign to raise money to force Bioware to change the ending has raised $70,000 in a few days.
It is for charity, that is not depressing at all.

if you own a sodastream i hate you
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Bioware is the typical modern game developer powerhouse: create pretty-looking things, continually offer less and less and package it with more and more pretty things, ship a product with a sh*tty ending, most likely open to another installment, and have half the game be DLC after the fact. You know, Knights of the Old Republic was pretty cool. Jade Empire was the same thing, in ancient China, Dragon Age was the same thing in medieval fantasy land, Mass Effect was the same thing minus the intricate universe. Plus space marines.

Oh and now gay sex. So yeah, breaking worthwhile ground here, guys.

Also, sequels guys. I think we need more sequels. 3 of everything you do isn't enough.
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Dragon Age had gay sex.  Just sayin'.

Oh and blame EA if you have to blame anyone for DA and ME. Tongue

I agree with Textbook (if indeed his sentiments are as Henry says) in that the $75000 raised for the Child's Play charity, although worthy and deserving for the children, is a really quite silly thing to do.

"Oh hey BioWare, we don't like the ending of Mass Effect 3, so we're going to give money to charity and force you to change it!"

That's taking things a tad too far.

Oh and Textbook, I hope you have Broken Steel? Wink

Edited by James - March 21 2012 at 23:23
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KoS View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

Half-Life 2 kind of sucked.

As a huge Valve fan I can honestly say that yeah, HL2 did kinda suck, but the subsequent Episodes made it all better.
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I disagree completely.  I enjoyed HL2 quite a bit and this beta copy of HL3 Gabe Newell sent me is amazing.  You guys are going to be blown away when this game is released, in 2020.

Time always wins.
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