Went to the library and got a copy of Uncut. I wouldn't buy Uncut as it's too lost in the past for my taste but I'll read it for free.
Thing is, this is the first time I've got a music magazine since I've had my ipad. And maybe I'm some bizarre wierdo and no one else will have any idea what I'm talking about but having an ipad beside me as I read a music magazine has been revelatory.
Thing is, when you read a music magazine you see all these bands mentioned, billions of them, but you have no idea how they sound. Now for a few years we've been able to turn on the computer and look them up all over the internet but who can be bothered to do that casually while they read a mag. But having the ipad hooked into Youtube or Last or something and in hand's reach makes it absolutely effortless to have anything mentioned playing within seconds of seeing it mentioned.
Now of course, you can read on a website and look things up to but when you're reading a website you only go to the pages you're interested in but with a magazine you go through the whole thing front to end (while someone OCD like me does) and over the course of the 200 pages you find all kinds of things you wouldn't have looked up on the net.
Also adds hugely to the longevity/value of the mag.
I know, I know, it's just me.