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Posted: October 19 2011 at 14:08 |
The Doctor wrote:
Equality 7-2521 wrote:
Sending jobs overseas is selling out America? I didn't realize people were obligated to provide jobs for certain countries. |
It is when they do it to line their already overstuffed pockets. It should be considered treason, by my reckoning.
I'm not sure I agree with this in whole.......Reason is WE the American conusmer have in a lot of cases forced certain companies to go overseas to make or purchase products at a cheaper cost. The American consumer wants to pay less for that shirt or drill or car or iPhone. A lot of these material things cannot be made here for the same cost because why?? The govt has a lot of regulations and taxes that add to the bottom line that would make that shirt cost $40 versus $25 made overseas and things like unions and I am sure other stuff.
I am not saying I oppose all these things but its what causes a lot of stuff to be made or purchased overseas. We want a cheaper price at the checkout stand.....period.
What the govt needs to do is impose more import taxes on these countries making goods coming to the US...That's not the endall answer but its a start. It would help to make a level playing field for products produced here..
The US is still the preferred country to sell products, we have a much better middle income earning economy/population than most countries....China will always want to ship products here. Now we have lost the upper hand because we owe them so much damn money for the next bazillion years, we really can't say "no China we will not buy your products anymore until you make level playing field...".
There are other countries doing better than we are domestically, Brazil for instance, has been hot for the past 2-3 years........The US is loosing its place as the financial power house it once was in the world, it may still be there but there are other countries on our coat tail.
Its just not that easy.......anymore.
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 14:27 |
The Doctor wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
I can never understand this idea so many seem to have that if someone else has more money than you, that means you are "oppressed" and somehow not free. Freedom is not about having stuff. It's about being able to make your own choices without someone else using force against you. If someone takes my house away from me with guns, that is not the same thing as if I simply don't earn enough money to buy a house.
Going to exaggerate here a bit, but take it as an extreme hypothetical situation. I work for a company for 20 years and then my company sells out America by shipping most of its jobs overseas. I lose my job. Now, I haven't been able to save up a lot of money because, in spite of my longevity with the company, I was paid low wages so that the CEO and stockholders would get most of the profits from MY labor (I consider this theft personally). This puts me in a very bad situation. I will run out of money in a few weeks, and my only other option is that someone has offered me a job at $2.00 an hour and if I don't live up to daily quotas for my work, I will be subject to daily beatings. My choices are therefore starvation or slavery. That IS oppression. Again, I have exaggerated, but the basic principle is sound. Those with money have ALL the bargaining power and I have none. That is not freedom, but oppression.
MoM. I believe the above applies to your response as well.
No one has a duty to offer you work. It's your responsibility to develop skills that other people will pay for. A company voluntarily offers you work, but you feel it is too low paying. That company is not oppressing you. You are free to seek opportunity elsewhere. They didn't have to offer you anything. If you quit your job, you leave the company with a hole it needs to fill. Depending on circumstances, this good be a big problem for them, but no one whines that employees have an obligation to stay with one company. The problem is that you think you should be payed money, not because of any skills which you bring to the marketplace, but simply because you exist. Existence confers a right upon you to other people's money. To that I cry "shenanigans!"
First sentence, I disagree completely. I think everyone has a right to a job with a living wage paid. Social Darwinism should have been left behind when we left the caves. Civilization exists to provide rights and freedom to all, not just to a select few. Yes, we all have a responsibility to provide what we can to civilization as a whole and in return we have the right to demand certain rights. The simple fact is right now, laborers have no control over their wages, job security or benefits. It is all in the hands of the wealthy elite in this country, who have shown time and again that they will abuse that power. Those in charge want America to become a race to the bottom, bottom in wages, bottom in worker safety, bottom in benefits, or else they will ship all the jobs overseas. I, and many like me are sick of it. And I'm glad that finally the people are starting to fight back. How far this fight will go is up to the monied aristocracy. Either they can begin to play fair or......
I think that is all I will say on the matter as this thread seems littered with only libertarians (whether that's from a true philosophical standpoint, or a desire to protect what they or their families have - I don't know).
But let me bring up one example.....I live near Seattle.....home of Boeing. Biggest competition is Airbus (overseas company). I think it was 2 yrs ago the govt awarded a huge military contract to Airbus for US military fuel tankers!! Everyone here in Washington was like WHAT??? US Govt what on earth are you doing!!!!!!! You are directly sending jobs overseas....
I think since then there was an investigation and some righting has occured......but again, our failed govt is harming us more than these multibillionaire people and compaines you speak of.
Yes many, many people have lost jobs but its been mainly due to our failed Washington, DC. I seriously doubt its been because Microsoft, Ford, Sears, Kodak, International Paper, Boeing, General Electric........CEO's wanted to line their pockets with more money at the risk of loosing good employees on purpose.
Edited by Catcher10 - October 19 2011 at 14:28
The T
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 14:40 |
TheDoctor, I make about 12 bucks an hour. My mom is 60 and still works. Her husband is 73 and still works. We are not rich. The one making false assumptions is you. The one painting whole lots of people with the same brush is you. That's why I fear the likes of you: you don't see people as individuals but as belonging to a group, and they only have value because they belong to a group. You are dangerous. In order to save the world, or your idea of the world, you would 't stop at anything. You are scary.
The Doctor
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 14:44 |
The T wrote:
TheDoctor, I make about 12 bucks an hour. My mom is 60 and still works. Her husband is 73 and still works. We are not rich. The one making false assumptions is you. The one painting whole lots of people with the same brush is you. That's why I fear the likes of you: you don't see people as individuals but as belonging to a group, and they only have value because they belong to a group. You are dangerous. In order to save the world, or your idea of the world, you would 't stop at anything. You are scary. |
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 14:48 |
The Doctor wrote:
manofmystery wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
manofmystery wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
The T wrote:
^These cops are an instrument of law enforcement for the government. Yet the protesters want to give government more power. That guy better enjoys being carried like that... |
They want government to assume more power in stopping corporate america from abusing its power. They do not want the government to assume more power over individual liberties (that's a conservative wish). |
Real corporate power comes from the government. Without government involvement, in the market, corporations only have the power given to them by consumers. On your second sentence: Seems that many in streets are demanding government limitations on economic liberties. Economic liberty and social liberty cannot be seperated. |
I actually agree with your last sentence, but I am sure that our definition of economic liberty differs radically. Economic liberty is not allowing a very few select individuals to control most of the country's wealth while the rest of the country must struggle economically. Economic liberty is having everyone free from the constraints of economic tyrrany. Meaning that everyone has the basic minimums of life met, food, shelter and health care and a job with a living wage. Basically FDR's second bill of rights. That is true economic freedom. The economic plutocracy we currently "enjoy" also translates into unbridled political power for those few, select individuals. For after Citizens United, our country is no longer "one person, one vote" but rather "one dollar, one vote". |
You basically describe the opposite of economic liberty while describing what you support. There is no grey area on this, there is no differing of definition. When you ensure "minimums" on high you have to forcibly take from someone to provide for another. There is no liberty there. FDR's second bill of rights is one of the most horrendously facist power grabs ever proposed. | What you describe is economic freedom for a very few and economic oppression for the rest. Because those with all the wealth also have all the economic power. It's fascism of another kind, except that instead of the government having the power, the wealthy aristocracy (and make no mistake about it, that is what we have in this country) have all the power. |
The only economic freedom that can exist is the one where economic actors make their own decisions. Your type of economic "freedom" requires central planning where an elite (yes, what you so hate) get to decide what can be done, what needs to be produced, the amount, the price, and how much each person gets to keep. That is no freedom. But if you are willing to have decisions made for you, go ahead. The US is goin down that road but if you want a shortcut there are a few alternatives I can point out to you where you will experience that "freedom".
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government.
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:18 |
^ The govt has good benefits......
The T
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:21 |
^That's what I've heard...
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:27 |
^ Generalisations
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far
Help me I'm falling!
Henry Plainview
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:30 |
The T wrote:
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government. | Eliminate? Do you honestly believe you could have 0% unemployment in Libertopia, or that that would even be a good thing?
akamaisondufromage wrote:
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far |
oh god
if you own a sodastream i hate you
The Doctor
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:33 |
akamaisondufromage wrote:
^ Generalisations
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far |
Oh, but in libertarian paradise, people are free to starve. Free to go homeless. Free to die without health insurance. And on the flip side, free to underpay their employees or free to ship jobs overseas so that a very few can get stinking, filthy rich. The goal of libertarianism is not full employment, but rather maximized profit for the wealthy aristocracy. Social darwinism at its finest. The caves are beckoning us back.
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:34 |
Henry Plainview wrote:
The T wrote:
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government. | Eliminate? Do you honestly believe you could have 0% unemployment in Libertopia, or that that would even be a good thing?
akamaisondufromage wrote:
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far | oh god
1. Yes I shouldn't have said eliminate. There will ALWAYS be unemployment. But reduce it, it certainly will.
2. We don't have a free market right now. Not even close.
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:38 |
The T wrote:
Henry Plainview wrote:
The T wrote:
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government. | Eliminate? Do you honestly believe you could have 0% unemployment in Libertopia, or that that would even be a good thing?
akamaisondufromage wrote:
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far | oh god
| 1. Yes I shouldn't have said eliminate. There will ALWAYS be unemployment. But reduce it, it certainly will.
2. We don't have a free market right now. Not even close. |
Yes there will always be unemployment whatever system.
2) No but its closer to that than any other system. And its getting worse. I suppose libertarians would say this is some kind of Communism 
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:39 |
Henry Plainview wrote:
The T wrote:
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government. |
Eliminate? Do you honestly believe you could have 0% unemployment in Libertopia, or that that would even be a good thing?
akamaisondufromage wrote:
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far |
oh god
Speak your mind why don't you?
Help me I'm falling!
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:48 |
akamaisondufromage wrote:
The T wrote:
Henry Plainview wrote:
The T wrote:
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government. | Eliminate? Do you honestly believe you could have 0% unemployment in Libertopia, or that that would even be a good thing?
akamaisondufromage wrote:
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far | oh god | 1. Yes I shouldn't have said eliminate. There will ALWAYS be unemployment. But reduce it, it certainly will. 2. We don't have a free market right now. Not even close. |
Yes there will always be unemployment whatever system.
2) No but its closer to that than any other system. And its getting worse. I suppose libertarians would say this is some kind of Communism  |
It's quite the farthest from a free market it has been in here.
But no, it's no communism. That's what TheDoctor wants, but we are not there... yet.
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:50 |
The Doctor wrote:
akamaisondufromage wrote:
^ Generalisations
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far | Oh, but in libertarian paradise, people are free to starve. Free to go homeless. Free to die without health insurance. And on the flip side, free to underpay their employees or free to ship jobs overseas so that a very few can get stinking, filthy rich. The goal of libertarianism is not full employment, but rather maximized profit for the wealthy aristocracy. Social darwinism at its finest. The caves are beckoning us back. |
You have zero idea about economics or history it seems but you would be quite a fantastic political marketing director for the next messiah who would lift us all from poverty.
Equality 7-2521
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:53 |
akamaisondufromage wrote:
The T wrote:
Henry Plainview wrote:
The T wrote:
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government. | Eliminate? Do you honestly believe you could have 0% unemployment in Libertopia, or that that would even be a good thing?
akamaisondufromage wrote:
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far | oh god
| 1. Yes I shouldn't have said eliminate. There will ALWAYS be unemployment. But reduce it, it certainly will.
2. We don't have a free market right now. Not even close. |
Yes there will always be unemployment whatever system.
2) No but its closer to that than any other system. And its getting worse. I suppose libertarians would say this is some kind of Communism  |
I would say it's fascism. By getting worse, I really hope you don't mean we're getting close to a free market. Anyway, it being close really has nothing to do with the argument. You're assuming some kind of nice uniform continuity of the economy as a function of "freeness". As a crude analogy, suppose we have an argument about the best way to cure the problem of people being unable to swim. You propose that we buy everyone a life vest and require them to wear it. The swimming problem is solved. I say that people left to their own devices will naturally learn how to swim and this will be more efficient of a method. Suppose we chose my method but in addition you chain everyone's legs and arms together. Then a flood comes and we have massive amounts of people unable to swim and drowning. "See" you shout, "people left to their own devices won't learn how to swim!" "But no!", say I, "This wasn't the system I proposed!" You retort, "But it's the closest we've ever come to the system!" The logic sounds good until you actually think about it. You can't disable fundamental parts of a system and expect it to still function logically. In addition, I would say we are in no way close to being what I would consider capitalist.
Edited by Equality 7-2521 - October 19 2011 at 15:53
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
The Doctor
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 15:59 |
The T wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
akamaisondufromage wrote:
^ Generalisations
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far | Oh, but in libertarian paradise, people are free to starve. Free to go homeless. Free to die without health insurance. And on the flip side, free to underpay their employees or free to ship jobs overseas so that a very few can get stinking, filthy rich. The goal of libertarianism is not full employment, but rather maximized profit for the wealthy aristocracy. Social darwinism at its finest. The caves are beckoning us back. | You have zero idea about economics or history it seems but you would be quite a fantastic political marketing director for the next messiah who would lift us all from poverty. |
I have an accounting degree with quite a lot of economics background. And a love of history. Please, Teo, keep any attacks to the arguments and not to the individual. Yes, I am a socialist. (not a communist) Deal with it. If you can't, we should agree to disagree and let our interaction end here.
I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 16:06 |
Equality 7-2521 wrote:
akamaisondufromage wrote:
The T wrote:
Henry Plainview wrote:
The T wrote:
Having a job is not a right. It depends on someone hading something to you even if you are unskilled or just plain lazy. The only way to eliminate unemployment is to free the market... Or maybe have everybody working for the government. | Eliminate? Do you honestly believe you could have 0% unemployment in Libertopia, or that that would even be a good thing?
akamaisondufromage wrote:
What proof is there that the 'Free Market' will find us all employed? Not doing too well so far | oh god
| 1. Yes I shouldn't have said eliminate. There will ALWAYS be unemployment. But reduce it, it certainly will.
2. We don't have a free market right now. Not even close. |
Yes there will always be unemployment whatever system.
2) No but its closer to that than any other system. And its getting worse. I suppose libertarians would say this is some kind of Communism  |
I would say it's fascism. By getting worse, I really hope you don't mean we're getting close to a free market.
Anyway, it being close really has nothing to do with the argument. You're assuming some kind of nice uniform continuity of the economy as a function of "freeness".
As a crude analogy, suppose we have an argument about the best way to cure the problem of people being unable to swim. You propose that we buy everyone a life vest and require them to wear it. The swimming problem is solved. I say that people left to their own devices will naturally learn how to swim and this will be more efficient of a method.
Suppose we chose my method but in addition you chain everyone's legs and arms together. Then a flood comes and we have massive amounts of people unable to swim and drowning. "See" you shout, "people left to their own devices won't learn how to swim!"
"But no!", say I, "This wasn't the system I proposed!"
You retort, "But it's the closest we've ever come to the system!"
The logic sounds good until you actually think about it. You can't disable fundamental parts of a system and expect it to still function logically.
In addition, I would say we are in no way close to being what I would consider capitalist.
By 'worse' I meant that the rich are getting very rich and the poor are .....' .
I think we have a system where there are the majority treading water or drowning, And a few living in towers on hills with no worries of flooding.
Help me I'm falling!
Equality 7-2521
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 16:08 |
akamaisondufromage wrote:
By 'worse' I meant that the rich are getting very rich and the poor are .....' .
I think we have a system where there are the majority treading water or drowning, And a few living in towers on hills with no worries of flooding. |
I agree. I would just rather fix that problem by attacking the cause rather than a symptom unlike you.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Posted: October 19 2011 at 16:10 |
The Doctor wrote:
I think that is all I will say on the matter
You apparently thought wrong.