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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 09 2010 at 19:28
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Story time!

Once upon a time (let's just say 1932 in Wisconsin) Equality has made a deal with people in his business.  They sell cartoon porn, by the way, just so you know.  He is so sure cartoon porn will sell forever that he will set aside money for his employees, a little bit each pay period, in the event that there must be layoffs.  Wait, no, I got that wrong- he isn't really that nice or optimistic- Equality is pretty damn mean- but this cat named The T told him he had no choice in the matter.  Employees need to be protected in case something bad happens to the company they work for.

Well, consumers start needing to cut back on their cartoon porn budget as they begin losing their jobs.  This means Equality is losing money and after a while, has no choice but to lay people off to keep his business afloat.  So he just pays them out of the nice little nest egg The T has created for them. 

Unfortunately, he has to lay off more and more workers because, goshdarnit, people just aren't into Jessica Rabbit like they used to be.  After laying off 12% of his entire workforce, he realizes he has run out of money to pay these people the benefits he has promised.

So Equality calls The T.  (The T is like Mr. T only without gold chains, a mohawk, and black skin.  Also, something about Dream Theater.)  Anyway, Equality asks The T if he can get a loan to pay for these benefits.  The T grins (apparently there's gold in his mouth) real big, and says "Sure!"  And just to show what a pal he is, The T says "By the way, this loan is interest free!"

Equality is thrilled!  He makes cartoon porn for a couple months more (this time of the Spongebob variety), paying out benefits to people as he promised.  But business doesn't pick up, so sadly, he must lay off Padraic and several more people.  The loan from The T isn't going to last after all.

"No worries," Equality says to himself.  "I'll take another loan from The T.  I'm sure he won't mind."  And The T didn't.  He happily gave Equality the second loan to keep paying the benefits he promised to pay.  Again, interest free.

Llama runs a huge foreign business.  He needs some cash, and remembers that it's time for some of his borrowers to pay up.  He contacts The T.  (Okay, pretend Llama sits in a chair and you never see his face, but he has a big metallic claw and is stroking a cat).  The T assures Llama that he can pay back the loan- after all, he's been paying the interest on the loan, hasn't he?  Llama says, "Okay, but be sure to at least get me the interest for this quarter or it will be capitalized into the principal."

Grateful, The T gets a hold of JJLehto, an old college buddy who has a huge foreign company.  "Hey man, can you hook me up?"  "Sure man, but how much does it cost to send a condom in the mail?"  "Not that," says The T.  The T explains that he needs money.  "Well I already sent you some loot Wednesday last year.  I need that money back, cos my grandma's birthday is coming up!"  "Look man, I can get it back to you- I'm good for it!  But I need another loan."  JJLehto, being a kind soul and thinking of the incredible interest he can reap, complies.  The T sends Llama a check for the interest on his other loan.

The T has to do something though, so he checks on Equality to see how he's doing.  "Hey man, how are you doing?"  "Not good- I just made one with Ariel...ARIEL, dude, from The Little Mermaid.  I even added a bonus feature that involves Sebastian.  He's a crab.  Get it?  Crabs? It was a flop.  And don't even ask me about that threesome with Ursula!"  "Listen Equality, you've got to do something to improve your situation.  You need to start giving out less of those benefits I made you promise your people."  "I already thought of that!  They are threatening to sue and many of them have families and can barely make it as it is!"  "Well in that case, you need to start putting more money aside for them out of your profits," The T suggested.  "No, no, no!  I can't afford it!  I'm already having to lay off more people again next month!"

Meanwhile, a homeless man named manofmystery asks people for spare change while drinking Wild Irish Rose (he's not really in the story, but I didn't want him to feel left out or anything).

Equality looks at his failing empire.  Just then, he sees a bunch of people sneaking over his gate.  He doesn't speak their language, but finds out they make great cartoon porn.  What's more, they are willing to work for less than what he is paying his other employees.  Even better, they don't mind if he doesn't set aside money in case they lose their jobs!  He can save his business (so long as he doctors his books)!  Equality is happy.  He asks the leader of this crew what his name is.

"They call me...Epig

The End.

Based on a true story.

I get the feeling that this story is an allegory of something. I'm thinking... the sinking of the lost continent of Atlantis?

Nope- I was just bored.

So I am the big ugly government? 

At least I got the big role... Poor Mom has to be brokenhearted right now... 

This story, with its implicit anti-government, ani-regulation, anti-illegal-immigration meaning, wouldn't have a chance in my government, since censorship would be quite strict... Tongue

It doesn't have any of those meanings.  It isn't anti-government, it isn't anti-regulation, and it certainly isn't anti-illegal immigration.  Three strikes, you're out!  Tongue

Your role was cast off the top of my head.  I actually thought about changing it, but was too lazy to do so.  Tongue

I'm actually quite honored at being the Skeletor of this story... Tongue
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Epignosis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 09 2010 at 19:39
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Story time!

Once upon a time (let's just say 1932 in Wisconsin) Equality has made a deal with people in his business.  They sell cartoon porn, by the way, just so you know.  He is so sure cartoon porn will sell forever that he will set aside money for his employees, a little bit each pay period, in the event that there must be layoffs.  Wait, no, I got that wrong- he isn't really that nice or optimistic- Equality is pretty damn mean- but this cat named The T told him he had no choice in the matter.  Employees need to be protected in case something bad happens to the company they work for.

Well, consumers start needing to cut back on their cartoon porn budget as they begin losing their jobs.  This means Equality is losing money and after a while, has no choice but to lay people off to keep his business afloat.  So he just pays them out of the nice little nest egg The T has created for them. 

Unfortunately, he has to lay off more and more workers because, goshdarnit, people just aren't into Jessica Rabbit like they used to be.  After laying off 12% of his entire workforce, he realizes he has run out of money to pay these people the benefits he has promised.

So Equality calls The T.  (The T is like Mr. T only without gold chains, a mohawk, and black skin.  Also, something about Dream Theater.)  Anyway, Equality asks The T if he can get a loan to pay for these benefits.  The T grins (apparently there's gold in his mouth) real big, and says "Sure!"  And just to show what a pal he is, The T says "By the way, this loan is interest free!"

Equality is thrilled!  He makes cartoon porn for a couple months more (this time of the Spongebob variety), paying out benefits to people as he promised.  But business doesn't pick up, so sadly, he must lay off Padraic and several more people.  The loan from The T isn't going to last after all.

"No worries," Equality says to himself.  "I'll take another loan from The T.  I'm sure he won't mind."  And The T didn't.  He happily gave Equality the second loan to keep paying the benefits he promised to pay.  Again, interest free.

Llama runs a huge foreign business.  He needs some cash, and remembers that it's time for some of his borrowers to pay up.  He contacts The T.  (Okay, pretend Llama sits in a chair and you never see his face, but he has a big metallic claw and is stroking a cat).  The T assures Llama that he can pay back the loan- after all, he's been paying the interest on the loan, hasn't he?  Llama says, "Okay, but be sure to at least get me the interest for this quarter or it will be capitalized into the principal."

Grateful, The T gets a hold of JJLehto, an old college buddy who has a huge foreign company.  "Hey man, can you hook me up?"  "Sure man, but how much does it cost to send a condom in the mail?"  "Not that," says The T.  The T explains that he needs money.  "Well I already sent you some loot Wednesday last year.  I need that money back, cos my grandma's birthday is coming up!"  "Look man, I can get it back to you- I'm good for it!  But I need another loan."  JJLehto, being a kind soul and thinking of the incredible interest he can reap, complies.  The T sends Llama a check for the interest on his other loan.

The T has to do something though, so he checks on Equality to see how he's doing.  "Hey man, how are you doing?"  "Not good- I just made one with Ariel...ARIEL, dude, from The Little Mermaid.  I even added a bonus feature that involves Sebastian.  He's a crab.  Get it?  Crabs? It was a flop.  And don't even ask me about that threesome with Ursula!"  "Listen Equality, you've got to do something to improve your situation.  You need to start giving out less of those benefits I made you promise your people."  "I already thought of that!  They are threatening to sue and many of them have families and can barely make it as it is!"  "Well in that case, you need to start putting more money aside for them out of your profits," The T suggested.  "No, no, no!  I can't afford it!  I'm already having to lay off more people again next month!"

Meanwhile, a homeless man named manofmystery asks people for spare change while drinking Wild Irish Rose (he's not really in the story, but I didn't want him to feel left out or anything).

Equality looks at his failing empire.  Just then, he sees a bunch of people sneaking over his gate.  He doesn't speak their language, but finds out they make great cartoon porn.  What's more, they are willing to work for less than what he is paying his other employees.  Even better, they don't mind if he doesn't set aside money in case they lose their jobs!  He can save his business (so long as he doctors his books)!  Equality is happy.  He asks the leader of this crew what his name is.

"They call me...Epig

The End.

Based on a true story.

I get the feeling that this story is an allegory of something. I'm thinking... the sinking of the lost continent of Atlantis?

Nope- I was just bored.

So I am the big ugly government? 

At least I got the big role... Poor Mom has to be brokenhearted right now... 

This story, with its implicit anti-government, ani-regulation, anti-illegal-immigration meaning, wouldn't have a chance in my government, since censorship would be quite strict... Tongue

It doesn't have any of those meanings.  It isn't anti-government, it isn't anti-regulation, and it certainly isn't anti-illegal immigration.  Three strikes, you're out!  Tongue

Your role was cast off the top of my head.  I actually thought about changing it, but was too lazy to do so.  Tongue

I'm actually quite honored at being the Skeletor of this story... Tongue

Unfortunately, there are multiple Skeletors.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 09 2010 at 19:52
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Oh yes, libertarians never flip flop...  
I think earmarks are a distraction, probably because the Republicans are terrified of talking honestly about the effects of military and entitlement spending. Local stuff needs money too, I don't see the problem of that part of the "pledge", and while it's sometimes wasted, even if 100% of the earmarks were a complete waste of money, it's almost nothing compared to the whole budget. But it gets the people angry and angry people vote.
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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manofmystery View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 10 2010 at 00:23
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Story time!

Once upon a time (let's just say 1932 in Wisconsin) Equality has made a deal with people in his business.  They sell cartoon porn, by the way, just so you know.  He is so sure cartoon porn will sell forever that he will set aside money for his employees, a little bit each pay period, in the event that there must be layoffs.  Wait, no, I got that wrong- he isn't really that nice or optimistic- Equality is pretty damn mean- but this cat named The T told him he had no choice in the matter.  Employees need to be protected in case something bad happens to the company they work for.

Well, consumers start needing to cut back on their cartoon porn budget as they begin losing their jobs.  This means Equality is losing money and after a while, has no choice but to lay people off to keep his business afloat.  So he just pays them out of the nice little nest egg The T has created for them. 

Unfortunately, he has to lay off more and more workers because, goshdarnit, people just aren't into Jessica Rabbit like they used to be.  After laying off 12% of his entire workforce, he realizes he has run out of money to pay these people the benefits he has promised.

So Equality calls The T.  (The T is like Mr. T only without gold chains, a mohawk, and black skin.  Also, something about Dream Theater.)  Anyway, Equality asks The T if he can get a loan to pay for these benefits.  The T grins (apparently there's gold in his mouth) real big, and says "Sure!"  And just to show what a pal he is, The T says "By the way, this loan is interest free!"

Equality is thrilled!  He makes cartoon porn for a couple months more (this time of the Spongebob variety), paying out benefits to people as he promised.  But business doesn't pick up, so sadly, he must lay off Padraic and several more people.  The loan from The T isn't going to last after all.

"No worries," Equality says to himself.  "I'll take another loan from The T.  I'm sure he won't mind."  And The T didn't.  He happily gave Equality the second loan to keep paying the benefits he promised to pay.  Again, interest free.

Llama runs a huge foreign business.  He needs some cash, and remembers that it's time for some of his borrowers to pay up.  He contacts The T.  (Okay, pretend Llama sits in a chair and you never see his face, but he has a big metallic claw and is stroking a cat).  The T assures Llama that he can pay back the loan- after all, he's been paying the interest on the loan, hasn't he?  Llama says, "Okay, but be sure to at least get me the interest for this quarter or it will be capitalized into the principal."

Grateful, The T gets a hold of JJLehto, an old college buddy who has a huge foreign company.  "Hey man, can you hook me up?"  "Sure man, but how much does it cost to send a condom in the mail?"  "Not that," says The T.  The T explains that he needs money.  "Well I already sent you some loot Wednesday last year.  I need that money back, cos my grandma's birthday is coming up!"  "Look man, I can get it back to you- I'm good for it!  But I need another loan."  JJLehto, being a kind soul and thinking of the incredible interest he can reap, complies.  The T sends Llama a check for the interest on his other loan.

The T has to do something though, so he checks on Equality to see how he's doing.  "Hey man, how are you doing?"  "Not good- I just made one with Ariel...ARIEL, dude, from The Little Mermaid.  I even added a bonus feature that involves Sebastian.  He's a crab.  Get it?  Crabs? It was a flop.  And don't even ask me about that threesome with Ursula!"  "Listen Equality, you've got to do something to improve your situation.  You need to start giving out less of those benefits I made you promise your people."  "I already thought of that!  They are threatening to sue and many of them have families and can barely make it as it is!"  "Well in that case, you need to start putting more money aside for them out of your profits," The T suggested.  "No, no, no!  I can't afford it!  I'm already having to lay off more people again next month!"

Meanwhile, a homeless man named manofmystery asks people for spare change while drinking Wild Irish Rose (he's not really in the story, but I didn't want him to feel left out or anything).

Equality looks at his failing empire.  Just then, he sees a bunch of people sneaking over his gate.  He doesn't speak their language, but finds out they make great cartoon porn.  What's more, they are willing to work for less than what he is paying his other employees.  Even better, they don't mind if he doesn't set aside money in case they lose their jobs!  He can save his business (so long as he doctors his books)!  Equality is happy.  He asks the leader of this crew what his name is.

"They call me...Epig

The End.

Based on a true story.

I'm a lot closer to being homeless than I am to ever drink Wild Irish Rose.  You could've at least given me wings or some type of cool, but useless, superpower.  You know what: amend the story, making me a street pimp, and I'll be happy.

Edited by manofmystery - November 10 2010 at 00:23

Time always wins.
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 10 2010 at 07:44
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Oh yes, libertarians never flip flop...  
I think earmarks are a distraction, probably because the Republicans are terrified of talking honestly about the effects of military and entitlement spending. Local stuff needs money too, I don't see the problem of that part of the "pledge", and while it's sometimes wasted, even if 100% of the earmarks were a complete waste of money, it's almost nothing compared to the whole budget. But it gets the people angry and angry people vote.

I wouldn't call Rand a libertarian.

Earmarks are a distraction. They're a use of money that has already been allocated for spending. If you're going to cut a budget, cutting earmarks will really do nothing.

Boo to going back on campaign promises though.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:17

They will never shut us down. 

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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:41
Let's keep adding to that file the CIA has on me. 
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:44
Oh good, I was worried this thread had ended. Someone over in the Atheism thread said that they were the longest thread ever. What nonsense! We've got a hundred pages on them.
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:45
Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Let's keep adding to that file the CIA has on me. 
Why would you be so dangerous to the US government? 

Edited by The T - November 12 2010 at 11:47
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:48
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Let's keep adding to that file the CIA has on me. 
Why would you be so dangerous to the US government? 

Our government is fond of insisting that words are dangerous in themselves. Remember Zappa on Crossfire?
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akamaisondufromage View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:50
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Let's keep adding to that file the CIA has on me. 
Why would you be so dangerous to the US government? 
He keeps on overtaking school buses!
Help me I'm falling!
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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:51
Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Let's keep adding to that file the CIA has on me. 
Why would you be so dangerous to the US government? 

Our government is fond of insisting that words are dangerous in themselves. Remember Zappa on Crossfire?

They also don't like anyone who speaks about stuff like peace or other anti-government things and are in a position where someone might listen to them.

Look at John Lennon and the file they built on him.
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 11:51
Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Let's keep adding to that file the CIA has on me. 
Why would you be so dangerous to the US government? 

Our government is fond of insisting that words are dangerous in themselves. Remember Zappa on Crossfire?

Sorry I don't care one bit for Zappa. Tell me what is that please. 

And the first part, well, I might be inclined to agree. 
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 12:00
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by thellama73 thellama73 wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by Equality 7-2521 Equality 7-2521 wrote:

Let's keep adding to that file the CIA has on me. 
Why would you be so dangerous to the US government? 

Our government is fond of insisting that words are dangerous in themselves. Remember Zappa on Crossfire?

Sorry I don't care one bit for Zappa. Tell me what is that please. 

And the first part, well, I might be inclined to agree. 

Oh you must see it! I'm not a big Zappa fan either, but his performance here regarding censorship is brilliant.

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Equality 7-2521 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 12:01
Yeah definitely worth watching. He absolutely dominates the argument. 
"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "
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Tony R View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 12:28
and America never did become a fascist theocracy, did it?  Wink
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 12:31
No, never. It has been close with the crazy neo-cons and the Palins of the world but no, at least a theocracy I'm sure it has never been... 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 12:31
Originally posted by Tony R Tony R wrote:

and America never did become a fascist theocracy, did it?  Wink

That was the one point I disagreed with him on. If anything, we've been moving farther away from Theocracy for a long time.
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 12:50
Do you libertarians agree with jury "discrimination" (selection)? Certainly that's one occassion when you can't oppose laws and judges forcing people to have representative juries with minorities represented. Or do you really think a black man who is suspect of harming a white person will be judged totally fairly by a group of elderly white men as was in the past? 
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thellama73 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 12 2010 at 12:55
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Do you libertarians agree with jury "discrimination" (selection)? Certainly that's one occassion when you can't oppose laws and judges forcing people to have representative juries with minorities represented. Or do you really think a black man who is suspect of harming a white person will be judged totally fairly by a group of elderly white men as was in the past? 

It's supposed to be a "jury of his peers" so I think there is some justification for making sure the defendant is represented by people somewhat similar to him in class, race etc.
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