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Topic: CalProg 2010 Posted: October 03 2010 at 22:35
Thought it would be good just to have a review thread. Here is my review:
Very fine day. Different vibe this year though not as much mingling and I think the layout at the Patron dinner left everyone in their little cliques and didn't encourage interaction but that is okay. Every year takes on its own personality.
Mithkon- Some absolutely great instrumental and vocal music in the spirit of Frank Zappa including a very humorous visual accompaniment. The visuals ranged from sorted stories about the history of California to an infomercial on That Just Blew my mind. The humor brought reminisces of the Firesign Theater that used to be on the radio in the 70's. The obvious talents of Carolyn Walter on a variety of horns (and sporting a nice set of horns on her head as well) and Jamison Smelt on sax were the driving force of this quirky yet very melodious music. Also to be noted was the excellent guitar work of Wally Scharold and Rob Pumpelly. A very solid bass and drums with Matt Lebofsky and Matt Cuggemos keeping the thing moving. The only criticism of the work is the tempo of the music is pretty even through out the set so it does carry a sameness to it. Some softer or slower parts could make this flow a little better. Even still I think they would be a great addition to any festival and left me smiling to start the day.
District 97- Something about this group has captivated me from hearing their first samples. They have a variety of influences and sounds and it is very interesting how they flow from the guitar/Bass and Drums combo to the keyboards that come in out at times but add a lot. I was a bit disappointed in not having the cello player, Katinka Kleijn, there due to a conflict because that adds an element like the violin did for Kansas (not saying these guys sound like Kansas at all) and softens some edges and fill in some clarity in parts. Don't get me wrong that is a minor issue because the music works with or without the cello. These guys look about 16 for the most part but not when they hit the stage. A very polished and professional performance beyond their years. While it is without question the power of having a front person like the beautiful and mysterious Leslie Hunt is compelling especially with the power of her vocals the core of this band Jonathon Shang, Rob Clearfield, Patrick Mulcahy and Sam Krahn just were solid as can be and maybe the real stars of the show. I particularly thought Shang on drums drives this bus and saying that it is not without notice he wrote the majority of the material they played. The only real complaint I had in the set was during their epic 27 minute suite Mindscan was a prerecorded kind of Waiting Room(Lamb Lies Down on Broadway) feel to it where the band just basically stopped playing for 2-3 minutes until it finished. It was little of what we would call dead air and there was a loss of momentum going towards the finale. They recovered but something to think about for future gigs. Their cover was Back in New York City and in my mind was a bit of a surprise but they handled it very well. They also played every song except one from the recent CD, Hybrid Child, including my personal favorite, Termites, and they also introduced two new songs. Here is a very grainy video of the song (sorry guys new camera and still learning. I think when the sound cuts out a bit at the end it is because I put my finger over the microphone. Doh!) This should give you an idea. I don't think Leslie would have been allowed to sing this on American Idol.
RPWL was a bit of a mystery for me as I had one CD The Gentle Art of Music and had only a couple of listens. I can see why the Pink Floyd clone stamp was put on them but also felt their music went in a lot of different directions that that. Certainly this band has lots of talent and it comes through in a lot of the music. Kalle Wallner on guitar gave us a solid performance, Yogi Lang and Markus Jehle on keyboards provided a solid wall sounds and haunting melodies. Mark Turiaux and Werner Taus on bass and drums respectively were very good. Yogi's vocals were excellent. The whole "what is prog" thing they did was very entertaining as well as snippets of famous prog songs and famous not so prog songs was so very tight it left you little excited for each change. Some highlights for me were the songs The Gentle Art of Swiming and Trying to Kiss the Sun. I am sorry guys I need to explore their music some more to give you a better critique of the music.
Ambrosia- Wow what can I say about these guys. A misunderstood band and I wish everyone of you who reads this could have been there last night to bask in the glory of the music that was and how powerful it is. Playing a majority of the set music from the first three Ambrosia albums and I am telling you these belong right up there to America's best prog music, this set smoked! I know Ambrosia is really known as a pop band but everything I saw last night reminded me to my first time seeing them in 1975 how great musicians these guys were and how powerful their music was. While David Pack is not with them anymore his soul still lives in the songs and the replacement musicians are not just adequate they are spectacular in the delivery of the music. Along with founders Joe Puerta, Burleigh Drummand and Christopher North the stage was also graced with Shem Von Shroeck who sang beautifully and played acoustic guitar and bass, Doug Jackson guitars, backing vocals and more amazing was David Lewis who was recovering from a stroke he suffered just a couple of weeks ago to play some fiery synth solos and strings! From Nice Nice, to Somewhere I Have Never Traveled to Mamma Frog to Life beyond LA to finally a supercharged version of Holding on the Yesterday and the classic of Magical Mystery Tour Ambrosia showed why they should be mentioned in the same breath as any of the prog bands from that period. Simply breathtaking. Super nice guys who hung out and signed everything put in front of them, smiled and chatted with us all. I also found out an answer to my question I have had for years they did play on the first Alan Parsons Project Tales of Mysteries and Imagination but the song I thought they did was wrong. They play The Raven not Dr. Tar and Professor Feather.
Papa Jim and Staff thank you one again for a brilliant show. I hope and dream for Calprog 2011. People who didn't come missed out on maybe on the most diverse and well played sets of prog in the history of the fests here.
Edited by Garion81 - October 03 2010 at 22:45
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Posted: October 04 2010 at 12:27
Well done review Garion, I too have been very keen on District 97 since the album came out. That is too bad the cellist was not there..I bet would have added some great color to their set and the concert in general.
Leslie could have sung it on AI but nobody would have "understood" her....Simon only likes his little boy pop groups.
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 13:20
Wonderful, detailed review of the show. Thanks for posting it.
I was there, too, and had a fantastic time. Mirthkon were the great discovery for me and definitely a happy new presence in my life. I just had to pick up the album. Ambrosia also did a fantastic job and it was great to see them having so much fun playing their old, old tunes. I thought RPWL performed well, though I found the lyrics just too heavy handed much of the time (ah well, I'll put it down to a second-language thing). I'm still brewing over District 97. I think they were quite good, but there is something disconcerting about their stage presence. The "boys" sometimes looked like they were playing at a high school talent show (and should win!) while Ms Hunt went perhaps too far in the other direction--there's just too much discordance between them, though. I think they were good with great promise, but they definitely came off as rather young in a number of ways. They're probably still figuring out what they are and can be.
Overall, a great day.
Thanks again for the great review.
Edited by questionsneverknown - October 05 2010 at 13:26
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 13:22
I wish I could have seen miRthkon. If you've heard their album before (Vehicle) do you know if they mostly stuck with material from it or did they bring out some of the new stuff they've been working on?
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 13:28
SaltyJon wrote:
I wish I could have seen miRthkon. If you've heard their album before (Vehicle) do you know if they mostly stuck with material from it or did they bring out some of the new stuff they've been working on?
There was quite a lot from Vehicle but there was also material from the new E.P. (which I don't have). They also have a new bass player and two of the newer songs were by him.
They were just stunning. They put on a riveting live performance in terms of video work and band banter. See them if you can.
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 13:51
questionsneverknown wrote:
SaltyJon wrote:
I wish I could have seen miRthkon. If you've heard their album before (Vehicle) do you know if they mostly stuck with material from it or did they bring out some of the new stuff they've been working on?
There was quite a lot from Vehicle but there was also material from the new E.P. (which I don't have). They also have a new bass player and two of the newer songs were by him.
They were just stunning. They put on a riveting live performance in terms of video work and band banter. See them if you can.
One day - I'll be rich - and I'll by flying to all sorts of shows like this.
When I saw the lineup for CalProg, I actually went as far as figuring out how much it would cost me. More than I had to spend, as usual. XD
If I could afford it, I would have totally gone though. miRthkon is basically the only real reason for this though.
Edited by TheGazzardian - October 05 2010 at 13:51
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 17:33
Here is the set list that came from the lighting director:
Edited by Garion81 - October 05 2010 at 17:47
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 17:39
questionsneverknown wrote:
Wonderful, detailed review of the show. Thanks for posting it.
I was there, too, and had a fantastic time. Mirthkon were the great discovery for me and definitely a happy new presence in my life. I just had to pick up the album. Ambrosia also did a fantastic job and it was great to see them having so much fun playing their old, old tunes. I thought RPWL performed well, though I found the lyrics just too heavy handed much of the time (ah well, I'll put it down to a second-language thing). I'm still brewing over District 97. I think they were quite good, but there is something disconcerting about their stage presence. The "boys" sometimes looked like they were playing at a high school talent show (and should win!) while Ms Hunt went perhaps too far in the other direction--there's just too much discordance between them, though. I think they were good with great promise, but they definitely came off as rather young in a number of ways. They're probably still figuring out what they are and can be.
Overall, a great day.
Thanks again for the great review.
Well outside of the fact they looked 16.
I was curious if you had listened to their music prior to the show? I gave it 8-10 listens prior to the show and really they exceeded expectations although it would have been 100% more complete with the cello player. They use her in parts in some ways like Kansas used the violin and in other as almost a harmony to the vocals. I really believe it is part of their charm that they have that discordance. One other thought, I will never look at duct tape again the same way.
I just wish some of my video of some of the other groups had come out as good as that one did. I tried taking two videos of each band with the hopes 1 would come out. I will look at the Mirthkon stuff again and see if any is decent. if so I will post it. Hopefully others will turn up from other people. I was sitting too close to the right side PA speakers I fear.
Edited by Garion81 - October 05 2010 at 17:44
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 17:58
Garion81 wrote:
questionsneverknown wrote:
Wonderful, detailed review of the show. Thanks for posting it.
I was there, too, and had a fantastic time. Mirthkon were the great discovery for me and definitely a happy new presence in my life. I just had to pick up the album. Ambrosia also did a fantastic job and it was great to see them having so much fun playing their old, old tunes. I thought RPWL performed well, though I found the lyrics just too heavy handed much of the time (ah well, I'll put it down to a second-language thing). I'm still brewing over District 97. I think they were quite good, but there is something disconcerting about their stage presence. The "boys" sometimes looked like they were playing at a high school talent show (and should win!) while Ms Hunt went perhaps too far in the other direction--there's just too much discordance between them, though. I think they were good with great promise, but they definitely came off as rather young in a number of ways. They're probably still figuring out what they are and can be.
Overall, a great day.
Thanks again for the great review.
Well outside of the fact they looked 16.
I was curious if you had listened to their music prior to the show? I gave it 8-10 listens prior to the show and really they exceeded expectations although it would have been 100% more complete with the cello player. They use her in parts in some ways like Kansas used the violin and in other as almost a harmony to the vocals. I really believe it is part of their charm that they have that discordance. One other thought, I will never look at duct tape again the same way.
I just wish some of my video of some of the other groups had come out as good as that one did. I tried taking two videos of each band with the hopes 1 would come out. I will look at the Mirthkon stuff again and see if any is decent. if so I will post it. Hopefully others will turn up from other people. I was sitting too close to the right side PA speakers I fear.
They really did look 16, at the most!
I don't have District's album, and the only homework I had done was check out some of the videos posted here. So, it was mostly new to me. (I really love that opening song.) Like you, I had really hoped for the presence of the cellist, but, heck, if you have to fulfill your gig with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, I guess we know where your priorities are .
And, yeah, um, ditto about the duct tape.
I was afraid my earlier comments might have come off as rather negative. I really did think they were quite good--I mean the playing throughout was excellent (except for that pre-taped bit you mentioned). I just think they need to think through their whole stage shtick. My reaction may in part be due to seeing them come after miRthkon who really have their performative presence down to a real art.
Thanks for the full set lists. Much appreciated.
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Posted: October 05 2010 at 20:59
I really didn't take it as negative but was curious if that was the first time you had heard it. Go to their website and listen to a song called Termites. To me that is their signature song in my opinion. It has so many elements to it and the lyrics are pretty good too. Rob Clearfiled said it is really a fun song to play.
BTW Where you sitting? We were in the second row on the right aisle.
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Posted: October 06 2010 at 10:33
Garion81 wrote:
I really didn't take it as negative but was curious if that was the first time you had heard it. Go to their website and listen to a song called Termites. To me that is their signature song in my opinion. It has so many elements to it and the lyrics are pretty good too. Rob Clearfiled said it is really a fun song to play.
BTW Where you sitting? We were in the second row on the right aisle.
I definitely liked them enough to pick up the album--so another title gets added to the infinite list of desirables.
I was about fifteen rows or so back in the center. As they say, there really isn't a bad seat in the house. Can't wait to see who will be coming next year.
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Posted: October 06 2010 at 11:49
^ No, not a bad seat. There or the Downey theater either. Downey seats a little more, about 700, and it has a balcony and a bigger stage. A few of us wouldn't mind it moving there because the Raddison is really not the place it used to be for hanging out after the dinner Friday night and after the fest on Saturday. The hotel next to the Downey theater has a more friendly bar area and would be better for us I think. I have been to 7 of these now and never get tired of them.
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Posted: October 06 2010 at 12:58
Garion81 wrote:
^ No, not a bad seat. There or the Downey theater either. Downey seats a little more, about 700, and it has a balcony and a bigger stage. A few of us wouldn't mind it moving there because the Raddison is really not the place it used to be for hanging out after the dinner Friday night and after the fest on Saturday. The hotel next to the Downey theater has a more friendly bar area and would be better for us I think. I have been to 7 of these now and never get tired of them.
Well the mad thing is that I've lived in Whittier now for fifteen years and I only discovered two years ago that this event was happening down the street from me! That year I only got to see Gabble Ratchett, the Genesis tribute act, play at the Raddison and check out the merch area. Last year I was living outside the country. So this was my first time to see a progfest happening on my block. What a thrill!
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Posted: October 06 2010 at 13:42
A big question the promoter always has when he hears a story like yours is how do you normally look for concert info? For instance if you were a Spock's Beard or Flower Kings fan (not saying you are just for example) how where would you go to find out where they were playing in the LA area? Would you go directly to their websites or one like PA or a publication in the LA area?
Lets see Gable Ratchett at the preshow was Echolyn\Sylvan\Izz\Presto Ballet
Good show.
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Posted: October 06 2010 at 15:27
Garion81 wrote:
A big question the promoter always has when he hears a story like yours is how do you normally look for concert info? For instance if you were a Spock's Beard or Flower Kings fan (not saying you are just for example) how where would you go to find out where they were playing in the LA area? Would you go directly to their websites or one like PA or a publication in the LA area?
Lets see Gable Ratchett at the preshow was Echolyn\Sylvan\Izz\Presto Ballet
Good show.
You know for the life of me I don't know how I eventually heard about CalProg. Somehow I heard there was a Genesis tribute band playing at the local hotel and at that show I learned about the bigger festival, but I just can't recall how I learned about the Gabble show in the first place. None of my local friends would have known and the local record stores didn't have a posting.
Nowadays I would learn about these things from PA, but I hadn't discovered this site then either.
Otherwise I've done as you say, kept track of bands I like and go see them when they're nearby.
Not much help to promoters, I guess!
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Posted: October 06 2010 at 16:19
^ Well it is one reason this doesn't sell out so much is because the answer to the question about how to find your audience has been elusive. I know there are people out there that have not heard of the fest but would probably go in heartbeat once they found out it exists.
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