Hello, we're three guys who're playing to overly used lineup of: Bass, Drums and Guitar. And now were looking for a good song to play. We have a very limited time to practice every week, so it can't be any overly long song, it doesn't matter if it's complicated since we are all quite good with out intruments. We've played mostly played songs like: Come Together with Beatles and Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf, and we want to start playing something more advanced than that.
So now we need help deciding a song to play, it doesn't matter if the original version had Piano or other instruments (as long as it's not songs like: Get them out by friday, which is driven by the piano). We were considering playing Hocus Pocus by Focus, but now we realized that we want something different. We're looking for something that is less build on riffs (and especially riffs built upon Power Chords).
So, if you got any good suggestions, write them! Thanks.