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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2010 at 16:12
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by wrote:

Imperfection is beauty Tongue

then I must be f**kin Brad Pitt LOL

I think you're much better and much more to a certain pair of eyes Wink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2010 at 16:48
Originally posted by wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by wrote:

Imperfection is beauty Tongue

then I must be f**kin Brad Pitt LOL

I think you're much better and much more to a certain pair of eyes Wink

Embarrassed  geee.. thanks. I am flattered Alex.. but I am married. LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2010 at 16:53
Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

How nice it was indoors in the middle of summer. That part of the country can be unbearable in the summer.

oh man.. you ain't kiddin brother.  Last week.. hot (pun intended) on the heels of Nearfest we caught Yes and Peter Frampton.. outdoors. Yuck..  I think I left a pool of melted Micky in my seat by the end of the show...

great show though.. Frampton smoked and Yes was...  Yes!.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2010 at 16:55
Clap  You and Yes finally connected.  Great news!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 28 2010 at 17:01
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Clap  You and Yes finally connected.  Great news!!!

yep.. no monsoons... no Bizzards of the Century.. no flocks of locusts ...

completely enjoyed it..  I had some issues with the mix.. but it was a great show.  They had a huge crowd for this one and must have inspired them.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 29 2010 at 12:02
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

How nice it was indoors in the middle of summer. That part of the country can be unbearable in the summer.

oh man.. you ain't kiddin brother.  Last week.. hot (pun intended) on the heels of Nearfest we caught Yes and Peter Frampton.. outdoors. Yuck..  I think I left a pool of melted Micky in my seat by the end of the show...

great show though.. Frampton smoked and Yes was...  Yes!.

It has been absolutely perfect weather for about 6 weeks here in So Cal.  Everyday with a few low clouds to start the day with afternoon sun about 73 every day.  I had to take a trip to Florida for a couple days last week and I about melted.  85 and 70% humidity. Dead 
Then I had to stop over in Phoenix and it was 108. DeadDead (Don't give me this stuff about a dry heat!) You couldn't even get near the windows in the terminal.   I can't imagine anyone sitting for 4-5 hours in the heat to watch a show!   

The one and only time I got to Nearfest was in 2005 and only to see the Preshow but  during the whole week prior only the Sunday July 3rd was really hot. (We sat through an enactment of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg and it was sweltering!)  The rest of the week we spent a lot of time outdoors too visiting Gettysburg, Antietam and Harpers Ferry and the weather was pretty mild.  Even spent one night in NYC where it rained like crazy. So I can't relate to how hot it may have been there.  But mostly for me is the really high humidity.  Just putting on my shoes in the morning makes me sweat!! 

BTW lest I forget great reviews by both Raff and HT.  One of these days you guys need to get out to our less spectacular but more cozy CalProg shows.  Jim has a pretty good lineup this year with Ambrosia (playing a special prog rock set), rpwl, District 97 and MirtIKon

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 30 2010 at 17:53
Originally posted by Garion81 Garion81 wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

How nice it was indoors in the middle of summer. That part of the country can be unbearable in the summer.

oh man.. you ain't kiddin brother.  Last week.. hot (pun intended) on the heels of Nearfest we caught Yes and Peter Frampton.. outdoors. Yuck..  I think I left a pool of melted Micky in my seat by the end of the show...

great show though.. Frampton smoked and Yes was...  Yes!.

It has been absolutely perfect weather for about 6 weeks here in So Cal.  Everyday with a few low clouds to start the day with afternoon sun about 73 every day.  I had to take a trip to Florida for a couple days last week and I about melted.  85 and 70% humidity. Dead

I know... even after last winter ...  I can't wait for the cold and snow to return.  I hate this kind of weather.  That part of being a born and bred left-coaster has never left me.  Give me rain, 65.. and a good cup of coffee and I'm happy. All I can say is thank god for AC.  The hell with with this  95/75 crap.  Nothing like sweating through your shirt by 9am. Dead Oh well.. September is a coming...

Then I had to stop over in Phoenix and it was 108. DeadDead (Don't give me this stuff about a dry heat!) You couldn't even get near the windows in the terminal.   I can't imagine anyone sitting for 4-5 hours in the heat to watch a show!

Hahhahah... no kidding.  I have family that lives in Tucson.. the first time I visited I made the mistake of going out to pick up the morning paper..  like 7 in the morning in my bare feet... and promptly burned my feet.  Dead

Yeah... but it's a dry heat.  LOL

The one and only time I got to Nearfest was in 2005 and only to see the Preshow but  during the whole week prior only the Sunday July 3rd was really hot. (We sat through an enactment of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg and it was sweltering!)

At least the weather was up to the re-enactment LOL.. it was brutal weather during that battle. Impressive to see the reenactment of Pickett's charge wasn't it.  Gettysburg is one of my favorite places on earth... just to soak it all in.. the enormity of that struggle.

 The rest of the week we spent a lot of time outdoors too visiting Gettysburg, Antietam and Harpers Ferry and the weather was pretty mild.  Even spent one night in NYC where it rained like crazy. So I can't relate to how hot it may have been there.  But mostly for me is the really high humidity.  Just putting on my shoes in the morning makes me sweat!!

Oh Antietam.. glad you got to visit that one. The thing that hit me as I traced Barksdale's route as he hit Sedgewick's left flank in the North Woods was just how small the woods actually were.  No wonder the causality rate there was highest in American history..  you probably could have closed your eyes ..fired.. and hit someone the way they packed troops in the North Woods and Cornfield.  Ever make to see the battlefields here in Va?  They are something.. my favorite has always been Spotsylvania.  The Bloody Angle always had a morose fascination with me... not to mention incredulity of imagining 24 straight hours of hand to hand combat over the same piece of ground.  Brutal.

BTW lest I forget great reviews by both Raff and HT.  One of these days you guys need to get out to our less spectacular but more cozy CalProg shows.  Jim has a pretty good lineup this year with Ambrosia (playing a special prog rock set), rpwl, District 97 and MirtIKon

Ambrosia huh?  Sounds VERY tasty.  We are going to make it out one year.. perhaps next year.  I think that will be our big trip out west.  I am saving my vacation this year to take December off of work and go back to Italy with Raff and spent Xmas in Rome.  So no summer vacation here.  Next year though..  we need to come west.. are going to.  I know she'd love it.

Edited by micky - June 30 2010 at 17:58
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 01 2010 at 16:59
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Garion81 Garion81 wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

How nice it was indoors in the middle of summer. That part of the country can be unbearable in the summer.

oh man.. you ain't kiddin brother.  Last week.. hot (pun intended) on the heels of Nearfest we caught Yes and Peter Frampton.. outdoors. Yuck..  I think I left a pool of melted Micky in my seat by the end of the show...

great show though.. Frampton smoked and Yes was...  Yes!.

It has been absolutely perfect weather for about 6 weeks here in So Cal.  Everyday with a few low clouds to start the day with afternoon sun about 73 every day.  I had to take a trip to Florida for a couple days last week and I about melted.  85 and 70% humidity. Dead

I know... even after last winter ...  I can't wait for the cold and snow to return.  I hate this kind of weather.  That part of being a born and bred left-coaster has never left me.  Give me rain, 65.. and a good cup of coffee and I'm happy. All I can say is thank god for AC.  The hell with with this  95/75 crap.  Nothing like sweating through your shirt by 9am. Dead Oh well.. September is a coming...

Then I had to stop over in Phoenix and it was 108. DeadDead (Don't give me this stuff about a dry heat!) You couldn't even get near the windows in the terminal.   I can't imagine anyone sitting for 4-5 hours in the heat to watch a show!

Hahhahah... no kidding.  I have family that lives in Tucson.. the first time I visited I made the mistake of going out to pick up the morning paper..  like 7 in the morning in my bare feet... and promptly burned my feet.  Dead

Yeah... but it's a dry heat.  LOL

(Watch out Blue text:)
I laughed out loud at work when I read that. 

The one and only time I got to Nearfest was in 2005 and only to see the Preshow but  during the whole week prior only the Sunday July 3rd was really hot. (We sat through an enactment of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg and it was sweltering!)

At least the weather was up to the re-enactment LOL.. it was brutal weather during that battle. Impressive to see the reenactment of Pickett's charge wasn't it.  Gettysburg is one of my favorite places on earth... just to soak it all in.. the enormity of that struggle. 

It was truly amazing from seeing all of these places in photographs from the time I was a kid and then seeing them in real life it was liking waking up in a dream. 

 The rest of the week we spent a lot of time outdoors too visiting Gettysburg, Antietam and Harpers Ferry and the weather was pretty mild.  Even spent one night in NYC where it rained like crazy. So I can't relate to how hot it may have been there.  But mostly for me is the really high humidity.  Just putting on my shoes in the morning makes me sweat!!

Oh Antietam.. glad you got to visit that one. The thing that hit me as I traced Barksdale's route as he hit Sedgewick's left flank in the North Woods was just how small the woods actually were.  No wonder the causality rate there was highest in American history..  you probably could have closed your eyes ..fired.. and hit someone the way they packed troops in the North Woods and Cornfield.  Ever make to see the battlefields here in Va?  They are something.. my favorite has always been Spotsylvania.  The Bloody Angle always had a morose fascination with me... not to mention incredulity of imagining 24 straight hours of hand to hand combat over the same piece of ground.  Brutal.

You mean that clump of trees? 
The bloody lane was probably the biggest eye opener and the cornfield. Then the total ridiculousness of Burnside's bridge. Sometimes the narrow thinking of the generals on the north was pretty crazy.  

I hope someday to get to Virginia and see the battlefields there and Tennessee too. Hopefully before I have enough money to enjoy and I lose the physical ability to walk them .

BTW lest I forget great reviews by both Raff and HT.  One of these days you guys need to get out to our less spectacular but more cozy CalProg shows.  Jim has a pretty good lineup this year with Ambrosia (playing a special prog rock set), rpwl, District 97 and MirtIKon

Ambrosia huh?  Sounds VERY tasty.  We are going to make it out one year.. perhaps next year.  I think that will be our big trip out west.  I am saving my vacation this year to take December off of work and go back to Italy with Raff and spent Xmas in Rome.  So no summer vacation here.  Next year though..  we need to come west.. are going to.  I know she'd love it.

Yeah looking forward to this CP.  Whenever you get here let me know! 

"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"
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