I have only their two first and Avalon but based on their two first albums they are not so much different then VDGG (I only have Pawns Heart but would like to have more had they been more axesable) in Sax sound and wierdness, Brians vocal style makes them more then just a wierd pop rock band . their mixture of Glam and everything else makes them unique.
but for me only having their two first albums lack any valueabel opinions about their inbetween stuff but their two first is genuinly RIO (rock in OPOSITION )
but this have been asked for more then once with bad outcome and becouse they are most famous for their more comercial stuff their artistical merits are often overlooked.
and Avalon is the prettiest album evver made by the way pure beauty (which i will play on my first date if that ever happens

Edited by aginor - June 04 2010 at 18:28