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Direct Link To This Post Topic: ProgNation 2009 comments...
    Posted: July 27 2009 at 18:58
Well, I'm back.
I just attended ProgNation 2009 in Miami Beach on friday. The experience was quite good. This time no curtain felt down so we enjoyed the whole concert! Big smile
Scale The Summit didn't impress me more than i expected it. They play good instrumental metal, should be very good on album. Live, they lack stage presence though it's clear they'll be there soon. The main guitar player is very skilled as is the bassist. The songs sounded ok though it should be easier to appreciatte the band even more with repeated listens.
I only watched three Bigelf songs as we had to go meet Dream Theater again (my girlfriend and two friends who came from Ecuador wanted to do it, so I had to meet the band again... with a serious blow to my economy). They played "Elvis of Rock'n Roll" and "blackball" from Cheat The Gallows and another song I didn't recognize. they're the opposite of Scale the Summit: they play simple retro-hard-rock-metal but their stage presence is amazing. The sound was ok. I had a chance to meet Damon Fox:
After this we got to watch Zappa plays Zappa. I'm no expert on his father's music, but man did this band rock! They're all masters in their instruments and the music blew me away, so much that I have since bought a couple FZ albums. They played for about an hour, including recognizable songs like "Montana". This band had it all: presence, sound, skills, and the music to back it up. DZ is a great director, since that's really what he does in this band besides playing guitar. Live, he turns into an orchestra director. I can't name names for the songs they played except Montana, but believe me, this is a band worth seeing.
Finally the main band. After half an hour or more of nothingness DT came to the stage. They looked in good shape (I won't include details of my meeting them here, I will post my pic in my sig when i receive it). The stage was simple, with silver linings falling from the top.  
Their performance lasted for about 80 minutes, as long as a very-long cd really, which kind of disappointed me since it felt way too short. They played only 7 songs!! But the song choice was great:
They opened with "A Nightmare to remember", in full. Excellent playing, all the way down to the weak growling by Portnoy. The sound was not that great, but being on first row doesn't help I think.
They immediately followed with "A Rite of passage" which draw a huge reaction from the full theater. the chorus was chanted by everybody. The guitar sounded too loud on this song, barely leaving room for anything else. Only the bass drums were able to compete in loudness, and every time they were hit it was like a blow to my chest. The solo section was great.
The next choice was unexpected. After an excellent slow solo by Petrucci, a solo full of FEELING for those who call the guy "cold", "Hollow Years" from FII started. The song, never a favorite of mine, sounded actually very good live. Labrie was on a great night, with his melodic voice shining when the guitar allowed him to (I insist: it was way too loud, especially on distortion.)
Now it was time for Rudess to do a solo with the help of an IPhone (?!) with a very cool video on the screen. "Erotomania" from AWAKE started, to my utter delight. The song was played exactly like on record except for the middle part where they introduced an instrumental section for Petrucci to shine. Portnoy, curiously, was not the star of this show, though as always he was goofing around from the back of his gigantic NeilPeart-sized set.
What followed was pure heaven: they didn't stop and they continued all the way to "Voices", full! Amazing, every detail, every solo, every fabulous riff. Magnificent. I couldn't ask for much more. yet they gave it to me at the end.
The obligatory duet between Petrucci and Rudess was missing. But we got another mammoth-sized song they played: "the Count of Tuscany", FULL!  Terrific performance, even the weak instrumental part was easy to digest. Down to the very note, the song was played exactly like on record. The apotheosic end was the end of the concert. It felt way too short. I couldn't, though, have asked for a better encore.  
The superb sound of a synth reminded me of one of the greatest songs in DT's catalogue: "Metropolis pt 1". The band carried on with the song and I was expecting a medley any time soon (they were doing that in Europe). But when the first vocal part ended and the band continues with the instrumental section, I almost cry. My throat suffered badly on this track. Halfway during the magnificent section, we got the obligatory duet between Petrucci and Rudess pictured above. It blew everybody away. The song resumed and the concert ended with complete and total ovation from the fans.
We left the theater, all of us, complete happy but not 100% satisfied as the concert felt way too short at only 7 songs. Of course, these 7 songs lasted more than an hour 20 minutes, but I would've loved more. They ignored the Rudess-era DT except, obviously, BCSL, and they played a couple of masterpieces of their most golden years.  I suggest going to a DT concert before judgning this band. Live they're even better. And now I know (what I always did )I don't give a damn what people say about these five fantastic musicians. They're ther best at what they do. PERIOD.
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The Pessimist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2009 at 19:26
Dude, fantastic pictures. Not exactly DT's biggest fan but I'm still pretty jealous from the sounds of things!

And the woman in the first picture... Is that your girlfriend? Because if it is I swear I need to become an official Prog Metal Specialist. You get all the honeys
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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2009 at 19:28
Yes, she's my girl...
(I hope you're not talking about the guy in the hat... LOL)
I really suggest you try a DT concert once. For some it could be a better experience than on album. Many bands are. (I, for example, didn't love the Bigelf album but live they have so much energy).
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camilleanne View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2009 at 19:44
The pictures were greatBig smile.. hope I can do that someday... But I think it'll take time before Dream Theater can have a concert here in our country.Cry
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Drew View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2009 at 19:47
Awesome- great post to read, and nice pictures as well!

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Guitar1Jesse View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2009 at 21:56
I'm going in August and I look forward to it, although I wanted to see Pain of Salvation the most.  I'm glad to hear it was short. The opening acts are such a majority of the show nowadays, when the headliner comes on I'm about ready to go to bed Ermm
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el böthy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2009 at 23:16
Wow wow wow... hold on for just one second... your girl is hot!
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Plankowner View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 00:22

The set list for DT in Clearwater was:

1. A Nightmare To Remember
2. A Rite of Passage
3. Hollow Years
4. The Dance of Eternity
5. One Last Time
6. Solitary Shell
7. The Count of Tuscany
8. Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper
Was very happy with the set list and the performance this year..
Here's the Zappa Plays Zappa setlist:
1. Black Napkins
2. Magic Fingers
3. Carolina Hard Core Ecstasy
4. Peaches En Regalia
5. Montana
6. Village of the Sun
7. Echidna's Arf (Of You)
8. Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?
9. Cosmik Debris
10. More Troubles Every Day
11. Don't Eat That Yellow Sno
12. Inca Roads
Was an incredible set and a great show..

Edited by Plankowner - July 31 2009 at 10:25
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Jake Kobrin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 00:52
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Yes, she's my girl...

May you please introduce me to the area of the collaborators zone where I may receive my girl? I messaged Mike as soon as I was inducted but I haven't received her yet. I'll get the secret code in an email or something, right? And then I just go up to someone I like and say the code? Wink
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Jozef View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 01:58
Sounds like a good time. I'm going to be seeing them this friday and I'm looking forward to it. 

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The T View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 12:09
Originally posted by Jake Kobrin Jake Kobrin wrote:

May you please introduce me to the area of the collaborators zone where I may receive my girl? I messaged Mike as soon as I was inducted but I haven't received her yet. I'll get the secret code in an email or something, right? And then I just go up to someone I like and say the code? Wink
Actually, Planowner is in charge of assigning your metal-girl after you pass the 666 tests of a Pure metallic soul... Tongue
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The Pessimist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 12:28
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Yes, she's my girl...
(I hope you're not talking about the guy in the hat... LOL)
I really suggest you try a DT concert once. For some it could be a better experience than on album. Many bands are. (I, for example, didn't love the Bigelf album but live they have so much energy).


Yeah, I never actually enjoyed Yes until I saw them live so I might give DT a shot. Who knows? I may be their next biggest fan

I'll admit now I like Dance Of Eternity. But then again what self-respecting prog metal fan doesn't?
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Jake Kobrin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 14:35
No, actually they're worse live in my opinion... 
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StyLaZyn View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 14:49
Originally posted by The T The T wrote: more DT pics and more pictures of the lovely creature you call your girlfriend. (No...not the guy in the hat Tongue).

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Fieldofsorrow View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2009 at 15:35
Wow, fantastic photos, and it's great to here that LaBrie's on form at the moment. I hope he can stick it out for when they come to the UK - I'm extremely excited now. 
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Negoba View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 29 2009 at 10:20
Can't wait to see this show. I actually like the Bigelf album I have and if they match the energy live, that should be great. I'm also just getting into Zappa so that sounds like a treat. Great pix, and another thumbs up for the girl. Hope you didn't have to perform any strange rituals to get her.
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Zitro View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 30 2009 at 18:51
The setlist seems much better than in 2008. There's barely any "random" average songs, and I hope they would play "Nightmare" and "Tuscany" in Boston.

I'm also excited to see Zappa plays Zappa and Bigelf. Bigelf reminds me of the classic rock era.
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Plankowner View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2009 at 11:44
Bigelf to me was like if Jon Oliva of Savatage took his toy piano and joined Black Sabbath Tongue 
Would like to see an hour set from them, maybe we can get them to Nearfest soon..
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 02 2009 at 22:45
Just got back from the Boston show.
Scale The Summit was not bad.  Good instrumental metal.  But as mentioned above, not much stage presence.
Big Elf, was okay.  They sounded sort of like a modern Deep Purple.  The singer made some comments like he was embarassed to be associated with prog. 
Zappa Plays Zappa was amazing.  They sure don't shy away from the hard stuff.  they started with "Purple Lagoon", then "Zombie Woof", then "Village Of The Sun/Echidna's Arf (Of You)/Don't You ever Wash That Thing". Jaw droppingly executed.  Dweezil did some fine soloing.  He even directed the band in the manner of his dad.  Other songs included "Inca Roads", "My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama", and "Bamboozled By Love".  All so well done, it actually brought a tear to my eyes.  I only wish they would loosen up some more and add "eyebrows" to the songs like Frank's band used to.
I only stayed for an hour and a quarter of of Dream Theater.  After about that long, at that volume, the songs all start to sound the same.  The set was just the same as posted above.  We left during "One Last Time". 
I also get creeped out by the chanting from the audience.  
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2009 at 06:32
Originally posted by Evolver Evolver wrote:

Just got back from the Boston show.
Scale The Summit was not bad.  Good instrumental metal.  But as mentioned above, not much stage presence.
Big Elf, was okay.  They sounded sort of like a modern Deep Purple.  The singer made some comments like he was embarassed to be associated with prog. 
Zappa Plays Zappa was amazing.  They sure don't shy away from the hard stuff.  they started with "Purple Lagoon", then "Zombie Woof", then "Village Of The Sun/Echidna's Arf (Of You)/Don't You ever Wash That Thing". Jaw droppingly executed.  Dweezil did some fine soloing.  He even directed the band in the manner of his dad.  Other songs included "Inca Roads", "My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama", and "Bamboozled By Love".  All so well done, it actually brought a tear to my eyes.  I only wish they would loosen up some more and add "eyebrows" to the songs like Frank's band used to.
I only stayed for an hour and a quarter of of Dream Theater.  After about that long, at that volume, the songs all start to sound the same.  The set was just the same as posted above.  We left during "One Last Time". 
I also get creeped out by the chanting from the audience.  

hah....  what took you so long to realize that. Raff and I lasted 3 songs into the DT set before we walked out.  Needless to say the live experience was as excruciating as the albums themselves.  Good thing acne is not contagious or else my face might look like the surface of the moon about now.

Now Zappa Plays Zappa....  that was incredible... made the whole ProgNation experience worth it. 

Queenscryhe was cool, though I didn't really dig the new material that much.

BIg Elf - next to Zappa probably the most prog thing there. Alice Cooper meets Deep Purple hahha. Shame the music itself was 2nd rate and very disjointed,  but f**k it,  I enjoyed the performance.

Scale the Summit - decent..  and short... just like the way opening acts should be.

Edited by micky - August 03 2009 at 06:34
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