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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:00
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Fair enough, but the expenditures are supposed to be temporary and were started by Bush (bailouts).  They are unsustainable and will be dialed back when the economy recovers.  If not, he'll fail and be trounced at the polls in 4 years. 

Look, under the current circumstances I am WITH Keynes - we have to spend our way out of this recession. But you cannot simply print money and distrubute it to all who wants it. If you create new unsupported  money, at the very least you must spend it on creating something tangible, such as roads and bridges. If you give every citizen a million bucks, sure, you will move goods from the shelves, people will start buying, but it will be a very short-lived recovery. If you don't create new wealth with new money, you create inflation and just another bubble. You cant allocate only 20% of the $800B to public works and tell me with an honest face that your stimulus package will pull us out of this sh*t. Rather such waste would require a stimulus package every 6 months or so.
As for the bailout, it's just one more example of what a bad manager our government is. But the goal of the bailout was to save the financial system, so, reluctantly, I admit it was worth it. I don't expect any good things from the auto industry bailout though . So far the way they do it it stinks.
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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:05
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Fair enough, but the expenditures are supposed to be temporary and were started by Bush (bailouts).  They are unsustainable and will be dialed back when the economy recovers.  If not, he'll fail and be trounced at the polls in 4 years. 

Oh, and speaking of scaling back, the health care plan will stay with us forever. If it's enacted into law the way the stimulus package was, without even reading it, well, you tell me what the deficits will be.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:07
Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

See that's the thing. I agree, and I wish it was that way. But you know full well that the American voter base is VERY concerned with looks, appearance, just how the candidate comes across. And competence and wisdom has not been proven a necessity. Like I said I wish candidates were based on merit, but we know thats hardly the case.
Does it apply to Obama too? 
The thing with Obama is that he has looks while Republicans look defeated, he has the appearance while Republicans look grumpy, Obama comes across as a bringer of hope instead of a bringer of doom like Republicans; Competence and wisdom are earned with time, but he looks and talks like he actually one day be wise,
So as long as Obama comes across as a bringer of hope  and he looks and talks like he actually one day be wise, it doesn't matter what he does? That speaks volumes. Oh yes... In the end the American voter, we all agree, is kind of dumb. 8 years ago they chose the guy they would more likely want to have a beer with, now they preferred someone who looks and talks smart.... And looks like is the right person for the job... But we can't know for sure until after he's given the chance... which takes MORE THAN 3 MONTHS.
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

 He's a black person
Why are you saying this? If you quoted the whole thing, it would make much more sense, but following the Sean hannitty school of (mis)quoting, you didn't. I said:
"He's a black person raised without father who always has been first in anything he's ever done, so he has some merit, unlike the spoiled drunk brat we just had... memb er of the Republican party.. "   Being black, in this country of yours, and being first in everything he has done, plus being raised with no father, shows some extra merit.... That's what my post intended to mean. But this Fox News-style of quoting obviously affects my original idea...  
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by IVNord IVNord wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Though I must agree I do ACTUALLY think Obama is an intelligent man, I'm glad to see an intellectual return to the Dems. I thought they were supposed to be the intellectual party...

So is the $2 Trillion deficit an act of intelligence, or confidence, or wisdom? Or all of the above? As I recall Bush was branded an a****le for running a $500 billion deficit.
No... Bush was called an a****le because he couldn't talk in complete sentences and because constantly he appeared like a fool... the deficit was not the reason for the name calling...
Which brings us to square one - the American voter base is VERY concerned with looks, appearance, just how the candidate comes across. The American voter that your system has breed... the system where people are told money is everything and education is worthless The deficit does not matter. His speach impairment - that's what's importatnt.
By the way, you ignored my question. Bush is no more. Bush is history. Forget Bush. You are facing a calamity being brought upon you by YOUR president. Hope you realize that. I wonder who you will be blaiming in 4 years. I will be blaming Obama if in 4 YEARS the country's is worse than it is right now.... but I'll wait at least 4 YEARS... or maybe 2... not THREE MONTHS....
Obviously, Obama doesn't represent you, as you say "YOUR president"... So who's your president?
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Even dumber is to judge a president on three months in office....
Really? Is it that dumb? Don't give me this bullsh*t please. With all the crap he managed to do in his three months in office, Obama is firmly on track to become a bigger a****le than Bush and Clinton combined.
Yes, it IS DUMB. It's more than that, but I won't say it. I'm sorry he's trying to turn your country into something else man... Let's wait a while....
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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:10
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

And that will mean the end of the American empire? ........... Lot of smart people are quite concerned that the US will never recover......Confused
The US will recover. It's a natural economic cycle. The question is what shape it will be in. Do you want to wager on the price of oil and gasoline by the time we're out of this mess? There will be very little room for people who are in their 40s and 50s today if gas is $30 per gallon.
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:18
I don't really see how a piece of sh*t pork legislation like the now trillion dollar + bailout package is avoidable. Senators and representatives have the power to serve themselves and will do so or they'll be left behind. And trying to elect new people just doesn't seem to work. They all promise change and go on doing the same things or worse. I can only imagine that change will come only when the US is a godforsaken awful place, truly third world status. and even then, It's only a matter of time before things revert to their old ways. Justice and accountability are impossible in a country this size.
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tszirmay View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:24
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I don't really see how a piece of sh*t pork legislation like the now trillion dollar + bailout package is avoidable. Senators and representatives have the power to serve themselves and will do so or they'll be left behind. And trying to elect new people just doesn't seem to work. They all promise change and go on doing the same things or worse. I can only imagine that change will come only when the US is a godforsaken awful place, truly third world status. and even then, It's only a matter of time before things revert to their old ways. Justice and accountability are impossible in a country this size.
Sad, as Justice and accountabilty are the two cornerstones of America! As far as size is concerned, it's how you use it Embarrassed allegedly .

Edited by tszirmay - June 12 2009 at 13:24
I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:28
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

I don't really see how a piece of sh*t pork legislation like the now trillion dollar + bailout package is avoidable. Senators and representatives have the power to serve themselves and will do so or they'll be left behind. And trying to elect new people just doesn't seem to work. They all promise change and go on doing the same things or worse. I can only imagine that change will come only when the US is a godforsaken awful place, truly third world status. and even then, It's only a matter of time before things revert to their old ways. Justice and accountability are impossible in a country this size.
Sad, as Justice and accountabilty are the two cornerstones of America! As far as size is concerned, it's how you use it Embarrassed allegedly .

In a country this size and with this many people, politicians think they can get away with everything. Largely, they're right. The American people don't really have the power to change things drastically. They can petition their reps to take action but if it's risky, bet you're ass they won't.
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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:36
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

See that's the thing. I agree, and I wish it was that way. But you know full well that the American voter base is VERY concerned with looks, appearance, just how the candidate comes across. And competence and wisdom has not been proven a necessity. Like I said I wish candidates were based on merit, but we know thats hardly the case.
Does it apply to Obama too? 
The thing with Obama is that he has looks while Republicans look defeated, he has the appearance while Republicans look grumpy, Obama comes across as a bringer of hope instead of a bringer of doom like Republicans; Competence and wisdom are earned with time, but he looks and talks like he actually one day be wise,
So as long as Obama comes across as a bringer of hope  and he looks and talks like he actually one day be wise, it doesn't matter what he does? That speaks volumes. Oh yes... In the end the American voter, we all agree, is kind of dumb. 8 years ago they chose the guy they would more likely want to have a beer with, now they preferred someone who looks and talks smart.... And looks like is the right person for the job... But we can't know for sure until after he's given the chance... which takes MORE THAN 3 MONTHS.
Again, if you didn't get it yet, it does not matter what he says. It matters what he does.
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

 He's a black person
Why are you saying this? If you quoted the whole thing, it would make much more sense, but following the Sean hannitty school of (mis)quoting, you didn't. I said:
"He's a black person raised without father who always has been first in anything he's ever done, so he has some merit, unlike the spoiled drunk brat we just had... memb er of the Republican party.. "   Being black, in this country of yours, and being first in everything he has done, plus being raised with no father, shows some extra merit.... That's what my post intended to mean. But this Fox News-style of quoting obviously affects my original idea...  
I cleared that misunderstanding in one of my previous posts...  Will you tell us what constitutes "this country of mine" please.
Also since you mentioned it, I would recommend you to watch more of FOX now since they became an opposing force. Just don't take everything they say seriously. Use your brainpower to read between the lines. CNN was better for that when Bush was in office. Not anymore. Not to mention sh*theads like MSNBC and this Evan Thomas guy
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by IVNord IVNord wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Though I must agree I do ACTUALLY think Obama is an intelligent man, I'm glad to see an intellectual return to the Dems. I thought they were supposed to be the intellectual party...

So is the $2 Trillion deficit an act of intelligence, or confidence, or wisdom? Or all of the above? As I recall Bush was branded an a****le for running a $500 billion deficit.
No... Bush was called an a****le because he couldn't talk in complete sentences and because constantly he appeared like a fool... the deficit was not the reason for the name calling...
Which brings us to square one - the American voter base is VERY concerned with looks, appearance, just how the candidate comes across. The American voter that your system has breed... the system where people are told money is everything and education is worthless The deficit does not matter. His speach impairment - that's what's importatnt. Here we go again. My system tells me that education is worth a bigger salary; that education is a merit. In this term, Obama belongs to my system. And so does Clinton And Clarence Thomas, Condolizza and Sotomayor.
It also tells me that a union member should not be entitled to a big salary just because he's a union member. After all, he's skills are not better than that of a non-unionazed worker, and his education does not give him a right to get as much as a car designer or GM manager.
By the way, you ignored my question. Bush is no more. Bush is history. Forget Bush. You are facing a calamity being brought upon you by YOUR president. Hope you realize that. I wonder who you will be blaiming in 4 years. I will be blaming Obama if in 4 YEARS the country's is worse than it is right now.... but I'll wait at least 4 YEARS... or maybe 2... not THREE MONTHS....  I'm looking forward to...
Obviously, Obama doesn't represent you, as you say "YOUR president"... So who's your president? Teddy Roosevelt
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Even dumber is to judge a president on three months in office....
Really? Is it that dumb? Don't give me this bullsh*t please. With all the crap he managed to do in his three months in office, Obama is firmly on track to become a bigger a****le than Bush and Clinton combined.
Yes, it IS DUMB. It's more than that, but I won't say it. I'm sorry he's trying to turn your country into something else man... Let's wait a while.... 
You can afford the luxury of waiting, I cant... so what is MY country? Im' intrigued
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:42
Well IVNORD, I had a feeling you were going to do all that.
It really comes down to your personal feelings, obviously you're opposed to Obama's economics, I am not, that simple. Though I must say you really are giving Obama no chance. You're not the only one...but cmon of he's a failure in your eyes and there hasn't even been time for anything to happen.

So yea, policies are policies, but one thing I will explain myself on:

You're so sweet. Do you like every president? No matter if he conducts a war with arrogant ignorance, runs huge deficits, imposes his own policies with blatant disregard for the constitution? A nice guy indeed.

Jesus, THAT wasn't an a****le statement at all LOL
OK, I DO think Bush was a good guy, and so did a lot of people. Isn't that why he really won in 04? Kerry was a TOOL! But THATS I guy I could sit down and have a beer with.
Now, thats not exactly Presidential material..a good 'ol buddy.

But like I said, Bush was sheltered. Why he was always so out of the loop it seemed? He was sorrounded by intelligent people, and he DID once admit he dosn't really read much...then it struck me. Bush was just there to look pretty and sign the things, his administration around did everything for him. In his mind Iraq DID have WMD's and the War on Terror IS all abotu getting terrorists soley  etc etc etc. Because thats
what he was fed.

Bush is a New England (yea) elitist who was born with the silver spoon in his mouth, and was fed with it all his life. Even during his Presidency.
Oh, and no I dont like every President. In fact Captain America Ronald Reagan, I despise with a passion and love telling it to people to see there shocked expressions.
OK, I'm peacing...I've had more than enough of this thread.

Edited by JJLehto - June 12 2009 at 13:43
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 13:53
I don't know if we can really blame the whole bailout idea on Obama, after all, he's just carrying the torch Bush passed him. Both parties are a slave to big business.

Personally, I liked the housing Bailout and most of the bank bailout I believe was also sadly necessary, due to a mixture of deregulation (a la Reagan) and crappy regulations (a la Barney Frank). However, GM & Chrysler thing was a colossal fail.

Edited by Deathrabbit - June 12 2009 at 13:56
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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 14:12
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Well IVNORD, I had a feeling you were going to do all that.
It really comes down to your personal feelings, obviously you're opposed to Obama's economics, I am not, that simple.
With his economics you and I will end up in the poor house together, believe me. Obama is destroying the middle class.
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

So yea, policies are policies, but one thing I will explain myself on:

You're so sweet. Do you like every president? No matter if he conducts a war with arrogant ignorance, runs huge deficits, imposes his own policies with blatant disregard for the constitution? A nice guy indeed.

Jesus, THAT wasn't an a****le statement at all LOL
OK, I DO think Bush was a good guy, and so did a lot of people. Isn't that why he really won in 04? Kerry was a TOOL! But THATS I guy I could sit down and have a beer with.
Now, thats not exactly Presidential material..a good 'ol buddy.

But like I said, Bush was sheltered. Why he was always so out of the loop it seemed? He was sorrounded by intelligent people, and he DID once admit he dosn't really read much...then it struck me. Bush was just there to look pretty and sign the things, his administration around did everything for him. In his mind Iraq DID have WMD's and the War on Terror IS all abotu getting terrorists soley  etc etc etc. Because thats
what he was fed.

Bush is a New England (yea) elitist who was born with the silver spoon in his mouth, and was fed with it all his life. Even during his Presidency.
Oh, and no I dont like every President. In fact Captain America Ronald Reagan, I despise with a passion and love telling it to people to see there shocked expressions.
OK, I'm peacing...I've had more than enough of this thread.

"Nice guy to have a beer with" and  "a New England (yea) elitist" is really a contradiction of terms. Think of it
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stonebeard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 14:16
Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Well IVNORD, I had a feeling you were going to do all that.
It really comes down to your personal feelings, obviously you're opposed to Obama's economics, I am not, that simple.
With his economics you and I will end up in the poor house together, believe me. Obama is destroying the middle class.
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

So yea, policies are policies, but one thing I will explain myself on:

You're so sweet. Do you like every president? No matter if he conducts a war with arrogant ignorance, runs huge deficits, imposes his own policies with blatant disregard for the constitution? A nice guy indeed.

Jesus, THAT wasn't an a****le statement at all LOL
OK, I DO think Bush was a good guy, and so did a lot of people. Isn't that why he really won in 04? Kerry was a TOOL! But THATS I guy I could sit down and have a beer with.
Now, thats not exactly Presidential material..a good 'ol buddy.

But like I said, Bush was sheltered. Why he was always so out of the loop it seemed? He was sorrounded by intelligent people, and he DID once admit he dosn't really read much...then it struck me. Bush was just there to look pretty and sign the things, his administration around did everything for him. In his mind Iraq DID have WMD's and the War on Terror IS all abotu getting terrorists soley  etc etc etc. Because thats
what he was fed.

Bush is a New England (yea) elitist who was born with the silver spoon in his mouth, and was fed with it all his life. Even during his Presidency.
Oh, and no I dont like every President. In fact Captain America Ronald Reagan, I despise with a passion and love telling it to people to see there shocked expressions.
OK, I'm peacing...I've had more than enough of this thread.

"Nice guy to have a beer with" and  "a New England (yea) elitist" is really a contradiction of terms. Think of it

Not really. New England has some of the best microbreweries.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 14:19
Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Well IVNORD, I had a feeling you were going to do all that.
It really comes down to your personal feelings, obviously you're opposed to Obama's economics, I am not, that simple.
With his economics you and I will end up in the poor house together, believe me. Obama is destroying the middle class.
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

So yea, policies are policies, but one thing I will explain myself on:

You're so sweet. Do you like every president? No matter if he conducts a war with arrogant ignorance, runs huge deficits, imposes his own policies with blatant disregard for the constitution? A nice guy indeed.

Jesus, THAT wasn't an a****le statement at all LOL
OK, I DO think Bush was a good guy, and so did a lot of people. Isn't that why he really won in 04? Kerry was a TOOL! But THATS I guy I could sit down and have a beer with.
Now, thats not exactly Presidential material..a good 'ol buddy.

But like I said, Bush was sheltered. Why he was always so out of the loop it seemed? He was sorrounded by intelligent people, and he DID once admit he dosn't really read much...then it struck me. Bush was just there to look pretty and sign the things, his administration around did everything for him. In his mind Iraq DID have WMD's and the War on Terror IS all abotu getting terrorists soley  etc etc etc. Because thats
what he was fed.

Bush is a New England (yea) elitist who was born with the silver spoon in his mouth, and was fed with it all his life. Even during his Presidency.
Oh, and no I dont like every President. In fact Captain America Ronald Reagan, I despise with a passion and love telling it to people to see there shocked expressions.
OK, I'm peacing...I've had more than enough of this thread.

"Nice guy to have a beer with" and  "a New England (yea) elitist" is really a contradiction of terms. Think of it

OK took a breather, Im good now.

Its TOTALLY contradictory. That's why I laugh at the idea of Bush being "The Cowboy" the Good ol Boy from Texas, the guy you could sit down with and have a beer. Because that's not what he is at all.
Another thing I like shocking people with was that Bush was born in Connecticut. Some reactions were priceless LOL
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 14:27
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

I don't know if we can really blame the whole bailout idea on Obama, after all, he's just carrying the torch Bush passed him. Both parties are a slave to big business.
It's no the idea, it's how the bailout is structured. Most of the money goes to waste

Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

Personally, I liked the housing Bailout and most of the bank bailout I believe was also sadly necessary, due to a mixture of deregulation (a la Reagan) and crappy regulations (a la Barney Frank). However, GM & Chrysler thing was a colossal fail.
What exactly did you like about the housng bailout? A complete f**king failure.
Do you know where the bank bailout money went? Neither does our government
And when talking deregulation, dont forget to mention Clinton. And his main deregulator Larry Summers is with us again today yeah!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 14:28
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Originally posted by IVNORD IVNORD wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Well IVNORD, I had a feeling you were going to do all that.
It really comes down to your personal feelings, obviously you're opposed to Obama's economics, I am not, that simple.
With his economics you and I will end up in the poor house together, believe me. Obama is destroying the middle class.
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

So yea, policies are policies, but one thing I will explain myself on:

You're so sweet. Do you like every president? No matter if he conducts a war with arrogant ignorance, runs huge deficits, imposes his own policies with blatant disregard for the constitution? A nice guy indeed.

Jesus, THAT wasn't an a****le statement at all LOL
OK, I DO think Bush was a good guy, and so did a lot of people. Isn't that why he really won in 04? Kerry was a TOOL! But THATS I guy I could sit down and have a beer with.
Now, thats not exactly Presidential material..a good 'ol buddy.

But like I said, Bush was sheltered. Why he was always so out of the loop it seemed? He was sorrounded by intelligent people, and he DID once admit he dosn't really read much...then it struck me. Bush was just there to look pretty and sign the things, his administration around did everything for him. In his mind Iraq DID have WMD's and the War on Terror IS all abotu getting terrorists soley  etc etc etc. Because thats
what he was fed.

Bush is a New England (yea) elitist who was born with the silver spoon in his mouth, and was fed with it all his life. Even during his Presidency.
Oh, and no I dont like every President. In fact Captain America Ronald Reagan, I despise with a passion and love telling it to people to see there shocked expressions.
OK, I'm peacing...I've had more than enough of this thread.

"Nice guy to have a beer with" and  "a New England (yea) elitist" is really a contradiction of terms. Think of it

Not really. New England has some of the best microbreweries.
Man! I'd love to have a beer with you!WinkWink
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 14:30
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Its TOTALLY contradictory. That's why I laugh at the idea of Bush being "The Cowboy" the Good ol Boy from Texas, the guy you could sit down with and have a beer. Because that's not what he is at all.
Another thing I like shocking people with was that Bush was born in Connecticut. Some reactions were priceless LOL

Yeah, not too many cowboys snorted coke, went to Yale, and crashed into trees (all at once? i don't remember...)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 14:39
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Its TOTALLY contradictory. That's why I laugh at the idea of Bush being "The Cowboy" the Good ol Boy from Texas, the guy you could sit down with and have a beer. Because that's not what he is at all.
Another thing I like shocking people with was that Bush was born in Connecticut. Some reactions were priceless LOL

Yeah, not too many cowboys snorted coke, went to Yale, and crashed into trees (all at once? i don't remember...)

Not just Yale, don't forget the prestigious private High School, OH and I believe his Dad was head of some club....what was it called? Damn, its slipping....oh that's right it was the CIA....

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 15:11
IVNord, as nfar as I know, Obama has surrounded himself of a group of people that know a lot about economics. Don't you think he has people around him that may actually know a little about economics? What if they happen to be right and you're wrong? Can youn admit the possibility that you might once in your lifetime be wrong? Do you know 100% sure as a fact what the future will hold?
I'd say it's more reasonable to give the administration a time... things may actually turn out all right... Yes, your analysis say they won't, but you're not the only one doing analysis... Again, what if, god forbid, you're wrong and they're right? Isn't this what democracy is about, the chance for different people to be wrong every four years?
Or you should seriously apply for a job in the IMF... since you KNOW what the future holds (the middles class will disappear, etc etc)
I think supporting YOUR president at least for a WHILE seems like more reasonable... At least for a WHILE....
On another hand, beer and elitism are no contradiction. A guy born in a golden craddle CAN be a great guy to have a beer with... remember, being born wealthy doesn't mean you're born intellectual.. And Bush came from a family of politicians, all excellent in dealing with people (hell, I would like to have a beer with him... he seems like so funny a guy)...    
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IVNORD View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 15:48
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

IVNord, as nfar as I know, Obama has surrounded himself of a group of people that know a lot about economics. Don't you think he has people around him that may actually know a little about economics? What if they happen to be right and you're wrong? Can youn admit the possibility that you might once in your lifetime be wrong? Do you know 100% sure as a fact what the future will hold?
That's how the american people is taken for a ride - hoping they are real sharp guys in the government. Like Larry Summers. Pure and honest like Greenspan. He just made a little mistake underestimating the dangers of derivatives. Oh yeah, I forgot Rubin, he's the best.
 If history is any gide, no nation ever got away with minting money out of thin air. I dont want to confuse you with such examples as the Weimar Republic and the Soviet Union, just look at the history of the United States. The monetary expansion of the 70s destroyed my parents' generation. Now the inflation started by Reagan, with Clinton' giving it a real push and Obama's finishing touch is going to bankrupt mine. Yours is next.
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

I'd say it's more reasonable to give the administration a time... things may actually turn out all right... Yes, your analysis say they won't, but you're not the only one doing analysis... Again, what if, god forbid, you're wrong and they're right? Isn't this what democracy is about, the chance for different people to be wrong every four years?
Bush was given plenty of time in Iraq too. Try to look into the future.
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Or you should seriously apply for a job in the IMF... since you KNOW what the future holds (the middles class will disappear, etc etc)
I think supporting YOUR president at least for a WHILE seems like more reasonable... At least for a WHILE....
Why hasnt it never occurred to me? Thank you. I am filling out the application as we speak. Any other great ideas?
By the way I didnt say "middles class will disappear," you mis-quoted me. Did you take my advice and started watching FOx? That's a Hannity's trick, right? I forgot to tell you to be selective.  Dont waste your time on him, he's a jackass.

Edited by IVNORD - June 12 2009 at 15:54
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 12 2009 at 16:03
Chill guys, or I'm going to post the corresponding pic of Mrs. Bush. LOL
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

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