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keiser willhelm View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote keiser willhelm Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2008 at 18:43
The Dark Knight was very good. i thought heath ledger did a much better job as the joker than Aron Eckhart did as Harvey Dent, though Eckhart didnt do a bad one by any means. The Joker was never supposed to be a tormented lunatic i dont think. He had nothing to be tormented about. he was just an anarchist nut who had hardly any backstory even in the comics, a character who is sadistic, visious and kind of funny. i think ledger nailed it perfectly.

oh and Pi, by Darren Aronofsky (requiem for a dream, the fountain) finally saw it, liked it a lot. particuarly the scene where max is talking to the jewish leaders. really cool, will watch again.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KoS Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2008 at 18:58
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

From what I've read, it's not worthy. But I've read some great comments about the remake you mention, some even putting it above the original one. I'll take a look soon.
Tonight was "The Day The Earth stood still". Why don't they make them like that no more? Why can't we mix CGI and explosions with a story? I've heard there will be a remake.. i can only expect an atrocity...
Atrocity confirmed,
although it might be a nice film, but in now way as close to the original.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote keiser willhelm Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2008 at 19:10
keeanu reeves is the worlds greatest actor. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avalanchemaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 27 2008 at 21:15
Revolver- a philosophical film cleverly disguised as an action epic.  excellent yarn, which is really just a tangent that spins an intricate web wherein the viewer is asked to contemplate the nature of consciousness and it's dichotomous autonomy (beautiful parts that rhetorically act out morally ambiguous parts- a hitman is strangely the most "morally sound" individual in the film).....f**king brilliant!    9/10   (will probably buy a copy)
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La Dolce Vita

Well hmm. The movie is a lot of talking for a long period of time, with good enough cinematography to keep me interested, but in the end, I don't really get it. ?/10

Saw 2

These films are all about twists and torture porn, and I'm kind of tired of that. This one also has pretty crap cinematography, which boils down to typical passable filming during the normal scenes and frantic Requiem for a Dream-style 5 cuts a second filming for when people die. I suppose this one has one of the more unique premises of the series, with most victims being together in a house and having to work with or against each other to get out in time, but everything else about it was industrial, grim, sick, sadistic and unpleasant, which you may like. The character and motive of Jigsaw is intriguing, but that's better explored in the fourth film. The poorest of the series. 4/10

Altered States

Such an engrossing film, and quite my cup of coffee (f**k tea!)! A man experiments with hallucinogens in an isolation chamber, and the drugs start to take an effect beyond the psychological and into the physical. The film explores the mysteries of life, consciousness, and evolution as William Hurt's excellent character strives to know the ultimate truth that he believes the drugs will reveal. It has that quality that only the 70s (technically 1980) can bring, with giant computer consoles and 2001-esque camera shots. However, the hallucinogenic effects are not conveyed very well in the film, and it seems to have that "throw all these new effect techniques in there" attitude, kind of like Videodrome, but more extreme and typically less gorey. It also has the feel of The Fly to it, though I don't remember which came first. The ending seems to be a bit of a deus ex machina, but I'd have to watch it again to see if there's more below the surface. This is one of those films that I think a Virgin-era Tangerine Dream record would be a brilliant soundtrack to; an odd marraige of science and psychedelia. A perfect movie to get the mind running about God, primordial conditions, consciousness, and all the big questions, even if its aesthetic values are a bit dated. 7/10

Edited by stonebeard - July 28 2008 at 03:02
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Jimbo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 28 2008 at 12:17
Comme Un Image

A rather typical French drama about people who strive to be noticed and acknowledged by their loved ones, though rarely succeeding. Good acting, realistic, if unpleasant characters, interesting developments. Hardly exceptional, but I'm glad I watched it. 7 / 10

The Dark Knight

The hype surrounding this movie is so huge that there's hardly anything left to say. Heath Ledger as the Joker is superb, but the movie suffers slightly whenever he's not on screen. Christian Bale has done some amazing performances in the past (The Machinist springs to mind), but this time he seems rather one-dimensional. I suppose in an action-based movie there's not much room for character development. Beats Tobey Maguire and the likes any day of the week though. I loved the fact that things aren't as black and white as they usually are in hollywood flicks, but rather different shades of grey. Probably the best superhero movie out there, but worthy of 9.4 on the imdb website? Not so sure about that... 8 / 10


A rather bizarre thriller about a father of two boys who suddenly gets a visit from an angel telling him about the presence of demons in our world and his role as their slayer. ~ 20 years later, the story follows the older boy as he starts to reveal his family's dark past to an FBI agent. It's all a bit on the silly side, but entertaining enough to keep me awake until the end of it. 5 / 10

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el böthy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote el böthy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2008 at 21:31
Originally posted by keiser willhelm keiser willhelm wrote:

keeanu reeves is the worlds greatest actor. 

No, that´s Hayden Christensen!
"You want me to play what, Robert?"
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The T View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote The T Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 31 2008 at 23:00
Originally posted by el böthy el böthy wrote:

Originally posted by keiser willhelm keiser willhelm wrote:

keeanu reeves is the worlds greatest actor. 

No, that´s Hayden Christensen!
No, it's Michael Madsen...
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tardis View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote tardis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2008 at 00:45
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

Originally posted by el böthy el böthy wrote:

Originally posted by keiser willhelm keiser willhelm wrote:

keeanu reeves is the worlds greatest actor. 

No, that´s Hayden Christensen!
No, it's Michael Madsen...

No, it's Antonio Sabato, Jr.
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mithrandir View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mithrandir Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2008 at 17:58
The Haunting(1963) - I had to see this one again since it's been a while, of course I loved it, harkens back to a time when directors actually took the challenge of making horror unique, great crude sound effects, house was set up brilliantly, also a nice find and use of those creepy looking statues, if there's any problem I have it's just a tad long, ...every fan of horror should give this one a shot at least once in their lives - 7/10

Rubber's Lover - I actually went into this thinking I was going to hate it (being I didn't care for 964 Pinocchio), well surprise surprise I loved it! so much more visual stimuli going on in than 964 Pinocchio...slightly more coherent too. Just about every scene had something absurd and visceral to absorb; not to mention a ton of cool looking robotic torture machinery and neat little cyber tools and gizmos-all swirled together with a nonstop plot of screaming, convulsions, disease, splatter and perversion. At the end of the movie I had squeeze my eyes shut and rub them for a while to get my senses back in order, it's quite an experience. The best way to describe it is if Dr Frankenstein set up a some callous medical research corporation in The Sprawl using human guinea pigs for their experiments (including their own employees), excellent film of Avant-CyberPower Violence! - 8/10

The War Zone - eh, this could have been better, a movie about a family with a dark secret [spoiler]father sexes daughter[/spoiler] really not revealing much since that arc to the story is introduced early on, I liked the viewings of the English country and rocky ocean side. but what really pissed me off about this movie is that there seemed to be a lack of communication with the characters, I know they the main character (the brother) to be sort of an awkward dorky teenager, but the guy doesn't talk! you ask him question and he just stares at you, same with the sister too, you just want to smack them, really just an annoying pack of characters - 3.5/10
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Toaster Mantis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2008 at 02:36
Independence Day... hooh boy, was this one stupid movie. Most of the impressive visuals (like those of the alien ships hanging over cities to destroy them) make no sense when you think about it and the script relies upon so many utter coincidences to move the plot forwards. Add the fact that the aliens apparently have no firewalls on their computers plus a record number of "outrun the fireball" scenes in a single movie, and you get a plot so nonsensical it makes Transformers look like Shakespeare. Worst of all, upon rewatching ID4 most of its big action scenes actually come across as rather underwhelming even though my TV set has a very big screen. I did, however, quite like the designs of the aliens (sorta like a cross between Greys and Warhammer 40K Tyranids) and their spacecraft - in particular the interior of the mothership.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mithrandir Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2008 at 14:10
Bad Boy Bubby - the first part when he trapped in the house was excellent, the first half hour block when he finally got out of the house and started exploring the world was pretty cool too, after that it sort of leveled out and towards the end when he starting singing for that band and got involved with retarded hospital I pretty much lost interest and was waiting for it to end, if they shaved off about 20 minutes it would have been better, I'm not quite sure what I think of Bubby himself, sometimes he was amusing, at others he was downright annoying - 6/10

C.S. Lewis: Through the Shadowlands - about Lewis and and his wife Joy whom he met later in his life, she soon died of cancer after they married, one of those BBC made programs that was probably aired on PBS, depressing but too dry for my tastes - 3/10

Birth - this wasn't too bad actually, I think it delivered, even when all was revealed at the end, the "twist" (if you might call it that) was actually quite engaging at somewhat sinister, Nicole Kidman is always a pleasure to watch and I think I've become somewhat of a fanboy of hers as of late, also Anne Heche (who I've always had a super crush on) plays a devious and wicked character which makes me want her all that much more! 6 or 7/10 (I dont know yet)
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micky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2008 at 14:20
Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

Independence Day... hooh boy, was this one stupid movie. Most of the impressive visuals (like those of the alien ships hanging over cities to destroy them) make no sense when you think about it and the script relies upon so many utter coincidences to move the plot forwards. Add the fact that the aliens apparently have no firewalls on their computers plus a record number of "outrun the fireball" scenes in a single movie, and you get a plot so nonsensical it makes Transformers look like Shakespeare. Worst of all, upon rewatching ID4 most of its big action scenes actually come across as rather underwhelming even though my TV set has a very big screen. I did, however, quite like the designs of the aliens (sorta like a cross between Greys and Warhammer 40K Tyranids) and their spacecraft - in particular the interior of the mothership.

you forget the worse outrage.. in a movie full of them.

the President's speech before the final battle....

even worse than some of the ones 'W' has uncorked upon us  ...and that is REALLY saying something hahhha
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2008 at 14:34
oh hell.. something this bad.. deserves a spotlight...  laugh at will hahahhahahahah
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crimhead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote crimhead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2008 at 14:46
Dark Knight. Saw it Friday. A little long for my tastes. Well directed and written otherwise. I liked the ending and how it was left open for third movie. Heath Ledger as the Joker was a great choice. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avalanchemaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2008 at 20:31
Mongol- an excellent film about the upcoming of Genghis Khan.  exceptional story, great pacing, and amazing, epic battle scenes.  outstanding!  go see this!  9/10
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avalanchemaster Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2008 at 14:17
Dark Knight-
amazing plot, great plot devices, exceptional script and great pacing to this flick.  I hardly noticed that it is nearly 3 hours long.  of note was the lack of extremely gory kills, which was especially refreshing to me.  Nice to see filmmakers ask me to use my imagination rather than utilizing pointless over-the-top gore just for sport.  some amazing shots!  I really enjoyed all of the acting.  but of special note was the depth of the story, which utilizes to a degree the old Nietzsche quote "be careful that when you fight the monsters, lest you become one" (I am ad-libbing my own interpretation here).  The entire story to me investigates the nature of morality and moral ambiguity.  It asks a lot of relevant societal questions in this manner.  The Joker is merely an anarchist who lives for the thrill of getting away with whatever chaotic actions he can....beautiful!  one of my favorite scenes is where he burns the mountain of money with the Chinese accountant on top...and says, "you guys only care about money"  or something like "you guys worry too much about money"......awesome.  awesome.  It is interesting to note how far Wayne goes to catch the Joker.....what rules will people break to maintain "good"?  does the end always justify the means?  etc.  etc.  great depth to the philosophy behind the film.  well done.  may easily become a favorite.  but definitely better than Batman Begins (at least to me).  10/10

Edited by avalanchemaster - August 11 2008 at 14:19
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Toaster Mantis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2008 at 16:50
The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
It's a pity this movie takes so many liberties with history, because I have seen few movies that so perfectly capture the intensity of a true turning point in history: Entire cultures dying out, leaders losing control over processes and mechanisms that they themselves have started, the heroes mainly trying to stay alive and make the best out of the chaos they find themselves in... all this in just 105 minutes, yet this movie is every bit as epic as an entire trilogy. This aspect of it, I think, is proof enough that Michael Mann understands the entire medium of film much better than most other directors active in Hollywood. That said, Mohicans '92 is not perfect. First there are the historical inaccuracies I mentioned before (the book Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies is quite harsh on it). Then, there's the fact that the approach of having most of the characterization come from the actors' performances rather than exposition is a bit of a double edged sword: While it keeps the pacing up, it also means that a handful of rather major characters get disappointingly little screentime.

Easy Rider
Ah yes, the movie that inspired the Deep Purple song Speed King and made Jack Nicholson famous. He gets an awesome scene where he expounds on how space aliens are more enlightened than us Earthlings! LOL Seriously, this is a great movie - the cinematography is absolutely beautiful, as a cinematic time capsule of the era in which it was made you can't find a better example, the way that it stays concise as hell while allowing itself to truly sprawl and ramble as an existentialist voyage should, the goddamn soundtrack... conceptually there is just so much there beneath the surface here. Okay, that does make it easy to misunderstand if you don't look for nuances, for example I've read in reviews that many hippies who saw Easy Rider back in the day didn't get that the movie was also critical of their subculture, but I am coming more and more to think that movies (and art in general) is at its best when giving its content shape rather than spelling it out explicitly. (which is, when you think about it, rather un-artistic)

Talk about historical epics being unrealistic! Here, however, it works to the movie's favour because Hero not only is very honest about its mythologizing of the past but also has the subjectivity of historical narratives as a theme. Like the '92 Last of the Mohicans, this one looks is very much about capturing the feel rather than the details of being at a turning point in history... if in a very different way simply because the two movies are products of very different cultures. Everything that should sink this movie - the ridiculously stylized swordplay, the occasional thematical heavy-handedness - actually ends up strengthening Hero because of how it positions itself in this hazy border one between history and fantasy. That, in turn, does not seem like a cop-out because of how much thought there has been put into its construction beyond just the sheer craftsmanship. The fact that I wound up appreciating it for the complex plot more than the elaborate fighting scenes (which alone make it worth rewatching, my favourite aspect of them was how the characters' swordfighting styles reflected their respective personalities) is probably the biggest testament to how good a movie Hero is... it's the sort of thing that on paper shouldn't work but in practice somehow does.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mithrandir Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2008 at 17:49
Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself - damn this stunk, not worth talking about, the only cool thing about it was this character that was a Kipling fanatic and he kept coming back to the bookstore and asking why they don't stock Kipling? - and that was worth the only point I'm going to give this movie - 1/10

The Invasion - the 3rd remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", (for my money the 70s version remains the superior of the three), this new one wasn't too bad, it played well on a couple of themes that I always enjoy: a microscopic entity that either destroys or takes over your body and there is nothing you can do about it: also the paranoia that everyone else around you has changed yet you remain the same and try to conceal that fact from the others. I thought the way the spores were transfered was pretty cool, wish they would have shown more of that. Aside from that nothing really new or unexpected, except the ending was rather lame...I understand the "question" they try to deliver: are we really better off as autonomous beings? But sh* just wasn't as bleak as the 70s version. I think I'd like to watch the 50s and 70s version again, it's been a while. Anyhow > The Invasion - 6/10
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Toaster Mantis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 19 2008 at 04:02
Jurassic Park
Some of the dinosaur effects aren't quite as good as they were back in 1993, but all the big action scenes - especially those with the T-Rex - are every bit as exciting as they have always been. My favourite dinosaur attack scene, though, is actually the one with the Dilophosaur. With its spitting of corrosive venom, ridges on its head and fold-out neck collar thingy it looks like a dragon! Evil%20Smile That said, this movie is far from perfect and not just because of all the things it gets wrong about biology (why do they use frog DNA to fill the gaps in the dino DNA instead of bird DNA?). No, the biggest problem is that the script a couple of times relies on the main characters behaving rather stupidly in order to create drama: For example, the movie makes it clear that things would not have gone so horribly wrong had Hammond not undermanned the security system of the park and generally rushed everything (which made it easier for Nedry to sabotage things)... so it never seems inevitable that the dino rampaging would have happened, no matter how often Jeff Goldblum's character says so. In short, Jurassic Park is a story that fails to prove its own message. Shocked
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