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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2007 at 17:08
Originally posted by Gamemako Gamemako wrote:

I'd also like to point out two things which micky so eloquently noted. First, guns do make it easier for people (especially women) to commit murder.

Shakespeare makes an awesome point because of things noted previously. First, most murders in the United States are not committed by registered firearms. So you'd literally be bringing a knife to a gunfight. Second, a 55-kilo 155cm female can't defend herself with a knife from an assailant who weighs in at 90 kilo and 190cm. It doesn't work too well.

That said, the vast majority of non-crime-related (gangs, drug dealing, et cetera) homicides as well as rapes are committed by acquaintances or family of the victim.

Some Brit will have to tell whether tasers are legal there, but there are so many pushes to ban all other kinds of nonlethal less-lethal weaponry, I'd be surprised to see them legal. Fear effects weapon policy.

Oh, the other thing micky noted? Nobody here is going to be convinced of anything but the way they live now. I grew up with guns -- my father was a naval captain -- and I've lived around guns my entire life. In the 'States, I go target shooting every once in a while for fun. I don't fear them: I've yet to lose a friend to a gun, but I've seen several fall to alcohol and cars. But that's not going to lead me to seek prohibition and mandatory public transport. Not to be condescending (as it will inexorably sound), but I won't let fear dictate my beliefs. And so, I certainly won't support banning guns. Others grew up in an area where firearms were verboten, and would certainly not ever consider what it would mean to have them otherwise (an illogical fear of what could be from my viewpoint, and a logical conclusion from theirs). We're all products of our respective environments.

that we are....I grew up with them as well... i don't fear them either.. just hate them. My reasons are personal for that.  I'll never touch another weapon again... but that said...  guns are simply too ingrained in our culture to realistically talk of removing them.  There is simply no way to remove them, which I would be all for in a perfect world, but a little thing called reality creeps in.  We can't, not  without the country becoming even more of police state... call it a malignant police state.. rather than the benign one it has become. The 'right' to own as many guns as we can afford is ingrained in our heritage.   As I like to say on other more controversial political questions  LOL..  you can't legislate morality... and you can't legislate out  the propensity to violence that has been a defining characteristic of America since it was founded.  Sure taking the guns away would drop the murder rate... anyone is a fool if they think otherwise... but at what cost. The freedoms that are still left to us after nearly 8 years of fear mongering and subtle stripping away of our rights.   Americans love guns... idolize violence.. from games we play as kids.... to the movies we watch as we grow older.  It is just the way things are.. and will always be. Anyhow.. just rambling....
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2007 at 20:47
hahahhahha.... election results beginning to come in here.... that b*tch of an incumbant Republican state senator is gettting smoked...... the one that was given a quarter milllion dollars from her husbands campaign coffers... him being a Va. House Representative,  Tom Davis.  The days of the GOP stranglehold on Va are ending.. thank god.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 06 2007 at 23:04
^ and she is gone... and hopefully her husband will run against Warner next year for the open Senate seat and be out as well. 

Interesting... lived down in N.C. before I moved back up here and that state is beginning to swing blue... same with Virginia.  Not surprising down in N.C since you can't go far without hearing.. not the soft southern drawl but a damn Long Island accent LOL 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 06:01
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

hahahhahha.... election results beginning to come in here.... that b*tch of an incumbant Republican state senator is gettting smoked...... the one that was given a quarter milllion dollars from her husbands campaign coffers... him being a Va. House Representative,  Tom Davis.  The days of the GOP stranglehold on Va are ending.. thank god.

I was born in Virginia and lived there seven years.  I say hooray if the Republican stranglehold is being loosened.  Being in Georgia ever since, it's sad to say the Republican stranglehold is strong here and shows no signs of letting up.Cry
At least my county, Dekalb, in the metro Atlanta is relatively free of it.

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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 13:44

Well, I wouldn't say the Republican stranglehold on VA is really loosening.

It appears to me that Northern VA is just going more to the Democratic side. Just happens that are is populated enough to swing VA into the Democrats.
I love this stuff, elections hanging on a few counties...does anyone find it a lil screwy? Wacko
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 16:39
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Well, I wouldn't say the Republican stranglehold on VA is really loosening.

It appears to me that Northern VA is just going more to the Democratic side. Just happens that are is populated enough to swing VA into the Democrats.

does anything else matter..  Fairfax County.. with over a million residents just about cleaned house of GOP members I think I read today... and voted Dem.   As  far as outside N. Virg and assorted 'urban' areas  ... the hayseeds will always vote for the GOP.. though as I often say... unless you have serious money in the bank..  You're a fool to vote for them... no one really cares for the less off....  at least the Dems try  by appearing to care by proposing policies that actually help the less fortunate.. rather than just throw 'social' scraps to the poor.. and really work to protect their financial interests.. and those of their friends.LOL  One of the most direct things I read one  time.. that really cuts in the heart of the divide between the two parties... though of course there are exceptions to the rule on both sides.  ' Both sides side power..  whereas the Repulbicans seek power for powers sake.. for their own means.. the Democrats seek power for others sake.'  
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Padraic View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 17:01
I'm surprised Fairfax county had any Republicans to throw out.

Northern Virginia might as well be another state.  It is truly a deep blue enclave in an otherwise red state, but it is true that with it being the most populous county in the state it has enormous influence (and $$$).  However, Virginia has had two Democratic governors most recently (includes the current one), and just had Allen go down in defeat to Jim Webb last November.   It's interesting - Virginia may indeed tip over to the Dems in 2008.  Have a feeling that my state of Pennsylvania, which has been a battleground state as of late, will also go blue.  I think all it might take is one of Ohio or Florida to go Democratic and it's hard to see how the Democrats will lose next year.  But there's an eternity in political time until then...

N.B.  I lived in Fairfax county for three years.  Once you drove south of Springfield, you really felt like you were in the South.  The DC suburbs in which I lived weren't much different from other places I've lived and/or visited in the Northeast.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 17:08
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

I'm surprised Fairfax county had any Republicans to throw out.

Northern Virginia might as well be another state.  It is truly a deep blue enclave in an otherwise red state, but it is true that with it being the most populous county in the state it has enormous influence (and $$$).  However, Virginia has had two Democratic governors most recently (includes the current one), and just had Allen go down in defeat to Jim Webb last November.   It's interesting - Virginia may indeed tip over to the Dems in 2008.  Have a feeling that my state of Pennsylvania, which has been a battleground state as of late, will also go blue.  I think all it might take is one of Ohio or Florida to go Democratic and it's hard to see how the Democrats will lose next year.  But there's an eternity in political time until then...

N.B.  I lived in Fairfax county for three years.  Once you drove south of Springfield, you really felt like you were in the South.  The DC suburbs in which I lived weren't much different from other places I've lived and/or visited in the Northeast.

there were Pat from what I read in the Post... I caught a number of 5 GOP to Dem switchovers.. not mention a couple of State Senate seats.. and the State Senate went over to the Dems for the first time in a decade.  Prince William County is the real shocker... LONG a GOP stronghold (where I lived when I first moved here in '80).. when that county went for Webb... many eyes were opened that the state is going ...moving out of the solid Red.. and now appears to be solidly a battleground state.. maybe even now with leaning towards the blue side of things with the red really having their hats handed to them in No. Va.  That is a hell of a lot of votes there... we have been close enough to smell the strench coming from DC over the last 7 years.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 17:31

Well long as Dems wins  who really cares right!?

And I am not from, or ever lived in, VA so I can only speak about what I have observed...but it looks to me that North VA is basically the "Northeast" and the rest is the South  as you guys have mentioned.   But you're right as long as the Dems win VA who cares.
Besides all the country lies along that urban/rural split. In my state of New Jersey  a SOLID libeal democratic state  there are ALOT of areas of strong, conservative, republicanism.
Especially those wealthy New York suburbs and costal towns. Of course there's enough urban/heavy suburban areas to go blue everytime.
Interesting stuff IMO

Edited by JJLehto - November 07 2007 at 17:33
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 17:41
"Republicans is fine if you're a multi-millionaire.
Democrats is fair if all you own is what you wear.
But, neither of them's reall right,
'cause neither of them care,
'bout that hot plate heaven,
'cause they ain't been there."
Frank Zappa - Green Hotel, Broadway the Hardway
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 17:59
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

"Republicans is fine if you're a multi-millionaire.
Democrats is fair if all you own is what you wear.
But, neither of them's reall right,
'cause neither of them care,
'bout that hot plate heaven,
'cause they ain't been there."
Frank Zappa - Green Hotel, Broadway the Hardway
Yes, sadly it's true. But I choose to vote Dem as the lesser of two evils. So, why vote at all some ask? Because, by not voting you ARE voting, for whoever gets into office. So, what right do you have to bust Bush and you couldn't take the time to vote?
And someone mentioned how if the Dems can get VA + OH or FL how can they lose?
I don't know...but if there's a way the Dems WILL find a way to lose. LOL
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rileydog22 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 20:12
The two-party system is absolutely horrible.  80 or 90% of Americans don't think for themselves because of it, they just check the name with an R or D next to it because Mommy and Daddy did.  

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Finnforest View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 20:17
Originally posted by rileydog22 rileydog22 wrote:

The two-party system is absolutely horrible.  80 or 90% of Americans don't think for themselves because of it, they just check the name with an R or D next to it because Mommy and Daddy did.  

Kinda like religion Wink

But seriously, the 2 party system is getting a bit old, ain't it?

And what's the deal with the French Prez over here kissing Bush's ass?  I thought the French were supposed to be our friendly rivals telling us how f*cked up we are.  Did they all go ahead and elect their own cowboy president?  They could have just asked us, we would have given them our cowboy! Big%20smile
...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 20:27
Originally posted by rileydog22 rileydog22 wrote:

The two-party system is absolutely horrible.  80 or 90% of Americans don't think for themselves because of it, they just check the name with an R or D next to it because Mommy and Daddy did.  
Yea....but again being a realist  what can you do?
As it's been said the 2 party system is pretty I don't see it going anywhere. Also the obvious reasons the Dems and Reps probably won't like it.
But yea....proportional districts instead of winner take all? I don't know,  I don't see a way to truly get a 3 (or more) party system going.

Edited by JJLehto - November 07 2007 at 20:28
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rileydog22 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 20:36
Approval voting, Borda count, or vote-transfer systems would allow third-party candidates to at least have a fighting chance of securing a seat or two in the House or Senate.  The voting system currently in place, plurality with adjustments designed to make it worse, is one of the least efficient voting systems.  

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 07 2007 at 20:41
Originally posted by rileydog22 rileydog22 wrote:

Approval voting, Borda count, or vote-transfer systems would allow third-party candidates to at least have a fighting chance of securing a seat or two in the House or Senate.  The voting system currently in place, plurality with adjustments designed to make it worse, is one of the least efficient voting systems.  
Hey you're preaching to the choir man, I'm just saying...sadly I don't see a change ANYtime remotely soon. Also, I am a fan of abolishing the electoral college.
Direct voting!
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Slartibartfast View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 08 2007 at 10:28
Originally posted by JJLehto JJLehto wrote:

Originally posted by rileydog22 rileydog22 wrote:

Approval voting, Borda count, or vote-transfer systems would allow third-party candidates to at least have a fighting chance of securing a seat or two in the House or Senate.  The voting system currently in place, plurality with adjustments designed to make it worse, is one of the least efficient voting systems.  
Hey you're preaching to the choir man, I'm just saying...sadly I don't see a change ANYtime remotely soon. Also, I am a fan of abolishing the electoral college.
Direct voting!
Yeah, getting rid of the ec would be the first best reform.  Instant runoff voting would also be a tremendous reform. 
"Instant-runoff voting (IRV) is a voting system used for single-winner elections in which voters have one vote, but can rank candidates in order of preference. In an IRV election, if no candidate receives a majority of first choices, the candidate with the fewest number of votes is eliminated, and ballots cast for that candidate are redistributed to the surviving candidates according to the voters' indicated preference. This process is repeated until one candidate obtains a majority."
From Wikipedia and more accurate description than what I was about to write.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 08 2007 at 13:40
Ahhh yes, Instant Runoff....don't know how I forgot that one. I like that one as well.
Another idea I heard once was proportional voting districts. For example, if a DEM wins 55% of a district, a REP wins 30% and an Independent wins 15% the district would be broken down as such.       Sounds a bit complicated though IMO.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 08 2007 at 19:17
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I was born in Virginia and lived there seven years.  I say hooray if the Republican stranglehold is being loosened.  Being in Georgia ever since, it's sad to say the Republican stranglehold is strong here and shows no signs of letting up.Cry
At least my county, Dekalb, in the metro Atlanta is relatively free of it.

Aye, it's pretty awful, but even the democrats are trash. Cynthia McKinney? Zell Miller (a Republican posing as a Democrat)?

But I still can't believe anyone could win an election by calling Max Cleland unpatriotic. That really pissed me off.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2007 at 17:53
Just thought I'd share.  Cracked me up.
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