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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2007 at 16:27
Hey, Mandrakeroot, still there? I've just finished listening to my latest purchase: "Introspezione" by Opus Avantra... marvellous! "L'altalena" is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard for ages.
By the way, in "Il Pavone" Donella's voice really reminds me of Mina's one. What do you think?

Edited by paolo.beenees - May 03 2007 at 16:28
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2007 at 18:30
YEAH!!!! Mandy I'm glad to see you got Concerto Delle Menti, and you liked it as you did.  It is one of my favorites from RPI.
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avestin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2007 at 19:06
Originally posted by paolo.beenees paolo.beenees wrote:

Hey, Mandrakeroot, still there? I've just finished listening to my latest purchase: "Introspezione" by Opus Avantra... marvellous! "L'altalena" is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard for ages.
Love that album as well. Not sure if you'll like it, but you can also try their second album - Lord Cromwell (plays suite for seven vices)
Has GATTO MARTE been mentioned in this thread? Danae might interest you.
I added a band a while back called ORCHESTRA NJERVUDAROV who released one album in 1979 Con le orecchie di Eros which should appeal to Chamber rock and RIO fans but there is one track in there that I don't know why they added it which is a new wave song....Confused Otherwise the album is quite good but I think out of print.
Another intersting one is GECKO'S TEAR which started as a more metal oriented band but have since steered toward a art-rock pathway and have released a solid album in Contradiction. Read the review there. I hope to bring an interview with them in the future.
And lastly, I recommend this band (probably mentioned here before, but doesn't hurt to mention them again) JUMBO and especially their two albums DNA and Vietato ai Minori di 18 Anni  . I know Micky loves the DNA one.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2007 at 19:21
ClapClap Have some clappies.

it  sure doesn't hurt Assaf...  they don't get enough mentions.. even by those like me that really really like the group and their albums .  
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asimplemistake View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2007 at 01:05
Mandrakeroot,  Thanks a lot for all of the requests.  I really liked what I heard from Delirium (the song here on PA), it was a very nice mix of the flutes, guitar, strings, and drums which I found very enjoyable.  I had heard PFM before and I really liked the stuff from "Stati di Immaginazione" (which I hadn't heard yet).

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any song samples or mp3's of any of the other bands you mentioned.  A lot of websites sell the albums, but I wasn't able to get a good listen to most of the stuff.

Do you know of any places that I might be able to go hear some of this music without buying the albums?  I'm short on money right now and can't really go out and buy every album I want (that would be nice though...), but I also do not want to start illegally downloading music, cause I'm against that.

You have been very helpful though because I have really liked everything I've heard so far that you recommended. 

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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2007 at 03:42
Originally posted by avestin avestin wrote:

Originally posted by paolo.beenees paolo.beenees wrote:

Hey, Mandrakeroot, still there? I've just finished listening to my latest purchase: "Introspezione" by Opus Avantra... marvellous! "L'altalena" is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard for ages.
Love that album as well. Not sure if you'll like it, but you can also try their second album - Lord Cromwell (plays suite for seven vices)
Has GATTO MARTE been mentioned in this thread? Danae might interest you.
I added a band a while back called ORCHESTRA NJERVUDAROV who released one album in 1979 Con le orecchie di Eros which should appeal to Chamber rock and RIO fans but there is one track in there that I don't know why they added it which is a new wave song....Confused Otherwise the album is quite good but I think out of print.
Another intersting one is GECKO'S TEAR which started as a more metal oriented band but have since steered toward a art-rock pathway and have released a solid album in Contradiction. Read the review there. I hope to bring an interview with them in the future.
And lastly, I recommend this band (probably mentioned here before, but doesn't hurt to mention them again) JUMBO and especially their two albums DNA and Vietato ai Minori di 18 Anni  . I know Micky loves the DNA one.

From OPUS AVANTRA I prefer "Venetia Et Anima" because It is the first album without truths compromised that Donella carved (would be necessary to possess the to understand it).  In fact the others are very difficults,  a lot (too much) experimental. Instead in "Venetia Et Anima" finally Donella can express also the feelings, without to to be made conditional from the critic!!! Instead the other albums deli OPUS AVANTRA I don't understand them to the 100%!!! 

For JUMBO... It wait to return Bassano Del Grappa to withdraw a copy of the AINUR's CD and to do mine at least one of these two CD!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2007 at 03:46
Originally posted by asimplemistake asimplemistake wrote:

Mandrakeroot,  Thanks a lot for all of the requests.  I really liked what I heard from Delirium (the song here on PA), it was a very nice mix of the flutes, guitar, strings, and drums which I found very enjoyable.  I had heard PFM before and I really liked the stuff from "Stati di Immaginazione" (which I hadn't heard yet).

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any song samples or mp3's of any of the other bands you mentioned.  A lot of websites sell the albums, but I wasn't able to get a good listen to most of the stuff.

Do you know of any places that I might be able to go hear some of this music without buying the albums?  I'm short on money right now and can't really go out and buy every album I want (that would be nice though...), but I also do not want to start illegally downloading music, cause I'm against that.

You have been very helpful though because I have really liked everything I've heard so far that you recommended. 


Well.. asimplemistake...  I wouldn't know how to help you because also I did search for this type and didn't find nothing. 

Edited by Mandrakeroot - May 04 2007 at 03:47
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 05 2007 at 13:07
Another exciting Italian band with my FIRST REVIEW!!!

ROCKY'S FILJ* — Storie Di Uomini E Non
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
Collaborator Italian Prog Specialist


— First review of this album —

5%20stars My review is produced using this review: BMG Ricordi S.p.A. 74321-98160-2

My Rating: 9,5/10 PA Rating: 5/5

One of the more interesting, personal and innovative and unfortunately band from Italy. Unfortunately bacause the all Banco del Mutuo Soccorso's staff work for this album and the band is disbanded when a member was arrested (and the disc almost not even published), stopping the dreams of a band that would have been able to be one of the better, not only in Italy. Interesting, personal and innovative because not having the keyboards but the saxes section the instrumental parts are Jazz Rock but the vocal parts (with the good and exciting voice of Rocky Rossi) are too Rock and Symphonic. So it talks about Symphonic Jazz Rock. In this sense "Il Soldato" or "Io Robot" are very good examples of Rocky's Filj style. Interesting the long "L'Ultima Spiaggia" really boiling, mix between Art Rock, Symphonic and Jazz (for resonance). The instrumental "E" is, instead, a good Jazz Rock. The final piece "Martino" is a really photocopy of the previous sung songs. But with symphonic very exciting final with sax. Interesting one interlude in "L'Ultima Spiaggia" and the intro of "Io Robot" with double-bass and flute that are two good examples of Romantic classic music.

For the Ricordi label the Rocky's Filj have to be one of the tours de force of the catalog for a lot of years. But the Italian justice stopped this band. I should say that still today the regretted it is a lot, also because, this album seems just published, so it is fresh and present. For this reason the 5/5 is little. Another Gem from Italy, another Gem from the Prog world... Very higly recommended!!!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2007 at 04:56


Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più

(Studio Album, 1977)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: PolyGram Italia s.r.l. Polydor 523 688-2

My Rating: 9,5/10 PA Rating: 5/5

Ok, another 9,5/10 (and for PA 5/5) but this is another general Prog Gem. Yes, Gem and not gem!!! Because Locanda Delle Fate "Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più" is a really Gem of the Prog. It is a really good example of Romantic Symphonic Prog, in the vein of Barclay James Harvest (for the atmospheres) and Genesis (for the music) with a good Italian mentality. And for these reason is a Masterpiece. The Pianos, the moog (and the others keyboards), the guitars and the voices are immense and the drums is really power and precise. Not any musician is a teacher. Nevertheless put together they produce a direct, symphonic and really exciting music. More of a songs are a lot individual moments that give back big this album. For example the acoustic song "Non Chiudete A Chiave Le Stelle", sweet but powerful, Romantic and symphonic, Really exciting and yet ruthless!!! I should say it... Typically Italian!!! But also "A Volte Un Istante Di Quiete" and "Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più" are in the same road, also if are works of group and electric. Like "Vendesi Saggezza" with a really romantic flute and a really good soli of electric guitar (a rhythmic duel with flute!!!). In all of the "Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più" we listen to a Prog that pushes towards the emotion. TodayI listened similar music in the first album of the Hostsonaten, but without this immense magic!

One of the last albums of the Old Wave Of the Italian Prog (that died with PFM's "Passpartù") "Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più" is a delay masterpiece but one of the most sincere examples of Italian music. Aged too well (surely very better than other Prog album) is another highly recommended gem for your heart and your discography.


Opera Prima

(Studio Album, 1973)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars Myreview is produced using this release: CD BMG 74321-98510-2

My Rating: 9/ 10 PA Rating: 5/5

If you think that the Prog is the Classic Music of the XX Century... Paolo Rustichelli & Carlo Bordini's "Opera Prima" is an album of Classic Music. Otherwise... Is Classic Music. I love this album and I think that this two guys conceiving a so simple album have hit the center of all Progsters hearts. The exact genre is Symphonic Heavy RPI Prog. But this is only a good detail because in truth "Opera Prima" is a good album of "Richard Wagner Prog". In fact in this album is lacking only a song... "The Rides Of The Valkyries"!!! But in truth is present "Un Cane", That is "The Rides..." Of Rustichelli & Bordini!!! "Un Cane" have a Symphonic rhythms and a grandiloquent keyboard parts with very emotional emphasis!!! And the other songs? I don't know because but I don't consider them exceptional. In fact the other songs are excellents but not exceptionals!!! Certainly "Dolce Sorella" or "E Svegliarsi Un Giorno" aren't normal songs... Certainly "Icaro", "Natività" or "Cammellandia" are masterpieces... But "Un Cane" surclasses all this quite of God!!!

If you love the RPI or the Symphonic or, still, the Symphonic side of the Heavy Prog... Not to possess Paolo Rustichelli & Carlo Bordini's "Opera Prima" It is a deadly sin!!!


1998- La Storia di Sabazio

(Studio Album, 1973)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: VM 200/ BTF VMCD 105

My Rating: 8,5/10 PA Rating: 5/5

Very obscure band from Florence with very obscure story. Only in recent time, thanks to Enrico Rosa of Campo Di Marte, the story of Triade came to surface. This "1998: La Storia Di Sabazio" is a very good album in the vein of ELP, The Nice, Procol Harum, VDGG and Renaissance but with more pastoral attitude. At the same time, if the melody are very present and the songs are very catchy but not mellow, the use of organ and melltron (but it would be able also to be a synth), of the acoustic guitar and of a song songwriter attitude lyrics is the distinctive element that with the more pastoral attitude give back sole this group. In this sense the last song "1998 (Millenovecentonovantotto)" is very hard version of the music of Dik Dik's "Suite Per Una Donna Assolutamente Relativa". But "Caro Fratello" is a personal Symphonic Prog POP with very heavy atmosphere and arrengements. But this album is also the more impersonal mini suite "Sabazio" where the Prog is that of the inspirng group. But to the end the final result is another very good album, an honest masterpiece.

If only the Triade had continued... Perhaps the story of the music in Italy is able to be different.


In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum

(Studio Album, 1969)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this review: Black Widow BWR 051CD

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 5/5

In 1969 Mr Antonio Bertoccetti (Antonius Rex) decides to tranfert itself in London where the musical ideas were feer and decides finally of to record this masterpiece of the Black Prog. The album was printed in 300 copies+ 10 promo and distributed to nun sects! Substantially it is an album for church organ and electric guitar with recited vocal parts. The first listening I carried out it in a car and I should say that a headache got me... The second I carried out to the darkness, headphone and volume to the stars! That fear, that suggestions... all the songs put fear but "Magister Dixit", "Triumphatus Sad", "Intiatjo" and "In Cauda Semper" have an evocative power than hasn't equal. Hypnotic, darknesses, not songs... Go listened to night, to the light of the full Moon, in a castle (or church or abbey) in ruin. After not say me that the mental hospital is yours house!

You go in and sought the page of Jacula and read the interview. You will understand because "In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum" is a sincere album, kind and gotic but ever above the lines. To have even if hated the treated subject.


Il Cappello a tre Punte

(Studio Album, 1996)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Lizard, distributed by Pick Up Records (Bassano Del Grappa, Vicenza Italy) 5490042

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 5/5

I don't know because but the Folk Metal isn't easy genre to make to understand the people. Besides these Fiaba (from Syracuse, Sicily) propose a version totally Prog of this genre. The most big difficulty is represented from the vocal style and from the same lyrics, difficult to include for who is not Italian.In fact Giuseppe Brancato blends Renato Zero, Tito Schipa Jr., Ronnie James Dio, Robert Plant and Michael Kiske creating a style very recited,powerful and, in the same time, very cheerful. Difficult for who it isn't Italian or Classic Metaller understand this proposal that, I repeat, is Folk Metal a lot of Prog. Besides, being you are Sicilan propose a small expedient to be original. That is to say they introduce in their music high elements of true Sicilian theatre, that of "Pupi Siciliani". To advise a song with respect to another one is much difficult. It isn't easy. I would experience to advise "La Profezia", Folk Prog Metal with text to the Black sabbath, Medieval atmosphere and endured and dramatic interpretation. Attractive also "Turpino, Il Mostro", "Il Cappello A Tre Punte", "Hanno Ammazzato Il Drago", the dramatic (exciting, warm,honest, sarcastic,...) "I Cento Stivali",it dramatically cheerful "La Rana Affogata (Morte Di Ranerò)" and the dramatic but comical reading of the modern society "Il Passo Della Gallina".

If you are Italian and loved the Italian Prog the Fiaba cannot be lacking in your discography. If fond Halloween, King Diamond and death SS not to possess the Fiaba is punishable offense with the trouble of death. Certainly the Fiaba is a group that unites the classic Italian Prog and them the tendences in Classic Metal field. One of the little Folk Metal groups that I advise to all... But provided that it understand the Italian language and the Sicilian mentality.


Wings of Time

(Studio Album, 1999)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Elevate Records (is a division of 99TH Floor) ER03008

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 5/5

I love this album because is my first contact with the work of Luciano Regoli, famous Italian singer (and painters) that in the 70's has working, between the other, with Raccomandata Ricevuta di Ritorno and Samadhi. Ok, this is a Prog Metal album but the Luciano Regoli's presence is a good point of departure to appreciate "Wings Of Time". But another good point of departure is the guitar work of Diego Realy that is a little clone of Malmsteen that is it is of Blackmore. The guitar of Reali and the keyboards of Maurizio Pariotti create a sound carpet a lot of soft but very powerful and the drum work of Fabio Costantino, precise and very power, does the remainder. "Wings Of Time" isn't a cold album, how a lot of Prog Metal albums, but it is an album thought to last in the time. Because songs like "Guiding Light", "I'll Dream Of You", "Deep Inside", "The Other Side", "A Drop Of Shadow" or "Nightmare" are daughters of the best Italian Prog.

For me with the DGM the Italian Prog is definitively reborn. And it doesn't interest me that the DGM produce Prog Metal. Because in this case is 100% Italian Prog.

Edited by Mandrakeroot - May 08 2007 at 04:57
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2007 at 14:13
Well done, Mandy. And well done Erik!!Clap
SISTEMA,%20IL%20Il%20Viaggio%20Senza%20Andata%20progressive%20rock%20album%20and%20reviews Italian Symphonic Prog
(Studio Album, 1992)
Avg: 3.00/5
from 1 ratings
SISTEMA, IL — Il Viaggio Senza Andata
Review by erik neuteboom (erik neuteboom)
Special Collaborator Symphonic Prog Expert

— First review of this album —

3%20stars I was pleasantly surprised to notice that this Italian progrock dinosaur was digged up from the vaults and added to Prog Archives. It was released on CD in the early Nineties by Mellow Records, a known Italian progrock label that is specialized in releasing Seventies Italian prog like Il Giro Strano, Biglietto Per L'Inferno and Jumbo. According to my information Mellow Records also released this CD on a double LP with additional tracks. Il Sistema featured members that later appeared in Museo Rosenbach (guitarplayer Enzo Merogno) and Celeste (Leonardo Lagario on sax, flute and piano), legendary Italian prog bands!

Il Sistema their music (from the era between 1969 and 1971) is mainly based upon the powerful sound of the Hammond organ (evoking Gregg Rolie) in long tracks like Il Pensieri Del Mattino and Dinamica E. Cibernitica, I am sure you will be carried away! Along the omnipresent Hammond organ, we can also enjoy good work on saxophone, flute and electric guitar and some vocals with a melancholical undertone. The only disappointing track is Il Pozzo, it's too long and it sounds cacaphonic, a maverick on this CD that has a running time of more than 70 minutes. The recording quality is not very good but if you are up to a decent bootleg sound, this CD is one to discover.

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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 08 2007 at 15:28
I believed i would be the first Il Sistema´s reviewer, but Erik beat me and he made a great review as usual.
Mandrakeroot, i will listen to Era di Aqcuario this evening, i have good expectatios about it!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 09 2007 at 04:13
OOOhhh... I think that Era Di Acquario is the next addition... If God wants!!! 

IL SISTEMA... I have to actual to recover a copy!!! 

Edited by Mandrakeroot - May 09 2007 at 16:27
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 14 2007 at 10:37


Buon Vecchio Charlie

(Studio Album, 1972)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

4%20stars My review is produced using this release: Akarma AK 1011

My Rating: 8/10 PA Rating: 4/5

Strange... This is a 100% RPI album (in the vein of Quella Vecchia Locanda, Balletto Di Bronzo, Alphataurus, Osanna, Biglietto Per L'Inferno or Museo Rosenbach) but with flute and sax a la Jethro Tull!!! In truth more of the moments of the songs of the original (and extreme rare) Virgin Records version of 1972 are Romantic and Symphonic (in the Italian version) and the use of organ and moog amplify everything. The songs are technique but not complex. Even if the suite "All'Uomo Che Raccoglie I Cartoni" is complex (because with more time and signature changes) technically isn't complex. Good the Medieval insertion and, obviously, the Jazz part with organ and flute a la Tull (tipically of the Italian Prog) that it remembers, however, too much the Osanna. Interesting the opener "Venite Giù Al Fiume" typical example of the Symphonic Rock side of the RPI. "Evviva La Contea Di Lane" written by Richard Benson (English DJ/ VJ/ guitarist with Italian Television Broadcasting contract) presents also a good guitar that it goes sought between the other instruments. Another words for the Bonus Tracks. Also like in the case of I Delirium the song for the singles are another musical style. In fact "Rosa" is a good example of a ballad of the 70's Italian New Romantic POP But really sweet, melancholy and dramatic with a really good lyrics and piano (but with a very useless Jazz part with a extreme good guitar solo). "Il Guardiano Della Valle" is a song sonwriter song in the vein of De Gregori (excuse me but is the only example that comes in my mind) because cheerful and medieval with course almost country (and with violin)!!!

Another consistent album from Italy and RPI (and from 1972). Another recommended album.


I admit that the news really hit me! 

In the site (only in Italian) I learned that the DJ/ VJ/ Guitarist Richard Benson (former of Buon Vecchio Charlie) is in the USA where is realizing a show with  Pamela Anderson!!! 

What it hit  me is that the show should be fit with the dates of the American tour of the New Guns'n'Roses!!! 

Certainty that after its  Metal conversion in the 80's and all his collaborations (even if only journalist) this is an incredible news

P.s.: David Geffen a large one put us kick.  That it is the good time for the Guns' n' Roses? 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 16 2007 at 09:55
Hey fellows, this is my THE WATCH "Primitive" review
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 16 2007 at 10:39
Great!! veeery well done Prog-jester!!!!!Clap
A great album, indeed. Slightly better than Vacuum, I think.
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erik neuteboom View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 16 2007 at 11:23
I have asked Ivan to check out or Il Giardino Delle Delizie can be added to Prog Archives under 'symphonic prog' by me, I hope to hear soon the good news Wink !
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 16 2007 at 13:29
Here is an Italian band that I think deserves WAY more publicity than it gets:


Review by dalt99 (David C.)

4%20stars Well, well well. I was very surprised when I listened to this Italian progressive rock music from 1973. Because of it's rarity and relative low profile, I expected just to add this to my collection and maybe get one or maybe two good songs to add to my vast Italian progressive rock collection of favorites. Instead, I was amazed to hear, instead of the usual Banco and PFM copy cat sounds, music that is a cross between Fantasy, Cressida, Le Orme and Uriah Heep! However, the prevailing sound is completely Italian with very good vocals (in Italian) and the powerful emotional overtones. Very good melodies mixed with some heavy guitar and organ/piano work. If you have a decent collection of Italian prog/rock CDs and are wanting to take a chance, pick this one up, you will be adding a few more songs to your Italian favorites list!


Edited by dalt99 - May 16 2007 at 13:31
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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erik neuteboom View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 16 2007 at 13:43
Good call Dalt99: I don't own this CD but I traced this information from a book about Italian prog from Didier Gonzalez:
Year: 1973
Label: Fonitcetra
Music: omnipresent Hammond organ, excellent piano interludes and Italian vocals, their sound evokes other Italian band JED. They disbanded after one album and the single Latte E Rhum/Mani Fredde.
Sounds interesting, I will try to get it because I love Hammond drenched prog and I love Italian vocals Thumbs%20Up
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 16 2007 at 15:51
Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

Good call Dalt99: I don't own this CD but I traced this information from a book about Italian prog from Didier Gonzalez:
Year: 1973
Label: Fonitcetra
Music: omnipresent Hammond organ, excellent piano interludes and Italian vocals, their sound evokes other Italian band JED. They disbanded after one album and the single Latte E Rhum/Mani Fredde.
Sounds interesting, I will try to get it because I love Hammond drenched prog and I love Italian vocals Thumbs%20Up
Thanks Erik for that information Good stuff! Big%20smile  I hope you do try to get it because it's the kind of prog music that is hard to not like. It's VERY much prog rock with a 100% Italian feel. A couple songs have an organ sound similar to that of Uriah Heep believe it or not but the other musicians always play in a more Italian prog way. The melodies are fairly accessible but still fairly complex. Similar in some way to Host or Crucis at times. Like I said in my review, there is bound to be a song or two at least that you will really like since their style is pure early 70's Italian progressive rock with a hard edge at times (Uriah Heep), a very soft edge at other times (PFM, Genesis).
Best of 2006 that I've heard:
PFM-Stati Di Immaginazione
Zenit-Surrender (Best "unknown" album)
Oaksenham - Conquest of Pacific
Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
La Torre Del Alchimista - Neo
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 17 2007 at 05:07
Good work, Dalt99 and Erik!!!

The interventions of this type are always quite welcome. 

Prog-jester... I think that "Primitive" is one of the best 2007 albums!!! Very good review!!!

Edited by Mandrakeroot - May 17 2007 at 05:09
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