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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2007 at 15:44
I have been listening to this gem lately, do you like it guys? if you haven´t heard it, i fully recommend it!
Germinale - E il suo respiro ancora agita le onde

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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2007 at 15:53
Thanks, Guillermo. Another disc in my purchase list... But I recommended also:



Riflessioni: Idea d'Infinito

(Studio Album, 1973)




(Studio Album, 1975)

Mu - LP

Mu - multifold cover detail

Mu - promotional edition - folder cover

Mu - promotional edition - folder content

Atlanti (french version of Mu) - LP

Mu (studio album, 1972)

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 25 2007 at 15:54
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 07:54
ISP/ RPI/ IP recommended (2nd list):



Riflessioni: Idea d'Infinito

(Studio Album, 1973)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: VM2000/ BTF VM CD 012 (2000)

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 5/5

Dalton: one of the most collectable band from 70's Italian Prog scene. And one of the best band of European Prig. In this "Riflessioni: Idea D'infinito" They produce one music to half road between Osanna, New Trolls and Jethro Tull with lyrics indeed dramatic and deep. "Stagione Che Muore" is a really good example. In this sense all the songs have really heavy arrengements and the insertion of flute is very interesting because increase the phatos. Also one ballad like "Cara Emili" isn't banal. However is very sweet in its dramatic being. This dramatical flavour is very positive because increases the fascination of the songs. The use of various keyboards (piano, organ, mellotron, moog, synth) is much heavy and it replaces indeed well the guitar. What it is a lot interesting is the use of the flute in support to keyboards that it creates one palette very coloured in one sea of black and white. And the guitar? The instrumental Rock "Riflessioni" present one boogie line of guitar extremely effective. It does not astonish that the Dalton has won the gold prize at Zurich's Pop festival in 1973 because to my modest warning the Dalton is suprior to New Trolls, PFM, Le orme. Or, at least, if they played it at par. But the bests songs which can be? Good question, because the answer isn't possible. This because every one has a its reason for being advised. But the ballad "Cara Emily" and "Dimensione Lavoro" (especially for power and very warmful organ/ guitar duel in one warm solo) have one superior march. But the duel with the others is impossible, because all are equivalent.

Not only one of the much collectable album of the 70's Italiam Prog. Is also one of the 5 album of the 70's Italian scene. Extremeli recommended.

Posted Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 09:47 EST | Permanent link




(Studio Album, 1975)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Giallo Records SAF 032 (1998)

My Rating: 10/10 PA Rating: 5/5

"Argitari" for much person isn't a Prog album. For me is the Perfect album of the European Prog!!! In fact "Argitari" is much Folk, much dramatic but not dark and much coloured. Alex Chiesa it participates only like host and the use of much acoustic guitar and piano transform the music of "Argitari" in one sort of North Italian Folk. And this fact amplifiers the dramatic side of Dalton's music (notice the dramatic power flavour of "Ho Ritrovato La Mia Donna", "Visione Di Una Notte D'estate", "Odiarti No", "La Forza Di Dio", "Il Vuoto" and the bonus track "La Donna E Il Bambino" [single version with different lyrics and mix of "Visione..." that for me is much better than "Visione..."]). Strange the Italia version of "Blowin In The Wind" by Bob Dylan with lyrics by Mogol ("La Risposta", that becomes one typical Dalton's song) that isn't bad but ruin the magic og this album. But in general is strange to notice like these sweet song (because these are) are, in definitive, a dramatical but coloured flavour. What other to say? Uhm... Uhm... One masterpiece like this haven't need of other words. It only goes listened and understood. Because the emotion of "Visione Di Una Notte D'estate" (and his single version "La Donna Del Bambino") with this description of one infanticide perpetrated by one mad mother is intact also after 1000000 of listen!!!

Perfect album. Perfect emotion. This is the Art. This is the real Life Painting. This is the Perfect side of Romantic Dark Classic Music. This the new version of Richard Wagner concept. And... I love this absolute recommended album!!!

Posted Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 10:11 EST | Permanent link




(Studio Album, 1992 but 1974)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Mellow Records MMP 120 (1992)

My Rating: 8/10 PA Rating:5/5

Attention: this is a clear ISP/ RPI related supergroup. For me the only place for this band is between the ISP/ RPI bands/ artists. This not only for the musician involved (Degani, Todaro, Piazza, Santandrea and Civitenga with the songs written by Tofani) but also because this is a real Prog version of the Led Zeppelin. In this sense the arrengements help more my convinction. In fact the arrengements is more present in the Crystals music that in the music of Led Zeppelin. Where the Zep is more Blues/ Folk the Crystals is more Folk/ Blues. And this is a very big difference. It is true that Carlo Degani is a photocopy of Robert Plant, but when it have to be more personal this characteristic it isn't present. But the Cramps records where is it in 1974 for Crystals? Attractive question, because only in 1992 Mauro Moroni and Ciro Perrino recovered this masterpiece. All the songs deserves a long and attentive listen but i think that "Wrong Out", "Time Out", "Feelings", If She's Mine", "Sad Story", "Policeman (very Zep Folk Style with personal electric insertions) and "Woman Under Water" are the best songs. Practically I exclude only "Persian Carpet" because he is anonymous (but in this quite of God!!!). Attrntion, I repeat, this isn't ISP/ RPI band but a very interesting related ISP/ RPI supergroup. But very Prog and convincing.

I (and not only I) don't kinow becase the Cramps Records not published this album in 1974. But likely that exist the Mellow Records that in 1992 published this little masterpiece. Because the story so have the just weight and recognition.

Posted Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 10:44 EST | Permanent link



Carlotto & Cucciolo Giŕ Dik Dik

(Studio Album, 1995)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

4%20stars My review is produced using this release: DV MORE RECORD MC DV 5910 (MC)

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 4/10

Ok, isn't Prog but very revelant Symphonic POP with one of the best Italian drummer (Nunzio "Cucciolo" Favia) and one of the most quoted Italian Keyboarder (Roberto "Hunka Munka" Carlotto). This is new recoding og Dik Dik classics with the addition of relevant Mogol Battisti song and two original songs. The Power of "Cucciolo" is absolutely the atomic bomb of this band, the propellent of this music. In this sense his power is wasted, but very useful. Songs like "Il Primo Giorno di Primavera", "Sognando La California", "Senza Luce", "Io Mi Fermo Qui", "L'Isola Di Wight", "Volando", "Viaggio Di Un Poeta" or "Vendo Casa" become a new song in this version. And one songs like the pure Rock "Guardo Te E Vedo Mio Figlio" seems a difficult song because the power increase the fashion of this song icreasing the perception of the difficulty. But the best song is the very POP written by Favia, Carlotto and Giustacchini that is titled "Altre Mani" because very involving. "Altre Mani" is the typical radiophonic POP AOR but the presence of two monsters like Favia and Carlotto (that plays also the synth keyboard guitar) transform a normal song in a very powerful song. In general this album is like a one beautiful Venetian Seen painting drawn from a painter of the 1600/ 1700. And in general the power is also the magic of an album that it will be not Prog but that runs on a parallel binary.

Power and Symphonic magic. This is the "Carlotto & Cucciolo Giŕ Dik Dik". And for me is also one of the most revelant album of the 90's.

Posted Friday, March 30, 2007, 10:26 EST | Permanent link




(Boxset/Compilation, 2005)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

4%20stars My review is produced using this release: SMI 609 DDD (2005)

My Rating: 8/10 PA Rating 4/10

Excellent bidget compilation. If you think that I Dik Dik is a simple Beat band... you are indeed outside road. In fact I Dik Dik is a good Proto Prog band. Except "Il Primo Giorno Di Primavera" and "Senza Luce" in this compilation are contained only songs with Nunzio "Cucciolo" Favia and Roberto "Hunka Munka" Carlotto. If it it true that the definition Proto Prog in an optimistic definition I don't know that definition to use forto describe this music. Beat is limited and Prog (True Prog...!) is improper. To speak about simple POP... It means not to know the music. I love Dik Dik but is not this the motive for whose advice this compilation. I love the drum work of "Cucciolo" but is not this the motive for whose advice this compilation. Is a budget compilation... The truth is that this is music a lot interesting. But where is it the Prog? Sincerely... Hidden little everywhere. In the arrengements, above all. But in "Cavalli Alati" written by Paradiso/ Carlotto the Prog is in the first line. In fact this is one of the best Symphonic song of the Symphonic Prog world. "Cavalli Alati" is romantic, moving, powerful, grandiloquent. In one sense is the self indulgent song for the capacity of "Pepe" Salvaderi, Pietruccio Montalbetti and "Lallo" Sbrizolo. But for Carlotto and Nunzio "Cucciolo" Favia this is a very simple song. And the rest of the songs? Simple POP/ Proto Prog only that in this case isn't simple POP/ Proto Prog songs because the Dik Dik transform this genre in one risen of Symphonic POP/ Proto Prog very being involved and of great thickness.

I listen for the first time this compilation during the trip to Padua in March, 29th 2007. And immediately the surprise has been indeed positive. The Dik Dik is one of my teen myths. But with this compilation I have changed my judgment on they. And they have forced to me to become nearly they fan!!!

Posted Saturday, March 31, 2007, 04:57 EST | Permanent link




(Studio Album, 1997)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

4%20stars My review is produced using this release: Mellow records MMP 320

My Rating: 8/10 PA Rating: 4/10

Fabio Zuffanti is one of the more appreciated New Italian Prog musiciansfrom the Old Italian Prog Musicians (maybe the more appreciated). And, also for me, one of more sincere musicians of the Prog world. These Hostsonaten confirm how much said. Modern and classics to the same time, the Hostsonaten have a very modern sound but are really classics. In fact Zuffanti decides to produce a melodic music and daughter of 70' s Italian Prog but with modern approach. Difficult to catalogue the Hostsonaten and Zuffanti in general. But I believe that it is just to consider the RPI, proper for how much affirmed. Sincerely I admit that the almost 42 minutes of "Hostsonaten" don't always run how would have to. To my warning because Zuffanti seeks too the atmospheres, Wanting to be melodic and little grandiloquent. More use of synths and minimoog would have given back everything more powerfull. But also so I have not nothing to complain myself because is however big music. And believe me... To listen to music so... It changes the life! Too melodic "Remember You". But it is another masterpiece. I don't believe that with a different approach it would have had the same sense. The final "The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner) with the Samuel Tylor Coleridge's lyrics is too romantic POP. But not easy. And, also in this case, there is a search for the emotional effect that is enormous.

Believe me, Fabio Zuffanti isn't a genius. Nevertheless it is very capable to recreate the 70's with 90's sounds. In this is a genius. And in this case it astonished still.

Posted Thursday, April 26, 2007, 05:02 EST | Permanent link

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 26 2007 at 07:54
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Dirk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 20:49
^^To me Fabio Zuffanti is close to being a genius, I also have one Hostsonaten album but i think his best work is to be found with Finisterre,Aries and La maschera di cera. He's very versatile, for instance Finisterre's music is very different from the la Maschera project.

I also think that  Finisterre (more than La Maschera or Aries) is at times a quite original band with sometimes strange twists and turns. That doesn't make them the best for me though. IMO Aries tops them all  because Simona's  vocals are so outstanding and the compositions so good.

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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2007 at 22:47
Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

^^To me Fabio Zuffanti is close to being a genius, I also have one Hostsonaten album but i think his best work is to be found with Finisterre,Aries and La maschera di cera. He's very versatile, for instance Finisterre's music is very different from the la Maschera project.

I also think that  Finisterre (more than La Maschera or Aries) is at times a quite original band with sometimes strange twists and turns. That doesn't make them the best for me though. IMO Aries tops them all  because Simona's  vocals are so outstanding and the compositions so good.

I have to quote you because i am another Zuffanti`s follower, i really like all his projects, as you pointed out, they sound different from each other and that`s what makes him close to be a genius as you said, La Zona is another quite different but excellent project, if you havent listened to it, then i suggest it to you!
Simona`s voice is beautiful by the way!
Thanks to Mr. Cortese for the introduction of Aries. 

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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 03:35
Originally posted by memowakeman memowakeman wrote:

Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

^^To me Fabio Zuffanti is close to being a genius, I also have one Hostsonaten album but i think his best work is to be found with Finisterre,Aries and La maschera di cera. He's very versatile, for instance Finisterre's music is very different from the la Maschera project.

I also think that  Finisterre (more than La Maschera or Aries) is at times a quite original band with sometimes strange twists and turns. That doesn't make them the best for me though. IMO Aries tops them all  because Simona's  vocals are so outstanding and the compositions so good.

I have to quote you because i am another Zuffanti`s follower, i really like all his projects, as you pointed out, they sound different from each other and that`s what makes him close to be a genius as you said, La Zona is another quite different but excellent project, if you havent listened to it, then i suggest it to you!
Simona`s voice is beautiful by the way!
Thanks to Mr. Cortese for the introduction of Aries. 

Every zuffanti project is different from the other one. I must say that Zuffanti has a great deal of ideas. But in every work he can recover the typical one well 70's RPI turning it into something of totally several. Today many do this operation but fews succeed to keep them so classical and near the original one producing music so different from the original one. And, also for this, the musicians of the "Old Wave Of The Italian Prog" have always optimal words for the bravo (???) Fabio!!
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erik neuteboom View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 05:32
Dear Andrea's, I know you are very busy but check out The Spaghetti Epic II featuring Italians bands Randone and Tilion. Adn what about Can Gene Il Giardino Delle Delizie?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 09:49
Originally posted by memowakeman memowakeman wrote:

Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

^^To me Fabio Zuffanti is close to being a genius, I also have one Hostsonaten album but i think his best work is to be found with Finisterre,Aries and La maschera di cera. He's very versatile, for instance Finisterre's music is very different from the la Maschera project.

I also think that  Finisterre (more than La Maschera or Aries) is at times a quite original band with sometimes strange twists and turns. That doesn't make them the best for me though. IMO Aries tops them all  because Simona's  vocals are so outstanding and the compositions so good.

I have to quote you because i am another Zuffanti`s follower, i really like all his projects, as you pointed out, they sound different from each other and that`s what makes him close to be a genius as you said, La Zona is another quite different but excellent project, if you havent listened to it, then i suggest it to you!
Simona`s voice is beautiful by the way!
Thanks to Mr. Cortese for the introduction of Aries. 
I'll check out La Zona Memowakeman, there is also a rock opera "Merlin" by Zuffanti and Victoria Heward,does anyone know anything about this album? Btw,there is a very good Zuffanti page somewhere with a lot of free stuff, when i  have time i'll dig it up and post it here(i know i posted it some time ago in the symphonic thread around page 30 i think).
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 11:42
In the booklet of "Seguendo Le Tracce" of the mythical Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso (given me for my name-day!!!) I found also the publicity of them newborn Records. With the cat. number MRC 001 I found an interesting CD of the MIDDLE AGING ( "THE CALL" (not in PA).
  The MIDDLE AGING is a devoted group to the rediscover historycal in the music and from their Internet site I was able to extract these info:  
genre: Folk/ Folk Prog
the band: A. Sempio (electric/ acoustic guitar)
D.Mortarino (bass)
R. Tassiello (drums/ percussions)
S. Bai (flute)
D. Saccone (Keyboards)
C. Vecchio (voice)
F. Busso (hurdy gurdy)
demos: "Ancient Wind" (1999)/ Kingdom Of Desire (2001)
official Cd on Ma.Ra.Cash Records: "The Call" (cat. number MRC 001/ 2003)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 11:45
Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

Dear Andrea's, I know you are very busy but check out The Spaghetti Epic II featuring Italians bands Randone and Tilion. Adn what about Can Gene Il Giardino Delle Delizie?

Gan Eden Il Giardino Delle Delizie (eh, eh... Il Giardino Delle Delizie is the Italian traduction of Gan Eden) is on my list of purchases.
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 12:25
Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

Dear Andrea's, I know you are very busy but check out The Spaghetti Epic II featuring Italians bands Randone and Tilion. Adn what about Can Gene Il Giardino Delle Delizie?
We will add the band very soon, Erik (hopefully).
We now are assigned to check the contemporary ISP bands who are not reallt RPI sounding.
But since this work is hard and longWacko Pinch and many bands are simply obscure, then (meantime) perhaps it would be better to start to add some bands....
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 16:37
Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

Dear Andrea's, I know you are very busy but check out The Spaghetti Epic II featuring Italians bands Randone and Tilion. Adn what about Can Gene Il Giardino Delle Delizie?
We will add the band very soon, Erik (hopefully).
We now are assigned to check the contemporary ISP bands who are not reallt RPI sounding.
But since this work is hard and longWacko Pinch and many bands are simply obscure, then (meantime) perhaps it would be better to start to add some bands....

I would say!  Why otherwise between 6 months we are still here that we wait for that the work is ended, Without to have produced nothing!!! 
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erik neuteboom View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 18:39
Dear Andrea's, if you like I can help with the Il Giardino Delle Delizie addition, this band should be added to Prog Archives, I am just listening to it, what a wonderful Seventies inspired and vintage keyboard drenched symphonic prog  Thumbs%20Up
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 27 2007 at 18:57
Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

Dear Andrea's, if you like I can help with the Il Giardino Delle Delizie addition, this band should be added to Prog Archives, I am just listening to it, what a wonderful Seventies inspired and vintage keyboard drenched symphonic prog  Thumbs%20Up

the team will evaluate it  Erik.   It isn't ISP anymore.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2007 at 03:59
Yesterday (april, 28th 2007) I have been in this city:


And just close to the Dome and the Castle I have acquired:


Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 29 2007 at 03:59
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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2007 at 15:16
Great list Mandy, im jealous!
Now i am haveing my first experience with Duello Madre and their only self titled release
Very interesting so far!
Anyone knows it?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2007 at 15:28
Duello Madre? is a very rare Cd and for this reason I not know it.
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asimplemistake View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 29 2007 at 15:50
Just today I was looking through the archives looking for something that I might enjoy, something musical, and I went into the Italian Symphonic Prog section.   There I discovered exactly what I was looking for.

I heard the song "Io Vivo" by Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso.  I really love this song already.  I play in my high schools Wind Ensemble and I have always loved this kind of sound.  This song is just amazing.  None of their other songs really caught my attention as much.

Can anybody recommend for me some similar stuff that I may enjoy?  I'm looking for something symphonic and instrumental (not because I don't like the Italian language, I just want something composed like this song was).  I came here because of course the song was made by an Italian band, and because I found a lot of similar stuff in the Italian prog section, just nothing quite like this song.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 30 2007 at 04:51
Originally posted by asimplemistake asimplemistake wrote:

Just today I was looking through the archives looking for something that I might enjoy, something musical, and I went into the Italian Symphonic Prog section.   There I discovered exactly what I was looking for.

I heard the song "Io Vivo" by Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso.  I really love this song already.  I play in my high schools Wind Ensemble and I have always loved this kind of sound.  This song is just amazing.  None of their other songs really caught my attention as much.

Can anybody recommend for me some similar stuff that I may enjoy?  I'm looking for something symphonic and instrumental (not because I don't like the Italian language, I just want something composed like this song was).  I came here because of course the song was made by an Italian band, and because I found a lot of similar stuff in the Italian prog section, just nothing quite like this song.


Interesting request, Dan. Unfortunately if hoops something of instrumentalin the Italian Prog you will not find what hoops.  There are the Perigeo, but are Jazz.

Like to "Io Vivo", not really symphonic and instrumental?  Uhm... These they could go well: 
Banco del Mutuo Soccorso: "Garofano Rosso"

PFM: "Stati Di Immaginazione"

Otherwise...  I can advise you...:

Rustichelli & Bordini: "Opera Prima"
The Trip: "Time Of Change"
Perigeo: "Abbiamo Tutti Un Blues Da Piangere"
Perigeo: "Genealogia"
Perigeo: "La Valle Dei Templi"
Perigeo: "Azimuth"
Delirium: "Delirium 3: Viaggio Negli Arcipelaghi Del Tempo"

There are a lot other all examples however sung. But if you a woodwind musicians also the Jazz of the Perigeo is good for you.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 01 2007 at 09:32
ISP/ RPI/ IP recommended (3rd list):

2006 Warner Music Italia Srl. (5051011-1355-2-1)
PA rating:4/5   My rating:8/10

1. Dolce Acqua (Speranza) by Delirium
2. Jesahel by Delirium
3. All'Ultimo Amico by Ivano Fossati
4. Canto Nuovo by Ivano Fossati
5. Vento Caldo by Ivano Fossati
6. Da Recife A Fortaleza by Ivano Fossati
7. č L'Aurora by Ivano Fossati & Oscar Prudente
8. Lo Stregone (Voglia Di Sapere) by Ivano Fossati & Oscar Prudente
9. Tema Del Lupo (Voglia Di Non Aspettare) by Ivano Fossati & Oscar Prudente
10. Il Grano E La Luna by Ivano Fossati
11. Storie Per Farmi Amare by Ivano Fossati
12. Good-Bye Indiana by Ivano Fossati

In the Ivano Fossati evolution style this is the Prog period. All the songs are in song songwriter style but with big use of Prog elements. Is clear the attempt to to raise the Prog music and the Song songwriter style in a sole plan. This attempt is clear in "Da Recife A Fortaleza" where the use of a typical writing of the Song songwriter style is combinated with Caribbean music style creating a typical Prog Related style because this combination is used in a non conventional direction for arrengements (very heavy). But is another story "č L'Aurora" that is a typical Song songwriter Rock song but with a very heavy sweet atmospheres. In this direction is another interesting thing to note that Fossati anticipates another one Italian Song songwriter (but in certain direction of this production is another Prog Related artist) that is Eugenio Finardi, the inventor of the "Italian Rock". In this case the use of strings section it creates a new element (but to the same time not novelty) that it distorts the typical Song songwriter adagio. But this is the typical element in this phase of this career (with the female choir). Another good point of distinction of Fossati's style (in this phase of career) respect to a very Song Songwriter style is the use of heavy arrengements and not Rock  rhythmic in some its songs.  In this sense is good "Vento Caldo" and "Da Recife A Fortaleza" because this element is used in descriptive sense. In this phase of its career Ivano fossati use many Prog elements in its songs and he creates a very atmospherical songs where it is not easy to recognize in that games live (Prog or Song songwriter). In any case also a conventional Song songwriter song like "Il Grano E La Luna" not is a very Song songwriter song.

For me this is a clear case of Prog music (and not Prog Related artist/ band). This combination of Song songwriter and Prog elements creates a hybrid not definibile to 100%. Progsters... Ivano Fossati isn't a genius or a simple Song songwriter. And in this sense an attentive listening will reserve excellent discoveries.


(studio album)
LP 1973 RCA Italiana (PSL 10565)
CD of this review: 2003 BMG Ricordi S.p.A. (74321982862)

Line Up:
Michele Seffer: bass, electric guitar, solo voice
Angelo Giordano: flutes, sax, clarino, voice
Pippo Cataldo: drums, tumbas and percussions, voice

Track list:
1. Campane Siciliane (3:37)
2. Padre Mio (2:51)
3. Idda (3:23)
4. Solitudine (2:46)
5. Vento D'Africa (2:25)
6. Monika Aus Wien (2:14)
7. L'Indifferenza (3:27)
8. Fuori al sole (2:04)
9. Geraldine (3:32)
10. Statale 113 (2:54)

PA rating: 5/5  My rating:9/10
Very soft album because based on acoustic guitar and flute. but with "Padre Mio" and "Geraldine" in New trolls more Rock style (but more mainstream also if "Geraldine" is a very plagiarism). "Campagne Siciliane" (perhaps the more famous song by Era Di acquario) is sweet ballad based on 12 string acoustic guitar and flute and in this sense is a Proto new Age song. in contrast "Padre Mio" is a strange New Trolls boogie song and another in contrast "Idda" is an acoustic version of New Trolls but sung in Scicly dialect with Falsetto chorus. Ah, the keyboards are substitutes for a bottleneck electric guitar. Solitudine is another piece in "Campagne Siciliane" style but more boogie style remaining at the same time a sweet Folk song (but the synths... who played the synths?). "Vento D'Africa" is in the same style. As you will have very understood "Antologia" is a sweet game for flute and 12 string acoustic guitar. But if it is true is another true that "Antologia" is an album that it goes listened having in front of the eyes the typical sicialian landscape with its desolation, with an only color that is a village nearly abandoned that with absolute indifference it  passes the days all equal with the bells that play, play and play (see "L'Indifferenza"). In this sense "Antologia" reserves much surprises and an album of absolute value is revealed. And the car runs fast in "Statale 113" (National road 113).

"Antologia" is very interesting semi masterpiece (but forgotten) of Symphonic Folk. More fresh that in 1973 is another album for all of the Progsters. we want to rediscover this absolute gem?



Generazioni (Storia di Sempre)

(Studio Album, 1974)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: VM2000/ BTF VM CD 027 (1991/ old version)

My Review: 8,5/10 PA Review:5/5

Another masterpiece from Italy. I review only masterpiece? No, it is clear. But in this cese yes. Because "Generazioni (Storia Di Sempre)" is a very fine album.Complesso E.A. Poe recorded this masterpiece in 1974 and produced a very mellow album. A very fine Symphonic mellow album. This is a fine mix of Renaissance, PFM, New Trolls and VDGG but with more Romantic vein (eh, eh...T he RPI is the acronym of Power Romantic Prog or Mellow Romantic prog). In the case of Complesso E.A. Poe this mellow vein produced a very good Power Prog (listen to the ballad "Per Un'Anima", "Alla Ricerca Di Una Dimensione", the sweet "La Ballata Del Cane Infelice" or "Generazioni"). The use of acoustic guitar and organ or moog create a carpet of emotions that the good voice of Giorgio Foti increases and that the little insertions of electric guitar amplifiers. The writing of the songs are very fine and it shows a search for the not banal that, however, is banal because is easy to write this music for the authors. That they compel to use a light arrengements. Another point of force is the production because isn't invading, limiting itself almost to the mix of the various instruments.

For me "Generazioni (Storia Di Sempre)" is still a winning album also because is aged too well. And, for sure, because the writing isn't banal and the emotions that "Generazioni (Storia Di Sempre)" provoke are very genuine.



Delirium III: Viaggio Negli Arcipelaghi Del Tempo

(Studio Album, 1974)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Nuova Fonit Cetra/ Warner Fonit 3984 27119-2

My Rating: 9,5/10 PA Rating: 5/5

This is another Italian gem. And, still a time, I am compelled to give 5 stars. Yes, because "Delirium 3: Viaggi Negli Arcipelaghi Del Tempo" is an album that it will please to who it loves Rustichelli & Bordini, Rovescio Della Medaglia, Balletto Di Bronzo, Maxophone or Dalton. After an album to signature Ivano Fossati ("Dolce Acqua") and an album of transition (and however attractive) ("Lo Scemo E Il Villaggio") the Delirium sign their masterpiece. the bulky injection of Hard Rock (in the heavy and hard arrengements) in their Jazz Folk base It is the gear in more than was lacking to their music to be winning. Every song would go listened to more times to to be appreciated. Nevertheless already with a first distracted listening it is understood well that this is a masterpiece. But, that song I prefer? Well, well, well... How in every masterpiece the quality is too high and homogenous to decide. But "Viaggo Negli Arcipelaghi Del Tempo" (Heavy Jazz with Tull flute and Psychedelic interludes), "Dio Del Silenzio" with the reprise in "Ancora Un'Alba" (Practically the voice is of Fossati and seems writer from Fossati [P.s.: It is the style of the firsts Fossati's soloist albums; We are secure that the friendship that there is still today between Ivano Fossati and the Delirium does not be the cause of this similarity?]) and "La Battaglia Degli Eterni Piani" (really boiling with this symphonic orchestra and a tull flute; P.s.: in "Dolce Acqua" would have done a very big figure) forcing really very they are the most attractive songs of the album.

A real gem. One of my first 10 albums of RPI.



Concerto Delle Menti

(Studio Album, 1973)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

4%20stars My review is produced using this release: Vinyl Magic VM 041

My Rating: 8/ 10 PA Rating: 4/5

Good album this "Concerto Delle Menti" by Pholas Dactylus. The lyrics are recited and this fact gives back everything similar to the Jacula but with except for pagan atmospheres. "Concerto Delle Menti" isn't symphonic but is, surely Rock Progressive. In this sense the Hard side of the RPI explodes in all its brightness even if to the end it is a lot of Jazz. In fact hits a lot this variety between the sung parts (Pagan Folk) and instrumental interludes (Jazz Rock) that is a typical RPI element. The Boogie piano it stresses the sense of bewilderment that the music transmits. But the long composition (divided in 2 parts for 53 mins of music) listen to themselves well even if in some points they seem to force the listening. And the typical Italian production does to become even more interesting the compositions and it increases the qualities and the lacks of this interesting proposal. That today it is outside time, like vacuum-packed pits.

Extreme interesting album for the Italian scene, very personal and still today very interesting.



I Grandi Successi Del Rock Progressivo Italiano

(Boxset/Compilation, 2005)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Warner Music Italia S.r.l. 5051011-1356-2-0

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating 5/5

When I saw this CD the first thing what that hit me was the price. that it is not equal to the high value of the music! In fact you listen to the pure emotion of the Symphonic Hard Rock of "L'Eden" by Ricordi D'Infanzia, the Classic prog of Gli Alluminogeni ("Scolopendra") or I Califfi ("Campane") but also the pastoral version of the ELP by Triade ("Caro Fratello") or the Procession with "Uomini Di Vento" or, still, Samadhi with "L'Angelo". And you will discover that Osanna, Delirium and New Trolls were only the groups that they had success. But that they isn't the better in the Warner catalogue. Ok, the production is only good Classic Prog (in Italy the genre is RPI) but in general these bans would have had a lot say. But, unfortunately, almost all they were able to produce only one album or two. To find good music doesn't be necessary to arrive to the Cabaret of Tito Schipa Jr. with "Venditore Di Felicitŕ" from the first Italian Opera Rock "Orfeo 9" because this is only different music for musical genre from the other. Also Procession with "Uomini Di Vento" deserve a special mention. However taming me: "Why the New Trolls had had the success and bands like Gli Alluminogeni, Procession, Samadhi, Ricordi D'Infanzia, I Califfi, Raccomandata Ricevuta Di Ritorno, Paese Dei Balocchi or Garybaldi no? Because it is true. To my warning these obscure bands were, perhaps, better of the Bands that had success.

This is a testament of 70's RPI scene. And for me it isn't a simple compilation. Is the compilation of the 70's RPI!

Edited by Mandrakeroot - May 01 2007 at 09:33
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