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glass house View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 14:16
What problems, may a mere mortal know ?
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 14:22
Well ... We have check what bands to keep to be and what remove from RPI. It is a big dirty work taking into account that in many cases we only have some bio and some review ... 
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glass house View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 14:24
Well, have fun with the problems. In spite of that I'm still enjoying Le Orme.
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Dirk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 15:44
^ I've always had some problems fully appreciating Le orme's music, from Felona e sorona i love the first hammond driven song and also some passages within  but i always found the final lacking of pure melody. Uomo di pezza has very good acoustic passages but to me the hammond passages always felt a bit aimless.  Good chance this'll change in the future , i used to have similar thoughts about Luxade, now i love it. Will give my  2 Le orme albums another chance tonight.

2 other oldies i got recently are Metamorfosi's Inferno and Semiramis's Dedicato a Frazz. Great albums both, i slightly prefer the mellotron/guitar based Dedicato to the more hammond based Inferno but i think any italian prog lover needs  both albums.
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 15:48
Dirk, try with "Contrappunti" and "Collage". I've always found them far better than "Felona..." and "Uomo di Pezza".
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Dirk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 16:16
^ I'll try in good time. I was impressed by your review of QVL's Il tempo della gioia btw, good description of the music.. It's my favorite italian album so i don't fully agree with the final assesment that their first album is better.Then again from all the people  i know everyone seems to like their first effort better, maybe have to start a poll about that.
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 16:24
Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

^ I'll try in good time. I was impressed by your review of QVL's Il tempo della gioia btw, good description of the music.. It's my favorite italian album so i don't fully agree with the final assesment that their first album is better.Then again from all the people  i know everyone seems to like their first effort better, maybe have to start a poll about that.
I don't know... the fact is that I've always liked a little instinctiveness in prog rock. For the same reason (and by saying that I could be flogged Confused) I like The Nice more than ELP. You know, it's just a matter of tastes. See you on these pages again!
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glass house View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 17:08
Dirk: Semiramis is one of my favorites.And yes you talked before about the first and second one of QVL. You should indeed start a thread about it.
paolo.beenees : That's taste for you, I think Felona and Uomo are better than the ones you mentioned, not that it matters.
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 17:16
Originally posted by glass house glass house wrote:

paolo.beenees : That's taste for you, I think Felona and Uomo are better than the ones you mentioned, not that it matters.
On the contrary, it does! I like exchanging opinions, and if it doesn't bother you, I'm going to explain mine. "Collage" has got that instinctiveness I mentioned above which makes this album to my ears fresh still today, while "Contrappunti" shows a very daring band, in my opinion more self conscious and controlled than in Felona. After all, Le Orme are the first Italian prog band I've ever listened to, and my favourite one since then!
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Dirk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 17:22
Tony, a poll should be enough i think, i listened to QVL's first effort some time ago and it's also very good indeed. I heard from Antennas that the VDGG concert was really great, she was so convincing that i regret now that i never made a real effot to get into their musc  sofar.

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glass house View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 17:24
PB: I don't mind infact i like it. I haven't quite got the elaborate explanation that you do, but when I listen to lets say your cd's I'm easily distracted and find myself doing other things. Not that i dislike them. When I play mine I listen to them very concetrated. On the other hand I  think that at some times Uomo could be a little fiercer. That would make it a perfect cd.
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glass house View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 19 2007 at 17:27
Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

Tony, a poll should be enough i think, i listened to QVL's first effort some time ago and it's also very good indeed. I heard from Antennas that the VDGG concert was really great, she was so convincing that i regret now that i never made a real effot to get into their musc  sofar.

A poll is ok, I just hope people will explain their decision. VDGG: if it is not really your music a concert could be too much. But from that concert i started to respect them even more. It indeed was a great great concert. I loved the way Karin was expressing her enthusiasm. At some point she was even headbanging Big%20smile.
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2007 at 02:43
This is a very masterpiece of the Italian Prog:


Venetia Et Anima (by Donella Del Monaco & Paolo Troncon; Opus Avantra)

(Studio Album, 2004)


Donella with the uncle, the great tenor Mario Del Monaco, Sirmione 1976 Donella with the uncle, the great tenor Mario Del Monaco, Sirmione 1976
Photo of Umberto Telesco for Opus Avantra - Introspezione

Track Listings

1. Santa Mater (An Der Grousser)
2. Canto Del cielo
3. Ave Gloriosa
4. Ierusalem Celesti
5. Nell'Eterno Del Presente
6. An Der Grousser (II versione)
7. Aqua Mystica
8. Verbum Bonum
9. Aah Venessia
10. L'Ef Mamm
11. Crucis
12. Venetia Et Anima
13. El Pianto De La Venta Maria
14. Deia Sainatei
15. An Der Grousser (III versione)


- Donella Del Monaco / voice
- Paolo troncon / keyboards
- Mauro Marcello / flutes
- Andrea Martin / celtic arp
- Danilo Visentin / accordion
- Antonio Galligioni / cello
- Gabriele Bruzzolo / percussions
- Michele Mestriner / keyboards

Releases information

CD OpusAvantra Studium S.a.r.L., 32 rue L'Aveugle L- 1148 Luxembourg (OPUS 005)

This is the new album of Opus Avantra, but accredited, in cover, at Donella Del Monaco & Paolo Troncon [main performed and composer] Opus Avantra.

Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: OpusAvantra Studium S.a.r.L (OPUS005)

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 5/5

This is a very convincing album because Donella Del Monaco (grandchild of the best tenor Mario Del Monaco) can express itself to the better. In fact Donella write in the "Venetia Et Anima" that in "Biennale Musica 2003" (Venice) is codify the "Creative Solism", i.e. the idea of a performer who is "the author of himself, the performer's of other's writing, or the creator of a parallel score". And Donella continue: "I finally rediscovered the approach to music with which I have always had an affinity". I could close here the review. Instead continuous. In "Venetia Et Anima" is contained all this definition. In fact in "Venetia Et Anima" is contained all type of art of this definition. the poetry (in dialect) by Andrea Zanzotto becomes a new trip in the Venetian soul, "Ierusalem celesti" (by Giacomo Da Verona, XIIIrd Century) or the other ancient chants come updated loser the liturgic meant becoming metaphor of the celestial life but always lived like true and difficult to accept. But the celestial voice of Donella reaches high peaks in "Canto Del Cielo" and in "Nell'Eterno Del Presente" where Donella joke with the tonality of her beautiful instruments. Above all "Nell'Eterno Del Presente" is a Liturgical POP song (but not a simple song) where Donella use this voice in all the form. And in this case Donella emotion, showing that the voice is an instrument like violin, guitar, keyboard, drums... "Nell'Eterno Del Presente" and Donella's voice is simply the Art of Music (the capital letters are obviates and deduct).

See and order "Venetia Et Anima". Because the Music is Art.

Posted Sunday, April 01, 2007, 11:09 EST | Permanent link

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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 20 2007 at 08:42
This is a symphonic band fron Friuli Venezia Giulia (That, like obviousn I didn't know, but I know the drummer!!! And done not hang that in this world is weird thing!!!) 


This is the barrock story:

The group was founded in 1982, following the experience in classical music of the three original solo singers, Paola Polese, Graziella Vendramin and Laura Ivan, together with Valter Poles and Giuseppe Vendramin.  Their search for rock innovation and for other kinds of musical influences led the group to the choice of a new rhythmic background. For this reason Maurizio Poles (drums player– Valter’s brother) and Giampaolo Poles (bass player - Valter’s and Maurizio’s cousin) joined the group. They were in fact an experienced rhythmic couple playing with local groups. In 1985  a cassette recording containing the first Barrock’s works happened to be listened by the owner of a local recording studio. He was enthusiastic with the music and offered his collaboration for a professional recording of the group’s songs.

The demo spread all over Italy, meeting favourable interest in the musical press. The Barrock were soon considered among the leading groups in Italian progressive rock and their participation in Exposure, the Dutch compilation released world-wide by ANDRAEA crt – Rotterdam, represented the international introduction of the group. In Exposure, the Barrock played “The Witch”, an instrumental and visionary rock song which is highly experimental.  The Japanese Company releasing the compilation in Japan, Spring Song Corporation, was really interested in this new sound and offered collaboration for the CD recording. In 1991 the album titled L’Alchimista was released world-wide and got good success and favourable comments, particularly in Korea. Several record companies have been really interested in the Italian group. In 1994 the Dutch Company SI Music produced Oxian, the second Barrock’s CD. One year later SI Music went bankrupt, so the Barrock had to find a new record company. The Italian Mellow Records released the latest album of the group, La Strega. It is an almost exclusively instrumental work, with the exception of two solo pieces which have been vocalized by Paola Polese.  Graziella Vendramin didn’t take part in the recording of this album due to her working abroad as a solo jazz singer.

and this is the discography:


discografia ufficiale - Official discography

1991 SPRING SONG CORPORATION (Japan) Moon Witch Records – Edison – ERC-29236 1994 SI MUSIC (The Netherlands) SIMPLy 53

1999 MELLOW records (Italy) MMP 371


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selezione tra i primi due CD ormai esauriti - Selection from the first two sold out CDs

le prime registrazioni apparse su varie compilation e concerti live - First recordings in compilations and live concerts

Excuse me for the yellow color of the written but I linked from the internet site of the band and it there isn't manner of to change color

P.s.: Is in PA!!!

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 20 2007 at 09:25
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 21 2007 at 09:35
I'll try to suggest two names to add to PA.
The first one is Tito Schipa jr. He's the son of the famous tenor Tito Schipa, and in the end of the 1960 (1967, to be precise) he started to experiment bringing rock into theatres in Rome in the form of musicals. By 1970 he managed to perform the first "rock opera", always in Rome: it was the first version of his well known ORFEO 9. This very project would develop and in 1972 Tito Schipa jr gathered a remarkable band around him (Joel van Droogenbroek from Brainticket, Tullio de Piscopo, Loredana Bertč, Renato Zero, Edoardo Nevola among the others) and recorded the whole rock opera under the direction of Billy Conti (some years later, Conti will gain world fame by composing the hugely successful score to the film "Rocky") as co-producer and orchestral arranger. ORFEO 9 is a real jewel in Italian Rock, and has a lot to do with Italian Symphonic Prog, of course. It could be seen as a sort of natural consequence of Moody Blues's "Days of Future Passed", but with a more modern approach. The story plot developes properly, lyrics are beautiful and the music is simply impressive, ranging from the jazzy "Invito" to the proto-heavy metal of "La Cittŕ Fatta Inferno", with "Eccotela qui" as an outstanding climax, delicate acoustic passages, an unforgettable tune, sampled voices directly from the street... All in this work deserves entering PA.
The other band I want to talk about is TIMORIA. Back in the 1990s they were one of the strongest Italian rock bands, normally regarded as a classic rock outfit or a hard rock one, actually displaying many points in common with prog rock. They were not virtuosos, and throughout their whole carreer they kept close to the "song format". Nevertheless, tunes, arrangements, the use of concepts retain a strong 1970 Italian prog rock flavour (maybe devoided of its most complex structures and passages). "Viaggio Senza Vento" - maybe their masterpiece - has got many points in common with Orfeo 9 (and therefore I have associated the two bands) and stands out as one of the most impressive efforts in Italian Rock. Timoria also featured (until their Eta Beta album) the singer Francesco Renga, one of the most beautiful Italian voices ever - Foreign press regarded him as the successor of Demetrio Stratos (well, Renga hasn't got such an advantgard approach).
What do you think?
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 22 2007 at 13:20
TIMORIA PROG??? Oh my god... Sincerely is a good Rock band...  But not Prog!!! 

TITO SCHIPA Jr.:  Write a post in the section of the Suggestion New Band.  I abstain, in this case.

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 22 2007 at 13:23
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Planet_Gong View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2007 at 13:49
timoria aren't prog, maybe they are rock...
now,after many listen i review Guy Fawkes's Colors.
01 - La Parola
02 - Have You Seen The Roses? There's A Whole Lot Of Colours
03 - Chromophore
04 - M  G
05 - I Like To Piss Like A Fighetta
06 - Synćsthesia
07 - Loud Shirt, Bitter Wind or Prickly Laugh
08 - Funk U'l
09 - Sad Song For Happy People
10 - Color Blindness
11 - Happy Song For Sad People
12 - Giant Pencil
13 - Azure
14 - Not To Die But To Be Reborn
15 - Deep Blue
16 - Everything Is Made Of Meeeetal
17 - Centaurea Cyanus
18 - A Tout Jamais
19 - In The Land Of Red And Blue
the album takes cue from the idea of Platone that supported that the world was constituted according to musical principles and the entire life of the man was dominated from the harmony and the rhythm.
So in the 19 songs that form this album, are various, references of the musical infuences in the life, and finds various  musical genre, from the crimsonian prog  of the second track "Have You Seen The Roses? There' s To Whole Lot Of Colours" to the swing, the jazz of the "Like To Piss Like To Fighetta", "A Tout Jamais", "Happy Song For Sad People", to the pyschedelic hard-rock of Jimi Hendrix "Not To Die But To Be Reborn", "In The Land Of Red And Blue" to metal "Everything Is Made Of Meeeetal" to the more melancholic blues "M G", "Sad Song For Happy People", "Deep Blue".
Concluding, this album is more beautifull than the first works, you can easilly listen to it and it is sure a good point of departure for future jobs.
3,5 stars
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2007 at 15:02
I'm listening to Baffo "J.B." Banfi's (former Biglietto per l'Inferno member) debut "Galaxy my Dear". Finally I've discovered an Italian man who could stand comparison with any other members of the Progressive Electronic section. The strongest influences come from post-Moondawn Klaus Schultze and Ricochet/Stratosfear-era Tangerine Dream, with some hints of Vangelis and J.M. Jarre. This album is not so original, but has got really good stuff inside. Keyboards, sequencers and electronics in general are skillfully played, melodies are fully enjoyable and the general result is modern and convincing (IMO, far, far better than Sangiuliano's Take Off, from the same year). He really needs to be included in PA.
By the way, Timoria, in general, aren't prog, but their "Viaggio Senza Vento" really deserves to be included in a Italian Progressive Rock thread. Just give it a listen...
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2007 at 15:29
Banfi is in the addition list from a lot of time. But it is one of those possible inclusions that every so often also could be taken in consideration but that then return in the oblivion.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2007 at 15:44
ISP/ RPI/ IP recommended (1st list):



Sono Io Il Signore Delle Terre A Nord

(Studio Album, 1992)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Vinyl Magic (New Prog '90) VMNP 03

My Rating: 8/10 PA Rating: 5/5

This is the album of the reborn of RPI and, strange, is produced from a band called Il Castello Di Atlante. Even more weird if we consider that Il Castello di Atlante is a good but unluckly 70's RPI band!!! Strange the life... "Sono Io Il Signore Delle Terre A Nord" is a very good album in the Folk RPI vein. In fact the songs like "Il Pozzo" or "Semplice Ma Non Troppo" are good example of Folk Prog ("Il Pozzo" is Medieval/ Renaissance music) also because Il Castello Di Atlante have a good violin player (Massimo Di Lauro that in this album uses Joseph Beltramius (Cremona- 1872) violin. Only for this reason this Il Castello Di Atlante come approached to Quella Vecchia Locanda and it is true in the Rock parts. But Il Castello Di Atlante is more and too Folk respect to Quella Vecchia Locanda. In this CD what we listen to it is a Classic RPI with violin to the place of the flute and the synths to the place of mellotron. "Non C'č Tempo", very Rock track, is a good example of the new but traditional RPI because in this song the Synth is the rhythmic carpet and the guitar is the soloist instrument. Besides the magic it is the original RPI magic but the atmospheres are those of the new RPI.

For me if loved Il Castello Di Atlante you will love the Faveravola (and vice versa). But remember: this is the disc of the reborn of the RPI. We want to rediscover it and to treat it how it deserves?

Posted Friday, April 13, 2007, 11:16 EST | Permanent link




(Studio Album, 2006)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Immagnifica/ BTF QQ 1003 CD

My Rating: 9,5/10 PA Rating: 5/5

Ok, this is a new Italian Classic Of Prog World!!! Remember this words!!! I don't know because the people should love this "LuxAde". But I know because I love "LuxAde". First because the production is executed from Franz Di Cioccio. That creates a 70's atmosphere. econd because Fabio Zuffanti creates a new way for the Italian (Symphonic) Prog. A good mix between New Trolls, PFM, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Le Orme, Museo Rosenbach, Rovescio Della Medaglia, Biglietto Per L'Inferno, Osage Tribe, Area... And this mix produces a good new music!!! Third because this is a MASTERPIECE and not masterpiece!!!Four because some moments the bass of Zuffanti seems the bass of Joey DeMaio!!! Five because all the previous points means: Passion!!! All Zuffanti's music elements are here but this "LuxAde" is too simple and this simplicity in this case is a lack because it does not do rhyme with easiness of listening. I do not understand because to compose an album so Symphonic if then this element it means only the recover of the tradition. And if the bass is distorted (a la Joey DeMaio) because to introduce a sung to the PFM or New Trolls? Or a flute very catchy but very a la Tull? Or this carpet of keyboards that they do a lot Greenslade? Because this is the Fabio Zuffanti's Prog in 2006!!! That to the times it is also too heavy... And in other too melodic. But, excuse me, they isn't the same things that 34 years before said at the groups that I cited in this review?

And for me "LuxAde" is another classic of Prog!!! And another classic from Italy!!!

Posted Thursday, April 12, 2007, 13:22 EST | Permanent link



Sei Lacrime d'Ambra

(Studio Album, 2007)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Mellow Records MMP 496 (2007)

My Rating: 8/10 PA Rating: 5/5

Another very good band from Italy. Like more of the new Italian Prog bands the Notabene influcences are found in PFM, Banco, Le Orme and New Trolls from the Italian bands and Genesis, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull and Van Der Graaf Generator from the foreigners bands. This mix produced, in this case, one Symphonic Prog to the boundary of the Neo Prog. For me the palette is formed from little colors. Green, yellow, black, grey and white; the drawing is secure but not really neo realist because more informal. This music is like a Van Gogh's painted. The power of the keyboards of Daniele Manerba is one of the point of force of this band because his synths decreasing the symphonic impact in reality increases the wall of power of the songs. That have a Peter Gabriel's Genesis/ 80's PFM structure with an use of the arrengements a la Le Orme and a New Trolls power with a good voice a la Hammill/ Gabriel/ Phil Collins structure. With this ingredients is secure that an album like "Sei Lacrime D'Ambra" is one of the album that I prefer.

I am secure, this album passed like more of the album. But the Notabene have written a good page of good Prog. And this is the true story.

Posted Friday, March 30, 2007, 16:56 EST | Permanent link



Contea Dei Cento Castagni

(Studio Album, 2006)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: I dischi della LOCANDA DEL VENTO/ Lizard records ldv 001

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 5/5

It is true... Faveravola is good. Faveravola is a new band with old musicians from "Marca Trevigiana". Faveravola is a new soft Folk/ Symphonic band with Medieval concepts. And the cover is the representation of the hills of Asolo, Conegliano or Vittorio Veneto, beautiful little city with castles in Marca Trevigiana. This work is special for me because I love the cover atmospheres and the concept played in this album (and also because my father is from Tarzo, beautiful village near Vittorio Veneto, Revine Lake, Cison Di Valmarino [Castelbrando] and Follina [Santa Maria Abbey] and this is also the zone of the Prosecco whine; Ah... I love this album also because it comes mentioned the Livenza River, river that divided the Friuli of the Marca Trevigiana). Ok, I bothered yourselves? You are free of to think what want but I don't believe that how much wrote it is been wasted toil. It is true one album It can be read in a lot of manners. This is the mine. And the music, like is it? In truth is good but if you think that since I said that it is Symphonic Folk the Faveravola is another Tullesque band... Friend... You are really outside road. Faveravola is another thing. Is a new minstrel band. And the music, for this reason, is only the support of the lyrics and of the emoyions that the Faveravola want to they transmit. In truth also Aldo Tagliapietra, narrative voice in "La Piana Dei Temoli Del Livenza", it comes kidnapped from the magic of the Faveravola. That it deserve to play always in a castle or in a medieval inn.

For me "La Contea Dei Cento Castagni" is surely one of the best album of this New Wave Of Italian Prog. And in truth also one of the best all time album of Prog.

Posted Thursday, April 12, 2007, 10:41 EST | Permanent link



Venetia Et Anima (by Donella Del Monaco & Paolo Troncon; Opus Avantra)

(Studio Album, 2004)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: OpusAvantra Studium S.a.r.L (OPUS005)

My Rating: 9/10 PA Rating: 5/5

This is a very convincing album because Donella Del Monaco (grandchild of the best tenor Mario Del Monaco) can express itself to the better. In fact Donella write in the "Venetia Et Anima" that in "Biennale Musica 2003" (Venice) is codify the "Creative Solism", i.e. the idea of a performer who is "the author of himself, the performer's of other's writing, or the creator of a parallel score". And Donella continue: "I finally rediscovered the approach to music with which I have always had an affinity". I could close here the review. Instead continuous. In "Venetia Et Anima" is contained all this definition. In fact in "Venetia Et Anima" is contained all type of art of this definition. the poetry (in dialect) by Andrea Zanzotto becomes a new trip in the Venetian soul, "Ierusalem celesti" (by Giacomo Da Verona, XIIIrd Century) or the other ancient chants come updated loser the liturgic meant becoming metaphor of the celestial life but always lived like true and difficult to accept. But the celestial voice of Donella reaches high peaks in "Canto Del Cielo" and in "Nell'Eterno Del Presente" where Donella joke with the tonality of her beautiful instruments. Above all "Nell'Eterno Del Presente" is a Liturgical POP song (but not a simple song) where Donella use this voice in all the form. And in this case Donella emotion, showing that the voice is an instrument like violin, guitar, keyboard, drums... "Nell'Eterno Del Presente" and Donella's voice is simply the Art of Music (the capital letters are obviates and deduct).

See and order "Venetia Et Anima". Because the Music is Art.

Posted Sunday, April 01, 2007, 11:09 EST | Permanent link



Il Passo Del Soldato

(Studio Album, 1995)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Pick Up Records PKP1910 (1995)

My Rating: 9,5/10 PA Rating: 5/5

This is the last album of Nuova Era. And one of the ten Prog album of the Rock Progressivo Italiano (this genre exist... To ask Aldo Tagliapietra of Le Orme). In this case the inspiration bands are Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso and ELP (Ok... Therefore Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, because Nuova Era is an Italian band). In this sense isn't a clone band because more POP and Nuova Era's music haven't the grandiloquent of Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso's music. In general the keyboards have a great weight but they aren't the "prince" instrument because all the instruments and the voice contribute in the same way. In this sense I noted a good study of albums like "Garofano Rosso" because it is just this album that is approached the Nuova Era (and true very... Not vice versa!!!). Another distinction is that "Il Passo Del Soldato" is more Rock respect to the Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso approaching itself mainly to the Banco's albums but with more Prog approach. For me "Il Passo Del Soldato" is an albut that it had been published in the 70's it could have been much considered from the masses. But this is my opinion, only my opinion.

This is an album of immediate understanding, but very fascinating. The Pick Up it has uncovered the Labyrinth, is true. But with "Il Passo Del Soldato" by Nuova Era it has centered an other objective. Thanks Pick Up Records in Bassano Del Grappa (Vicenza, Italy).

Posted Saturday, March 31, 2007, 06:13 EST | Permanent link

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 25 2007 at 15:44
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