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erik neuteboom View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 06 2007 at 16:59
                             Hello Mandrakeroot, I would like to ask attention
                                        for this overlooked progrock beauty: 
                            SENSITIVA IMMAGINE — E Tutto Comincio Cosi '76
4%20stars Almost every inch of this CD has the spirit of the early GENESIS, only the Italian vocals let you realise that this album is not a kind of ‘lost “Selling England By The Pound” tapes’! Even a live picture on the inside of this digipack (I own the Japanese Melos label version) looks like the early GENESIS. The six compositions (the Musea re-release has three bonus tracks) sound pleasant and melodic featuring warm vocals, great sensitive electric guitar work and lush keyboards. They don’t have the elaborate compositional skills of the other famous GENESIS-inspired band NEUSCHWANSTEIN but I’m sure SENSITIVA IMMAGINE will not be a disappointment if you want to enjoy the 70-77 GENESIS-era.


Edited by erik neuteboom - April 06 2007 at 17:03
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 06 2007 at 17:03
Another gem to rediscover, Erik.

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 06 2007 at 17:03
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2007 at 05:41
Today I go to Bassano Del Grappa (Vicenza)Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori. for do purchases with Andrea Cortese.

Therefore to Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine) to pass the Easter.

We review ourselves Tuesday. 

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 07 2007 at 05:42
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2007 at 05:46
can't wait for those reviews Mandy LOL

have a great time... and Buona Pasqua to you and Andrea C.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2007 at 07:07
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 07 2007 at 07:40
Originally posted by Mandrakeroot Mandrakeroot wrote:

Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

I also love Italian symph, i just noticed i miss only 4 albums from the italian top 20 (2 Banco records, Nuova era and Osanna). From the new bands i like all work by Fabio Zuffanti, Notabene, Randone and Mangala Vallis. Recently i picked up Faveravavola and Tapobran, after a few listens i have the impression that these bands are also very goodThumbs%20Up

The new Italian bands are good like those of the 70's. Unfortunately it is easier (in Italy) to find the works of the 70's bands that the works of the new bands...CryCryCryCryCry!!!

I know LOLBig%20smileWink
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 04:21
My first incursion into this newly opened thread.
I would like to recommend a new record for all the mellotron's fans in general and for all who looks interested into the italian prog scene in general:
The Watch latest album "Primitive" is basically builded around this mythic instrument!
Bought it saturday...what a pleasure (even if the Peter Gabriel-ish vocals decrease the originality of the band...).
WATCH,%20THE%20Primitive%20%20progressive%20rock%20album%20and%20reviews Neo Progressive
(Studio Album, 2007)
Avg: 4.00/5
from 1 ratings
WATCH, THE — Primitive
Review by Andrea Cortese (Andrea Cortese)
Special Collaborator Italian Prog Specialist

— First review of this album —

4%20stars Three years have passed since the release of their "Vacuum" album but this time it's like returning back to origins, somehow. Another well crafted record by this well-known contemporary italian band and its "gabrielesque" singer Simone Rossetti, but now they reveal clearly the choice to move some steps forward (backward, to be honest) to the sound of the seventies. THE WATCH's musical patterns aren't changed but this time you will not find the typical "aggressiveness" of their previous work, the general mood of the album being builded up on a more introvert, mellow, dramatic and darker key (and even poetic).

And there lies the main difference between "Primitive" and "Vacuum". In few words, this album is structured around the more atmospheric sound of the mighty MELLOTRON for the joy and happyness of many symphomaniacs. In fact I've never listened to such a powerful mellotron drenched album from the recent years...this is really a winning choice I think, because in some parts GENESIS don't seem to be their unique reference. In particular, some of those inspired mellotron's excursions reminds me of the memorable KING CRIMSON's track "The Devil's Triangle".

That said, pick up and add some interesting (but not loud as it could/should be) moog and synth solos along with gentle touches of delicate flute and sparse acoustic guitars and here you have "Primitive", not an easy one to get into at the first listen, just needing more spins manly due to what I could call an apparent "lack of variety" in the tracks' selection. But this is a common peculiarity in their cathalogue and is only the result of the first impression.

Special mention goes to "Berlin 1936" (8,51 mns) which is about the story of the olympics games in Germany just before the second world war and, in particular has been dedicated to a "certain" US' athlete Jesse Owens. He was triumphant in the 100- meter dash, the 200-meter dash and the broad jump. He was also a key member of the 400-meter relay team that won the Gold Medal. He is one the best remembered olympic star of all times because he deliberately refused to shake the hand of Hitler when he went to greet the medalists.

Anotehr highlight is "Two Paces to the Rear" (9,10 mns) with its pleasing interplay between organ, mellotron and synth solo. Excellent! Also "Anotehr Life" (6,19 mns) brings deep emotions, at the risk of provocking true goose-bumps moments due to the powerful mellotron waves.

Probably I prefer this album than the previous one, but only more attentive listenings can tell the truth. Meantime, I think this album will be joyfully welcomed by the legions of symphonic prog fans in general and by the mellotron's aficionados in particular!

Yes, 2007, has started very well: the italian prog scene is alive and well! Another brilliant album!

Posted Sunday, April 08, 2007, 19:41 EST | Permanent link

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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 07:37
New band (The Natural Mystic) and album (Mother nature, the trees and the magic of seasons). From BTF:
What a debut! We regret that we did not have the chance to produce directly this fantastic new band from Milan.... Natural Mystic's debut CD has 4 long suites dealing with seasons. Musically it is a blend
of King Crimson and Jethro Tull but always keeping a classic, medieval and mediterranean touch. Exclusive distribution!

Edited by Andrea Cortese - April 09 2007 at 07:37
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 07:45
A New album for Venegoni & Co and it's titled Planetarium. For info and sample tracks:

Recorded and mixed in September-December 2006
at Dynamo Sound Studio, Turin, Italy.
Additional recordings at : Electromantic Studio, Minirec Studio e Mortara’s Home Studio.
Sound Engineers : G. Venegoni, P. Mortara, Gigi Guerrieri, Silvano Borgatta and Claudio Cattero. Produced, recorded and mixed by Gigi Venegoni on a Logic/Apple g5 system. Arranged by Venegoni-Mortara. Tracks 3+8 arranged by Gigi Venegoni. Track 6 arranged by Silvano Borgatta. Cover and package design by Bob Noto. Photographs : Naoju Nakamura e Gigi Venegoni.

Put together the group, after a twenty-six years intermission, seemed to me like a frightening and,
at the same time, charming challenge. The true music passion of fine musicians like Piero Mortara and all players involved and, not least, the strong support by Beppe Crovella , have eventually convinced me that I should give it a try. After an eleven months work here
it is : "Planetarium" , the new Cd that, as I hope, will be a good enough follower of Sarabanda, which I still rate as my best musical work. To that magic band and especially to the composer and piano player Ludovico Einaudi I want to dedicate the song n.8 "Moon Over Dogliani", the magic place on the Langhe hills ,
where a good part of the music contained in Sarabanda
was composed and rehearsed. The song “Bibuschka” was composed for my beloved wife Bibi Venegoni. I hope sincerely that You can appreciate this music as much as we all liked to compose and play it. Thanks.

Gigi Venegoni.


Edited by Andrea Cortese - April 09 2007 at 07:47
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 10:40
Uhm... Ok... Andrea Cortese precedes me on the "Primitive" by The Watch review but... This is my review of "Primitive:



(Studio Album, 2007)
Review by Mandrakeroot (Andrea Salvador)
COLLABORATOR Italian Prog Specialist

5%20stars My review is produced using this release: Lizard/ Pick Up export CD 0051

My Rating: 8,5/10 PA Rating: 5/5

"Primitive" plays in my mind like a Fish's Marillion Album. But this isn't a defect. The Fish's Marillion is a copy of Peter Gabriel's Genesis and I think that, at the end, means that Peter Gabriel's Genesis were indeed a great group. But at the end that meant it has, in our case? The production of good music. Ok, if you think that the The Watch is only a tribute band... You are outside road. In fact the songs have, in general, the just appeal. The keyboards (Mellotron in primis) confirm that the The Watch in this "Primitive" use one greater hideous face that only the Phil Collins' Genesis have used. It is really that, however, "Primitive" recovers the 70's succeeding to move more of Peter Gabriel's Genesis and Fish's Marillion. Moreover is just because that Simone Rossetti copy Gabriel, Phil Collins and Fish that the music of the The Watch it is in a position to better being the original inspirators. To my warning the songs are all in the same plan because since the level is highest I don't succeed to decide which it is the better song. Rather the use of the mellotron has hit me because it is used like soloist keyboard (to the way of Greenslade, King Crimson or The Moody Blues) becoming the brand of differentiation of the The Watch regarding Peter Gabriel's Genesis or Fish's Marillion.

This is one of the albums that they confirm that 2007 it will be an other Golden Year for the Italian Prog.

Posted Monday, April 09, 2007, 10:36 EST | Permanent link

Thanks, my friend Andrea Cortese for the news in this thread.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 10:44
Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

New band (The Natural Mystic) and album (Mother nature, the trees and the magic of seasons). From BTF:
What a debut! We regret that we did not have the chance to produce directly this fantastic new band from Milan.... Natural Mystic's debut CD has 4 long suites dealing with seasons. Musically it is a blend
of King Crimson and Jethro Tull but always keeping a classic, medieval and mediterranean touch. Exclusive distribution!

that sounds really interesting.... if you get it... let me know what you think.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 11:25
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Andrea Cortese Andrea Cortese wrote:

New band (The Natural Mystic) and album (Mother nature, the trees and the magic of seasons). From BTF:
What a debut! We regret that we did not have the chance to produce directly this fantastic new band from Milan.... Natural Mystic's debut CD has 4 long suites dealing with seasons. Musically it is a blend
of King Crimson and Jethro Tull but always keeping a classic, medieval and mediterranean touch. Exclusive distribution!

that sounds really interesting.... if you get it... let me know what you think.

ClapCool I confirm the Micky words.

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 09 2007 at 11:25
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 15:13
In another thread I joked with Mandrake Root about a bizarre Pooh vs I Cugini di Campagna match...
This makes me wander about the introduction into prog rock of some albums (if not some bands) which, IMO, should be taken into account when talking about the development of prog rock in Italy. "Un po' del nostro tempo migliore" by Pooh has very nice symphonic passages, while "Anima Latina" by Lucio Battisti is far more experimental than many Italian prog-rock efforts, featuring strange latin-fusion passages, cosmic synths, a very well developed concepts about the man-woman relationship. By the way, maybe I didn't check it out properly, but it seems to me that Claudio Rocchi hasn't been introduced in this site yet. Finally, did you know that Ornella Vanoni, back in 1972, recorded a cover version of White Mountain (Genesis)?
Bye, Paolo.
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Mandrakeroot View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 09 2007 at 16:02
paolo.beenees it is true: I POOH and LUCIO BATTISTI have produced also Prog albums. But I must say that many persons  could remain amazeds listening to a lot of the production of these artists (more for I POOH that for LUCIO BATTISTI, but it doesn't change the result) and for this we cannot include them in PA.

I don't know the song of Ornella Vanoni but in this case is normal that Ornella Vanoni recorded the Italian version because the 90% of the Italian Beat production are cover with Italian lyrics.

For Claudio Rocchi the problem is simply: Andrea Cortese  works until late evening and it doesn't have time in order to insert the bands/ artists. Micky have a problem with the Art Rock Team. I cannot insert the bands/ artists and... the ISP/ RPI team is blocked. In order it makes you an example saturday I and Andrea Cortese (that we live to 2h of car one from the other) we are resolutions to put us of agreement for knowing if we met ourselves when I was to Asolo, 10 mins from Bassano Del Grappa (hometown of Andrea Cortese) after that the evening before we have sworn because they were 2 weeks that there were comes to an agreement to you and all nearly it was jumped.

It can be believed to promote therefore the Italian Prog in PA?
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2007 at 08:10
My new discovery in the world of Italian Prog (and extremely recomended):

From or



Roberto "Rocky" Rossi (vocals, sax, clarinet)
Roby Grablovitz (guitar, flute)
Luigi Ventura (bass, trombone)
Rubino Colasante (drums, upright bass)

A band of very good musicians from Parma, Rocky's Filj (from their leader Rocky Rossi's name) gained a contract with Ricordi after a positive tour with Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, and the album was produced by Sandro Colombini, who had worked with Banco in their first albums.

The album is jazz-rock oriented, but all the tracks have vocals, and Rocky's voice is very original even if not great. 
Instrumental parts are very well made, all the band members could professionally play various instruments and the album is always very enjoyable. The long opening track, L'ultima spiaggia, with dramatic vocals and long guitar and sax solo parts is a fine example of their music. 

A band that deserved more consideration, Rocky's Filj broke up soon after the album was recorded, as one of them was jailed, reappearing in 1979 with a commercial single recorded with help from former Acqua Fragile Pier Emilio Canavera and (probably) Franz Dondi.
Rocky Rossi sadly died in 1985 in a car accident.
Drummer Colasante is probably the same which appears (with the name Roby) in the records by Delta Blues Band, in 1979, and the funky-disco Midnight Band in 1980.
Guitarist Roby Grablovitz has kept playing in Northern Italy with a 70's cover band, and has released a solo CD in 2005, entitled Speranze d'artista (Acid Studio RG001).



Storie di uomini e non  Ricordi (SMRL 6115) 1973 gatefold cover - lyric inner

Storie di uomini e non  BMG (74321-98160-2) 2003 reissue of 1973 album

(with picture sleeve)
Lo spettro
Cobra (CB 002) 1971 as "Roky's Fily"
Come una nuvola
Shirak (SRF 4514) 1979  


Original album on Ricordi label has recently gained a high value, being one of the few prog era albums that have never had an official CD reissue until 2003. 
It was only been reissued before on the Neverland (japanese? authorized?) label with a mini-
gatefold cover.
The nice gatefold cover contains a lyric inner and was designed by Caesar Monti. A picture from the same photo session was later used in Angelo Branduardi's Alla fiera dell'est booklet.

No counterfeit exists, nor foreign reissues.

Storie di uomini e non - LP

Storie di uomini e non - inner gatefold

Ingrid - 7" single cover

Astro car - 7" single cover



Thanks to Milan Vyskocil for some information on the group



Pictures are hosted on a different server than the rest of this website;
for this reason they can be very slow at times or not visible at all,
but you can try to reload the page later.

P.s.: Rocky's Filj changed the keyboards with the sax, trombone and clarinet and for this situation Rocky's Filj is a very good band for aficionados of ISP/ RPI and these instruments!!!

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 11 2007 at 18:47
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2007 at 08:38

First listen impression:

"Storie Di Unomini E Non" is a great album. Saxes, clarinet, trombone and flute  replace the keyboards Doing believer that is Jazz Rock. But this is true only for the short intro of "L'Ultima Spiaggia", the first track. In truth "Storie Di Uomini E Non" is a good Rock album or, better, good Italian Prog album. It isn't symphonic but only isn't in possess of the keyboards.

To find a band to draw near to you?  It is very difficult because the Rocky's Filj is a very particular band but in a certain sense PFM, Banco, New Trolls, Daltons (first album), The Trip and Arti (+) E Mestieri are able to be reasonable combinations because not having the keyboards and having a Jazz sound the Rocky's Filj give back difficult a combination without a listening. 

Extremely recommended!!!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2007 at 09:17
From the BTF site:



Finally available from the hyperactive AMS indie label is the reissue one of the most legendary italian prog albums ever! "Invasori"was originally released only in a few promo copies for the Philips label back in 1976 (and that LP is now a very expensive collectors' item), so that many italian prog fans didn't even know that this title was ever existing. The mastermind behind Pangea was italian star producer Mauro Paoluzzi (he worked with Roberto Vecchioni and Gianna Nannini); he was completely into prog
music in the late Seventies (he also produced the two Madrugada albums now available on AMS CD too).

"Invasori" is a beautiful and haunting progressive concept album divided in two suites in the classic italian style, with italian vocals, various moods and an overall spacey atmosphere with hints of Pink Floyd. This is an excellent and rare find!
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 10 2007 at 18:49
I wish I could play guitar as Riccardo Zappa... Cry
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 11 2007 at 04:30
Originally posted by paolo.beenees paolo.beenees wrote:

I wish I could play guitar as Riccardo Zappa... Cry

Eh, eh... You know how many? 

I would want to know to play the drums like. ..: 

Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori. Nunzio "Cucciolo" Favia Furio Chirico

Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori. Michi Dei Rossi

Limmagine%20“”%20non%20puň%20essere%20visualizzata%20poiché%20contiene%20degli%20errori. Franz Di Cioccio

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 11 2007 at 04:33
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 11 2007 at 11:43
Another good suggestion from 70's Italian Prog scene:

First impression:

Very good album. the keyboards aren't invadents. Good writing and good Italian way production (very dry). Unfortunately I was in car and the listening did not be, therefore, of the better.  But if the good day is seen from the morning... He is another masterpiece(Or almost)!!!

Thanks my excellent friend Andrea Cortese for this suggestion!!!

Edited by Mandrakeroot - April 11 2007 at 11:43
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