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jesperz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Internet.. P2P.. A saviour or a killer?
    Posted: April 03 2006 at 07:49
Is the internet or P2P clients are saviour or killer to PROG ROCK?

This is an endless controversal question.... I know..

To me, without the internet and p2p, I wouldn't know that there is such genre as Progressive Rock...

But the more crucial thing is that, what are your point of views?

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Man Made God View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 08:19

Well, to me it is absolutely a saviour.
I've learned about a lot of good bands through the internet, and bought cd's online which I wouldn't know without the internet.

Heck, I even download a lot of music just to see if it is any good, so I don't buy any crappy albums! There are a lot of (legal) internetsites where you can listen to cd's but not download them. I don't really see the difference as long as you support the artists by buying the original cd's!

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 08:34
Originally posted by Man Made God Man Made God wrote:

Heck, I even download a lot of music just to see if it is any good, so I don't buy any crappy albums! There are a lot of (legal) internetsites where you can listen to cd's but not download them. I don't really see the difference as long as you support the artists by buying the original cd's!

The difference between legal download sites and illegal ones is that with the legal ones you also support the artist even if you decide not to buy the album.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 08:39
Originally posted by Man Made God Man Made God wrote:

Well, to me it is absolutely a saviour.
I've learned about a lot of good bands through the internet, and bought cd's online which I wouldn't know without the internet.

Heck, I even download a lot of music just to see if it is any good, so I don't buy any crappy albums! There are a lot of (legal) internetsites where you can listen to cd's but not download them. I don't really see the difference as long as you support the artists by buying the original cd's!

I think you've hit on the nub of the problem there. A lot of people will just download a load of music and the artist will never see a penny of it. I too have discovered a load of bands via the Internet that I never would have heard of otherwise and have been buying their CDs, but not everybody does this.

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Sit Ubu Sit View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 08:40


To me, it's also a wonderful thing...

There used to be a time when I could tolerate the "bad" parts of an album to get to the "good" parts. Don't know if it's an age thing, but my patience for this has pretty much run out.

Now, I download music (legally) and burn compilation CDs. Occasionally, I'll find a concept album that needs to be downloaded and listened to in it's entirety, but these instances are few and far between


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eddietrooper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 08:41

Well in my experience P2P programs have given me the opportunity to get to know many bands and albums that otherwise I never would have known. I admit that I don't buy all of them once I've tried them and I've liked them, but CD's are expensive in my country and I only can afford part of that costs. I have to say that my collection of "legal" CD's is big as well.

I'm sure that many, many people wouldn't have got to listen to an entire discography by artists from the 70's if it wasn't with the help of this programs. So P2P programs contribute to expand the culture.

But of course I know that this is not good for the discographic industry and for the musicians.

But technological advance is unstoppable and I'm afraid that in a few years it's very possible that albums won't be sold anymore, because everybody will get them for free. Musicians will have to find other ways to get money (live concerts...).

In fact in my country when you buy a CD-R or a DVD-R you're paying a percentage which is destinated to the Authors Society of Spain, even if you'r buying the CD for other purposes. In some way this is like saying us "Well, you're allowed to download and copy the music, but you'll pay more for the CD-R's instead".

Let's see what happens in the future...


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Dirk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 08:55
I would say p2p is a saviour rather than a killer without it i would never
have known about a lot of bands because i was fed up with buying a CD for 20 euro
and finding that i didn't like it at all.

Having said that p2p is obviously not ideal because it's not totally honest. I try
to buy every album that i would rate 4 stars or more. I also tried Napster but
that service is not available in Holland.

So i am open to any suggestions for a legal site in Holland.

With legal sites the problem might be that there still are records
which you can't find there. In that case i think downloading and then buying the
cd if you like it is ok (i think the artist in question would agree in that case).

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 09:10

Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

With legal sites the problem might be that there still are records
which you can't find there. In that case i think downloading and then buying the
cd if you like it is ok (i think the artist in question would agree in that case).

Sure, but you can always use legal sites for the albums which ARE available there. I use 4 different legal websites, and those albums which aren't available on any of these websites I try to find on Ebay or in used CD stores. This strategy works quite well for me, and it might work for others too.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 09:28
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

With legal sites the problem might be that there still are records
which you can't find there. In that case i think downloading and then buying the
cd if you like it is ok (i think the artist in question would agree in that case).

Sure, but you can always use legal sites for the albums which ARE available there. I use 4 different legal websites, and those albums which aren't available on any of these websites I try to find on Ebay or in used CD stores. This strategy works quite well for me, and it might work for others too.

Yes but to buy an album on ebay or in a used cd store you first have to know the album.
That's where p2p or a legal downloading site come in.

I would be very interested if you could post a few legal sites, as i said i tried Napster
but it seems this is not available here in the Netherlands.

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Atkingani View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 09:32

I think that part of the prog revival observed recently is due to internet download sites. The opportunity for the new generations to know the works of prog-legends was (is) great.

About the (i)legality I have many doubts. Older people here will remember a device in the 60s/70s/80s sound systems that allowed to record directly from the LP to the tape. Some guys could do dozens of copies every day and sell it "low price" and artists and labels got nothing. This device was an integrant part of the apparatus, made officially by great companies! I can't remember any kind of complaint then...


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cobb View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 09:54
Atkingani... The number of illegal copies made with previous technology was not measureable. The number of downloads occuring over the internet via P2P is. The RIAA and MPAA (who are acting on behalf of the companies, not the artists) use this figure to state they have lost this much in revenue. Makes good press, but it cannot be used as a figure of revenue lost- most of these downloads probably wouldn't have been purchased anyway if P2P wasn't there. I have always maintained that P2P is about losing control of the media and that is what frightens the Sony's etc.

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Duncan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 09:55
Not all artists need supporting. The music industry doesn't need supporting.

Legal downloading might be worth considering when it's not all shoddy bitrates and protected formats at essentially the same price as a normal CD.

Anyhow, without having access to P2P over the last, I don't know, 6 years, I'd have bought a FRACTION of the CDs I actually did.
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Masque View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 10:01

I remember the value I placed on owning a record , back in the days when vinyl was all the rage but ever since p2p come along and CD Roms got so cheap to buy my value system has cheapened I no longer feel the same way ...  I don`t know, its kind of strange , in a way I`d prefer p2p went away and savoring each line each note each lyric could again be appreciated by forking out the dollars and not just reaching out on the INTERNET and downloading MP3`s,  

I think I learn more from reading reviews from respected sites than I do from downloading MP3 .. also the endings of some songs cuts out and sounds unprofessional  because prog often runs from one song to another without a break and it shows up when compiling a CD,  this spoils the quality , P2P   kills the quality of prog if anything , you can`t tell me you get CD quality at 128kbps more like 320 kbps and thats not what most people share (yes I hear a differance)  

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 10:03

Originally posted by Duncan Duncan wrote:

Legal downloading might be worth considering when it's not all shoddy bitrates and protected formats at essentially the same price as a normal CD.

The "shoddy" bitrates seem to be no problem on the illegal websites ...

About the protected formats: You should have a look at the subscription based services. I don't like to buy music electronically for pretty much the same reasons - it's nearly as expensive as the real CD, but with much more usage limitations. But a flatrate like Napster or Yahoo provide ... that's a very nice offer for music freaks.

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TheProgtologist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 10:29
I am not going to argue or debate  downloading via P2P.

But all you people that think by downloading you are robbing an artist of revenue,artists only see a few cents on the dollar for every cd sold,the lion's share go to the record companies.

Most of a bands money is made on tour and through merch sales.

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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 10:39

Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I am not going to argue or debate  downloading via P2P.

But all you people that think by downloading you are robbing an artist of revenue,artists only see a few cents on the dollar for every cd sold,the lion's share go to the record companies.

Most of a bands money is made on tour and through merch sales.

Agreed. But most bands still need album sales. They determine if the record company produces more albums and how much energy (money) they devote to promoting the band. And both album sales and promotion make it possible for the bands to tour and earn money.

Of course the best strategy for new bands is to produce the albums themselves and sell them on their website (or on modern platforms like That way they also profit from album sales and aren't totally depending on the live performances.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 10:42
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I am not going to argue or debate  downloading via P2P.

But all you people that think by downloading you are robbing an artist of revenue,artists only see a few cents on the dollar for every cd sold,the lion's share go to the record companies.

Most of a bands money is made on tour and through merch sales.

Agreed. But most bands still need album sales. They determine if the record company produces more albums and how much energy (money) they devote to promoting the band. And both album sales and promotion make it possible for the bands to tour and earn money.

Of course the best strategy for new bands is to produce the albums themselves and sell them on their website (or on modern platforms like That way they also profit from album sales and aren't totally depending on the live performances.

I understand all that.I think it;s an even trade off though because so many people can get exposed to and listen to these bands through p2p,thus increasing their fan base.


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MikeEnRegalia View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 11:14
^ sure, I don't want to imply that illegal file sharing is an "evil" thing in itself. But I feel that people underestimate the illegality and no matter what the effects for the artists are and how unfair you think the music business is - illegal downloading is still essentially stealing. I just think that there are better alternatives.
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TheProgtologist View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 11:17
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ sure, I don't want to imply that illegal file sharing is an "evil" thing in itself. But I feel that people underestimate the illegality and no matter what the effects for the artists are and how unfair you think the music business is - illegal downloading is still essentially stealing. I just think that there are better alternatives.

It's here,it's not going away.

Now the record companies are scrambling but they are way too late,it got out of control long before they even attempted to get a handle on it.

They'll never put a stop to it.

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Snow Dog View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 03 2006 at 11:24

Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ sure, I don't want to imply that illegal file sharing is an "evil" thing in itself. But I feel that people underestimate the illegality and no matter what the effects for the artists are and how unfair you think the music business is - illegal downloading is still essentially stealing. I just think that there are better alternatives.

It's here,it's not going away.

Now the record companies are scrambling but they are way too late,it got out of control long before they even attempted to get a handle on it.

They'll never put a stop to it.


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