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I Listened to a song from cinque and it really impressed me, and it became my next goal to buy that album. The only song i've listened seems to be more like fusion, but it's clear that it has symphonic influences. It was really dinamic and unpredictible, i loved it


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It is indeed a remarkable album.

Which song was that?

If you want I can send you another song from the album.


In the next recomm I'll make tomorrow I'll mention more artists in the same and near ballpark.

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I have noticed some mis-genre-izations in the site lately. One of them is the following band I want to recommend. It is the French NeBeLNeST and the album is NoVa eXPReSS 

It is listed under symphonic prog, which is misleading. This is more of a RIO band and this album was released through Cuneiform, which can tell you a bit about their general style. This is an instrumental album, dynamic with many time sig changes. They sometomes give the impression the music you hear is improvisation and at other instances you realize what talent they have to play this kind of music and that everything is well planed. Each piece is evolving and does not linger too much in place. They are definitely talented musicians. This album needs to be listened to (like most prog records) with complete concentration to fully enjoy their musical talents and the complexity of the music. This album is not for everyone, and people who search for melody and a variety of instruments won't find it here. I think people who love Univers Zero, Shylock and Present will love this. This is intended for people who want to journey far away while listening to the music, but you must be aptient in order to get into this.

There are smaples on their website:

Their PA page: D.asp?band_id=259


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Suggest you check out a new band called Variant. They have a CD out called Beyond Jargon. You can hear samples at


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avestin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 23 2006 at 13:46

I'll be brief this time. The album this is from the Italian band METAMORFOSI, Inferno.

By the title of the album you can guess what it is based on. What a great album, each time I hear it I'm excited all over again. The music delivers a sense of dramatic events and the whole sound of the album (old due to production) just anhances the feelings brought up by the music. It is perhapse not as complex as pther bands, but it is very good symph prog. I love Davide's vocals, he does a great work. The keyboards here are very much responsible for the mood of the album. A must have IMHO.

What is great and frustrating at the same about Italy's prog is its abundance, there are so many bands and many unknowns. I suggest you go over the list of bands by country and just see for yourselves (that is how I discovered many bands (that, and also Andre Cortese and ANDREW's recommendations).

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Now for something modern.

I'd like to recommend the band SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE. They have released one EP - Temporary Psychotic State, and one LP - Suspended Animation Dreams.

It is a bit difficult to describe this. The musicians incorporate music from several genres, like symph prog, folk, metal etc. It is eclectic, but it is done in a very good and professional way, that makes you feel like it is very natural to combine all these different elements. There are clean vocals and some death growls (which I love, so no problem there). You have violins in there and saxes and the whole gemischt, well look for yourselves:

- Paul Kuhr / vocals
- Tomer Pink / guitars, dulcimer, harmonica
- Jake Delpolitte / guitars, bass

With Guests:
- Steve Lyman / drums
- Ben Warren / piano, Hammond organ, Rhoads
- Willis Clow / guitars / mandolin, horn arrangements
- Bronwen Beecher / string arrangements
- Mitch Curinga / electronics & sound manipulation
- Wayne Burdick / percussions
- Kobi Farhi & Yishai Schwatrz / Ali Baba on Acid Hafla on "No Place Like Home"
- Mike Sartain / guest vocals on "The Rock n Roll Preacher"
- Wendy Jernijan / guest vocals on "Awake"
- Dave Chisolm / trumpet
- Andrew Kuhnhausen / saxophone, flute, clarinet
- Joe Chisholm / trombone

Anyway, do you spot the name Tomer Pink there? Well this Israeli guy along with another Israeli metal man, Yishai Scwartz who is a member of several Israeli metal acts, have together written the lyrics for the EP songs. These are really incrdible songs (sure, some will say the influences are noticeable and even more tham that, OK, so what, you compose like that then, and then we'll talk). I usually don;t buy EP's but this one was really worth it. The lyrics are good and the music as I said, very good. The vocalists is Paul Kuhr, the great November's Doom vocalist. Even a friend from Orphaned land is here - the vocalist Kobi Farchi. It is really a great collection of musicians gathered here and you'll hear it. The music shifts from relaxed Piano or acoustic guitar driven with soft vocals to angry riffs and vocals/growls. and I find the shifts natural and it adds to the songs impact. The third song (No place...) has an eastern feel to it added by Kobi's and Yishai's vocals and the mandolin. Plus you have a nice female voice. Seriously, go and get it, I think people into prog metal (of any kind) will surely like it. People who love fusion as well. For the rest, try it, why not open up a bit?

The artwork in both releases is beatiful and adds to the albums, I love the drawings in the LP (Travis Smith). 

Damn it I did a mess in this recomm, it has no order at all, but I won't rearrange it now, I reckon you'll manage.

Their website:


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Let me offer you something different than the previous band. I'll make it short without too much descriptions like the previous messy one...

SINKADUS - they are from Sweden. They play symph prog, not too dissimilar from old symph proggers, but they add their touches and personal tones. The album to which I refer is Aurum Nostrum.

This is the lineup of this release:

- Rickard Bistrom / bass, vocals, guitar
- Fredrik Karlsson / keyboards
- Mats Svensson / drums
- Lena Petterson / cello
- Robert Sjoback / guitars
- Linda Johansson / flute, vocals

Their sound is made up of several elements. You have the flute relaxed element (Camel), the guitar dynamic element (KC, Anglagard) and the synth extravagant element (ELP). And they intertwine it all very well. for those intimidated by foreign lyrics, they are sung in Swedish. Overall, a very good album and performed very well. I can't see why any symph prog progger would not love this album, unless she/he really can't bare something modern that is influenced/copies old stuff.

Their website:

Enjoy and a good weekend to all the PA community.

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While we're on the's another realtively unknown prog group in the symph prog vein.

They are KVAZAR from Norway and the album is A Giant's Lullaby , theur second release from 2005.

It is quite a good album, I am still getting to know it gradually. As in the previous band, here too you'll hear resemblances to others (come to think of it, you rarely do not hear them). A melancholic music, fitting for ponderous, sad moods, at night when you're all alone.... But I digress...

The keyboards here give the music a special touch, which I can't quite explain, so you'll have to listen to it. It has a spacey quality to it if that even makes sense. Teh keys mixed with the vocals flute and sax really give this an unearthly sound. The music is beatiful and full of emotions, with nice vocals, flutes and acoustuc guitars. It is a nice and good listen, although I sometimes feel they do not fully fulfill their potential. Maybe in the next releases we'll hear an improvement or a slight shift in direction.

I know I've said but it doesn't hurt to say it again:

Enjoy and a good weekend to all the PA community.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote avestin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 25 2006 at 05:41

Not a recommendation, just a short post. On Saturday mornings I somtimes love to make myself a small playlist of somehow related bands, music etc. So this Saturday  (again) choe to make it an Italian morning (did it already some time ago). The playlist includes:


That's it.


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Before I leave work back home, I thought I'd sneak in here and give a short recommendation.

First is the album which you probably know already very well - In Extremis by THINKING PLAGUE.

A true avantgarde music release, quite eclectic and crzy mix of styles and very good musicianship. The music can be quite odd to the uninitiated as there are atonlaities here and similarly contradicting parallel bits of music, which I think, is what gives it such a great sound and advantage over other bands that don't dare go in there and do wild things that "normal" bands would not do. It is as if there were several musicians playing together but each to his own. And it actually goes together very well. I'm not a professional musician (though I have learned to play keyboards and have had theoretical music lessons), so I'm not in a spot to judge this professionally and to explain in detail what are the (modern) influences on them and in what time sigs do they play etc. The singer Deborah Perry also contributes her share by singing in a disonant manner, as though she ignores the music, but actually she keeps a tight relation with it. Really a remarkable album. That been said, I don't think someone who has never heard them should start here, but then again I'm not sure where to start, and if not here where?  So do what you want, but be patient.

The other two albums I want to recommend are from the same band and aren't really prog, more proggy. They are The Tain and Book of Invasions: A Celtic Symphony by HORSLIPS.

They are a an Irish band and this is, how surprising, celtic music. I have these two albums and I find them very good and relaxing, and I recommend them to folk and celtic music loving people. Others may find it boring or just plain nice but not more.


That's it for today,

Have a good day / night



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This one is not a recommendation but a sort of a poll.

I an going to buy some albums next week and I can only afford 4 out of six albums I planned to buy (gotta pay the rent, unfortunately).

So, out of these next 6 albums, which 4 would you choose? bare in mind I know and love all of them, so its not a matter of buying something unknown for me. So for me its like a contest, but I don;t promise I'll honour the results . Let the race begin:

  1. Alphataurus –s/t 16$
  2. Wobbler – Hinterland 14$
  3. Bubu – Anabelas 18$
  4. Moon Safari – A doorway to summer 18$
  5. Il Ballertto Di Bronzo – Ys 18$
  6. Mezquita – Recuerdos de mi tierra 20$

you can disregard the prices.

Remember choose 4 of these fine 6 albums.

Let me start by saying I tend to choose 1, 2, 3 for sure and I hesitate between 4 and 6.

The albums that loose will be bought next time...

BTW - I recommend each and everyone of these releases.

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So no opinions? I was under the impression that everyone here had strong beliefs and was well opinionated, plus these albums are commonly referred to and are hardly unknown.

I'll add the links to each album's PA page this time.

4 out of 6:

  1. Alphataurus – Alphataurus  
  2. Wobbler – Hinterland
  3. Bubu – Anabelas 
  4. Moon Safari – A Doorway To Summer
  5. Il Ballertto Di Bronzo – Ys
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OK, I get the picture, nobody gives a damn.

I guess I'll have to buy all 6 and risk being thrown out of my apartment because my bank will not respect my cheque for the landlord.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Jimbo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 27 2006 at 07:31
Sorry, can't help you with that one, haven't heard any of those albums...

But keep the recommendations coming, it's been interesting to read this thread..
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 dont you two have jobs or at least a life
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Originally posted by WiguJimbo WiguJimbo wrote:

Sorry, can't help you with that one, haven't heard any of those albums...

But keep the recommendations coming, it's been interesting to read this thread..

Thanks Jimbo, I'll keep as long as I still have even one Proggre who reads this.

I'm looking for Uzva as you recommended.

Oh and to ginnyman

I have a job (even one and a half of them, one full and one part time) and they're very not well paid, so I let out my frustrations through this site whenever I can . But you're right, I don't have a life, or what the majority of people refer to as a life, but I don't want one, I'm perfectly happy with what I have so far, althought my wife would appreciate more sociability on my part.... At least she loves music and prog like me.

Anyway, next recomm, tonight after work. Oh, sh*t here comes my head of lab, bye...

Edited by avestin
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I want to focus tonight (today) on a daughter band / solo project / side project. The band is KARMAKANIC and their two albums Entering the Spectra & Wheel of Life .

This is pretty much a side project of the Flower kings, having there Jonas Reingold the bass player, Zoltan Csorsz the drummer and contributions by Roine stolt and Hasse Bruniusson.

The first release Spectra is more similar in style and spirit to the flower kings. They put some more heaviness to the music, however, and the music is less symph-prog in nature than that of TFK. There are some songs variating away from TFK like The Spirit Remains the Same and Cyberdust From Mars. It a good album , although not essential, as we say in PA. Maybe it'll change, but for now this album is not enough determined on its identity. It is like they were trying several styles of songs to see what would be better and then decide which direction the band would go. Either that, or they were just having fun. That is not to say the songs aren't good, but the album as a whole is not as good as the songs that make it (no synergistic effect ). 

I prefer their second release Wheel of Life, First of all here too there is this sense of trying out different types of songs to come up with the best style, but to a lesser extent than the debut. Jonas Reingold and Zoltan Csorsz propel the rhythm here. Here you have some groovy and jazzy songs like Alex In Paradise & At The Speed Of Light and Wheel Of Life. The opening song Masterplan Pt. 1 is very good, epic track, maybe similar to TFK but differs in heaviness and vocals (Göran Edman). Do U Tango is a good slightly experimental track, weird and great, it is the track I rememberred after first hearing this album. Anyway, I'm tired so I won't elaborate on, but I think that anyone who wants to listen to them should focus, or at least start with Wheel of Life. A more rewarding album. 

Goodnight (gooday) to the PA community, wherever you may be.  

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I reccomend the following artists:
Black Sabbath,Bob Dylan,Simon & Garfunkel,The Doors,The Clash,Conflict,Blitz,The Velvet underground,the beatles,the beach boys,the rolling stones,the ramones,the sex psitols,anathema,bob marley,dimmu borgir,led zeppelin,dire straits,miles davis,muddy waters,the smiths,van morrison,lou reed,the grateful dead,the who,the kinks,jimi hendrix,sytem of a down,temple of the dog,deep purple,uriah heep,cozy powell,kiss,the mad hatters,the ghouls,the revels,the shadows,elvis costello,the tornadoes,the troggs,jeff beck,queen,metallica,free,gary moore,george thorogood,fleetwood mac,the monkees,helloween,the white stripes,steve harley & the cockney rebel

and others,i just can't remember them all
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Tonight/today I'd like to recommend an Italian band which has released its first s/t album in 1995. The band is FINISTERRE. The two albums to which I will refer are In Limine & In Ogni Luogo.

As always this is gonna be messy and unorganized so my apologies in advance.

This is basically a symph-prog band with some fusion and jazz tendencies and also some experimental character to it (as can be witnessed throughout their songs, as they like to incorporate strange soundscpaes in them or just plain experimental songs like Preludio and Ideenkleid Leibnitz Frei in In Limine and Snáporaz in In Ogni Luogo). I used the word songs but it is mostly instrumentals and some songs sung in English (i.e. XXV  - In Limine) and some in Italian (i.e. Hispanica, Orrizionte Degli Eventi - In Limine).

The music is filled with jazz influences and also some quirky musical moments, all backed up by the symphonic backbone. There is a dominant flute which performs beatiful tunes and an acoustic guitar to add to the folkish mood and guitars that back the whole music altogether. They also have rock melodies driven by guitars like Tempi Moderni in In Ogni Luogo. There is a beatuful songs in In Limine, XXV in which the singer almost whispers in English along side the ,ellow quiet music, a simple and beatiful tune. This is after the beautiful flute lead first songs that has the usual symph base with a jazz/fusion bit inserted inside it in which the band members are free to jam a bit. The third track is suitable to enter an experimental rock album, very hazy and unstructured. I'll stop describing the album cause I think you get the picture.

My impression is that In Limine is more jazz oriented and more of a mellow mood album (i.e. In Limine, Ideenkleid Leibnitz Frei) and In Ogni Luogo has a more rocky nature and an album to get you more involved and energetic (i.e. Tempi Moderni, Ninive, Coro Elettrico, Agli Amici Sinestetici and Peter's House).

I think In Limine is the place to start with Finisterre.

The following is a link to a short bio of the band from Mellow records for anyone interested:

A good day / night to all PA community


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I did not recommend anything yesterday, even though I have many albums I want to bring to the attention of forum members here, because some threads and member's behaviour here in the past few days simply pissed me off.

Anyway, lets put aside for the moment my disgust and not punish good music becuase of idiots.

So the band Is AMAGRAMA and they have as of yet only 1 LP release called Ciclotima (actually it is Ciclotimia, there's a mistake in the name here).

It is an Argentinian band that play a sympgonic style of prog, mostly instrumental but with some songs sung in Spanish (I find that the vocalist is quite average but alright, although I guess some people might not like it, a slightly high voice, a bit nasal in nature). The music is very much a combination of lectric guitar and keyboards intertwined and apart, each getting their appropriate exposure time and brough forth in the right time, playing beautiful music, which can be quite complex, many time changes done in a good way. There are some dynamic songs in which the instruments are constantly looking for development of the sounds created (hope it is understandable), the msuci just goes on forward, keeps the basic tune and adding to it or changing it a bit, but it is not improvisation. Two songs I think are very good here are two instrumentals are Ciclotimia and Fabulas de un titere  and they are also the longest on the album (apparently Marcelo thinks the same as stated in his review). As other reviewers noted there is influences of Crucis in their music, and even a Crucis song cover - Recluso Artista. I think that it is a very good first album by a young band (and I mean the members are young) and I believe we can expect great things from them in the future.


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