this site is awesome!
i often ended up here while browsing stuff on the net using google!
now i just come here instead and do my thing.
I've not been listening to prog music very long but it's been some kind of revelation tbh!
Didn't know music could be so sexy ! (though the doors are sexy too...)
i mainly started a bit with pink floyd, mainly meddle and wish you were here i like! The rest isn't as good (cuz those 2 put the bar very high!), but it's ok (animals is cool to).
Then i started buying stuff from genesis, and being only like 19, i never heard of that! I got foxtrot (can-utility and the coastliners owns!) and selling england by the pound (firth of fifth is cool!). I also got stuff adviced like gentle giant- glass house and yes- closer to the edge. This stuff is like many people suggest a nice introduction! Oh i also have crimson king: in the court of the crimson king, though it's not legal (so the quality sux), i'll have to buy that one of these days!
Then i got some other stuff that i dodn't really like, like the octavarium of dream theater. Maybe it's cuz it's a bit to heavy for me, but i haven't really given it a chance. I put it off after first song and didn't listen to it again! Also didn't get through trout mask replica yet, but i will some day!
I'm sure i got other stuff that i'm forgetting, ... i also got the first album of kingston wall, a band which is pretty much unknown since i can't even find the second album which i'm dying to find!
i'm 19 btw, and live in belgium, to give some more background info
Edited by Malice