It was by chance, that I learned of this concert. I worked in a Parisian Suburb and at the train station I saw a small leavlett announcing a free concert of Didier Malherbe's 'Jazz & world Trio' in a nearby Mediatheque. It was a small and nice venue in a parc and the concert itself took place in the musical library itself,a completely round room with a wooden roof, reminding these mongolian tents - quite fiting for a 'World' influenced concert. There were about a hundred people, mostly from the neighborhood and the place was crammed. There was no stage and the musicians played in the middle of the audience, which was receptive and the athmosphere was really good .I suppose that everybody knows Didier 'Bloomdido' Malherbe sax and wind player of 'Gong' and solo artist.He played an interesting variety of wind instruments: soprano sax, bass clarinet, doudouk, flute, bamboo flute, occarina and a homemade 'flute' made out of a bend plastic pipe. Patrice Meyer, the guitarist (6 and 12 string) had played in the past with Pip Pyle, Richard Sinclair, John Greaves and Hugh Hopper among others- a Canterbury approved guitarist, who's main influence is John Mc Laughlin. Phillip Foch the percussionist (drums and tablas) the lesser known of the 3, but an impressing musician, especially on tablas.The trio played a mixture of ethnic-influenced melodic material arranged with Jazz harmonies. (All compositions were by DM and the trio played a John Mc Laughlin composition as encore). Several tracks reminded 'Shakti' , especially when PF played the tablas and PM the 12 string guitar. The Trio has played together now for sometime and the interplay between the musicians has reached a high level. My favourite passages were those, when DM played the Doudouk, a beautiful instrument, with a sound somewhere between a Haut-Bois and a Clarinette. If you can see them go for it.