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Fitzcarraldo ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Honorary Collaborator Joined: April 30 2004 Location: United Kingdom Status: Offline Points: 1835 |
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The '911 Loose Change' documentary and the Pentagon video are discussed in a BBC article of 17 May 2006 here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4990686.stm which also has a link to a BBC video report which mentions that the time lapse CCTV camera recorded at half-second intervals. Two videos were released by the Pentagon, taken from time lapse CCTV cameras at adjacent road barriers. You can find both videos at http://www.911myths.com/html/911_pentagon_links.html, along with a still from the second video and a perspective 2D rendering of a Solidworks 3D scale model of the Pentagon and 757 from the same position (modelling and rendering by a Mike Wilson: http://www.mikejwilson.com/911/). Notice that the aircraft is partially obscured by the pedestal of the barrier. The curly white shape to the right in the video/still appears to me to be smoke. Could it be from ingestion of debris into an engine on impact with one of the five lamp poles? In the second Pentagon video and on the video still there appears to be a tail fin (vertical stabiliser) on the object, consistent with perspective rendering from Wilson's Solidworks 3D model. I can see the apparent tail fin more easily when I pause the video. Anyhow, the scale modelling and rendered perspective view show that the object in the Pentagon video is not too small to be a 757. Furthermore, there is a small blob on the apparent tail in the video still, which could be the AA logo (cf. the tiny AA logo on the tail fin in the Solidworks rendering).You can see a close up of the AA logo on another AA 757 on the following page: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/0659730/M/. One witness said he heard the noise of the aircraft engines "spool up", and several other witnesses said the aircraft was at full or high throttle (http://www.geocities.com/someguyyoudontknow33/witnesses.htm). If an aircraft was moving at 500 mph (the ASCE report says more than 500 mph, see http://911review.com/errors/pentagon/crashdebris.html) then in half a second (one frame) it would have moved 367 feet (112 metres). If the aircraft was moving at 400 mph as stated in the BBC video report then in one frame it would have moved 293 feet (89 metres). A Boeing 757-200 is 155'3" (47.32m) long. Thus in one frame the 757 could have moved between nearly 2 to 2.5 body lengths. This could explain why the aircraft is only seen in one frame.
Consider also the animatations of the 757 scale model and Pentagon that Wilson has posted on his site (http://www.mikejwilson.com/911/). In a previous post maani stated: "First, as many have pointed out, there is actually nothing on the tape that proves it was a 757: it remains ambiguous, and only creates more questions than it answers." I agree that the Pentagon video does not prove it was a 757. But when I look at the object in the still or when I pause the video, it appears consistent with the perspective rendering on Wilson's Web site. Factoring in the flight path too, it does not appear to be e.g. a cruise missile (the much smaller length and diameter of a cruise missile are given at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomahawk_cruise_missile). In any event, all the debris at the site, plus the witness statements, appear to corroborate other evidence that the aircraft was an American Airlines 757, and the debris and witness statements are clearly better evidence than the Pentagon videos alone (see for example the photos and witness accounts at http://www.ccdominoes.com/lc/lcg2.html). |
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VanderGraafKommandöh ![]() Prog Reviewer ![]() ![]() Joined: July 04 2005 Location: Malaria Status: Offline Points: 89372 |
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That would be much appreciated Fitzcarraldo.
I look forward to your continued participation to this thread. |
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Fitzcarraldo ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Honorary Collaborator Joined: April 30 2004 Location: United Kingdom Status: Offline Points: 1835 |
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I wrote in my previous post that I was calling it a day, but having now watched other videos and read other papers and Web sites, I have come across additional information which I think is worth recording in this thread. For example I have found a reference to the frame speed of the time lapse CCTV camera for the recently released Pentagon video. I'll post the information in separate posts to differentiate the topics.
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NetsNJFan ![]() Prog Reviewer ![]() Joined: April 12 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 3047 |
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haha that Website reads like UN General Assembly Minutes
Blame the US. Blame Israel. Everyone else is faultless. |
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cobb ![]() Forum Senior Member ![]() Joined: July 10 2005 Location: Australia Status: Offline Points: 1149 |
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Just something that came into Shoutwire, Blacksword. But it did mirror my own feelings on the subject- where's the damn plane?
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Blacksword ![]() Prog Reviewer ![]() ![]() Joined: June 22 2004 Location: England Status: Offline Points: 16130 |
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Some interesting articles on that website, cobb.
The tone is too anti-semitic to be taken seriously, though. There is a way of reporting 'the truth' and what many authors on these indie news websites do, is forget who they are trying to convince. They rant, rave and swear and make freqeunt references to the 'evil Zionists' making the US do their bidding. It may or may not be true, but they should try and learn something from their opponants in the press mainstream. They should report the 'facts' in an objective tone, like the mainstream media usually does. Their jounalistic style, or lack thereof, undermines what they are saying; truthfull or otherwise. |
Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
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cobb ![]() Forum Senior Member ![]() Joined: July 10 2005 Location: Australia Status: Offline Points: 1149 |
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Sorry, guys, but I couldn't help but add this one:- http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/editorials/signs20060517_NewDoctoredVideoofPentagonAttackReleaseConfirmsBoeingWasNotInvolved.php Edited by cobb - May 21 2006 at 22:57 |
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cobb ![]() Forum Senior Member ![]() Joined: July 10 2005 Location: Australia Status: Offline Points: 1149 |
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As I said before maani, there is enough evidence here to sink a boatload of badies here, but when it is the captain of a nation at the helm, it's full steam ahead. I wish your organisation all the best in bringing justice to those that deserve it. But I fear that good will not win out over evil here and the next catastrophe is already on the horizon.
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maani ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Founding Moderator Joined: January 30 2004 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2632 |
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Re: "So we should decide all this based on our feelings? Ah, facts are such petty things. And it does matter which is more accurate; Loose Change had many, many factual errors, errors of ommision, and blatant distortion of the facts (and perhaps even a few outright lies). I see no proof that the "official story" is manipulating me by; for example, only showing me the UNDAMAGED side of WTC7." First, I was not suggesting that feelings are more important, much less primarily important, in coming to conclusions and making decisions on one's position. Facts are, indeed, important things. But at times when "facts" are "flexible" (a contradiction in terms, perhaps, but apropos nonetheless), one needs to consider other factors as well. In that regard, a healthy dose of logic, common sense and discernment are helpful. As an aside, while facts are not a "popularity contest," there is some reason to suggest that if 8 experts say one thing and 3 experts say another, the 8 experts are more likely to be right (though not absolutely so, obviously). I have read "expert" reports from both camps (physicists, engineers, fire safety professionals, etc.). And based on my over two years of solid research as a member of the 9/11 truth movement, at least part of my position is based on the fact that far more experts are on the "questioning" side of the "official story" than are on the "fully supporting" side. As for "factual errors" in Loose Change," those would have to be pointed out to me specifically. Yet even if that is the case, as one of my previous posts noted, I found numerous errors in only two sections of the multi-section "de-myth" report. I can only assume that I would find many others in the other sections. Once again, this is a hopeless "my report is more accurate than your report" sandbox argument. Re WTC 7, I will repeat (as others have as well) what has been said ad nauseam: it does not matter how much damage was done to WTC 7 by debris from the twin towers or fires or anything else: no steel and concrete building - even skyscrapers - has ever collapsed as the result of fire or fire damage, even when such fires and damage were 10-fold more intense than at WTC 7 (or even the twin towers). Period. End of story. So even if there were more fires than "our side" claims, and more damage to the building, the way the building came down was not a natural result of those fires and damage. It was a controlled demolition of an admittedly damaged building - but it was a controlled demolition nonetheless. Everything points to it - from the fact that the center roof collapsed first, to the free fall speed, to landing squarely in its own footprint (even moreso than the twin towers). As for the "official story" "manipulating you," this began only hours after 9/11, whether you know it (or accept it) or not. The dissembling, spin and obfuscation of the events of 9/11 by the government and its agencies began on 9/12 and hasn't stopped since. Finally, it might be worthwhile to remind all the conspiracy skeptics of a couple of facts. First, the Bush Administration fought tooth and nail against a 9/11 investigation of any type for quite some time - despite the vigorous demands of the victims' families. Months later, the Bush Administration begrudgingly agreed to conduct an investigation - and chose Henry Kissinger as the chair of the Commission: a truly cynical and obnoxious choice, one that was roundly rejected by everyone. Finally, a commission was created - comprised almost entirely of Bush (and some Clinton) cronies, all of whom had serious conflicts of interest, from commissioners who sat on the boards of or had vested interests in United or American Airlines, to the lead attorney for the Commission also representing Arab nationals with financial ties to terrorism, to the Executive Director of the Commission, who is a close friend of Condoleezza Rice and was a member of a neocon think tank that included Rice, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, among others. And then, to add insult to injury, the Bush Administration (as well as many individuals and agencies) made every effort to sabotage the investigation by not cooperating, not providing documents requested by the Commission, and not appearing before the Commission - until they were threatened with legal action. Doesn't all that have to be factored in here? After all, if there was no conspiracy, why did the Bush Administration make every attempt to stifle any investigation whatsoever, then create a Commission of cronies, and then refuse to cooperate with the Commission except when legal action was threatened - or, indeed, taken? More food for thought. Peace. Edited by maani - May 21 2006 at 16:57 |
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Tony R ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Honorary Collaborator / Retired Admin Joined: July 16 2004 Location: UK Status: Offline Points: 11979 |
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I will watch it but not just now.
I'm overdosed on 9/11 debate just now... ![]() |
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maani ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Founding Moderator Joined: January 30 2004 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2632 |
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Since there are videos, reports and papers flying all over this thread, I thought I would add a particularly important one. It is a lecture given by David Ray Griffin, a theologian and 9/11 truth movement leader, who takes a careful look at what he calls the "American Empire," and the role of 9/11 in perpetuating - and, indeed, hastening - it. He looks at all four views of 9/11: the official story, the official story plus possible negligence and malfeasance, the "LIHOP" scenario (i.e., that the administration "let it happen on purpose") and the MIHOP scenario (i.e., "made it happen on purpose"). He dissects all of these based on both The 9/11 Commission Report and other evidence.
The video is about an hour and 25 minutes, and is well worth it. Griffin is a very straight-laced, thoughtful man, and has never been prone to "conspiracy theories."
Anyway, I hope you will watch this and provide any comments.
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MikeEnRegalia ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Honorary Collaborator Joined: April 22 2005 Location: Sweden Status: Offline Points: 21598 |
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It also shows how you can use sarcasm to make your point seem more plausible. I think the major "trick" that the Loose Change video employs is that - and presenting evidence in so fast a pace that the viewer has no chance to think about whether it has any relevance or not. Then add a few blatantly wrong facts - and you get quite a convincing story.
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VanderGraafKommandöh ![]() Prog Reviewer ![]() ![]() Joined: July 04 2005 Location: Malaria Status: Offline Points: 89372 |
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I agree, do you also believe the same is true with the main towers also?
Here are notes by me, in reference to the debunking of the "Loose Change" video. Let me know your thoughts. For example: "They told us to get out of there because they were worried about 7 World Trade Center, which is right behind it, coming down." Sounds like they knew of a controlled explosion... "I ordered the evacuation of an area sufficient around to protect our members, so we had to give up some rescue operations that were going on at the time and back the people away far enough so that if 7 World Trade did collapse, we [wouldn't] lose any more people." How conventient that they evacuated everyone before 7 WT "collapsed". "Early on, there was concern that 7 World Trade Center might have been both impacted by the collapsing tower and had several fires in it and there was a concern that it might collapse." Early on? Sounds like they changed their minds? This can be read one of two ways though, so I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt. "I guess around 3:00 [o'clock]" He guesses? "I was standing right next to the building, probably right next to it. Firehouse: When you had fire on the 20 floors, was it in one window or many? Boyle: There was a huge gaping hole and it was scattered throughout there. It was a huge hole. I would say it was probably about a third of it, right in the middle of it. And so after Visconti came down and said nobody goes in 7, we said all right, we’ll head back to the command post. We lost touch with him. I never saw him again that day." Two uses of "probably"... so he wasn't sure! Also: We lost touch with him. I never saw him again that day. That day? So he turned up later? Just a turn of phrase here? What happened to Visconti? "but also we were pretty sure that 7 World Trade Center would collapse. Early on, we saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse. You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three floors. It came down about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, but by about 2 o’clock in the afternoon we realized this thing was going to collapse." Pretty sure? (x2) - again, unsure. "That was just one of those wars we were just going to lose. We were concerned about the collapse of a 47-story building there." Hmmm... so they didn't even bother to fight the fire? Sounds fishy to me. But again, I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt too. "We pulled everybody back probably by 3 or 3:30 in the afternoon. We said, this building is going to come down, get back. It came down about 5 o’clock or so, but we had everybody backed away by then." Yet again a "probably". How convenient, everyone was back by about 5! Oh and surely there are records of when it exactly came down? Please bear in mind I am manipulating the statements to an extreme, nobody is likely to know exact times and unsure statements, are of course common. But I concur, the last point, especially, could indicate it was a controlled explosion. I guess it is possible for everyone to have been pulled back, even if it wasn't a controlled explosion. This just proves how easy it is to read into things. |
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Ghandi 2 ![]() Forum Senior Member ![]() Joined: February 17 2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 1494 |
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It didn't have to melt; all it had to do was to be weakened.
The leaning side was smushed together with the rest of the collapse.
Cobb: Why was the Pentagon hit 1 hour and how many minutes after the intial event (this in itself is a damning epitath to
Ghandi2: We're not at war; we don't have planes constantly ready to scramble, as that is very expensive and Ian: Horsehockey! You give yourself away by bringing Ok, Clinton was unnecessary. But he did cut back on the military, as did many presidents before him. (post-Vietnam America was a fun place
And it does matter which is more accurate; Loose Change had many, many factual errors, errors of ommision, and blatant distortion of the facts (and perhaps even a few outright lies). I see no proof that the "official story" is manipulating me by; for example, only showing me the UNDAMAGED side of WTC7.
But please tell me this: why does Loose Change 1 talk about the metaphor of Flight 93? Doesn't it say that that never happened? If not, what changed between now and then?
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Hierophant ![]() Forum Senior Member ![]() Joined: March 11 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 651 |
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WTC7 was a controlled demolition. I don't need the loose change video
or any other video or professor to tell me that. I don't care how many
steel beams or fires it had in it or if Mount St Helens exploded next
to it, no building falls in such a controlled manner unless it had
bombs strategically placed inside. The building collapsed as if it was
made out of saltine crackers.
Edited by Hierophant - May 21 2006 at 00:42 |
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Atkingani ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Honorary Collaborator / Retired Admin Joined: October 21 2005 Location: Terra Brasilis Status: Offline Points: 12288 |
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Just adding that a third building (I think it was called TK7) fell down oddly some hours after the Twin Towers.
My question, as an astonishing foreigner that got really depressed after 9/11: Had the Bush & Co time to prepare all these features in 8 or 9 months?
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VanderGraafKommandöh ![]() Prog Reviewer ![]() ![]() Joined: July 04 2005 Location: Malaria Status: Offline Points: 89372 |
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I'm still on the conspiracy side of things, don't worry! I'm just trying to look at things from both sides. In this case, by posting witness statements and what I believe are valid questions.
Keep up the good work Maani! |
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maani ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Founding Moderator Joined: January 30 2004 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 2632 |
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Boy, are you guys getting me steamed up now...LOL
I'd like to address some of Ghandi's responses to Cobb. Forgive the length of this, but I cannot let this one go by:
Cobb: Why did [the twin towers] fall like a controlled demolition - no skyscraper has ever fallen down [as a result fire] previously. Ghandi2: I'm pretty sure that other skyscrapers have fallen down. However, even if no building has ever fallen down before, they weren't hit by a 100 ton 747 going 550 mph! Ian: It has nothing to do with being hit by a plane. The plane only damaged a handful of floors. Not even The 9/11 Commission Report blames the planes themselves; they blame the fires caused by the explosions of the planes. In this regard, The 9/11 Commission Report claims that the towers fell as a result of steel support structures being weakened by the ensuing fires. The Report claims that the fires fed on flammable materials in the building, leading to the weakening of the interior and exterior support structures, which then led to the collapse of the buildings in a "pancake effect" - i.e., one floor collapsing on top of the next, with the combined weight causing each of the buildings to collapse. Here are some facts that "put the lie" to that theory:
-The impact of the planes in and of themselves did "take out" some of the exterior and interior support structure. However, the impacts themselves would not have caused the buildings to collapse. Not one report - on either "side" - claims so.
-The initial "fireballs" of jet fuel probably caused some damage, but were not hot enough, or for long enough duration, to cause significant damage. It is important to keep in mind that, in both impacts, the vast majority of the diesel fuel burned up within seconds. More importantly, jet fuel burns, at its hottest, at around 1,800 degrees. Yet the melting point of steel is 2,900 degrees - and only under consistent high temperatures. So the heat from the fires - even had they been the hottest possible temperature (which they were not) - could not have melted the support structures. Numerous studies have been done on this - including by independent engineers with no "ties" to either "side" - and all have concluded that there is no way that the fire was hot enough to melt steel.
-There was very little flammable material in the buildings that could have provided "fuel" for the fires, especially to create a hot enough fire to continually affect the steel. In fact, it is very clear that the fires were not very hot at all. For one thing, the darker the smoke, the more fuel-starved the fire is: and the smoke from the fires in the two towers began to get dark in less than 20 minutes, which means they had very little to "feed" on. In addition, there are numerous photographs of people standing in the areas in which the fires were supposedly hottest: yet these people are standing there comfortably (though admittedly stranded), many in clothing that is not even black from smoke. -Each tower had a "central core" comprised of 47 vertical solid-steel beams. Note that The 9/11 Commission Report completely omits this: it is as if these "central cores" did not exist! This is because their "pancake theory" falls apart given these "central cores." Had the floors collapsed on top of each other in perfect pancake fashion, as the Report claims, there would have been a "stutter" effect - i.e., a slight time lag - due to the existence of this "core." Yet it took just under ten seconds for each of the towers to collapse. This is called "free fall" speed: i.e., the time it would take for an object dropped from the top of one of the towers to reach the ground. But buildings - any building - cannot fall at "free fall" speed unless the entire interior support structure is destroyed. The only thing that could have destroyed the interior "cores" of the towers is explosives: i.e., a "controlled demolition." There is simply no other way to explain how and why the towers fell at "free fall" speed. Indeed, in some of the photographs and videos of the collapses, you can spot the "squibs" (i.e., explosive charges) blowing up just prior to each floor collapsing, and see parts of the building flying outward - and even upward - which can only be the result of explosives.
-Over 90% or more of the concrete in both towers was pulverized into fine dust: there were very few large chunks of concrete. If the government's "pancake theory" were true, there would have been quite a few large chunks of concrete flying off as the floors collapsed on top of each other. The only thing that could have pulverized 95% of the concrete is explosives - especially given that some of this pulverizing occurred before the buildings had completely collapsed. As well, there were no pieces of steel longer than between 12 and 24 feet. In fact, almost all of the pieces of steel were exactly that size. Only explosives could have created such perfectly "cut" steel pieces. (As an aside, is it coincidence that this is the exact size that fits on a flatbed truck?)
-The twin towers collapsed almost perfectly into their own "footprints": even though the top of one of the towers was leaning precariously, both towers fell straight down, causing the most minimal damage to the buildings around them. This is exactly how a controlled demolition works. As for fires weakening steel, what Cobb was noting was that no steel and concrete building has ever collapsed as the result of fire – even when those fires were far more intense, and burned for much, much longer than the twin towers. The “Loose Change” video shows three of four of the most intense, long-burning skyscraper fires ever – all of which were far, far more intense than the fires at the WTC. Yet all of those building remained standing. Ultimately, even if the fires had weakened the steel on the floors directly affected by the fires, common sense – and science – dictates that all the floors below it were still completely intact. Thus, there is simply no way – none whatsoever – that both buildings would have collapsed completely, even as the combined result of structure destroyed by the planes and steel weakened by the fires. At very most, those floors directly affected, and those above them, might have collapsed inward or outward. But the bulk of both buildings would have remained intact as a result of the 47-column inner cores and the complete lack of damage to floors below the directly affected area. Cobb: Why was the Pentagon hit 1 hour and how many minutes after the intial event (this in itself is a damning epitath to Ghandi2: We're not at war; we don't have planes constantly ready to scramble, as that is very expensive and Ian: Horsehockey! You give yourself away by bringing Cobb: Why did the President continue to look nonchalant in a classroom after an aide had told him " Ghandi2: It's called keeping up appearances. What was he supposed to do, make a mad dash for the limo? There wasn't really anything he could do immediately anyway. Ian: Poppycock! The president had just been told that the Finally, re the Pentagon, only one question need be asked to put the issue to rest: if the other videotapes – from the hotel, the gas station, etc. – show the same thing that the Pentagon video shows, why will the FBI not release those tapes? This single question speaks volumes more than all the videos and counter-videos, papers and counter-papers you will see. As I noted before, you are all playing the “this video/paper is more accurate than that one” game. But you are not thinking for yourselves. It is not “my video is better than your video.” It is looking at the totality of everything – including using your own common sense and discernment. As Obi-Wan said to Luke: “Don’t trust your eyes – they can deceive you. Trust your feelings.” Peace. |
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VanderGraafKommandöh ![]() Prog Reviewer ![]() ![]() Joined: July 04 2005 Location: Malaria Status: Offline Points: 89372 |
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I just have to ask some questions in relation to Flight 77, but not aimed at anyone in particular, but these questions have been on my mind.
1. How many Americans in the area of The Pentagon, would readily be able to identify a 757? Because of it's close proximity to several airports, then the likelihood of them knowing is somewhat higher, I'd imagine. 2. The loudness of the engines... could they cause temporary deafness to a person within close range, if the aircraft was indeed flying at the porported height and speed? 3. The vehicles on the highway... would the noise, air currents, etc., affect the positions of the vehicles, especially relatively stationary ones (as was the case here, due to the morning traffic)? Could the aircrafts engines also cause damage to vehicles, without touching them? 4. Can a person readily identify the colours and whether they could see passengers, if the aircraft was travelling at the purported speed? 5. It's been confirmed that the US Navy C-130 was indeed in the vicinity and was even "buzzing" the 757 almost to impact. Why are there so few reports of this secondary aircraft by witnesses? Also, why was this aircraft (C-130) not picked up on Radar? 6. Why was the angle chosen for Flight 77? Why didn't the pilot come in at a shallower angler and at a slower speed? The damage would likely have been just as great. 7. How did a 757 manage to avoid almost everything except for some light poles (lamposts) and possibly a generator? I do not believe Hani Hanjour was skilled enough to be able to keep this aircraft in flight for as long as it was, I'd have expected to hit the highway. Answers to these questions would be appreciated. Fitzcarraldo: I agree about his tone, it is ill placed in such a document, so much so, I almost gave up reading it. Edited by Geck0 - May 20 2006 at 14:56 |
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Fitzcarraldo ![]() Special Collaborator ![]() ![]() Honorary Collaborator Joined: April 30 2004 Location: United Kingdom Status: Offline Points: 1835 |
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Parts of the tail, I would imagine, given the almost perpendicular impact, Newton's First Law of Motion, and velocity vectors (viz. speed and angles of incidence). As Mark Roberts alluded in his 146-page document [black text is part of the transcript from '911 Loose Change', green text is Mark Roberts commenting]:
" There are no large tail sections, wing sections, "
" a fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around, which would indicate, " Anywhere around where he was standing, that is. Hey, here’s a crazy idea: why not include a quote from one of the many people whose job it was to investigate and remove the debris, instead of just quoting people in the confusion of the immediate aftermath of the crash?
" We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York " " And we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out. " NORAD Command " Is this real or exercise? " " No, this is not exercise, not a test. " " Do we wanna think about scrambling an aircraft? " " Oooh, God I don't know. " " That's a decision somebody's gonna have to make probably in the next 10 minutes. " " Uh, yeah, you know, everybody just left the room. " UNQUOTE
Edited by Fitzcarraldo - May 20 2006 at 14:28 |
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