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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2007 at 01:38
Hi BV, I'm aware of the 2 tracks but it doesn't constitute its own listing surely!?
Chantal Goya was a real cutie yep! Love 'Laisse-Moi' from Masculin Feminin. Not quite in the France Gall league but still smokin'
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Apsalar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2007 at 01:31
^^^ you remember those two killer live tracks which Cleo sent us on the unreleased Zeuhl compilation? I'm pretty sure this would be those tracks. Well that's what I though anyway. Some of my favourite Eider material (though a little rough on the edges).

p.s. seen two Godard films so far, Breathless and Masculine-Feminine, the latter of the two was captivating (I was quite taken with Chantal Goya ;) , loved it! 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 25 2007 at 01:21
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 04 2007 at 15:44
Originally posted by User123abc User123abc wrote:


Has anyone here heard of Pascal Duffard? Searching the whole of gives a whopping result of 1 mention as him being considered for the joke category of protozeuhlrelated. That seems like a shame, and I kind of want to spread the word a little bit here.

I'm not one to praise obscure music just because it's obscure and enigmatic, *cough*LesRallizesDenudes*cough* and in fact I've generally found that obscure music might be good, but pretty much never amazingly great. But I just found Duffard's one and only album, Dieu est fou, and, uh... it's amazingly great.

Or rather, it's great in that subtle way that Kohntarkosz is, where at first you think it's pure sh*t, but then you're drawn back to it, and suddenly realize it's kind of a masterpiece. I wouldn't really call it zeuhl, at least not under the same criteria that gets other bands labeled as zeuhl. There's a bit of genre melding going on here, with modern classical music and zeuhl (which I happen to think are extremely close genres to begin with), as well as some pretty intense RIO, and the French chanson tradition. If anything, it's closest to modern classical. By the way, there's quite a few Magma alumni playing on it.

I don't want to hype it up too much, but I'll say that it has this contrast of static harmony and radical shifts in musical style, that gives it an impressionistic feel not too distant from 1970's Magma, along with the French new wave in cinema (I'm not going to explain that further, just thought I'd throw it out there).

PnF might have some info if you're interested.

indeed.. I haven't recognised that PnF thing when I first saw this post, then I made some google search... luckily, in the first page I found this... (I would've made a blog search anyway Wink) Can't wait to hear...
Listen to Turkish psych/prog; you won't regret:
Baris Manco,Erkin Koray,Cem Karaca,Mogollar,3 Hürel,Selda,Edip Akbayram,Fikret Kizilok,Ersen (and Dadaslar) (but stick with the '70's, and 'early 80's!)
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 04 2007 at 13:45
Originally posted by User123abc User123abc wrote:

Has anyone here heard of Pascal Duffard? Searching the whole of gives a whopping result of 1 mention as him being considered for the joke category of protozeuhlrelated. That seems like a shame, and I kind of want to spread the word a little bit here.

I'm not one to praise obscure music just because it's obscure and enigmatic, *cough*LesRallizesDenudes*cough* and in fact I've generally found that obscure music might be good, but pretty much never amazingly great. But I just found Duffard's one and only album, Dieu est fou, and, uh... it's amazingly great.
I UTTERLY agree!

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Apsalar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 04 2007 at 06:31
Poem (there are going to be a few dashes and dots missing above words as I don't have them on my keyboard, but it should give a gist).


Mange ton coeur, bois ton sang brule ton ame
Arbre fletri que dechirent les lames du soleil
La hargne est la fortune de ton cereau debile aux abois
Que broie le pilier de ton sein
Fumet assoiffe d' heredite qu' ebauche le spectre de tes violences
Tu fus ce brasier imaginaire depourvu de passion
Qui se forgea son crematoire
Bruit silence, bruit silence
Le temps a passe.
Bruit silence, bruit silence
Son flot de vagues se deverse inlassablement
Il inonde l'univers, imperturbable,
Tandis que la seve de ta pauvre vie
Perle peniblement sur ton ecorce avive
Bruit silence, bruit silence Ta vie s'etire et le tamps passe
Les dernieres goutes de ta sueur
Fruit de ton angoisse constante, s'echappent de tes racines
Ta mort te salue
Bruit silence, bruit repos
Que tu n'attenais pas.
Ton echine hurle sa convulsion
Son cri se perd dans l'ocean du temps
Tu eclates sans un son
Pourquoi ne parlex-vous pas, cenres,
Dans l'apocalypse de cette nuit interminable
Ou vous sombrez a jamis?
Flot du temps, flots du temps
Ne pardonnez pas
Vengez ces ames pures aux veines translucides
Oui ne demandaient qu a respirer
Tes parfums trompeurs de haine et d'hypocrise
Terre, purge ce premier neant !
L'air du temps comme ton sort
Est prisonnier du cycle infini de la vie
Je compatis, je compaits

Christian Vander

Also on the mythology side, I'm certain the linear notes for their first album give more of an insight into the story. I remember going over my friends place and he was guiding me through what the story behind each song was while we were listening.

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Rocktopus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 04 2007 at 04:38
Originally posted by User123abc User123abc wrote:

Just want to say, nice job with the thread guys, at least back when it was still about music. I found a lot of new bands, and learned a few nice things. I have two things to contribute here:

I'm curious where people are getting their information about Magma's mythologies. I see a lot of reviews and some comments talking about the same general ideas,  but they seem to self-referencing (ie copy-paste jobs from a single old article). What's more, I just stumbled upon someone offering a partial translation of MDK. And I seem to remember seeing either a post or a review containing some kind of poem by Vander. Where are these people finding information? Was it something included on the liner notes of Magma's old LP's, or is it all just word of mouth?

I guess what's really interesting to me about that is the whole invented language schtick. I want to know if Vander injected meaning into every single word, and if that meaning stayed constant throughout his career (definitely a monumental feat), or if Kobaian is something more like organized scatting (which would make a bit more sense).


Has anyone here heard of Pascal Duffard? Searching the whole of gives a whopping result of 1 mention as him being considered for the joke category of protozeuhlrelated. That seems like a shame, and I kind of want to spread the word a little bit here.

I'm not one to praise obscure music just because it's obscure and enigmatic, *cough*LesRallizesDenudes*cough* and in fact I've generally found that obscure music might be good, but pretty much never amazingly great. But I just found Duffard's one and only album, Dieu est fou, and, uh... it's amazingly great.

Or rather, it's great in that subtle way that Kohntarkosz is, where at first you think it's pure sh*t, but then you're drawn back to it, and suddenly realize it's kind of a masterpiece. I wouldn't really call it zeuhl, at least not under the same criteria that gets other bands labeled as zeuhl. There's a bit of genre melding going on here, with modern classical music and zeuhl (which I happen to think are extremely close genres to begin with), as well as some pretty intense RIO, and the French chanson tradition. If anything, it's closest to modern classical. By the way, there's quite a few Magma alumni playing on it.

I don't want to hype it up too much, but I'll say that it has this contrast of static harmony and radical shifts in musical style, that gives it an impressionistic feel not too distant from 1970's Magma, along with the French new wave in cinema (I'm not going to explain that further, just thought I'd throw it out there).

PnF might have some info if you're interested.

About the kobaiän language. This is from Sean Trane's review of 1001° Centigrades:

'On some editions of this album comes some quite deep and somber poetry first written in french and tranlated to their invented Kobaian language. One of my best buddies actually studied it and wrote them a letter in Kobaian and got an answer again in Kobaian, so this is no joke.'

I remember Sean posted this poem here in the french version, but I can't find it right now.

I was the one who posted that protozeuhlrelated joke. But it was a joke about protoprogmetal, not zeuhl.
All those bands: Noa, Altais, Paga Group, Jean-Philippe Goude & Olivier Cole, Arrigo Barnabe, Perception and Pascal Duffard are Zeuhl enough to be included as such here.

Oh,  Dieu Est Fou is really amazing. Its got this mass feeling
(belonging more to the dark side) that I get from MDK and IW's: Docteur Faust.  This album feels very sophisticated, 'composed' in a kind of traditional way. Even if its got all that wild and eclectic attitude that I've come to love so much from the french avantgarde scene of the 70's.

I don't know where you draw the line for what can be considered obscure music, but I think Vortex, Igor Wakhevitch, Cos, Flamen Dialis, KHA-YM, Archaïa, Kultivator, Pataphonie, Noa, , Yog Sototh, Hellebore and again Pascal Duffard(and more) are all as amazingly great as they are unknown.

And thats just the oldschool obscurities. With the newer prog, I think virtually everything amazing is to be found among the obscurities.

Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 04 2007 at 00:57
I have that Pascal Duffard album, I'll try and give it a listen in the not too distant future.  As for Magma Mythos,  I cannot help you on that.
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User123abc View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 04 2007 at 00:42
Just want to say, nice job with the thread guys, at least back when it was still about music. I found a lot of new bands, and learned a few nice things. I have two things to contribute here:

I'm curious where people are getting their information about Magma's mythologies. I see a lot of reviews and some comments talking about the same general ideas,  but they seem to self-referencing (ie copy-paste jobs from a single old article). What's more, I just stumbled upon someone offering a partial translation of MDK. And I seem to remember seeing either a post or a review containing some kind of poem by Vander. Where are these people finding information? Was it something included on the liner notes of Magma's old LP's, or is it all just word of mouth?

I guess what's really interesting to me about that is the whole invented language schtick. I want to know if Vander injected meaning into every single word, and if that meaning stayed constant throughout his career (definitely a monumental feat), or if Kobaian is something more like organized scatting (which would make a bit more sense).


Has anyone here heard of Pascal Duffard? Searching the whole of gives a whopping result of 1 mention as him being considered for the joke category of protozeuhlrelated. That seems like a shame, and I kind of want to spread the word a little bit here.

I'm not one to praise obscure music just because it's obscure and enigmatic, *cough*LesRallizesDenudes*cough* and in fact I've generally found that obscure music might be good, but pretty much never amazingly great. But I just found Duffard's one and only album, Dieu est fou, and, uh... it's amazingly great.

Or rather, it's great in that subtle way that Kohntarkosz is, where at first you think it's pure sh*t, but then you're drawn back to it, and suddenly realize it's kind of a masterpiece. I wouldn't really call it zeuhl, at least not under the same criteria that gets other bands labeled as zeuhl. There's a bit of genre melding going on here, with modern classical music and zeuhl (which I happen to think are extremely close genres to begin with), as well as some pretty intense RIO, and the French chanson tradition. If anything, it's closest to modern classical. By the way, there's quite a few Magma alumni playing on it.

I don't want to hype it up too much, but I'll say that it has this contrast of static harmony and radical shifts in musical style, that gives it an impressionistic feel not too distant from 1970's Magma, along with the French new wave in cinema (I'm not going to explain that further, just thought I'd throw it out there).

PnF might have some info if you're interested.

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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 28 2007 at 21:05
Yep, posted on here 45 pages back. These threads are getting to olong. Can't fing fuuck all!
There is the biggest insect (looks like a giant moth. Mothra?) banging its' head on my neighbours' window right now. Don't have these mothers in England but I believe it is a Cicada. Gotta be the strangest insect around. 英語忘れちゃったからセミじゃねぇ?
What insect lives for a week and wants to off itself? Why do they do this? Sounds good though
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 27 2007 at 00:26
Originally posted by rileydog22 rileydog22 wrote:

Has anybody read this?

A fake blog from the perspective of several Magma members.  Hilarious!. 

I've read that before, but yeah, very funny!
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Leningrad View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 27 2007 at 00:19
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rileydog22 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 27 2007 at 00:12
Has anybody read this?

A fake blog from the perspective of several Magma members.  Hilarious!

I don't know what's wrong with Gecko's computer; I'm using Firefox and the Japanese characters are coming up just fine.  I can't read them, but I can see them. 

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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2007 at 19:58
Listen to some Magma, that'll make you feel even more drunk!
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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2007 at 19:52
No worrries geez, I'm so piissed anyhows
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2007 at 19:43
No idea, it's just Firefox LOL

I can view most languages on here, except Japanese and some others.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2007 at 19:37
Originally posted by Geck0 Geck0 wrote:

Hmmm, I use Firefox and all I see is many question marks, a few apostrophes and and the number 15.
Is that the Firefox {International} edition ?
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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2007 at 19:32
15 is the number of hours I've been drinking. Japanese homebrew, stuff will kill'ya. Really want to talk about music right now but afraid
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VanderGraafKommandöh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2007 at 19:24
Hmmm, I use Firefox and all I see is many question marks, a few apostrophes and and the number 15.
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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 26 2007 at 19:20
In that case...
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