There's nothing special about the number 37.
SR37: I had permission, k
SR37: I can't promise creative titles
SR(36+38)/2: There's a website dedicated to this #
SR [In this year Caligula attempts apotheosis]
Les Miserables has (SR)37 cast members
Shred facts: Spam was invented in 1937
Shred facts: There are 37 Gospel miracles (happy?)
Shred facts: There are 37 US Federal Reserve Banks
Shred facts: 37 is the first irregular prime #
Shred facts: You're about 37 °C right now
Shred facts: French Roulette has 37 numbers
Shred facts: Nero was born December 15, 37
SRXXXVII: Back to basics
SRXXXVII: Welcome back PA! We missed you!
SRXXXVII: Beer and Titties
Lizzy XXXVII, Queen of Schnitzeland
Roman Shred Facts: Tiberius died on March 16, 37
SR37: I got bored of the other title
This is a shred. The thirty seventh, to be exact.
37 Bottles of Assorted Liquors on the Shred Wall
Question Game #37: The Questions Shred Back!
And Now for SRomething Completely Different
Why isn't prog populasr?
Petition to make a Shred Seal of Derp a PA Smiley
Edited by Andyman1125 - June 25 2011 at 19:42