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Prog Reviewer
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 20:16 |
manofmystery wrote:
JJLehto wrote:
Well, I still don't have a problem
with unions in themselves (after all workers do need their rights) I
just think it's wrong to have it mandatory to join, likewise it's wrong
to have a company not allow it. Workers should have the choice to form
one if they want and join if they want.
I completely agree. I just don't want unions and government mixing in any way. |
Ah, well then yeah no disagreements here. Wow, I don't know. Sounds like media talk for fun bullsh*t. Seems crazy for Paul to take a VP spot, though as you said he certainly would not be passive, and try to use it to further the message. Highly unlikely though. As it's been said Romney is a blank slate anyway but Santorum/Paul is beyond a joke!
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 20:07 |
The T wrote:
Well, that's more proof that this thread is the most useful in the entire forum. After all, which other thread has ever made members re-think things? (just try to have a DT-hater stop hating them and see what happens,,,) 
Well it requires being active. To try and force people to change beliefs is ridiculous and will always make em dig in more. I've been questioning things for a while and the talk here was able to help me sort things out. Someone who has no want to think or question themselves wont  Admittedly at first I was here to be a pain and try to prove why big government liberalism is better, but still I was open minded enough to actually think about your guys' points.  Also kudos to Paul himself. Just finished reading "The Revolution" and "Liberty Defined" which eliminated a lot of doubt I had. DT is a different beast. I think you could've gotten Ron Paul and Kim Jong IL to make love before changing opinions on DT  Which BTW DT still has like...3 good albums (none are 5 star) and a bunch of alright to bad ones and I'll take that to my grave!
Edited by JJLehto - March 17 2012 at 20:08
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 19:00 |
I could see a Romney/Ron Paul ticket only because Romney has no real platform of his own and is easily swayed for political expediency. That being said, it isn't happening. Now, a Romney/Rand Paul ticket would be a real possibility. Romney would get the comfort of thinking he'll be getting Ron's voters (he won't be) while Rand would be getting a leg up on 2016.
I can't believe "Santorum/Paul" was even thrown out there. They both completely despise everything the other stands for. Santorum is just a vile troll that the party is using to get Romney the nomination. Like the good little neocon he is he will eventually drop out and hand over all of his delegates to the Mittster.
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 18:57 |
Oh it def could, with Paul as VP because he would insist on not being an ornament. Are you kidding? He would be damn sure to make his voice heard and actually influence the Prez and policy, esp foreign policy. I think he absolutely would. Plus it brings tons of attention to the L party. It wouldn't make things perfect to Paulites but it would serve net benefit to L principles.
But I really don't believe the stroy is true. Sounds like news hype.
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The T
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 18:35 |
Not only that, but I'm not sure how it would be benefitial to the libertarian movement to be VP of a big-government, let's-invade-Iran president, when one of Paul's and libertarianism biggest points is consistency.
Edited by The T - March 17 2012 at 18:36
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 18:28 |
Ya know Teo, I think its bullsh*t. I do not believe Paul would take the VP slot from these two. Not that it wouldn't be beneficial to the movement to have that office, it would, but I don't see Paul as the kind of guy to be #2 at this point. I think he'd run Indie before taking the VP slot.
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The T
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 18:20 |
^It would disappoint me. I'm sure the media outlets are doing that just to further create confusion, bury Paul's candidacy, and show the GOP as a big pile of fail where inner conflict is destroying it from within. Now, if it is true, it's disappointing. With Santorum it would be ridiculous (personal liberties?!?). With Romney a little less so but still ("let's attack Iran" ?!?). Also, it would kill libertarianism and Rand Paul forever.
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 17:43 |
ABC "news" just reported that Paul is now "angling for the VP slot on the ticket." If true, and just go with it as a hypothetical, what would you guys do with a Romney/Paul or Santorum/Paul ticket?
Does that make it palatable enough or would you still vote for Johnson?
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 17:29 |
JJLehto wrote:
Well, I still don't have a problem with unions in themselves (after all workers do need their rights) I just think it's wrong to have it mandatory to join, likewise it's wrong to have a company not allow it. Workers should have the choice to form one if they want and join if they want.
I completely agree. I just don't want unions and government mixing in any way.
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The T
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 17:17 |
Well, that's more proof that this thread is the most useful in the entire forum. After all, which other thread has ever made members re-think things? (just try to have a DT-hater stop hating them and see what happens,,,) 
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 14:14 |
At least write letters to some newspapers and politicians...even with our less government Republican governor not a thing's been done with our outrageous property taxes. That sh*t really does choke us and hurt business.
A friend of mine, his father is paying these high taxes on property he does not even use...the business failed before the contract is up and no one will buy the land.
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 14:10 |
Well, I still don't have a problem with unions in themselves (after all workers do need their rights) I just think it's wrong to have it mandatory to join, likewise it's wrong to have a company not allow it. Workers should have the choice to form one if they want and join if they want. Most would not anyway, seems to be quite a strong anti union attitude these days and I understand why, my grandparents and mother were forced to join for their jobs and complained all it did was take their money for the union leaders and didn't actually do sh*t. I think it should be there for honest protection from abuse and rights but it's not as necessary as those late 1800's most liberals seem to think we live in  That's good man. Good to lend any tiny bit you can. We can't just complain all the time! If I'm feeling insane enough by 2014 (and depending how things are going but I assume still in the sh*tter) I may think about it, at the very least to draw some attention. I have zero political background or insiders (except my barber) but why the hell not? My district is actually the only truly competitive one in the state (which keeps them drawn to just favor the incumbents) its a pretty moderate, middle class, ethically diverse and republican leaning district so we'll see. Maybe ripe for the revolution
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 13:07 |
JJLehto wrote:
Atavachron wrote:
Just beware of labeling and selling the Big L, the moment an idea becomes 'something' is the moment it's in jeopardy of mediocrity.
You are right but I can only vouch for me, and this is no rash decision! The better part of 2 years actually I spent thinking about it. I plan to continue it after Paul retires. Maybe do something insanely stupid and run for office when I'm 25. Run a crazy, no money campaign to draw some attention to it. Maybe Rob, Pat, MoM and llama if we find him can do the same! We'll talk about prog, sandwiches and how to take over the US in a good way
If I hadn't left the republican party in disgust, and been so clear about it to all my old contacts  , then I might have already tried to run by now. It seems that I'm too late now as there is already a Ron Paul republican running in my districts congressional primary against union tool Tim Murphy. I've talked to him quite a bit already and lent a tiny bit assistance to his campaign. The guy's name is Evan Feinberg, btw, and he used to work for Rand Paul.
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 08:07 |
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Prog Reviewer
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 02:10 |
Atavachron wrote:
Just beware of labeling and selling the Big L, the moment an idea becomes 'something' is the moment it's in jeopardy of mediocrity.
You are right but I can only vouch for me, and this is no rash decision! The better part of 2 years actually I spent thinking about it. I plan to continue it after Paul retires. Maybe do something insanely stupid and run for office when I'm 25. Run a crazy, no money campaign to draw some attention to it. Maybe Rob, Pat, MoM and llama if we find him can do the same! We'll talk about prog, sandwiches and how to take over the US in a good way
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 02:00 |
Just beware of labeling and selling the Big L, the moment an idea becomes 'something' is the moment it's in jeopardy of mediocrity.
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Posted: March 17 2012 at 00:20 |
I wouldn't take too much credit...there IS a reason I started talking with you guys in the first place ; ) After all...initiative is the key to all success! It was damn hard to break the mentality though. Man, I didn't even really believe in what I told just made no sense when observing life and the way things are. Maybe it's why I just couldn't stop debating, hoping to force myself to accept what I used to believe was wrong! Not easy to do when you are opinionated. I believe that 100%. I can counter with my own PA politician who is a Democrat (though personally is a Republican) and supports Romney. Naturally he hates Obama but I think he's a bit more naive than sinister. Seems to honestly believe the party line, he's quite sincere in hating Obama and liking Romney, which is just great! But yeah he's in to line his pockets and just work deals with people. Even on the local level...we are so f**ked. Of course when out with friends I laugh about his "corrupt friend" and how he abuses his power and can get us a deal at the cigar shop, but it makes me want to vomit  No doubt man, it's quite obvious that both parties are the same sh*t and like many I looked at the horrors the free market and capitalism has given us, but I see it really is corporatism.
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Posted: March 16 2012 at 23:57 |
The Libertarian Thread wears down another one  .
I should relay to you the details of a convo I had earlier with a friend I haven't seen in years that, unbenounced to me, had become a lobbyist. The jist of it was that while she had spent her life in republican politics she had two democrat congressman completely wrapped around her little finger, that there isn't a House or Senate member in the state of PA that she couldn't work with, that both Romney and Obama are owned by the same people, and that a Ron Paul presidency would be a disaster for the lobbying industry. She added that if he were to somehow get elected that she would be fine with it, however, as she'd finally be able to start her own business. My conversation with her very forcefully confirmed that we live under corporatism and that capitalism left town long ago. Wish I'd have recorded the conversation.
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Posted: March 16 2012 at 22:50 |
Well, like there was any chance it wasn't gunna be. So after being semi sold on the idea, I can say with 107% certainty I support Ron Paul. As some of you must've noticed I've been rethinking my beliefs for a while. I always am, and honestly for a while things didn't seem to "make sense" no matter how I tried. I was quite stuck to my beliefs but the final straw was after observation. Wubya, Obama. Republicans, Democrats. No matter what anyone does we all seem stuck at a plateau, as my family always gripes we keep fighting to keep our head above water. The level of which seemed to be rising all the time, and we could never figure out why. Why is sh*t always just getting worse? I'm no expert on the Fed but isn't it supposed to control the economy? Why are prices always so out of hand? If they are supposed to regulate the cycle why are there still recessions? Is it really so crazy to have competitive currencies? (obviously gold backed or fiat) I started reading into Paul and every question I had seemed to have an answer. Plus the stuff I already believed in like changing our foreign policy, cut defense spending, the erosion of liberties. What was the "only man representing change while all others are the same" is now something I honestly believe in. Not 100% ... I believe more in a limited government than as small as Paul seems to want but yeah, I'm on board the revolution. I was already questioning myself and slowly coming to terms with what I believed was wrong, and I guess I kinda used you guys to help me chip away at it
Edited by JJLehto - March 16 2012 at 22:51
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Posted: March 16 2012 at 00:38 |
I believe it was already signed
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