Yes, ofcourse I wish they had played more songs, but in the end, there was a 16 min song, a 14 min song, and a 19 minut song, plus the extended solos. It was about 2 hours, which is very decent.
Hope you get lucky soon enough Jampa, Dream Theater are a really cool band live. Metallica also came to Mexico, but indeed I prefered to go to see DT, so much more music that I like. I still have a bit of a regret for not going to see Metallica... but not too much.
I just saw Dream Theater at Mexico City last night (March 7th 2010), and oh boy, what a great concert that was. It was not as perfect as I might have wished, but almost. The band Bigelf from USA opened the concert, which was nice, though I didn't know them and so couldn't enjoy so much the music... and it seems not many people in the audience knew them either. Now, something I guess didn't help them is that the concert was schedueled at 7:00, but they started playing at 6:30, and so not even half the auditorium had arrived, and even though they were cheered at the end of each song, there certainly wasn't much enthusiasm for their performance: nobody would stand for them, and even a few rude people could be heard saying they should leave so Dream Theater would come in. Now, for one of their songs Mike Portnoy entered the stage to play drums for Bigelf (and poor guys, during this song most people stood up and cheered a lot and so on): now I must say, Portnoy on drums made a really big difference on their sound, while before they had sounded a bit messy, now their sound was much better (perhaps they would benefit from getting a new better drummer?)
However, the real fun indeed began with Dream Theater. The audience was in an uproar when they came in, the Auditorium full. During all the concert the audience would sing with the band and it was clear they were enjoying the concert... as well as Dream Theater themselves seemed really happy about the response they were having; it all really added to the experience. Now, the performance ofcourse was flawless, and all those somewhat annoying extended solos made only to show how fast they can play are as a matter of fact really fun to watch in the concert. Now, one of my regrets is they didn't play The Mirror, which they had been playing regularly last year, nor did they play As I Am, both of which I would have loved to hear... but then, they played Pull Me Under, which I didn't expect as was very good... except when they decided to cut the last solo from the song and begin Metropolis (in a Meddley fashion), but not the whole of this song, it started at the point when the solo begins, and so they only sang the final part of the song... oh well, I would much rather have heard both songs complete (I have never liked medleys, I prefer whole song, but ofcourse if I'm going to a DT concert I already know it's more than likely they'll play some Medley). Now, the Setlist was:
- A Nightmare to Remember.
- A Rite of Passage.
- Hollow Years.
- Keyboard solo.
- Prophets of War.
- Wither.
- The Dance of Eternity.
- One Last Time.
- In the Name of God.
- Pull me Under / Metropolis.
- The Count of Tuscany.
For me, the best was Nightmare to Remember, Count of Tuscany, Pull me Under, then Rite of Passage, and then Prophets of War and One Last Time. However, the very Highlight for me was In the Name of God.
However, the downside is the sound was really bad: too loud and distorted, specially the guitar, and it would be hard to say how good LaBrie's performance was too because of this, his voice wouldn't be loud enough in the mix, but distorted all the same, and often I would hear the audience singing instead of LaBrie, but then the audience singing sounded really cool anyway.
So, I wonder if any one else from Latin America will be attending other concerts from this tour, it would be nice to read how about them.