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timothy leary
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Topic: I couldn't get into Big Big Train..(Opinion Piece) Posted: August 13 2016 at 08:49 |
So few albums these days which I want to hear the whole album and Big Big did not make any of them.
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Posted: August 13 2016 at 02:12 |
Thank you for underlining my point. Now whilst you seem perfectly ok with other people putting words in your mouth, we're still quite a few in this world who feel that it is a thing best left to politicians and other such buffoons. I for one would very much like it if you stopped it altogether on PA. I recall other members mentioning this to you time and again.
Now let's get back on track shall we. I listened to Folklore last night and rather enjoyed it (and yes I still hear Genesis oozing through my speakers). The drums in particular were a treat.
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Posted: August 13 2016 at 01:37 |
Guldbamsen wrote:
... 'You know what this feels like? The blog on the Krautrock space, for me ... people looking for long trips, but none of them are good enough or satisfactory. In some cases, for me, they have no soul behind them ... it feels like a DAW with some notes only!' So what you're saying is that all new music made in the Krautrock vein can't be good? They only use DAWs and have lost the connection with the real trip and should preferably refrain from making music in the future. (Yes I am putting words in your mouth and I hope they taste horrible) ...
I did not specify that one could NOT create a piece of music on a DAW. It was more a comment about notes being added/subtracted to make a piece of music, that supposedly has the feeling that ... some of the original stuff did.
The idea, is, which I think you missed, that a lot of the "krautrock" stuff was not "composed" ... it was just done, mostly free form, and most often .. LIVE.
You know what is weird? Seeing things being added to my words that were not there at all, and making it look like it was a negative, when it wasn't. A lot of music came out of the "anti-music", or the equivalent forms in "anti-film", or "anti-literature" ... in that era. I didn't invent any of it, but I happen to enjoy it.
Edited by moshkito - August 13 2016 at 01:37
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
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Posted: August 12 2016 at 08:49 |
moshkito wrote:
zachfive wrote:
souio wrote:
... I also found that there weren't very many memorable melodies, either.
This sums up my experience with the band. Musically I enjoy them very much. I just feel the vocals are sung in this style where each word is sung with this kind of prolonged grandeur that becomes very wearisome and leaves little room for vocal melody.
This is so strange, specially coming in a progressive forum ... so all music has to be about melody now? And progressive music, in its original forms, was more about experimenting and creating new feelings and musics, and not necessarily "melody", when at the time, a lot of things that did not exactly follow the "melody" line, was considered "anti-music".
I'm missing something! |
Indeed. They didn't mention anything close to what you're saying. You're basically putting words in other people's mouths (again). Maybe we need to draw you a picture or give you a little taste of your own medicine? Yes? Here's a bit you yourself wrote to a member who'd just started a thread about Can: 'You know what this feels like? The blog on the Krautrock space, for me ... people looking for long trips, but none of them are good enough or satisfactory. In some cases, for me, they have no soul behind them ... it feels like a DAW with some notes only!' So what you're saying is that all new music made in the Krautrock vein can't be good? They only use DAWs and have lost the connection with the real trip and should preferably refrain from making music in the future. (Yes I am putting words in your mouth and I hope they taste horrible)
Oh no I almost forgot! You hate it when folks write negatively about music and you also hope that we can give the new guys on the block a fair shot....erm....but only when it benefits your own agenda it seems. OTHER members/people should stop talking negatively about music altogether whilst you are free to do the exact same? Gotcha! It all makes sense now.
Edited by Guldbamsen - August 12 2016 at 08:52
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Posted: August 12 2016 at 06:21 |
zachfive wrote:
souio wrote:
... I also found that there weren't very many memorable melodies, either.
This sums up my experience with the band. Musically I enjoy them very much. I just feel the vocals are sung in this style where each word is sung with this kind of prolonged grandeur that becomes very wearisome and leaves little room for vocal melody.
This is so strange, specially coming in a progressive forum ... so all music has to be about melody now? And progressive music, in its original forms, was more about experimenting and creating new feelings and musics, and not necessarily "melody", when at the time, a lot of things that did not exactly follow the "melody" line, was considered "anti-music".
I'm missing something!
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Posted: August 12 2016 at 06:09 |
Just got "English Electric Part 2" and it is very enjoyable.
Comparing this to Genesis is unfair, as we're talking some 40 years in between and a completely different place and time, and BBT is not Genesis, any more than Genesis was BBT.
I kinda think that the work by BBT fits more into an area like "symphonic", as the pieces are well organized within a musical context that fits things like the Moody Blues used to do, in my weird book of ideas. And their material is very well defined and you could say that this is a mature band, and not a beginner's attempt at creating something.
It might not be the top 5 ... but it is very nice stuff that deserves to be in a collection of very good music.
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Posted: August 11 2016 at 22:31 |
Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:
I think you'll find, Tom, that for everyone who enjoys BBT for their vintage flavours, lush qualities and pleasing harmonies, someone else might find them bland and wishy-washy and too comfy like an old rug to cuddle up in.
Not my personal opinion, mind you, but I could completely understand if someone were to find their music just those things. |
good point...hmmm not a big fan but what I have heard I love...
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Posted: July 26 2016 at 04:25 |
OtT, but I've never liked their name. Big Bad Train would have been better!
Tom Ozric
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Posted: July 26 2016 at 03:33 |
Tom Ozric wrote:
They do recall 'classic' Genesis, but do not really sound like them. Only in influence. Greg Spawton is a true, modern-day, Prog music composer. |
Tom Ozric
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Posted: July 26 2016 at 03:32 |
They do recall 'classic' Genesis, but do not really sons like them. Only in influence. Greg Spawton is a true, modern-day, Prog music composer.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 22:57 |
I've enjoyed them since Underfall Yard and almost raided their back catalog and now have everything since that I know of. Sorry if that wasn't an opinion piece. I have found that getting into an artist sometimes just boils down to the right thing coming across your ears and mind at the right time.
Edited by Slartibartfast - July 25 2016 at 23:03
Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 21:09 |
Having in mind English Electris (full power), which is the only one I know (I'm just waiting for Folklore to arrive) I don't really find the vocals so similar to Genesis... it's rather the pastoral feel of the music and the instrumental sections... even if they have more instruments to build up. Of course, there's just about none of the theatric and goofy aspects Genesis was fond to add to their albums. Actually, I find that Big Big Train (or at least EE) remind me of Genesis much more than, for example, Marillion (of whom I really find little similarity except for the vocals... and well, the fact that they are prog too).
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 11:43 |
Besides the vocals, there are very few songs that sound like Genesis to me. I really don't get the comparison.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 10:09 |
Sorry I don't mean to be...yeah well mean. I just find the constant back n forth between Gabriel/Collins vocals, the duetting rhythm guitars and mellotron as well as the carbon copy Hackett leads all lead back to Genesis. I have yet to come across a tune of theirs that didn't sound like Genesis.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 10:00 |
Straddling the fence of plagiarism?
Words fail me.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 09:42 |
They remind me of The Watch and Citizen Cain ie Genesis...but a tad too much for me to be comfortable. To these ears they are straddling the fence of plagiarism. Great musicians though but I'd much rather spin any Genesis album from the 70s before I turn to BBT.
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Posted: July 25 2016 at 08:25 |
I have enjoyed Big Big Train's music since I first encountered them with The Underfall Yard but nothing really clicked ---- until Folklore came out. I'm hooked!!! My favorite record of 2016 (so far.)
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Posted: July 23 2016 at 08:51 |
I have listened to some of their stuff but ultimately I find them too backward-looking. It's the kind of music that delights me with its high quality when I come across it in random places of which I wouldn't expect really good music. I can listen to them very well and appreciate them, but I don't find the kind of spark of fresh originality (or the kind of magic that some music has that speaks to me personally) in their music that I need to really get interested.
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Posted: July 23 2016 at 06:17 |
I have never managed to get into them either
Duke of Rother
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Posted: July 22 2016 at 23:57 |
Interesting comment zachfive.
I have often said myself that David Longdon improved them hugely because of the vocal melodies he introduced to the songs. Pre Longdon the music was very good but the vocals almost seemed unrelated to what else was going on.
Filkins was ok, but before him the vocals were at times, bloody horrible.
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