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Works Vol 1

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
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Topic: Works Vol 1
Posted By: Snow Dog
Subject: Works Vol 1
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 08:27

As I can't post this review in the proper place, I'll stick it here! I've written the bloody thing it might as well be read by someone!




After Brain Salad Surgery and an extensive world tour ELP felt the need to rest and concentrate on solo projects. When they found that they were all working with an orchestra it was decided that they would unite all their solo work, plus new ELP stuff, under one banner, namely Works Vol1. I will take each contribution individually.


KEITH EMERSON occupied Side 1 of the album with his first Piano Concerto. Now I am by no means an expert on Classical, but I do enjoy this piece, there is some great piano here. The third Movement was written after his house burned down and you can really feel the frustration and anger! Funnily, on the CD version, all 3 Movements are one track! Not something that you’d find on a Classical CD!


GREG LAKE came next on Side 2. Some good songs here, but I’ve heard better with ELP, personally. I wouldn’t call it bad, but is for me the least interesting section. “Lend Your Love To Me Tonight” and “Closer To Believing” are particular stand out tracks.


CARL PALMER’s side is my favourite of the solos and it’s a real mix! “Food For Your Soul” is a stormer, with a fantastic, typical drum solo. Great stuff! He also indulges in some Classical with “The Enemy God” and the Bach piece, where Palmer plays vibraphone.


ELP together finish of the album and this is what we’ve been waiting for after a 4 year break. First up its Copeland’s “Fanfare For The Common Man”. Starting of with the main theme and repeating it for 3 minutes (which in itself became a hit single) we come to the second part, where Keith really gives his brand new Yamaha GX-1 a workout! Full of dissonant chords and big, brassy wailing flourishes, it is magnificent stuff, accompanied by the swinging groove of Lake and Palmer.

     “Pirates” is last. It is based on music that Emerson wrote to be the soundtrack for the film “Dogs Of War”. The film didn’t happen (at the time) so he used the music for this. It’s an epic tale of swashbuckling filled with great ELP moments and full orchestra. This was ELP’s last great epic and I love it, although it’s a bit wordy and the drums seem rather low in the mix!


On reflection was it a good idea to combine their solo efforts on one ELP album? I doubt it somehow, so this remains I think an album for ELP fans only. Anyone new to the band should look elsewhere and only get this if you really love their stuff


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Posted By: GoldenSpiral
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 08:45
so this is a 2 star album?  I havent heard it, but i like their stuff in general, but i have heard nothing but bad things about this record for the most part, but this review almost makes me want to go get it.  strange.

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Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 08:48
Works Vol.1 is indeed a 2-3 star album,with Works Vol.2 a much better album...


Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 08:51
I like Carl Palmer's stuff and Fanfare is pretty good, but I find Pirates a bit embarassing to be honest. It's not that bad, but it's probably the worst album they'd made up till then.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 09:34
And as I AM a classical music knower (not expert,yet,still learning),I can say that Emerson's part,with the Concerto is not that special...But all IMO...


Posted By: M. B. Zapelini
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 09:36
I really like "Works Vol. 1". IMHO, this one deserves at least 3 stars... But most ELP fans will not agree with me...

Posted By: salmacis
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 09:44
Good review; I didn't like the piano concerto much but the rest of the album is pretty good imo.

Posted By: gr8dane
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 21:20

Yes,good review.I have not listened to this whole set in more than 25 years.I bought it when it came out and only liked the ELP side.

Fanfare for the common man I loooooooove.Pirates was OK.But this set sure wasn't Tarkus or BSS,or Pictures for that matter.A whole side of piano music is not my cup of tea,no matter who plays it.

Posted By: kingofbizzare
Date Posted: August 14 2005 at 16:39

I don't think it's too bad. It was the beginning to my discovery of ELP (this was my first ELP album, Love Beach was my second). Interestingly, hearing those two albums without having heard any of their early stuff to compare them to gave me a more objective view of them than most people I know.


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