1. Go to the Member Control Panel (in the grey banner at the top of this page there is a cog-like grey icon with the words "Member Control Panel" along side it.)
2. On the Member Control Panel page select "File Manager" (second to last option in the list)
3. On the File Manager page you will see a box on the left with the title File Explorer above it, this is where all the pictures you have uploaded to this forum are listed.
7. Look there for your piggy picture, if you cannot remember the file name just click once on each name in the list in turn, the picture will be displayed in the File Preview.
5. If you cannot find it there then you failed to upload it.
8. If it is there then write down the name somewhere and close the page.
6. Return to this thread and click the blue arrow with the word "Reply" next to it that is to the right of this post.
9. This will open the "Full Reply Editor" with the full suite of icons above the text dialog box. One of these is the Insert Image icon (an icon of a tree in a field), click it.
10. A pop-up shall appear that looks very similar to the File Manager. Find your piggy file in there and click on it, you will now see your ping pig statue thing in the Preview box. Now click "OK"
11. The image will now be shown in the Post Reply text window. Click "Post Replay"
12. The statuesque pink piggy pic should now appear in this thread - is it blurry?
13. If it is - double check the original image on your PC.
14. If the original is not blurred then return to the File Manager (step 2 above) and upload it once more.
15 if it is not blurred then close the File Manager and go back to the Member Control Panel and select "Edit Profile"
16 Go to the Select Avatar section and Click the phrase "Avatar upload"
17. You will now see a pop-up window that also looks very similar to the File Manager, find your piggy picture of pink statuesqueness and click on it once. If the image displayed in the preview box looks okay then press "OKAY"
18. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and presss "Update Profile"
19. Your avatar should now be your desired picture.
------------- What?