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ScaleTheSummit bassist releases instructional book

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Topic: ScaleTheSummit bassist releases instructional book
Posted By: MistaMarko
Subject: ScaleTheSummit bassist releases instructional book
Date Posted: February 13 2014 at 18:15

Mark here from Scale the Summit - I’m excited to announce the release of my second instructional book for bass, “Sightreading 101 for Bass: Reading Standard Notation, Vol. 1”, which is geared for anyone who has little to no experience reading standard notation looking to learn from square one, and will help to go from never having read music before to reading basic notes and rhythms in multiple key signatures. I really felt knowing how to read standard notation helped tremendously for me in my early years of playing, so thought I’d write a book on the how-to! Also, I noticed a ton of my students all looking to learn this, so felt it was a very universal topic for aspiring bass players.

This book contains 116 total pages, over 140 exercises, descriptive examples and figures, a full-color gloss front cover and spiral bounding, which is most convenient for allowing the book to stay spread open on stands and flat surfaces! All exercises are playable on 4, 5, and 6-string basses.

The book is currently available to order through the Scale the Summit online store. All further details, book content/topics, sample pages, etc. can be found here:" rel="nofollow -


Posted By: MistaMarko
Date Posted: February 24 2014 at 16:53
First shipment now in, and all orders shipping this week, for anyone interested!

More info and ordering:


Posted By: MistaMarko
Date Posted: June 02 2014 at 17:17
I put together a promo video/walkthrough for this book - I talk a bit about what inspired me to write a book on this topic, book contents, why sightreading is important, and how it was a vital part of my music career early on.

Hope everyone can check it out! Thanks!


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