Precognitive Records/Kimara Sajn News
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Topic: Precognitive Records/Kimara Sajn News
Posted By: Kimara Sajn
Subject: Precognitive Records/Kimara Sajn News
Date Posted: May 17 2013 at 19:12
This seems like as safe a place as any to announce this without upsetting anyone or having anyone see it 
We've added a few new album streams to our streaming albums page -
+1 - Perspective (Volumes 1 and 2)
stream url:" rel="nofollow -
This was a double album cassette release we did in 1989, remastered and
released as a double CD about 10 years ago. As we put it then in our
promo lit, "it's another spin of the twisted radio dial that is +1,
where commentary and commerce collide" 
It's one of our favourites here at Precognitive and we have fond
memories of making it. I think it's a lot of fun and hopefully some of
you may like it too.
+1 - In Memoriam
stream url:" rel="nofollow -
This album is on +1's more abstract spectrum but likewise fun and
popular. It features a number of my reversable compositions. Those who
know my work will be familiar with that concept.
It was originally released in 2006 as a double with the album "Brave New World" (a classically flavoured affair).
Kimara Sajn - Five Dances (Suite for Chamber Orchestra)
stream url:" rel="nofollow -
This is an unreleased EP which is currently only available online. it's a
version of one of my chamber pieces (originally composed for string
I'm hoping to expand the number of chamber music albums which are represented in the streams. This is the start of that project.
And lastly but perhaps most excitingly, for me anyway, is the completed virtual 7-CD box set:
Polyethylene Pet - Complete with Media/Virtual Box
stream url:" rel="nofollow -
This is a longtime labour of love and has been available for awhile but
only to folks who actually purchased albums. I've spiffed up the site
and provided a cleaner interface into the sets.
Basically, it's 7 CDs worth of music, organised and sequenced as a
proper box set, just online instead of physical (which i could scarcely
afford). The sets will play as albums only, not as single tracks. The
idea was to provide a listening experience of a very specific type -
album length sequences which would put the material in a fresh context.
That's it. There's a lot of music in that list there, and for that i
apologise. One can only listen to so much in one's lifetime, i know.
However, we do want this to be available for whenever you may want a
taste of our music. It's pretty varied and the big picture is hard to
get without hearing some of the different albums. So... this is an
effort to document what it is we do before i'm too old and stop doing it

The site overall is chock full of music for the listening. Please do
feel free to visit and explore it. Hopefully, you won't be bored at
All of the streaming albums mentioned above and any others we've made
available can always be found here (as i've said elsewhere, surely) :" rel="nofollow -
The albums are listed in a nice, easy to read index on the left. When
you select an album, the cover will pop up on the right. Just click the
cover to get in and use the music player to listen to the album. Credits
and sometimes our traditional snarky commentary are included.
If anything there especially strikes your fancy, you can use the links
on the main site to order copies for yourself, your friends and
relatives and/or your favourite scientist, as required.
We'll be continuing to update that streams page with albums as we find time, so visit it often if you're interested.
I hope you find something to enjoy amidst the slew of albums and sample tracks on the site!
Thanks as always for your interest in our music. Remember "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" 
Kim & B.Sue
Precognitive Records" rel="nofollow -