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Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Yes vs. Glass Hammer dust-up!Posted By: cstack3
Subject: Yes vs. Glass Hammer dust-up!
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 11:00
I had warned GH about this early on! This should be interesting to watch!
Replies: Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 11:17
Oh that's a shame, why do they behave like this??
I'm pretty sure Jon Davison has enough voice and energy to perform with both bands in such an event!
Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 11:28
"NO!", says Yes
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It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.
-Kehlog Albran
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 11:39
Squire ought to apply for a soap opera scriptwriter job. He'd make a mint.
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Posted By: Prog Sothoth
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 11:45
Maybe Glass Hammer could bring Susie Bogdanowicz back on board for the cruise.
Posted By: Anthony
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 12:16
Maybe Glass Hammer could ask Jon Anderson and play their version of South side of the sky
------------- Future prosperity lies in the way you heal the world with love
(Introitus - The hand that feeds you)
Posted By: MustardSea
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 12:18
Glass Hammer should ask Benoit David to sing for them haha
They could also do an album when this Jon Davison guy returns and name it... Re-Union... [obvious troll is obvious]
-------------" rel="nofollow - Kanoi on PA" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: unclemeat69
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 12:25
Anthony wrote:
Maybe Glass Hammer could ask Jon Anderson and play their version of South side of the sky
That would be so ironic.
------------- Follow your bliss
Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 14:23
I feel like it's also partly the band. Not sure why the band is still together anyways.
------------- Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 17:23
This sucks, and I don't see how this may hurt Yes at all. But for what they say, it seems it was the Management, not the members of Yes themselves...
Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: February 11 2013 at 21:20
I am going on Cruise to the Edge, but because of all of the bands, not just Yes. In fact I'm looking forward to Steve Hackett more than Yes. In any case I find this to be just stupid! I thought it was brilliant that JD would front both of his bands. Urgh. I'd almost like to see JD tell Yes to take a flying leap. But I suppose that would be cutting off one's nose to spite one's face...
I'm not even a Glass Hammer fan (don't know their music at all yet); I just find this kind of thing to be ridiculous.
------------- -- Frank Swarbrick Belief is not Truth.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 01:41
I would be furious if I was on the cruise BUT the statement says that Carl Groves will be returning for the shows. He was the singer on Culture Of Ascent and is as good as Jon Davison so they have found a satisfactory solution to the problem imo.
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 02:12
I really hope this isn't the beginning of the end of Davison's association with Glass Hammer altogether. Although his three albums with them have all been very good, it was finally with `Perilous' that everything really came together and they gelled better than they ever have, releasing their most ambitious and grand album so far.
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 02:58
Its amazing that a band that was at one time the most meaningful music creators to me can become such an outrageous embarrassment to their fans, their colleagues and their legacy. They really should have hung it up 20 years ago with the Union tour, ending on a high note. Every time I think they have hit the bottom they make the news with crap like this. Sad really.
Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 03:03
Lol...Drama indeed.
------------- Dig me...But don't...Bury me I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 03:22
Sadly, if there's enough demand for some more `Dad-rock', Yes will continue to deliver!
I say this tongue-in-cheek, I really don't mind `Fly From Here' all that much, for what it is!
Posted By: AEProgman
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 08:04
^ I actually enjoyed "Fly From Here" also, it has some good moments. Agree with Glass Hammer's "Perilous", I think it is their best yet, and I am a Lex Rex fan.
Regarding the childish ways that Yes are acting, reminds of an old Carol Burnett spin on soap operas' called "As the Stomach Turns".
Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 08:31
Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:
I really hope this isn't the beginning of the end of Davison's association with Glass Hammer altogether. Although his three albums with them have all been very good, it was finally with `Perilous' that everything really came together and they gelled better than they ever have, releasing their most ambitious and grand album so far.
I agree! "Perilous" is a fine effort, better than "Fly From Here." I wonder if Yes is even playing anything from FFH live with Davison?
Personally, I was skeptical that two bands could simultaneously share a lead vocalist, due to the rigors of the job!
However, Davison does have some composing skills, and he's also an excellent bassist, so Yes may be undergoing a metamorphosis before our eyes. We'll have to see.
Did anyone else see the US Grammy awards show? Not much prog at that one, eh? Ugh!
Posted By: AEProgman
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 08:44
cstack3 wrote:
Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:
I really hope this isn't the beginning of the end of Davison's association with Glass Hammer altogether. Although his three albums with them have all been very good, it was finally with `Perilous' that everything really came together and they gelled better than they ever have, releasing their most ambitious and grand album so far.
I agree! "Perilous" is a fine effort, better than "Fly From Here." I wonder if Yes is even playing anything from FFH live with Davison?
Personally, I was skeptical that two bands could simultaneously share a lead vocalist, due to the rigors of the job!
However, Davison does have some composing skills, and he's also an excellent bassist, so Yes may be undergoing a metamorphosis before our eyes. We'll have to see.
Did anyone else see the US Grammy awards show? Not much prog at that one, eh? Ugh!
I saw Yes this summer with Davison and they did play the "Fly From Here" suite, but no other songs from the album. It was flawless and Davison was perfect!
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 09:02
Yep, I saw Yes with fellow Archives member Stratcat and we met AtomicCrimsonRush there too (great bloke you are, Scott!) in Melbourne last year, and we could all vouch that Davison was truly suberb with the band!
`Fly From Here' is a perfectly pleasant listen, nothing more, nothing less
(although `Perilous' wipes the floor with it! )
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 15:15
Glass Hammer will be fine. 3 fine albums with the same line up so I think a little bit of a shake up (ie freshening up) shouldn't harm them that much. The rocks of the band will continue to be Babb and Schendel. I would argue that The Inconsolable Secret is their best and that had Matt Mendians on drums. The line up for Culture Of Ascent was even better with Carl Groves and Mendians imo. GH always adapt successfully with any line up change. Don't panic Mr Mainwaring!!
Posted By: ShipOfFools
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 15:37
What in the world is up with these Yes guys?
I love the band, and all the albums, but I sometimes think that ALL of them seem to be a bunch of w**kers!
------------- "Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace" - Buddha
Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 16:03
Prog Sothoth wrote:
Maybe Glass Hammer could bring Susie Bogdanowicz back on board for the cruise.
As much as I've enjoyed their last two albums (have yet to hear their latest), I do miss Susie. Still, I bet Fred could slap the .... outta Chris.
------------- I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: February 12 2013 at 17:50
Doctor, grab a copy of `Perilous' right now!
Perhaps what you said is part of the problem - Chris worried about being upstaged by Fred, and Davison in Hammer coming across as the better act of the two on that cruise stage!
Oh well, the proof will be there at the time, Hammer will tear through their set and totaly upstage Yes all the same!
(Man, I really love Yes, I don't want it to sound like I keep taking little shots at them!)
Richard, I just listened to `Culture' yesterday and think Carl back would be a great thing, if the worst situation happens and Davison has to wrap up with GH due to Yes. I think he'd be allowed more artistic freedom and collaboration with Hammer, but seriously, would YOU or any of us say no to get to be in Yes (and I assume record with them soon too)?!
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: February 13 2013 at 06:49
lazland wrote:
Squire ought to apply for a soap opera scriptwriter job. He'd make a mint.
Except all the goings-on with Yes over the years would be less believabel than Eastenders.
Posted By: infandous
Date Posted: February 13 2013 at 08:16
Well, apparently the members of Yes all said yes to him singing with both bands. Yes' management disagreed and said no.
Whatever the truth, I have long since lost interest in anything "Yes" does (without Anderson, I just don't see it as Yes). Fly From Here was the best Buggles album ever. As a Yes album, it was not terrible, but that's the best praise I can give it.
Also, it doesn't appear from this news that Davison is no longer in Glass Hammer, only that he won't be appearing with them on this cruise. Is that correct, or did I miss something about him not being in Glass Hammer anymore?
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: February 13 2013 at 08:33
No, Infandous, I noticed that too, it certainly doesn't mention that he won't be part of Glass Hammer anymore altogether.
I think I also read something in the last week or two that the Hammer guys with Davison where excited about some new recordings they were starting?? Don't know where I think I read that, perhaps Facebook (even though I don't use it)? I'll investigate!
UPDATE --> Yep, just checked their Facebook page, and a link on January 25th wrote: "Jon Davison is working on some interesting ideas for an upcoming Glass Hammer album."
Posted By: npjnpj
Date Posted: February 13 2013 at 12:48
Isn't it just possible that there are concerns that JD's voice wouldn't
hold up for several consecutive appearances on single nights? Taxing for
Assuming that GH would be on before Yes I find it feasible to assume that
Yes (or their management) didn't want to go onstage with a singer whose voice
is by then shot to buggery. If I were Yes, this would have me worried.
This story is possibly being given a more sinister spin than warrants the cause.
Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: February 14 2013 at 10:44
npjnpj wrote:
Isn't it just possible that there are concerns that JD's voice wouldn't
hold up for several consecutive appearances on single nights? Taxing for
Assuming that GH would be on before Yes I find it feasible to assume that
Yes (or their management) didn't want to go onstage with a singer whose voice
is by then shot to buggery. If I were Yes, this would have me worried.
This story is possibly being given a more sinister spin than warrants the cause.
Absolutely true and valid points; however, you would think this would have been sorted out long beforehand!
Yes were booked for CTTE first, and GH second, so perhaps Yes claimed priority. Also, Yes has a grueling tour upcoming, and a return to the studio.
In discussions with GH, they don't sound all that worried about it. As someone mentioned, they rarely play live, and they are benefiting hugely from their association with Yes, so perhaps they want to keep it quiet. GH fans are quite in an uproar however.
The suggestion for GH to bring Jon Anderson on is brilliant, I'd LOVE to see the reaction to that on the cruise ship!
Posted By: mustachemanager
Date Posted: February 15 2013 at 14:27
Jon Anderson should do a complete "Olias of Sunhillow" set on the cruise at sunrise.
Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: February 15 2013 at 20:15
mustachemanager wrote:
Jon Anderson should do a complete "Olias of Sunhillow" set on the cruise at sunrise.
...kinda like this? (I filmed this at the Arcada Theater, St. Charles, Illinois!)
I agree, I'd LOVE to see a live "Olias," anywhere!
Posted By: mustachemanager
Date Posted: February 16 2013 at 19:47
Was that from a completely solo show? Cool footage. Thanks for sharing.
I really dig the "Olias" album as well.
Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: February 16 2013 at 21:04
mustachemanager wrote:
Was that from a completely solo show? Cool footage. Thanks for sharing.
I really dig the "Olias" album as well.
You are very welcome, I wish I had a tripod for that one! That clip was from Jon's "Voice of Yes" solo show. It was an amazing show, he mixed classic Yes, "Olias" and many stories, jokes & remembrances!
One of the high points was when he sat down at an electronic keyboard (nice Korg Triton workstation or equivalent) and did a solo version of "The Revealing Science of God"! Truly amazing!
He also gave a few insights into the "Jon vs. Yes" goings-on....I gathered that he's not as angry with Squire as he might be with Howe, although Squire is the bad-guy in most of the print/blogs/forums.
In any event, I didn't sense any real healing between Yes and Jon will happen any time soon. If he DID sit in with Glass Hammer, I think it would be earth-shaking!
Whatever, I hope everyone as a good time on CTTE!! Don't need any blown out engines, toilets etc.!
Posted By: The Mystical
Date Posted: March 30 2013 at 21:04
I am very sad that I can not make the cruise. Glass Hammer are a bloody good band, and they will deliver.
------------- I am currently digging:
Hawkwind, Rare Bird, Gong, Tangerine Dream, Khan, Iron Butterfly, and all things canterbury and hard-psych. I also love jazz!
Please drop me a message with album suggestions.
Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: April 15 2013 at 08:35
infandous wrote:
Well, apparently the members of Yes all said yes to him singing with both bands. Yes' management disagreed and said no.
Whatever the truth, I have long since lost interest in anything "Yes" does (without Anderson, I just don't see it as Yes). Fly From Here was the best Buggles album ever. As a Yes album, it was not terrible, but that's the best praise I can give it.
Also, it doesn't appear from this news that Davison is no longer in Glass Hammer, only that he won't be appearing with them on this cruise. Is that correct, or did I miss something about him not being in Glass Hammer anymore?
This interview with Steve Howe was posted to the "Notes From The Edge" page of Facebook, which is often insightful.
Yes recently completed their Cruise To The Edge floating festival, which started with a cloud over it after it was said the band had forbidden Davison to sing with Glass Hammer on the ship.
But Howe calls the story an “exaggeration,” explaining: “There was a decision: we jointly, as a band, decided not to water it down – let’s all be Yes at that time. I won’t dabble with my thing and no one else will dabble with other things.
“When I saw how it had come out I went, ‘Yuck!’ I was uncomfortable. It should have just said – and it would have been more honest if it just said – ‘Yes members are only doing Yes on the cruise.’ It would have said the same thing in a much better way.
“There was a lot of logic in the decision and it applied to everybody, not just him. If we hadn’t make the decision we’d have been doing masterclasses, lunches, tap-dancing, using whatever other skills we had!"
My guess is that Yes has completely assimilated Jon Davison into their band, and that Glass Hammer will move on. No one has said as much, but I think that is the way it is moving. Yes sorely needed some new energy and talent, and Davison brings composing skills and cohesion to a very dysfunctional group.
I don't see any way that Davison can front two bands, Yes won't allow it. Is this fair to Glass Hammer, after releasing their masterwork "Perilous"? Probably not, but that's rock & roll.
Read the entire interview, it's excellent....Howe is not favorable to a new Yes album, Squire is etc.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 16 2013 at 01:09
^That is rotten news. Yes are pretty much a spent force. Glass Hammer and Jon Davison have been riding a symphonic wave of brilliance. A real shame but then GH have been a remarkably consistent band since 2002 and as I said before they will be okay.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: October 24 2013 at 09:32
arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!. how many times will i hear. glass hammer vs yes. in sound maybe they sound in parts little like yes. but if you listen to lets say marillion fish era. they where always called genesis clones. with fish in full face make up and stroyteller mode. i`m a huge fan of yes from `73. i`ve also gotten few albums by glass hammer. there a class prog band. just open your ears too the MUSIC.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
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Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: infandous
Date Posted: October 24 2013 at 09:57
I'm much rather listen to Davison in Glass Hammer than in Yes. Yes is a spent force, and has been for many years, IMO. If Davison can change this, it will be a pleasant surprise, but I don't think it's going to happen. Fly From Here was tepid, at best, and I don't expect much more even with Davison on board.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 24 2013 at 15:18
^ agree with both of you
Posted By: iluvmarillion
Date Posted: October 26 2013 at 06:04
infandous wrote:
I'm much rather listen to Davison in Glass Hammer than in Yes. Yes is a spent force, and has been for many years, IMO. If Davison can change this, it will be a pleasant surprise, but I don't think it's going to happen. Fly From Here was tepid, at best, and I don't expect much more even with Davison on board.
I must be in the minority then because I really enjoyed Fly From Here. Also enjoy Glass Hammer. Why must we support one band and knock the other?
Posted By: rdtprog
Date Posted: October 26 2013 at 06:42
I aint going to spend my money to see Yes live playing the old songs, but i would prefer to support a band that have produce many albums recently despite having a slight piece of recognition of what Yes have around the world fan base.
------------- Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.
Emile M. Cioran
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: October 26 2013 at 06:57
I can understand Yes' desire to have Davison in top singing form for their set. I don't understand why they think they 'own' Davison ?? If he's up for it, he should be able/allowed to sing for Glass Hammer as well. 'Perilous' is an *outstanding* album - better than any post-Drama Yes album IMO. And that includes 'Magnification'.
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: October 27 2013 at 14:45
Tom Ozric wrote:
I can understand Yes' desire to have Davison in top singing form for their set. I don't understand why they think they 'own' Davison ?? If he's up for it, he should be able/allowed to sing for Glass Hammer as well. 'Perilous' is an *outstanding* album - better than any post-Drama Yes album IMO. And that includes 'Magnification'.
I'd wager at this point, while the pay must be solid, that Yes needs Davison more than Davison needs Yes. If he really argued to sing for both Yes and GH, I imagine he'd be able to. Is Yes really going to fire a replacement singer again?
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: October 28 2013 at 02:14
verslibre wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
I can understand Yes' desire to have Davison in top singing form for their set. I don't understand why they think they 'own' Davison ?? If he's up for it, he should be able/allowed to sing for Glass Hammer as well. 'Perilous' is an *outstanding* album - better than any post-Drama Yes album IMO. And that includes 'Magnification'.
Yes needs Davison more than Davison needs Yes.
Sure he's privileged to front the veteran proggers, but GH are equally as relevant these days, if not more so. If it falls through, we will still get Davison singing for GH. Who's going to sing for Yes ???
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 28 2013 at 02:46
Davison could be out of both bands as Carl Groves who sang on Culture Of Ascent and did an excellent job would be a more than adequate replacement.
Glass Hammers own website is very quiet on this (actually its very quiet on everything tbh)
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: October 28 2013 at 03:03
Woooh, band politics are heavy.......
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 00:12
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 02:32
Tom Ozric wrote:
Woooh, band politics are heavy.......
I was thinking in more practicable terms. GH is presumably on 'hold'. so perhaps in order to get it up and running again there will need to be a new lineup. Although I like the recent line up my favourite GH line up is the one that was on Culture Of Ascent which included Groves and the very talented Matt Mendians on drums. I would love to see that resurrected although I assume that Mendians has gone onto pastures so I don't know if that's possible putting aside any possible 'history' that may have existed on his leaving.
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 02:45
Richard, apparently GH is well into recording a new album with Carl on vocals (no bad thing there, at least it's not the guy who sang on `Chronometree'!), Jon seems to have had some small involvement, but in a recent promo picture for them he was nowhere to be seen.
If he's no longer part of the band, they're being very careful and downplaying it. I wonder if they fear that if news is widepsread that Jon is no longer involved much with them, all those Yes fans that have just started checking out the band might take off again.
I'd like to think they've won many more people over through their talent, musicality and good production than simply a superficial connection to Yes.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 02:54
Cheers , very pleased to hear it
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 02:56
btw I don't blame Davison one bit for taking the Yes gig. Would have been impossible to turn down and I'm disappointed I won't be able to see Yes do the trio of classic albums on tour next year. Please please let there be a DVD
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 03:06
Nor do I, Richard! Good on Jon!
I mean, if someone said `Hey, how would you like to sing lead vocals in one of your most beloved bands, a band you've spent years of your own career singing covers of, and you get to tour the world and possibly record a studio album to place alongside their great legacy of albums....'
You're hardly going to say "You know what, Chris go f**k yourself" lol!
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: October 29 2013 at 03:54
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: January 26 2014 at 14:45
both bands are great prog rock bands. so stop the dust-up.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: The Dark Elf
Date Posted: January 26 2014 at 14:57
Do the crusty old farts of Yes even know who is singing for them?
------------- ...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
Posted By: ProgVanWinkle
Date Posted: January 26 2014 at 16:32
richardh posted -
btw I don't blame Davison one bit for taking the Yes gig. Would have been impossible to turn down
I agree, this is a no brainer for him. Yes is iconic. Totally iconic.
I understand the anger of course. But only the hardest core prog fan could compare Glass Hammer to them in terms of prestige - oh, and I certainly think the money from touring and playing with YES is waaaay more than GH can offer him.
Davison is singing on the new GH album anyways, so it's all good.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: January 27 2014 at 16:30
ProgVanWinkle wrote:
richardh posted -
btw I don't blame Davison one bit for taking the Yes gig. Would have been impossible to turn down
I agree, this is a no brainer for him. Yes is iconic. Totally iconic.
I understand the anger of course. But only the hardest core prog fan could compare Glass Hammer to them in terms of prestige - oh, and I certainly think the money from touring and playing with YES is waaaay more than GH can offer him.
Davison is singing on the new GH album anyways, so it's all good.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: January 29 2014 at 08:45
are you all going to get. ODE TO ECHO. the new album by Glass Hammer. its due spring 2014.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: ProgVanWinkle
Date Posted: January 29 2014 at 10:40
Despite the fact that Lex Rex is overall my favorite album by GH, and I don't believe that Perilous (their most recent) was the best of the Davison era, I still believe and feel that Glass Hammer in general is on an upward trend.
Fancy way to say, definitely yes.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: January 29 2014 at 14:17
geekfreak wrote:
are you all going to get. ODE TO ECHO. the new album by Glass Hammer. its due spring 2014.
I want it now
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: January 30 2014 at 09:05
me toooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!. now would be the greatest
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: February 01 2014 at 08:16
any news on the new album.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: February 06 2014 at 08:08
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, whenever will the new album be released.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: February 11 2014 at 08:24
11/03/14 is the released on. you can pre order glass hammer website. how is that. oh that if you can get on site.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: February 11 2014 at 14:32
I've posted a bit more info on the album in the thread in the Prog News forum.
now getting a bit excited
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: February 12 2014 at 09:06
thanks I`ll read it later.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: February 15 2014 at 04:10
pre order on the album on the bands website.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: February 16 2014 at 05:59
Yes sir
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: February 16 2014 at 08:02
me too.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 05 2014 at 01:36
I`ve ordered . no pre-ordered new album.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 06 2014 at 09:42
albums by GH. what albums of GH. are in your top 5/10 list hope you like the question.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 06 2014 at 15:05
The Inconsolable Secret
but I like everything I've heard by them with few exceptions
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 07 2014 at 01:54
I`m also unsure which of GH albums I`d put in top 5/10 list. which album cover art are your personnel fav`s.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 08 2014 at 02:58
If has very nice artwork. I like the artwork on Culture Of Ascent as well.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 10 2014 at 03:13
which of GH album would you put in all time prog rock list.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 17 2014 at 04:47
progressive rock music, today all music by GH.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 17 2014 at 10:04
new album ode to echo is out
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 18 2014 at 02:07
still waiting for my copy
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 18 2014 at 09:30
me too.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 21 2014 at 10:03
anyone gotten there copy of the new album.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 24 2014 at 02:51
Yep I got it over the weekend but I've been in Spain so haven't had a chance to play it yet. My one comment is the cover artwork. Having done the Roger Dean thing to death they are now going down the 'what the hell is this about?' route. Not saying I don't like it though!. Annoyingly I now have to go to work so I won't be able to listen to it until later.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 24 2014 at 10:32
still awaiting for my copy. let me now what I will be ENJOYING!.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 25 2014 at 02:37
I had one listen but I was very tired so its hard to even make a sensible comment. My only impression of it is that its a Glass Hammer album and stylistically is closer to If than Perilous with a dash of Culture Of Ascent. I need more listens obviously.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 25 2014 at 09:18
I`m still not gotten, my copy yet bloody post. ooh arrrgh
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 25 2014 at 17:02
Hang on in there mate...all good things come to those who wait.
I'm on my second listen and it seems all very bright and breezy. The drummer seems very similar to Matt Mendians which for me is very pleasing.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 28 2014 at 08:40
I`m my copy is still not here.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 31 2014 at 05:43
I`m had email saying why I`ve still not had new album. a new copy sent out to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 02 2014 at 09:05
still not gotten ode to echo
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 03 2014 at 09:16
listening to cor cordium, well I am waiting for ode to echo
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 04 2014 at 07:11
when is Yes... not Yes.......
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: April 09 2014 at 07:36
I suppose it's a natural fallout from the "Dust Up" that inspired this thread but it looks as though Davison is being marginalised by Babb and Schendel. He appears last on the list of musicians and (though I don't have the album yet) looks like he makes very little contribution vocally. I find this pretty strange as given his involvement with Yes it would surely be best to accentuate this and (hopefully) project GH up several notches into the wider public domain.
Having said that the return of Susie is a very welcome one.
Any views as to the quality of the album as reviews are very thin on the ground so far........
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 09 2014 at 08:21
sorry I do have the ode to echo album, sadly I`ve still to listen to it
yet. yes it great to have Susie back and Davison would make the band more high profile around the world...........
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 09 2014 at 16:33
Roj, it's a very typical modern Glass Hammer album.
For me GH peaked with The Inconsolable Secret and Culture Of Ascent. That perhaps goes against the popular view that they were elevated by Jon Davison and the new line up that appeared for If but I always struggled to feel the 'glow' that others had for that album .
Technically its all present and correct but creatively nothing new. GH don't make bad albums though. If there was half stars I would give it 3.5 stars , and the same for the previous 3 albums as well.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 11 2014 at 01:28
well I`m my copy as arrived . ode to echo only had a first listen but its a album once I`ve had more listening time I`ll give a better review....
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 21 2014 at 12:50
I`m new album is great. been playin`.....
the inconsolable secret deluxe edition... the three cd`s are amazing
this is a new edition to my cd`s. if you don`t own the first release
than I`d get hold of a copy of deluxe edition yes,
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 01:20
The deluxe edition of TIS is indeed great.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 04:19
ooooooooooooooh it is.... I`ll say its in my top ten list.
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 24 2014 at 09:06
well don`t now weather I or about the new album. its still great musicianship but to what is missing within the album. I`ll have to lock myself in a dark room and blast out OTE around the clock
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: March 24 2015 at 07:34
wow wee new album released 31/03 yep yep yeah...
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: April 03 2015 at 00:16
well the new album as arrived on first spin its there best to date...
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.