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Category: Topics not related to music
Forum Name: I Have A Question For You......?
Forum Description: Ask any question on any subject: if the admin team or any of our members can answer it we will.
Printed Date: March 03 2025 at 23:56
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Topic: problems
Posted By: Dayvenkirq
Subject: problems
Date Posted: October 19 2012 at 02:35
I have a question about (didn't want to dedicate an entire thread to just that, but the other thread was cold and wouldn't show up on the forum's recent posts list): I noticed that after about a minute a track was played on the radio, it just pauses. I KNOW, I KNOW, it's a question that should be asked on the forum, but nobody responded in a while! Google also proved itself ineffective. Such are my excuses. So, the track just pauses. I once tried pause/play and it worked. Today, however, it didn't. 

What is going? How can I remedy this issue?

Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: November 04 2012 at 17:45
I haven't used radio in ages but the only thing I can think of is a faulty internet stream or a fragmented file. Where are you listening from? If it's something like work or school, the amount of bandwidth you have available may be limited to the amount of data in one minute of a song. If you're just a home, I'm not so sure.

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Posted By: Dayvenkirq
Date Posted: November 04 2012 at 20:26
Yes, at work, via Google Chrome and the plugin. That's why ever since then I just started listening to what I have on Windows Media Player and letting the plugin scrobble.

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