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The Beatles Poll...

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Topic: The Beatles Poll...
Posted By: The Jester
Subject: The Beatles Poll...
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 06:09
Allthough is not a very 'Progressive' poll, I believe that The Beatles was an extremely important band that influenced numberless artists and bands through the years.
So if you want you can vote on 'which one of the 4 Beatles was the most important'. (Not just your favorite).
The most important in the band, as influence in the years to come, etc...
Since I'm first to vote, my vote goes to John Lennon.
For many reasons. For his wonderful compositions, his 'trippy' period, his declarations about love, peace and freedom, and his general involvement with music, politics, etc...
Maybe I'm wrong I don't know. But I'll vote for him...

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Thank you. :)

Posted By: Earthmover
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 06:11
They were all important, except Ringo. He was the drummer.

On a serious note, I think it's either Paul or John. Either way, George is my favorite.

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Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 06:43
Which of the four wheels of a car is the most important ?

Posted By: The Jester
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 07:05
Originally posted by hellogoodbye hellogoodbye wrote:

Which of the four wheels of a car is the most important ?

Depends. If it's a4-wheel drive or a 2-wheel drive! Tongue LOL

If anybody wants please visit:

This is my Blog mostly about Rock music, but also a few other things as well.

You are most welcome!

Thank you. :)

Posted By: hobocamp
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 07:13
Originally posted by hellogoodbye hellogoodbye wrote:

Which of the four wheels of a car is the most important ?

The one with a flat tire.
It needs immediate attention.

Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 07:25
To be serious, I think that inside the Bealtes Lennon was more innovative than McCartney. John's harmonies were more sophistcated while Paul was a better melodist. After the Beatles, the roles are reversed.

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 07:29
John Lennon. He was one of the first people to use guitar distortion as a conscious effect, and where would we be without that?


Posted By: TerLJack
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 08:03
I definitely think that McCartney should get some love in this poll but unfortunately I'm not the one to give it to him.  
I vote George Martin!  
then John.  It seems he was the one to always push to be better, more unique.

Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 08:07
Originally posted by TerLJack TerLJack wrote:

I definitely think that McCartney should get some love in this poll but unfortunately I'm not the one to give it to him.  
I vote George Martin!  
then John.  It seems he was the one to always push to be better, more unique.

The Beatles definitely would not have been as innovative or distinctive without the efforts of Geogre Martin and he certainly deserves a nod in this poll.


Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 08:08
McCartney by a narrow margin over John.  For no other reason than I think he was the most pivotal factor in their success, and has had the most ongoing relevance to music after the Beatles.  John had a good series of creative sparks (esp in the band's psychedelic period), but had trouble keeping it going.  I recently got a 2 disc anthology of Lennon's solo material, and it's pretty bland.  Still, most of my favorite individual Beatles songs were principally John's (Walrus, Strawberry, If I Fell, others).

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: Stool Man
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 09:26


Ringo joining the band in 1962 set them on their way to being popular and so on.  (can you imagine Pete Best as a lovable Fab moptop?)
Ringo was the first to leave (briefly).  That was in 1968, which means he joined the band only 6 years before he walked out.  George walked out the following year, but he joined much earlier.
Without Ringo, the others were three soloists trying to score points against each other.  With Ringo, they were a team.


rotten hound of the burnie crew

Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 09:50
I'd say John Lennon. Paul was the entertainer, George wrote some beautiful songs, but John added the brains.


Posted By: unclemeat69
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 10:56
My favorite is George.
As for most important I'd say Paul.
The driving force behind the band in the early days was John but once they discovered drugs John kinda got lazy/less productive.
He still wrote magnificent songs but Paul became the driving force, sgt Pepper's, Magical Mystery Tour, the rooftopconcert were all his idea while John was tripping on acid.

Follow your bliss

Posted By: smartpatrol
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 11:08
George Harrison

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The greatest record label of all time!

Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 12:12
Fifty years later, the same passion Heart !" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Wanorak
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 12:48
McCartney, as he kept the band going after the death of Brian Epstein.


Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 13:05
I have to go with the majority here and say that John was the most important, but with Paul a very close second.  I think it was John's vision more than the others that propelled them to their most creative work.  My favorite, however, is still George.

The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 13:23

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Fox On The Rocks
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 16:14
Most influential, certainly Lennon, no doubt about that. Most important, I'd say McCartney - probably the most musically gifted out of the four, in my opinion.


Posted By: Eria Tarka
Date Posted: August 30 2012 at 22:04
Dr. Robert.... but seriously, John. 

Posted By: Raccoon
Date Posted: August 31 2012 at 00:12
From the way I see it, Paul had the best solo stuff, and contributed SO MUCH to The Beatles, but John had the most influence and importance of the band (Through history, so many bands had their inspiration from John).

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Posted By: yanch
Date Posted: August 31 2012 at 05:22
John Lennon.

Posted By: DiamondDog
Date Posted: August 31 2012 at 06:12
ALL the elements of this band were essential, a true band where chemistry and not individualism counts most. Then again, if I had to choose ONE person, it would be Lennon, around whom everything spun. But McCartney was of course instrumental (!) in everything that subsequently happened. 

Posted By: tamijo
Date Posted: September 02 2012 at 17:51
George means a lot to me, he was the Joker, comming out with a pearl sometimes, the other two mining gold on a regular basis.

Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: September 02 2012 at 21:04
Once I saw a list of who really wrote the songs credited to "Lennon/McCartney", and as far as I could tell, Most of the most famous (and also my favourites) were actually McCartney's songs, so I would think he was the most important for the band (since, for me, the most important aspect of a band is the music they create). Lennon was surely the more notable one, with his peace and love philosophy and so on... and even his looks. But still, more important, I would say McCartney.

Posted By: tamijo
Date Posted: September 03 2012 at 03:09
Originally posted by Dellinger Dellinger wrote:

Once I saw a list of who really wrote the songs credited to "Lennon/McCartney", and as far as I could tell, Most of the most famous (and also my favourites) were actually McCartney's songs, so I would think he was the most important for the band (since, for me, the most important aspect of a band is the music they create). Lennon was surely the more notable one, with his peace and love philosophy and so on... and even his looks. But still, more important, I would say McCartney.

But who would be able to make a trustworthy list, I'm relatively sure Lennon or McCartney would not.
And the fact that especially not McMartney, would later be able to write much interesting music, compared to what they did together, is enough for me to know, the teamwork made them brilliant, not McCartney alone.

Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours

Posted By: JeanFrame
Date Posted: September 03 2012 at 04:32
I can't vote on this poll. To me each Beatle was a vital ingredient in the chemistry of the most important band ever.

Posted By: The-time-is-now
Date Posted: September 03 2012 at 10:41
I eally think McCartney brought something more. Of course, the three others too and especially Lennon.


One of my best achievements in life was to find this picture :D

Date Posted: September 03 2012 at 10:50
There is really no right answer for this question IMO.  George influenced many rock guitarists to use electric 12 string guitars most notably Roger McGuinn therefore the emerging folk rock scene and jangle pop scene owe a lot to George. His use of rare techniques at the time for example volume swells and backward guitar parts are now common features in rock music. George in rock music with his use sitar or tambura was also very devolopment with World Music.
Many  Beatles songs were enhanced by McCartney's ideas for examples loops on "Tomorrow Never Knows" and the mellotron on "Strawberry Fields Forever". Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road were more influenced by Paul than John.
That being said I would say John was the most important Beatle but he had a lot of input from the other Beatles.

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: September 03 2012 at 11:07
Originally posted by tamijo tamijo wrote:

Originally posted by Dellinger Dellinger wrote:

Once I saw a list of who really wrote the songs credited to "Lennon/McCartney", and as far as I could tell, Most of the most famous (and also my favourites) were actually McCartney's songs, so I would think he was the most important for the band (since, for me, the most important aspect of a band is the music they create). Lennon was surely the more notable one, with his peace and love philosophy and so on... and even his looks. But still, more important, I would say McCartney.

But who would be able to make a trustworthy list, I'm relatively sure Lennon or McCartney would not.
And the fact that especially not McMartney, would later be able to write much interesting music, compared to what they did together, is enough for me to know, the teamwork made them brilliant, not McCartney alone.

Unfortunatley, I saw that list many years ago and don't really remember so much, except that I liked better most of Paul's songs, and in general they were the most famous ones. Perhaps it was someone from this forum who posted it, or a fan site of the Beatles. I'm afraid I don't know how was it obtained nor how reliable it was.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: September 03 2012 at 11:37
Someone told me that Lennon and McCartney didn't write any songs together after about 1966 (but no idea if its true). Interestingly McCartney is reckoned to have written I Am The Walrus while most would assume its a Lennon song.
Anyway for me its always going to be Macca although I still remember exactly where I was when I heard the news that Lennon was no longer with us. I felt a sadness that I've never felt about anyone else. If the question was who did I respect most in the band then Lennon would be my answer.

Posted By: Pelata
Date Posted: January 14 2013 at 11:33
I chose Paul. John was the sarcasm and wit, Paul was the whimsical and happy. Together they were untouchable, but I prefer Paul's solo material to John's, George' or Ringo's.

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: January 14 2013 at 11:48
I think Paul was the biggest creative force.
But without Lennon, who was quite creative himself, he wouldn't be as creative as he was. 

Posted By: Dayvenkirq
Date Posted: January 14 2013 at 11:57
Who was butter at songwriting, John or Paul? ... Clown

Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: January 14 2013 at 22:34
Originally posted by Dayvenkirq Dayvenkirq wrote:

Who was butter at songwriting, John or Paul? ... Clown

I can't believe it's not butterLOLLOLLOL

“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: January 14 2013 at 22:35
All except Ringo, no offense to Ringo

“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: Sumdeus
Date Posted: January 14 2013 at 22:45
Lennon is definitely the butter. George is my favorite though.

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Posted By: HarbouringTheSoul
Date Posted: January 15 2013 at 00:04
Most important? Certainly Paul. Without him, they would have probably split up in 1968 or something. My favorite? Also Paul.

Posted By: ProgMetaller2112
Date Posted: January 16 2013 at 20:37
Originally posted by Sumdeus Sumdeus wrote:

Lennon is definitely the butter. George is my favorite though.

Thank you very much Rome, my name is GeorgeLOLLOL seriously it isStern Smile

“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

"Ignorance and Prejudice and Fear walk Hand in Hand"- Neil Peart

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: January 16 2013 at 20:39
Lennon has always been my favorite, and in my opinion - the most important/cool/best/talented/whatever

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: Dr. Occulator
Date Posted: January 17 2013 at 13:11
Paul is probably more gifted musically and more prolific however John seemed to have an innate sense of melody and song structure. Also I think John helped to keep Paul in line and kept him from taking himself too seriously. I think without John, Paul would have been more of a dictator than 1 of 4 members of the Beatles.
However if one had been not in the Beatles I don't think the Beatles would have risen to such heights.

My Doc Told Me I Have Doggie Head.

Posted By: charles_ryder
Date Posted: April 21 2014 at 06:29
Paul is most inventive of them all, and hi's a greatest composer.

om mani padme hum

Posted By: Xonty
Date Posted: April 21 2014 at 12:08
Lennon - he's the real experimentalism behind it for me. McCartney came up with some great melodies but yeah Smile

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 21 2014 at 23:26
Lennon.....after all it was always John, Paul. George, and Ringo.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: sankalp1989
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 00:29
Paul n john

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 00:52
At gunpoint, John. Paul may have been more fundamental but John had a magic to his songs. Then again, that magic only worked with all of them, and in fact Paul's Beatle tunes have some magic to them as well. When they went solo, they made good music still, but that singular magic was gone.

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 06:35
Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

At gunpoint, John. 
Rather unfortunate choice of phrase there, I feel.

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 09:17
Yeah, it's almost like his death was the last thing on my mind and I was purely thinking about their music.

Posted By: Dayvenkirq
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 10:03
^ Yes.

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by King Crimson776 King Crimson776 wrote:

At gunpoint, John. 
Rather unfortunate choice of phrase there, I feel.
A few people around here use it rarely. I used it a few times.

Posted By: Neo-Romantic
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 16:22

Can't pick. Not to be "that guy," but I don't feel comfortable saying there was a dispensable member of the band. Their identity was built on the foundation of what they all collectively brought to the table. Neil Peart or Bill Bruford would have been wildly inappropriate in these contexts, for example, as their more busy and bombastic approaches would have stifled the integrity of the songs as they were intended.

Each one of them was important in their own right, and I can't in clear conscience write off an artist.

Posted By: proggman
Date Posted: April 22 2014 at 18:44

John Lennon

When he rides, my fears subside.
For darkness turns once more to light.
Through the skies, his white horse flies.
To find a land beyond the night.

Posted By: Michael678
Date Posted: June 07 2014 at 07:25
Paul is the winner here, and "Fun Fact!" i share the same birthday as him, but 57 years apart of course. and that is also 11 days from now, woohoo!!! Big smile


Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: June 07 2014 at 10:29
Known as Pop hack now, McCartney's contributions to the later day Beatles should not be under estimated. With Lennon's interest in the group waning in the last years for reasons too numerous to list here, McCartney's force of will kept the group together until 1970, he single handily wrote every worthy track on the Let It Be Album (Across The Universe was written in 1967 and shelved) and it was McCartney's idea to create the side 2 medley of Abbey Road (their progressive milestone) when Lennon could only come up with song fragments. Lennon may have led off with Strawberry Fields and a Day In The Life, but even the Sgt. Pepper's album concept was McCartney's. So I go with McCartney

Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: June 07 2014 at 12:05
I cannot vote, because the very alchemy between them defined the particular dynamics of the band. George Martin was also a key man...

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Posted By: Guzzman
Date Posted: July 25 2014 at 10:15
What or who is of importance in a band? The composer? The lyricist? The funny one? The rhythm section? The lead guitarist? The management? The families of the musicians? The musical influences? Well, I don't know and thus have difficulties voting in this poll. When in a band like the Beatles you have at least two alpha males (John and Paul), the whole thing can't function without relaxing elements (George and Ringo).

"We've got to get in to get out"

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