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Sigur Ros ( )

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
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Topic: Sigur Ros ( )
Posted By: Syntharachnid
Subject: Sigur Ros ( )
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 01:44
This isn't so much a recommendation as an inquiry as to whether or not you reccomend it.  I found it at my local music store.  What are Sigur Ros like?  Is ( ) a good album to start with?  Keep in mind that I am a lover of classic 70s symphonic prog, with the occasional dose of Dream Theater. 


Posted By: Syrinx
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 07:45
They're not prog, they're an Icelandic post-rock band. I'd recommend it if you're into stuff like Godspeed!, Do Make Say Think, and Slint. If you haven't heard them before, check out - this song. It's my personal favourite on that album. ( ) is definitely the album you should listen to if you want to get into them.

I love Sigur Ros. They're brilliant.

Posted By: Syntharachnid
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 16:22
Thanks!  Any more opinions?


Posted By: Zac M
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 17:02
I agree that Sigur Ros are not prog, but I have their album Ageatis Byrjun.  It is excellent and definitely has symphonic tendencies.  I just love listening to it.  As the previous person stated, if you enjoy post-rock, you will love this release.  Pretty much every song on the album is great.  Highly recommended!

Posted By: progreviews
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 18:57
Hi, I have all their albums, and I have to say that Agaetis byrjun is easily my favorite. ( ) is very good too, but much sparser and for me a little less memorable. I wouldn't bother with Von (their debut), but maybe I need to give it more attention than it's gotten so far. Also there was at least one EP that came after ( ) that was downright boring.

Love this band, seen them live three times and they were amazing every time. Definitely looking forward to their new album, and they are touring North America again soon (but tickets are upwards of $50 where I am!).


Posted By: Syntharachnid
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 20:42
Sounds good so far!  If anyone else wants to comment, I will say that I don't own a single post rock album.  However, I am interested in getting into it.  Are Sigur Ros a good place to start?


Posted By: progreviews
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 22:49
Originally posted by Syntharachnid Syntharachnid wrote:

Sounds good so far!  If anyone else wants to comment, I will say that I don't own a single post rock album.  However, I am interested in getting into it.  Are Sigur Ros a good place to start?

Eh, maybe. I'd start with Godspeed You Black Emperor! instead, but that might just be because that's how I got into post-rock. Some great post-rock albums to check out, in any case:

The aforementioned GYBE! - Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada is my favorite - just an EP so you should be able to find it relatively cheap
Mogwai - Young Team has two of the most amazing post-rock compositions EVER... "Yes! I am a long way from home" and "Mogwai Fear Satan." Unbelievably gorgeous stuff.
Do Make Say Think - try Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hym; these guys are a little jazzier and looser than most post-rock groups
Explosions in the Sky - The earth is not a cold dead place is nice and peaceful, soothing almost - a nice change of place from the rest of the genre which tends to be all about doom & gloom (well, except Sigur Ros I guess!)
Mono - One Step More and You Die is the only one I've heard, but its second track is an epic in the style of "Mogwai Fear Satan," only somehow it kicks even more ass. Wow.

Those are all good ones to check out

Oh and I forgot, Sigur Rós did a song called "Dánarfregnir og jarðarfarir" that is definitely the proggiest post-rock I've heard - huge organ sounds and a massive, rocking crescendo. It's on their collaboration with Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson called Angels of the Universe, and also on the single for the song "Ný batterí" (originally on Ágætis byrjun).


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