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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
Forum Description: Suggest, create polls, and classify new bands you would like included on Prog Archives
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Topic: Sonata Arctica?Posted By: dtguitarfan
Subject: Sonata Arctica?
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 16:55
I'm wondering if Sonata Arctica should be included on this site as either Progressive Metal, or at least Prog Related? Most of their catalog would be classified as strictly Power Metal, but then they have some songs with time signature changes:
Some that could be qualified as epic:
And some that just have great song structure:
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Replies: Posted By: Rivertree
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 16:58
the only hint I'm able to give is that they were rejected by the prog metal team two years ago ...
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 17:05
Well maybe the Prog Metal team should revisit...if that's the case - I did a search in this area of the forum for "Sonata Arctica" and it came back with nothing.
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Posted By: Marty McFly
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 17:16
It creates much more confusion here amongst new (and sometimes even older ones when they forget) than it helps.
Ok, from reading that thread it sounds like you had a guy who didn't
know much about music technically speaking talking to people who didn't
know the band very well. Am I far off?
I mean, listen to the songs I posted and tell me that isn't Progressive Metal. So what if the majority of their collection only qualifies as Power Metal - I've seen less progressive bands on this site.
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Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 17:35
Marty McFly wrote:
two other threads (not counting this one came up in the search), but they weren't relevant.
This band has been rejected twice now - once following the release of "Unia" and once following the release of "Days Of Gray". Within" rel="nofollow - the guidelines they can be resubmitted if they have released new material since the last rejection, so the forthcoming release of their next album "Stones Grow Her Name" does mean they will be eligible for resubmission... HOWEVER, I suspect that this will be the third-strike and they'll go on the Stratovarius pile of bands perennially suggested and rejected.
Not every metal band needs to be included here and being "a bit progressive" isn't enough.
To be eligible for Prog Related they really do need to be either strongly influenced by Prog and in some-ways influential on Prog (Metal), or in some-ways influenced by Prog and in strongly influential on Prog (Metal). Power and Symphonic Metal bands rarely fall into either of those. Whatever the admission criteria was for Prog Related in the past no longer applies, so please don't use existing Prog Related artists as reasons for including this one.
------------- What?
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 18:02
Please, listen to the songs I posted without bias against Progressive Metal and tell me how those particular songs do not qualify.
It seems to me, from the thread you posted a link to, that no evidence was ever presented when the admins were asked to consider them. I am presenting, as it were, "exhibit a."
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Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 18:56
dtguitarfan wrote:
Please, listen to the songs I posted without bias against Progressive Metal and tell me how those particular songs do not qualify. It seems to me, from the thread you posted a link to, that no evidence was ever presented when the admins were asked to consider them. I am presenting, as it were, "exhibit a."
Once again Geoff, you are making assumptions about things you evidently no little about.
1. I have no bias against Progressive Metal, never have. I bought Operation: Mindcrime when it was first released and have been a big Savatage fan since the the early 90s (and Jon Oliva's Pain naturally). I have seen Sonata Artica live, aswell as Children of Bodom, DragonForce, Edenbridge, PowerQuest and many of those other Power Metal bands that get suggested here from time to time. I haven't seen Stratovarious because I freely admit I don't like them. For six years I was the manager of a Gothic/Symphonic/Prog metal band that one day I hope will be admitted here - as long as they release a Prog Metal album that is, because the debut album I produced with them only had one Prog-like track so does not qualify. Dream Theatre are not my favourite Prog Metal band, though I do believe Scenes is probably the 3rd finest Prog Metal album ever made, but on the whole I prefer Pain Of Salvation, Ayreon and Riverside from the Prog Metal category, but my actual interest is more towards Opeth, My Dying Bride, Ihsahn, Ephel Duath, Monumentum, Orphaned Land, In The Woods, Green Carnation, The Gathering, Neurosis... So best not judge a book by it's cover eh?
2. The Admins do not decide who gets admitted here - we have genre teams composed of specialists (ie very knowledgeable fans - I don't believe anyone qualifies as a specialist here or anywhere else because there is always something that people don't know or some band that no one has ever heard of). These genre teams are composed of at least three people and they listen to as much of the representative albums as they practically can - some may even be fans with their own copies of these albums - they listen and vote according to what they hear and not through any preconception, what they read on Wikipedia or under pressure from people who really wish the band was here - a simple majority Yes vote and the band is accepted.
3. The evaluation of a band isn't done in public and it certainly isn't done with just the YouTube samples that people present as "exhibit a" in the suggestion thread, however the voting of the Prog Metal team can be seen by anyone who wants to look on the ProgFreak website.
4. Prog Related is a special category that the Admin team do decide who gets admitted - anyone is free to suggest a band for PR but only Special Collaborators can nominate bands to the Admin team, and that Special Collaborator must propose them and be prepared to add them into the database if successful. Our word is final on any decision - an artist may have all the credentials and may meet all the criteria for addition, but if we feel the band is not suitable for whatever reason, they won't get added.
5. Whether for Prog Metal or Prog Related, for any rejected band we do not have to justify our decision to anyone so I (we) don't have to tell you why those songs do or do not qualify.
------------- What?
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 19:15
Dean wrote:
I haven't seen Stratovarious because I freely admit I don't like them.
There's one thing we are completely in agreement on.
Dean wrote:
Operation: Mindcrime
2 things we agree on...
Dean wrote:
big Savatage fan since the the early 90s (and Jon Oliva's Pain naturally).
Dean wrote:
Dream Theatre are not my favourite Prog Metal band, though I do believe Scenes is probably the 3rd finest Prog Metal album ever made
Eh...close enough for 4...
Dean wrote:
Pain Of Salvation, Ayreon and Riverside
5, 6, 7...
Dean wrote:
Orphaned Land
8...Dean, why does it feel like we don't get along? We have a lot in common, truce?
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Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: May 18 2012 at 20:48
Dean wrote:
Marty McFly wrote:
8...Dean, why does it feel like we don't get along? We have a lot in common, truce?
"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends - Oscar Wilde "
Meh, contrary to popular belief I don't go out to get people. If I see a misconception or a poor assumption about the PA or the Collabs who volunteer their time here I will comment on it, not to make enemies or provoke an argument, but to correct what I see as a simple misunderstanding. I have no axe to grind or hit list of people to target, but it does bother me a little that some people take it personally when I point out some of those misconceptions and false assumptions. Common ground has nothing to do with it, little (if anything) that has passed between us has been merely my opinion vs. yours, in fact I don't recall offering an opinion on anything we've discussed, if you want one I'm not the person to ask as I rarely comment on band suggestions any more - I'll happily leave that to Athanasios and the rest of the PMT - if a SC does decide to propose Sonata Arctica to Prog Related then I will have an opinion and will use that when casting my vote. In another thread you claimed an anti-PM bias here and I tried to explain that wasn't true, you then claimed I had an anti-PM bias, and again I have explained that isn't true.
Yeah, but "Truce"? - fine by me.
------------- What?
Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 09:55
"it sounds like you had a guy who didn't know much about music technically speaking talking to people who didn't know the band very well"
" I've seen less progressive bands on this site."
"Please, listen to the songs I posted without bias against Progressive Metal "
None of these quotes are persuasive arguments, indeed all they are likely to lead to is entrenchment. If I can offer some candid advice, constructive argument will always work better than suggestions of incompetence and the adopting of a superiority complex.
We have to respect the integrity of our teams when it comes to assessing bands. We now have a site dedicated to metal of all types, and I'm sure the band in question will be added there if they are not already.
On the question of the default period for the search engine, I can understand the request for this to be changed. Remember however that every search uses server resource. Searching all the threads every time will undoubtedly slow the site down. The majority of searches are probably looking for relatively recent threads, so the default is probably set about right. Perhaps it could be made clearer though that the period of the search can be changed. Best discussed in the Help us improve the site section though.
Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 10:53
See this is one of the reasons why Max created MMA:" rel="nofollow - , so that metal artists included on PA are predominantly progressive metal before anything else (in this case meaning power metal/traditional metal) and so that artists who are predominantly other types of metal have a home that is not PA.
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Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 11:01
Easy Livin wrote:
"it sounds like you had a guy who didn't know much about music technically speaking talking to people who didn't know the band very well"
" I've seen less progressive bands on this site."
"Please, listen to the songs I posted without bias against Progressive Metal "
None of these quotes are persuasive arguments, indeed all they are likely to lead to is entrenchment. If I can offer some candid advice, constructive argument will always work better than suggestions of incompetence and the adopting of a superiority complex.
We have to respect the integrity of our teams when it comes to assessing bands. We now have a site dedicated to metal of all types, and I'm sure the band in question will be added there if they are not already.
On the question of the default period for the search engine, I can understand the request for this to be changed. Remember however that every search uses server resource. Searching all the threads every time will undoubtedly slow the site down. The majority of searches are probably looking for relatively recent threads, so the default is probably set about right. Perhaps it could be made clearer though that the period of the search can be changed. Best discussed in the Help us improve the site section though.
I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm merely pointing out that the thread that was posted above really didn't even make an argument at all, in the sense that no musical characteristics were pointed out, and no specific songs were pointed out. And I recognize that a good portion of this band's collection can't be classified as Progressive. However, the songs I posted above are definitely progressive as they demonstrate characteristics such as compound time signature changes, and a song structure that progresses. So I'm trying to point out that, hey, you've got bands on here like Angra and Nightwish, and I'd say some of the same things about them (most of their catalog would be classified as Power Metal but if you point to certain songs you can say "that's a Progressive Metal song"), so I'm posing the question: why not Sonata Arctica? And I'm trying to get someone on the team to specifically address the songs I posted since it looks like no one ever pointed out a specific song at all. I'm sorry if the tone came off as derogatory - it was not intended to, but as is the case often with printed media it's hard to read tone.
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Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 11:08
The early history of PA unfortunately is so, that a lot of artists like Angra and Nightwish were added before there were any teams to vote for their inclusion (Iīm not completely sure if itīs the case with Angra but I know it was with Nightwish) and since added artists are never (or very rarely) deleted again those artists are still here although they may not actually belong. I bet you that about 95% (or more) of the artists youīll find in the three PM genres actually do belong here though.
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Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 14:52
dtguitarfan wrote:
I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm merely pointing out that the thread that was posted above really didn't even make an argument at all
Yeah, that's the same thing that caused Boris to not be here despite the fact that Flood is without question a post-metal album
Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 17:19
Triceratopsoil wrote:
dtguitarfan wrote:
I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm merely pointing out that the thread that was posted above really didn't even make an argument at all
Yeah, that's the same thing that caused Boris to not be here despite the fact that Flood is without question a post-metal album
Geoff hates Post Metal.
------------- What?
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 17:27
Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 17:40
^ okay
------------- What?
Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 18:04
ive tried but came not very far
on Sonata Arctica i find it fair to try to suggest them when similar sounding bands have come in on the story tha the inclusion of those happend when PA was a bit more liberal or the control was less tight to who could add bands and the desissions were not always discussed, like the old Nightwish debate, or Epica (are they inn), they are epic band with symphonic structure to metal and operatic and thematic music which is sort of similar to progressive metal, or symphonic neo prog, but more weight on theatric and strong vocalism and fast riffage, less technical, (even if it is pretty good musicians) and who can't deny Dragonforce as a technical band,
has it happend that bands have been added by one team member as he thought it was prog without telling the other members, of the team,
I speak now as a collab of MMA so im just curious couse when i find a band i know is doom metal i add them and later discuss it with team mebers if it is correct i doo nothing. If it is another genre i change what genre it belongs to, re-fassion the BIO and woalla, so far i have added mostly correct (I have a sixt sence for stoner/doom metal, and im in sludge team but seems to find most doom metal)
Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 18:36
aginor wrote:
has it happend that bands have been added by one team member as he thought it was prog without telling the other members, of the team,
No.That can never happen here - vote first then add - there is no other way. Any SC adding a band without the other team members voting will be asked to leave.
aginor wrote:
I speak now as a collab of MMA so im just curious couse when i find a band i know is doom metal i add them and later discuss it with team mebers if it is correct i doo nothing. If it is another genre i change what genre it belongs to, re-fassion the BIO and woalla, so far i have added mostly correct (I have a sixt sence for stoner/doom metal, and im in sludge team but seems to find most doom metal)
It is very easy on MMA - all you have to decide is whether a band is metal - and that's a peice of cake, so simple that even Lars Ulrich could do it. If you get it wrong and add a METAL band in the wrong METAL subgenre you can always move them to the correct METAL subgenre.
If you add Sonata Arctica to MMAs Progressive Metal and then later decide they are really Power Metal then you can move them to MMAs Power Metal subgenre.
The chances of you adding a band that is not METAL is very small. You also have the advantage of album tagging and the freedom to move artists between similar subgenres as their musical style changes over the years.
We do not have that luxury at PA - deciding whether an Artist is Prog or not is harder, it we add a band into Progressive Metal that we later decide is not Progressive we cannot move them to another subgenre, because there isn't one - if we add Sonata Arctica to Prog Metal, then decide they really are Power Metal after all we cannot move them because we don't have a Power Metal subgenre.
Prog Related is not for bands that are nearly-Prog, or for bands that a Prog fan might like. If that was the only criteria then we could add thousand of bands into Prog Related, and that would be ridiculous and silly.
However we do have a place like that for all nearly-Prog Metal artists, as Jonas has already said - it is called MMA.
------------- What?
Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 19:27
Dean wrote:
so simple that even Lars Ulrich could do it
I lol'd
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 20:02
Alright, so here's the question though - this site, as well as MMA, don't handle a particular situation well: when an artist doesn't fit neatly into one category but fits many molds. Not criticizing anything, just stating a fact. So, how do the voters handle this situation? Are they thinking "at least 50% of their music must fit the prog category" or are they thinking "as long as one of the categories they fit into is prog, they're on the site"?
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Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: May 19 2012 at 22:31
I think MMA handles that well. Not only are artists sorted into subgenres by album, but it's pretty simple to throw a blurb in the bio along the lines of "So And So are a progressive acid electro-death blues band from Madeuptown, Alaska"
And IIRC PA's policy is that at least one album has to be overridingly progressive
Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 01:33
Triceratopsoil wrote:
I think MMA handles that well. Not only are artists sorted into subgenres by album, but it's pretty simple to throw a blurb in the bio along the lines of "So And So are a progressive acid electro-death blues band from Madeuptown, Alaska"
And IIRC PA's policy is that at least one album has to be overridingly progressive
Yeah one album will do, but we are talking one album that is beyond any doubt progressive. I donīt think any Sonata Arctica album falls under that catagory. Ask yourself if you would really characterize any of the albums in the bandīs discography as progressive before calling it power metal?
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Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 03:40
dtguitarfan wrote:
Alright, so here's the question though - this site, as well as MMA, don't handle a particular situation well: when an artist doesn't fit neatly into one category but fits many molds. Not criticizing anything, just stating a fact. So, how do the voters handle this situation? Are they thinking "at least 50% of their music must fit the prog category" or are they thinking "as long as one of the categories they fit into is prog, they're on the site"?
Jonas has it - one album at least has to be 100% Prog. 50:50 bands have no place here. It is that simple.
As I have said repeatedly MMA is different - all MMA has to decide is which METAL subgenre a METAL band goes in - as long as the artist is METAL they are automatically in... (" rel="nofollow - even maudlin of the Well ) ... getting it wrong is not a portent of Armageddon.
On PA we have to first decide whether a band is PROG then decide which PROG subgenre to put them in. If there is doubt over the PROG part then we are looking over our shoulders for the imminent arrival of the Four Horsemen.
On MMA the 50:50 dilemma is partially solved by Album tagging (M@X has promised us that if the MMA experiment worked), and as Colin said, by a note in the Biography (and that is used here too). The problem there is few people seem to read the Bio before throwing a hissy-fit over a band in the wrong subgenre. If an artist is playing Symphonic Power Metal then flip a coin.
On PA the 50:50 dilemma only happens when a PROG band falls between two PROG subgenres, and here there are several ways in which this is decided, some use the bands latest style, some use predominant style, some use the style that the band is known for, some use the style that is the most PROG - there is not hard and fast rule and it really is best played by ear. Where it can get messy is when people argue too deeply over the non-Prog styles - a Symphonic Prog band that includes Albanian Folk and Dixieland Jazz is neither Prog Folk nor are they Jazz Rock Fusion because Albanian Folk is not PF and Dixieland Jazz is not JR/F, and mixing those two non-Prog styles with Symphonic Prog does not necessarily make them Eclectic Prog or Crossover Prog if their predominant PROG style is Symphonic. However if an artist really is 50% Prog Folk and 50% Symphonic Prog then flipping a coin is as good a solution as any because the important question ... are they PROG‽ ... has already been answered so it does not matter which of the two subs they are in.
Anyway. If we could re-write the databases to accommodate it then Symbolic Linking would be the best solution for both PA and MMA ... if a band is caught between two subgenres then symbolically link them to both. Simples.
------------- What?
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 04:31
Nicely put Dean.
And may I also add that including a band for a single (somewhat) progressive album also is to be thought through, or else we would be facing bands like Scorpions(Lonesome Crow), Judas Priest(Sad Wings), Sun Ra for his Lanquidity and a few other albums and so on, but that would not be a true representation of their work and what they were all about. The aforementioned are respectfully pioneers of vanilla metal and jazz, with the odd curveball thrown which would make them eligible for PA. One could perhaps say the same about Miles and Herbie, but they both made a series of albums which paved the way for jazz rock, in the same way The Priest did for metal.
Sometimes, even if we find progressive merits to a band and their discog, we have to ask ourselves if we're not watering down the purpose of this place by including everything under the sun. I learned this from suggesting an act who clearly was progressive, but the overall material was heavily rooted in jazz. I really think this template of thinking transcribes to metal as well.
------------- The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 04:59
^ that pretty much decribes the ethos of Prog Related additions.
------------- What?
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 06:25
So basically, what you're telling me (just so I have this 100% clear) is that if SA had released a CD with just the tracks I posted, they would be in the club but because they chose to spread 'em out they're not? Just so that is 100% clear....
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Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 06:34
The point you are you are making is irelevant, they didn't release an album like that (so it is not "ironic" )
All I'm saying is they've been rejected twice already.
They can be reassessed by the Prog Metal Team because they have a new album that will be released tomorrow. If the PMT don't consider that album to be a Progressive Metal album then they will probably be rejected again.
If you don't like our system then stick with MMA.
------------- What?
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 06:56
Oh no, I'm not saying I don't like the system...but I am enjoying poking fun at it...
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Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 06:58
You're not even poking fun at it. All you are doing is demonstrating is a continuing misunderstanding.
------------- What?
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:04
Hey, come on Dean, you've got to admit that my hypothetical situation there does make it sound a little funny? You don't find any amusement in that? Haha, lighten up dude!
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Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:13
dtguitarfan wrote:
So basically, what you're telling me (just so I have this 100% clear) is that if SA had released a CD with just the tracks I posted, they would be in the club but because they chose to spread 'em out they're not? Just so that is 100% clear....
What if Scorpions had put Lonesome Crow, Fly to the Rainbow, China White and Coast to Coast all on one album instead of spreading them out? And, additionally, not released any further albums due to some misfortune? Would it not make a more convincing case as an addition than with isolated moments of ambition in largely hard rock/heavy metal oriented albums? So it is actually a perfectly logical way to go about it.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:18
dtguitarfan wrote:
Hey, come on Dean, you've got to admit that my hypothetical situation there does make it sound a little funny? You don't find any amusement in that? Haha, lighten up dude!
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:26
rogerthat wrote:
What if Scorpions had put Lonesome Crow, Fly to the Rainbow, China White and Coast to Coast all on one album instead of spreading them out? And, additionally, not released any further albums due to some misfortune? Would it not make a more convincing case as an addition than with isolated moments of ambition in largely hard rock/heavy metal oriented albums? So it is actually a perfectly logical way to go about it.
I'm not sure if you're supporting my argument or against it there.
Hey, you do what you want with Sonata Arctica. And I'm not going to be sore either way. But I'm just pointing out some things I think should be thought about. And when I point out other similar artists that have made it onto this site, you can go ahead and say "things were different back in the day", but you've kinda set a precedence there, like it or not. Like I said, I'm not going to be sore either way on this one. But in all likelihood, there are probably other people who would be because of the precedence that's been set.
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Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:27
Snow Dog wrote:
I didn't laugh either.
Oh, come on, I didn't say anything mean. Sheesh.
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Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:27
Oh for crying out loud Geoff, there is a time and a place for everything - this section of the forum is for serious suggestions, not for making "funny" hypothetical situations.
Isn't the whole essence of "hypothetical" something that hasn't happened. If it had happened then yes we would add them, but it hasn't so we won't. If you find that idea amusing then you have understood nothing of what has been said here and we have nothing more to say.
------------- What?
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:29
Dean wrote:
Oh for crying out loud Geoff, there is a time and a place for everything - this section of the forum is for serious suggestions, not for making "funny" hypothetical situations.
Dean, I am 100% serious about this suggestion - the songs I posted are 100% Progressive.
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Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:31
dtguitarfan wrote:
rogerthat wrote:
What if Scorpions had put Lonesome Crow, Fly to the Rainbow, China White and Coast to Coast all on one album instead of spreading them out? And, additionally, not released any further albums due to some misfortune? Would it not make a more convincing case as an addition than with isolated moments of ambition in largely hard rock/heavy metal oriented albums? So it is actually a perfectly logical way to go about it.
I'm not sure if you're supporting my argument or against it there.
Hey, you do what you want with Sonata Arctica. And I'm not going to be sore either way. But I'm just pointing out some things I think should be thought about. And when I point out other similar artists that have made it onto this site, you can go ahead and say "things were different back in the day", but you've kinda set a precedence there, like it or not. Like I said, I'm not going to be sore either way on this one. But in all likelihood, there are probably other people who would be because of the precedence that's been set.
Do you have an argument, really, with your hypothetical question? Yes, if all songs in an album are prog rock, it can be added to a prog rock database without much debate. If the songs are scattered across different albums, it makes a less convincing case. Not too hard to follow the logic there.
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:32
Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:38
rogerthat wrote:
Do you have an argument, really, with your hypothetical question?
Yes - you have other artists on this site that also do not have a single album that is 100% progressive, and they are on here. That sets a precedent. That's my argument.
Like I said, I'm not going to be sore either way, so please don't misunderstand this as an attack.
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Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:46
dtguitarfan wrote:
rogerthat wrote:
Do you have an argument, really, with your hypothetical question?
Yes - you have other artists on this site that also do not have a single album that is 100% progressive, and they are on here. That sets a precedent. That's my argument.
Like I said, I'm not going to be sore either way, so please don't misunderstand this as an attack.
That I am not going to deny and I have lashed out several times at the presence of aforementioned Nightwish on the progarchives. I don't find the argument that a band with several reviews up for it ought to stay once it has been added to the database very convincing from an 'idealistic' viewpoint though I see the practical hassles in adding and deleting and re-adding a band as and when the views of the sub genre team change.
But that has no bearing on the example that you just gave. If you propose that bands should be added if they have a few prog rock songs scattered across their discography rather than concentrated in a few albums, it would open a Pandora's Box. I could personally make a good case then for Stevie Wonder and ABBA, both of whom I consider more progressive than Nightwish and might want to propose Scorpions again. Not that I am going to do any of these things, but I don't think you fully appreciate the implications of what you suggest. There are many, many artists with a few progressive tracks. Prog rock as a style characterised by musical elements is not the exclusive preserve of artists already identified as prog rock and artists commonly taken to be mainstream rock/pop can and do write the odd proggy track. It makes sense to emphasise the existence of a few 'fully' progressive albums for every band that is added to the database just so that the rationale of including bands in the umbrella of prog can be meaningfully understood. A few doubtful additions cannot justify doing away without this rationale and I say that even though I am not, obviously, on any of the sub genre teams.
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 07:58
I would like to point out here that your OP is quite unhelpful for those members who may not be familiar with this band. Instead of suggesting some songs, you could have suggested albums that are prog metal according to you. Is there some recent album that merits reassessment? You could have discussed these things in the OP. You are quick to presume bias and even let's suppose your presumption is actually correct, it still won't help you win your battles.
Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 09:58
Here's a few ideas for you to pick over:
Each band is assessed individually on their own merits - precedents do not apply.
Follow additon-by-precedent to its logical conclusion every band that ever existed will eventually be added.
This is the sad old "If X then Y" hypothesis that we killed-off years ago.
Frankly any suggestion that relies on such an argument is skating on ultra thin ice.
We cannot delete bands added in error.
We don't compound one error by making another.
Nightwish is a perfect example of why we no longer add bands based on the opinion of one person.
Each band is evaluated by a team of people who make their own minds up based on what they hear and they will vote accordingly.
------------- What?
Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: May 20 2012 at 12:45
Guldbamsen wrote:
Nicely put Dean.
And may I also add that including a band for a single (somewhat) progressive album also is to be thought through, or else we would be facing bands like Scorpions(Lonesome Crow), Judas Priest(Sad Wings), Sun Ra for his Lanquidity and a few other albums and so on, but that would not be a true representation of their work and what they were all about. The aforementioned are respectfully pioneers of vanilla metal and jazz, with the odd curveball thrown which would make them eligible for PA. One could perhaps say the same about Miles and Herbie, but they both made a series of albums which paved the way for jazz rock, in the same way The Priest did for metal.
Sometimes, even if we find progressive merits to a band and their discog, we have to ask ourselves if we're not watering down the purpose of this place by including everything under the sun. I learned this from suggesting an act who clearly was progressive, but the overall material was heavily rooted in jazz. I really think this template of thinking transcribes to metal as well.
Oh come now, Sun Ra has a lot more than Lanquidity that is prog
Well, progressive something at least. Certainly not rock.
Posted By: Leodrak
Date Posted: August 17 2012 at 20:58
Hello. i'm new here, thanks to the admins for the Prog music support, i come here every time i need to listen fresh music and of course, i never leave dissapointed. I write in this topic cause i wanna join to the people who ask Sonata Arctica to be included in PA list, maybe one day, but i started to like this group when they started to explore prog world in the album Unia and then The Days of Grays and now this "not-to-pass" album Stones Grow Her Name, i still found prog music here. Well that was all, thx for reading and sorry for my English ;)