To everyone who has ever heard of this excellent Oklahoma City band:
I've been waiting for the release of "Mr. Ambulance Driver" for awhile now. It appears on "The Wedding Crashers" soundtrack and will also be on the Lips' upcoming At War With the Mystics.
Well an update on the Lips' website had the new song so I heard it and liked it a lot. It's catchy and is a mix of jazz/pop/fusion. It's pretty and sad.
Here are the addresses for the Windows Media Player versions of "Mr. Ambulance Driver:"
Lo-fi: - er_56-a.asx
Hi-fi: - er_128-a.asx
And here is the address for the Quicktime version: -
By the way, I really suck at making links, so this is the best i can do. and I hop that everything works out well. If these addresses don't work, just go to and click on the news section on the right side column.
I'm really psyched fro the realese of At War With the Mystics. I think it may be the Lips' best album yet. I'm pissed that it's been delayed so much. Also looking foreward to the Lips' movie, Christmas at Mars. It looks weird and silly and may be the most fun I will have at XMas.
-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!