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New proggish cover song :)

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Topic: New proggish cover song :)
Posted By: bensommer
Subject: New proggish cover song :)
Date Posted: January 20 2012 at 20:51
Hey folks - pardon the mild pluggery, but since folks seemed to like" rel="nofollow - my last prog-metal cover , I thought I'd share my new cover, which is a 5/4 heavy rendering of a Black Keys song off their new album El Camino.

I'd love to hear what folks think, good bad or ugly!

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Posted By: prog4evr
Date Posted: January 21 2012 at 22:12
For a band that has a nice late 60s / early 70s retro feel to it, I like the Black Keys.  And I do like what you have done here to make this more "proggy," at least with the 5/4 time signature.  Coming out with an EP sometime?

Posted By: bensommer
Date Posted: January 21 2012 at 22:19
Thanks man - me dig 'em too obviously.

Yes - I'm working on a cover LP actually, track at a time. Check 1st three songs here:" rel="nofollow -

Goes with the" rel="nofollow - 2 LPs of original stuff , too

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Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: January 30 2012 at 14:47
I really appreciate what you do, just the song is not my cup of tea but thumbs up (I'm an old fart)

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: January 30 2012 at 16:24
Great song, with an actual cover (not a clone)!

Seeing you don't feature the drums, i'm guessing you using a drum machine or virtual kit of some sorts? 

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: bensommer
Date Posted: January 30 2012 at 20:46
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

I really appreciate what you do, just the song is not my cup of tea but thumbs up (I'm an old fart)

No worries - appreciated anyway!

Originally posted by Horizons Horizons wrote:

Great song, with an actual cover (not a clone)!

Seeing you don't feature the drums, i'm guessing you using a drum machine or virtual kit of some sorts? 

Thanks! I absolutely have a real drummer - didn't you catch the jiggling monkey around 0:08?

Srsly - yeah I use Superior Drummer, as do most TV & film composers. I work with a regular guy (George) when I can swing it (pun intended), but for this cover stuff its just easier. George is at about 0:15 here:

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