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Andrew Bird

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Topic: Andrew Bird
Posted By: justaguy
Subject: Andrew Bird
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 14:02
Here is a review of the last album:

Release: 2009

Style: indie / light prog-rock



Playing Time: 54:16 + 51:07

This double album will be a pleasant surprise and an encounter with a really original artist for many a music lover. His light-footed, optimistic music and clever sur-realistic poetry is hard not to be appreciated. I wonder how come that I didn’t discover this highly talented songwriter, virtuoso violin player and gifted singer a long time ago. He is in recording business already since 1996. I looked up a few of his earlier albums, and was flabbergasted how really good they are. If you dig this one, check also at lease “Armchair Apocrypha” from 2007 and “The Mysterious Production of Eggs” from 2005. And may be it is worth an effort to look up his former band - the Bowl of Fire.

Bird’s stile is a light kind of indie rock, mostly quite cheerful, a little eclectic, sometimes a little jazzy or folk, sometimes rocky and electric. I will compare him with Cat Stevens, but a little more playful, or Jeff Buckley, but a little lighter. This last comparison actually stands even stronger, because Bird has, like Buckley, a beautiful, little guttural and very flexible tenor, and his song writing also produces nice and catchy tunes, still being quite complex and intelligent.

Bird is a very skilful whistler and violin player. He started playing violin already in 1977, since the age of four. Luckily, Bird has a sense of measure. The violin is present, but not too much in the foreground, mostly somewhere behind or on the side of the arrangements, underlying the tunes, and always subtle. It produces sometimes quite unexpected for this instrument sounds, like a saw, mosquito, cymbals or ukelele. His pizzicato technique (plucking the violin strings) is really marvellous.

This luxury edition consists of two CD’s. The first one, “Noble Beast”, is a bundle of musical stories about various weird little creatures, who have characters and life stories, just like human beings. Kafka comes inevitably in my mind. Only Bird’s beetle doesn’t keep laying down on his back, helpless and vulnerable. On contrary, it is feeling steady on it’s legs, frolicking around, finding some interesting microscopic things and thinking unusual thoughts about them. Sometimes, when it feels like, it even spreads it’s wings and flies away, high above the ground, finding some interesting macroscopic things and thinking unusual thoughts about them. Bird’s poetry is surrealistic, sometimes a little Dadaistic. He plays with words, metamorphosing the meanings and spelling by switching a letter or two. In this, he is more progressive with poetry, than with music, at least on this record.

All the 14 songs are perfectly arranged and thought out, to the last note. Every number is a precious diamond, where the maker have cut many facets, making it shine and attract in a very subtle and non-obtrusive way. The songs have everything, that an ideal progressive rock songs should have: a progression of the melody, rhythm changes and two or three beautiful tunes, which I myself can not resist to whistle along. But it’s not a prog-rock record. The music is a little more light and “normal” than what we usually mean with prog-rock, so may be indie is the most appropriate category for it.

The second record in the set, “Useless Creatures”, is a different story. It is completely instrumental, and this time the music is everything but normal. It is much more unusual and even avant-garde. The violin moved to the foreground here, filling the space left empty by the absent voice. And it does it wonderfully. Bird invents violin techniques and sounds, making every number a real adventure. It would be fun, if Bird turned things around here, and wrote lyrics for the second cd as well, but this time, making “normal” lyrics to the abnormal music, just opposite to what he did on “Noble Beast”! Oh well, never mind this, it just pops up in my mind. “Useless Creatures” is beautiful like it is, only it has a different mood, so choose the setting to listen to it right, and you will enjoy it.

5 stars, highly recommended for prog-rockers, looking for something really new and fresh.


Noble Beast

1. Oh No 4:20         

2. Masterswarm 6:35         

3. Fitz and the Dizzyspells 3:36    

4. Effigy 5:06         

5. Tenuousness 3:51         

6. Nomenclature 2:54        

7. Ouo 0:20  

8. Not a Robot, But a Ghost 5:37  

9. Unfolding Fans 0:57       

10. Anonanimal 4:47          

11. Natural Disaster 4:18   

12. The Privateers 3:24     

13. Souverian 7:18  

14. On Ho 1:08

Useless Creatures

1. Master Sigh (2:23) 

2. You Woke Me Up! (7:26)

3. Nyatiti (3:59)

4. The Barn Tapes (10:03)

5. Carrion Suite (9:47)

6. Spinney (0:49)

7. Dissent (3:51)

8. Hot Math (7:20)

9. Sigh Master (5:24)


Mike Lewis Clarinet

David Lindvall Bass, Engineer

Tony Crow Juno

Glenn Kotche Percussion

Andrew Bird Guitar, Engineer, Producer, Whistle (Human), Violin, Arranger, Vocals

Jeremy Ylvisaker Organ, Shortwave Radio, Guitar, Bass

Todd Sickafoose Double Bass, Editing, Mixing

Martin Dosh Percussion, Keyboards, Loops

Emil Svanängen Flute, Vocals (Background)

Kelly Hogan Vocals (Background) 

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 14:06
Thanks for this. In order for us to evaluate and add (if accepted) to the right team, you will need to post a link to his music, i.e. MySpace & etc. Either that, or send a CD to the appropriate team membersBig smile

Enhance your life. Get down to

Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!

Posted By: Proletariat
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 14:15
Never considered him to be prog, but perhaps, I guess

who hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle but wound up with a sob

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 14:18
I support him, all three of his most recent would likely fall in crossover.

Here's his homepage:" rel="nofollow -

And here's his myspace (w/ song samples):" rel="nofollow -

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Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 15:04
This sounds like indie pop rock to my ears. Not prog at all.

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Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 15:35
Originally posted by Andyman1125 Andyman1125 wrote:

Not prog at all.

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 16:55
Originally posted by Proletariat Proletariat wrote:

Never considered him to be prog, but perhaps, I guess

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Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 18:24
He may not be strictly progressive rock but would fall in crossover prog. Ermm


the lack of emphasis on extended compositions, or an influence from mainstream music in addition to classical, jazz and folk. Compositions, however, still exhibit a high degree of sophistication, sometimes outright complexity, and the musicianship and virtuosity is often on a par with established Prog acts.

He's a baroque pop artist that often is more complex than even that genre.

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Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 18:31
Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

He may not be strictly progressive rock but would fall in crossover prog. Ermm


the lack of emphasis on extended compositions, or an influence from mainstream music in addition to classical, jazz and folk. Compositions, however, still exhibit a high degree of sophistication, sometimes outright complexity, and the musicianship and virtuosity is often on a par with established Prog acts.

He's a baroque pop artist that often is more complex than even that genre.

I don't hear any of that. 

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Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 19:00
Originally posted by Andyman1125 Andyman1125 wrote:

Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

He may not be strictly progressive rock but would fall in crossover prog. Ermm


the lack of emphasis on extended compositions, or an influence from mainstream music in addition to classical, jazz and folk. Compositions, however, still exhibit a high degree of sophistication, sometimes outright complexity, and the musicianship and virtuosity is often on a par with established Prog acts.

He's a baroque pop artist that often is more complex than even that genre.

I don't hear any of that. 

Really? Did you listen to the tracks on Noble Beast or Armchair Apocrypha? Those two contain much more complex and elaborate arrangements.

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Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 19:05
Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

Originally posted by Andyman1125 Andyman1125 wrote:

Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

He may not be strictly progressive rock but would fall in crossover prog. Ermm


the lack of emphasis on extended compositions, or an influence from mainstream music in addition to classical, jazz and folk. Compositions, however, still exhibit a high degree of sophistication, sometimes outright complexity, and the musicianship and virtuosity is often on a par with established Prog acts.

He's a baroque pop artist that often is more complex than even that genre.

I don't hear any of that. 

Really? Did you listen to the tracks on Noble Beast or Armchair Apocrypha? Those two contain much more complex and elaborate arrangements.

I listened to the myspace songs.

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Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 19:08
Then I guess I can't change your mind.

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Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: October 09 2011 at 19:10
I'll listen again I guess. I just heard some pleasant indie pop rock, nothing more.

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Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: October 10 2011 at 02:00

I agreed with The Truth! Mr. Bird is a Crossover Prog act as per PA definition of the genre as well.


Posted By:
Date Posted: October 10 2011 at 03:23
Beautiful stuff. I'll agree with Andy though, he falls out of the scope of PA. 

Posted By: justaguy
Date Posted: February 07 2012 at 12:24
I find it weird how you guys exclude him from prog. Anything I see in crossover-prog list should be excluded than.
It may be my problem, but I don't see, what makes Peter Gabriel, Talk Talk or Phideux much proggier than A. Bird? May be exactly, that his compositions are more complex. I still think he fully fits here. The composition are actually much complexer than Gazpacho or latest Radioheads, etc. which I personally don't see fit here. And than, I don't even talk about the lyrics, which have a beautiful complexity, and are anything else, but pop. Strange that you just block the other users from sharing such a great artist. Could it be explained exactly by the complexity of his music and lyrics? Not easy to understand after one or even two listens. But once you get it, you will keep enjoying him, exactly because you will discover all the time new nuances, new arrangments or word jokes you missed previous times.

Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: February 07 2012 at 21:01

Well I'm not sure exactly what qualifies for Crossover but this is a lot more mature, complex and intricately arranged than most indie music I listen to (and I listen to a lot of it)....

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: February 07 2012 at 22:42
Off topic, but I'm going to see him live over spring break.

Will that make my say in the matter have any more credence? Wink

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Posted By: Proletariat
Date Posted: February 07 2012 at 23:36
I personally have to say no, I can see where you are coming from but i just don't feel like its prog... If andrew bird is prog then so is Sufjan Stevens who is also an intricate aranger who uses symphonic and experimental sounds and who writes consept albums almost exclusivly.

who hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle but wound up with a sob

Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: February 08 2012 at 00:43
Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

He may not be strictly progressive rock but would fall in crossover prog. Ermm


the lack of emphasis on extended compositions, or an influence from mainstream music in addition to classical, jazz and folk. Compositions, however, still exhibit a high degree of sophistication, sometimes outright complexity, and the musicianship and virtuosity is often on a par with established Prog acts.

He's a baroque pop artist that often is more complex than even that genre.
Clap I agreed

Posted By: justaguy
Date Posted: February 11 2012 at 04:33
Ha, I am glad you guys didn't leave the topic yet. Talking about  Sufjan Stevens, I don't know him, but if he indeed writes a music Proletariat is describing, then why isn't he in the crossover prog as well? 
You can look at it from another point of view: if other prog music lovers think it is prog, than let it be prog. One doesn't have to be always right in his opinions.
Take them both in!  baroque pop ... hmm.., if it is is a synonymous to prog, then I fully agree. We are talking of a merging genres. think, where prog comes from. When a metal band begins to write more complex music, we will call it prog metall, right? So, if indie gets complex, should we call it prog-indie, may be? Doesn't sound right, though....
But I envy the Truth for going to his concert. I hope he will come to Holland again one day.

Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: February 11 2012 at 08:04
Imo, Andrew Bird is not included in PA because these guys in the Crossover Team simply don't like his music.
That's why he's not here and there's not any other flipping reason for rejecting him." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: justaguy
Date Posted: February 21 2012 at 12:00
Argh, this is a pity, if this site will keep the musicians away from the audience only with the reason of personal  liking/not liking. This leaves me with some bitter thoughts.

Posted By:
Date Posted: February 21 2012 at 12:07
^ Don't believe Svetonio, he talks crap. Liking/not liking has nothing to do with the band submissions. 

Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: February 21 2012 at 12:09
He hasn't been included in PA because he doesn't fit in PA. Ermm
The crossover team has had nothing to do with his addition. 

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Posted By: Smurph
Date Posted: February 21 2012 at 13:39
Originally posted by Proletariat Proletariat wrote:

I personally have to say no, I can see where you are coming from but i just don't feel like its prog... If andrew bird is prog then so is Sufjan Stevens who is also an intricate aranger who uses symphonic and experimental sounds and who writes consept albums almost exclusivly.
ACTUALLY... You should listen to The Age of Adz- I felt like that was prog as hell.

Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 00:09
Originally posted by justaguy justaguy wrote:

Argh, this is a pity, if this site will keep the musicians away from the audience only with the reason of personal  liking/not liking. This leaves me with some bitter thoughts.
A site can't avoid personal liking / not liking. This is impossible because Admins, SCs and Teams are human beings, they're not computers with some *What's Prog* programme.

Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 00:17
Originally posted by wrote:

^ Don't believe Svetonio, he talks crap. Liking/not liking has nothing to do with the band submissions. 
Harmonuim, I think about Anrew Bird's music as about, say, "modern prog", but he maybe don't know that I think the same about Sade's 80s hits LOL

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 00:19
the first time I heard this it sort of reminded me of Can's "Dizzy Dizzy" for some reason

Just a lil bit

Posted By:
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 06:21
Originally posted by Svetonio Svetonio wrote:

Originally posted by justaguy justaguy wrote:

Argh, this is a pity, if this site will keep the musicians away from the audience only with the reason of personal  liking/not liking. This leaves me with some bitter thoughts.
A site can't avoid personal liking / not liking. This is impossible because Admins, SCs and Teams are human beings, they're not computers with some *What's Prog* programme.

Svetonio, if you have evidence that Crossover team members have denied the addition of Andrew Bird because they don't like him, please post them here.

If not, please withdraw your accusation and apologize. If not, I am considering disciplinary action.

Posted By: Marty McFly
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 09:21

And to address his concerns as human being - let's just say that it's not uncommon for us to make a YES vote for music we personally don't like, but think it is a Crossover, or otherwise - to say NO for music we like (or in some cases even love).

It's an effort to be objective you know.

There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 11:33
Originally posted by Marty McFly Marty McFly wrote:

And to address his concerns as human being - let's just say that it's not uncommon for us to make a YES vote for music we personally don't like, but think it is a Crossover, or otherwise - to say NO for music we like (or in some cases even love).

It's an effort to be objective you know.

I know what you're saying. However. I think on sites such as these, were everyone knows the team members and (from their reviews etc) knows what they like and don't like, there is greater transparency. I.E. people know that a member doesn't like singer-songwriter music for example, therefore if they regularly vote "no" to singer-songwriter suggestions this will be very obvious to others, and rather than throw unfounded wild accusations around, there will be substantiated proof of such mis-voting. Therefore there is a good chance that the team member will subconsciously overcompensate and vote "Yes" to singer-songwriter more than normal.


Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: February 22 2012 at 20:43
Originally posted by wrote:

Originally posted by Svetonio Svetonio wrote:

Originally posted by justaguy justaguy wrote:

Argh, this is a pity, if this site will keep the musicians away from the audience only with the reason of personal  liking/not liking. This leaves me with some bitter thoughts.
A site can't avoid personal liking / not liking. This is impossible because Admins, SCs and Teams are human beings, they're not computers with some *What's Prog* programme.

Svetonio, if you have evidence that Crossover team members have denied the addition of Andrew Bird because they don't like him, please post them here.

If not, please withdraw your accusation and apologize. If not, I am considering disciplinary action.
I don't have an evidence that Crossover Team have denied the addition of mr. Bird because they don't like his music.
Please accept my apology.

Posted By:
Date Posted: February 23 2012 at 09:48
Thumbs Up

Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: February 23 2012 at 11:38
Thanks for your apology, Svetonio.  I truly appreciate it.
I know for a fact that we, in the crossover team, have approved many artists that some or all of us don't like.  I know we never use that as criteria.  What does occur is that in most cases where we vote no, each member provides a reason for the vote.  We also often reject bands that we like for not being progressive.  It works both ways.
As far as Andrew Bird, we have not evaluated his music.
On the flip side of the issue, most members are not privy to the discussions that go on in between collaborators, and have no way of knowing why a band was accepted or rejected.  And while I don't like an accusation as was posted here, personally I am thick skinned enough to let it go, and I would not want to see any action taken against a member for such a thing unless it escalates.
If any member wants to question me on any decision of a team that I am on, they are always welcome to contact me.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Posted By: justaguy
Date Posted: March 01 2012 at 12:06
Hi, meanwhile, there is a new album from Andrew Bird coming out. Lets see how it is. By the way, on Noble Beast, the whole second disk of the deluxe edition is an instrumental music. A pure prog, if you ask me. even a little avantguarde. You can call me a tram if you call this disc pop.
From the last post of evolver, I read this: "As far as Andrew Bird, we have not evaluated his music."
So, it appears, you didn't evaluate his music. May be, it will be a good idea to to it :-)?????

Posted By: EvilNight
Date Posted: March 15 2012 at 01:17
I was just listening to Bird on a SWSX live stream, he tickled my prog senses so I immediately came over here to see if he was listed and what albums to check out. He should definitely be evaluated for inclusion. If Penguin Cafe Orchestra is Crossover, then so is Andrew Bird. :)

Posted By: infocat
Date Posted: March 15 2012 at 20:34
Anyone else see Andrew Bird on the Colbert Report this week?
Seemed fairly decent.  I'd never heard of him before seeing this thread.

Frank Swarbrick
Belief is not Truth.

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: March 15 2012 at 21:00
Still stoked for his concert on the 23rd. Especially after the new record, check this out:

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Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: March 15 2012 at 21:01
Originally posted by EvilNight EvilNight wrote:

I was just listening to Bird on a SWSX live stream, he tickled my prog senses so I immediately came over here to see if he was listed and what albums to check out. He should definitely be evaluated for inclusion. If Penguin Cafe Orchestra is Crossover, then so is Andrew Bird. :)

That's not a very good argument, they sound nothing alike.

PCO is more avant than Bird but Andrew still meets crossover requirements IMO.

But still, quit bumping this thread guys. TongueWink

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