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Looking for a song. Help

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Topic: Looking for a song. Help
Posted By: SergiUriah
Subject: Looking for a song. Help
Date Posted: April 11 2011 at 22:34

Hi Prog-rockers,

I have been too much time without writing over here, but I am glad to salute u again.Wink

I have a little problem, itīs not easy but maybe some of you can help us. A friend of mine is a little bit obsessed with a song he listened at the age of 17, he had the song recorded in a cassete, tape. Now he is 34 and he canīt remind who where the band who sang the song. He has been looking for help over many music forums and we have inserted the whole lyrics in the google but thereīs no clue about the song and the band. I have decided to write here because the song is from the 70īs, he says it was a long song with prog movements. I have never listened to it because he hasnīt got the song now. 

Well, I believe the lyrics are very important for him in any way now...

Maybe you can remind something. Whatever thing you can tell us it will be very cool.

Many thanks and excuse my english.Embarrassed 

The lyric is this:

You left on a later train 
I saw you 
I called your name 
there's a lot of the time ahead 
and a whole new life 
we had such good times together 
we fought forever 
they all thought we were brothers 
we didn't care 

and we live in different ways 
just too many loose absent friends 

how i want you home again 
won't you ride back home 
how i want you home again 

it's funny how when you look back 
it's always the road so sad 
it's funny how we can't see that 
it's human right 
maybe we're scared to turn back 
to live on, and move on 
maybe we even have some right 
to cover up tracks 

and we live in different ways 
just too many loose absent friends 

how i want you home again 
won't you ride back home 
how i want you home again



Posted By: colorofmoney91
Date Posted: April 12 2011 at 10:06
I looked for it, but I had no luck in finding it.

Sorry, but good luck!

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanashukketsu

Posted By: SergiUriah
Date Posted: April 12 2011 at 12:53
Many thanks for looking for it, colorofmoney91. I think is a little difficult to find, maybe is an unknown band.Disapprove


Posted By: Prog Geo
Date Posted: April 12 2011 at 13:12
Unfortunately,I didn't find something too.

Sonorous Meal show every Sunday at 20:00 (greek time) on

Posted By: SergiUriah
Date Posted: April 12 2011 at 19:01
Thanks to You too Prog Geo.Wink 

We have another possible clue now somebody has mentioned in another forum. Maybe the band were from Australia or New Zealand... 


Posted By: Chunnetter
Date Posted: June 22 2011 at 02:42
thank you for sharing !

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: July 22 2011 at 23:50
This took me ages to find but here it is
a real challenge but I loove a challenge


Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: July 23 2011 at 00:01
More info" rel="nofollow -

< =text/ =""> < style=": ; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" id=aswift_1 height=250 marginHeight=0 Border=0 width=300 allowTransparency name=aswift_1 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no>
Label: Elefant Records
Country: Spain
Released: 1992
Style: Indie Rock
A1. Skies To Blue
A2. Someday
B1. You Can't Be Loved Forever
B2. Home Again


Posted By: bboy-hope
Date Posted: October 13 2011 at 06:17

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