"Reference wise The Wyld Olde Souls are to found located somewhere between the aural ley-lines that link together the likes of Men An Tol, the Owl Service and Circulus, possessed of a rare and bewitching sun turned psych folk alchemy the sounds are crafted in an all to ever declining timeless art that indicates an appreciative and richly woven centuries old archaic skill at work. ‘Take Me There’ sounds for all the world like a late 60’s hippy festival flashback that’s somehow recently awoken from a coma, more psyche tinged than the rest of the material found adorning their my space player and softly draped in amorous swirls of lysergic tipped wooziness this quietly intoxicating brew has all the classic hallmarks of a prime era Jefferson Airplane shimmying with Nico replete with the delicate dinks of early career Porcupine Tree motifs all succulently awash in intoxicating pools of mind weaving prog-toned spaciness. Classy."
- Losing Today, The Indie Music Magazine (UK)
"New York's Wyld Olde Souls appear to have drifted in from a similar astral plane to our old friends Mary Jane: haunting ethereal mystical folk music led by female chant-song as atmospheric as a moth caught under a flickering gaslight on a stormy night and simply resonating with psychedelic Celtic harmony. “
- The Ptolemaic Terrascope, UK
"If Contemporary Renaissance was a category, that is where you would find Wyld Olde Souls. The female harmonies and plucked string performances, along with some heavy, ancient war drum percussion, create a mystic and magical folk sound. It seems these Olde Souls are operating on an Astral Plane, and the results are a treat."
- Just Plain Folks, USA
"Their songs are some peaceful poems, a wind of feelings that give to the air the perfume of old centuries."
- Zoopa Loop, France
“The Wyld Olde Souls combine Celtic fairytale atmospheres, '60's folk psychedelia and exotic instrumentation . . . right out of Lewis Carroll's fantasy world. If this is a forerunner of a full-length album release we're in for a real folk MONSTER!"
- Crohinga Well, Belgium
"Delicious vocal harmonies assisting fresh folk melodies. Breezes of intense medieval spirituality and psychedelic threads woven with the exotic fibers of ancient popular instruments, a potion gently stirred by expert female hands . . . comes from New York but has a definite scent of England."
- Rockarilla, Italy
"THE WYLD OLDE SOULS would come under the category of Celtic folk/psych . . . this group is the kind who rule because they defy such pigeonholing by the mere depth of what they do. To me, one of the most striking things a band can do is to create an atmosphere and transport the willing listener to a place far from the physical space they're in. THE WYLD OLDE SOULS do this . . . their use of folk and rock instruments can't be denied, but that's where the typical is left behind. It's left far in the background as you're lifted into a wonderful realm of the ethereal, the music and sincere Pagan lyrics opening up vistas of ancient sunlight, woodlands and calming nature . . bringing a heightening to not only one's senses of hearing, but all the others as well in a rich serenade of transcendence.”
- Chaos Realm, Germany