Earlier this month, Tank played during Metal Hammer Festival in Spodek, Katowice. The band's singer, Doogie White, used his stay in Poland to participate in the shooting of the videoclip for Kruk's song "In Reverie". After his guest appearance on the band's album “It Will Not Come Back” (released by Metal Mind Production in June), the time came to appear in the band's video as well. White willingly agreed to cooperate with the Polish musicians, sparing no compliments. Soon, a mutual understanding between the artists was born, which influenced the atmosphere on the set. We will have a chance to see the results of this cooperation in mid October when the video is released. In the meantime, Metal Mind Productions has put a photo gallery from the set on their Facebook profile. If you want to check what the work on the video looked like on that day, follow wlmailhtml:%7b5CE3DDAB-1EC4-463A-AD4D-4DBA787D1475%7dmid://00000008/!x-usc:http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150299925646069.358913.71063596068&type=1" rel="nofollow - THIS link.
Piotr Brzychcy & Doogie White - photo by Marta Tłuszcz
Piotr Brzychcy, Kruk's guitarist, describes the band's work with Doogie White:
"Doogie isn't only a great singer, but also a wonderful man. On the set of the video for 'In Reverie' he created a friendly atmosphere, which influenced everyone so much that soon we all forgot about the stress that took hold of us at first. He motivated us to forget about all our inhibitions and to feel the rock 'n' roll madness. We also heard lots of various stories from White's colorful history, usually full of vivid details of the kind that you would never find in a interview. On that day, however, what was the most important for us was the words of acknowledgment and praise which he expressed on several occasions with reference to Kruk."
Kruk’s album “It Will Not Come Back” is out now. Full details can be find on Metal Mind’s website wlmailhtml:%7b5CE3DDAB-1EC4-463A-AD4D-4DBA787D1475%7dmid://00000008/!x-usc:http://metalmind.com.pl/index.php?jezyk=en" rel="nofollow - HERE . Doogie White’s debut solo album “As Yet Untitled” will be released on 24th October in Europe and 8th November in USA. Full details about this release can be find wlmailhtml:%7b5CE3DDAB-1EC4-463A-AD4D-4DBA787D1475%7dmid://00000008/!x-usc:http://metalmind.com.pl/index.php?jezyk=en" rel="nofollow - HERE .
Metal Mind Productions - Promo Dept. http://www.metalmind.com.pl" rel="nofollow - www.metalmind.com.pl / wlmailhtml:%7b5CE3DDAB-1EC4-463A-AD4D-4DBA787D1475%7dmid://00000008/!x-usc:http://www.myspace.com/metalmindproductions" rel="nofollow - www.myspace.com/metalmindproductions Become a fan on wlmailhtml:%7b5CE3DDAB-1EC4-463A-AD4D-4DBA787D1475%7dmid://00000008/!x-usc:http://www.facebook.com/metalmindproductions" rel="nofollow - www.facebook.com/metalmindproductions Katowice POLAND